Battle in the Overworld

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Battle in the Overworld Page 6

by Winter Morgan

  “We have no choice.” Phoebe looked over at Lucy. “Let’s give it our best shot.”

  Lucy held her diamond sword in one hand and clutched a potion of harming in the other. As Liam advanced toward her, she splashed the potion on him and then struck him with her diamond sword. He grabbed his sword and pierced Lucy’s arm, making her cry out in pain.

  The girls outnumbered the griefers, and this gave them an advantage. They used their swords and potions to weaken the three griefers, but the battle wasn’t easy.

  Liam had very few hearts left. Lucy didn’t want to destroy him because she wasn’t sure where he would respawn.

  “Don’t destroy any of them,” Lucy called to her friends. She didn’t have to say anything else; her friends understood what she meant.

  Lucy wasn’t sure how they were going to trap these griefers, unless she was able to construct a makeshift prison out of bedrock. She looked over at her friends, who were battling Dylan and the caped man. If she left them in charge of Liam, she’d be able to build the prison.

  “Fight Liam,” Lucy ordered Maya, “but don’t destroy him.”

  As Lucy raced off to build the bedrock prison, she saw Liam sneak a sip from a potion of healing. With renewed energy and great force, he plunged his sword into Maya’s arm.

  “Lucy! Help!” Maya shrieked.

  Lucy had crafted the side of the prison. She didn’t know what to do. Should she finish the bedrock jail or help her friend? Lucy quickly constructed another wall, as Maya let out another shrill call for help. Lucy stopped and dashed to her friend’s side to strike Liam with her diamond sword.

  “Liam,” Lucy demanded. “You’re coming with me.”

  “No!” Liam shouted.

  Lucy handed Maya a potion of healing. “And you’re coming with me, too. You have to watch this evil griefer.”

  Maya held her sword against Liam as they walked to the bedrock jail. Lucy finished the prison in record time. She walked Liam into the room. “This is where you’re going to stay for now.”

  Lucy and Maya could hear Liam shouting from the bedrock prison, but they didn’t pay attention to his cries. They ran to their friends’ sides and helped them lead Dylan and the caped criminal toward the small bedrock house. Once they placed them inside and closed it, Lucy said, “We have to find away to bring them back to Minecrafters Academy, so we can keep an eye on them.”

  “I think we have a bigger problem!” Phoebe screamed, as numerous boats docked on the shore. Winged griefers, men in blue jackets, and griefers carrying shields walked onto the island.

  “We have to fight their army.” Maya’s voice shook.

  Lucy rushed to the shore and screamed, “The battle is over. We have captured your leaders.”

  The griefers were angry and shouted, “We will free them. You’ll never win.”

  Lucy questioned the griefers, “Why are you fighting this battle? Your leaders don’t care about you.”

  This comment infuriated the griefers and they shot a sea of arrows at Lucy. She felt weak, and she was about to be destroyed when she heard the griefers let out a collective shriek. Lucy barely had enough strength to turn around. She wanted to know what horrific sight was behind her.

  Lucy turned her head and saw her friends Max, Henry, Steve, Adam, and Kyra standing in front of an army of townspeople. The griefers were outnumbered. The battle was over.

  Chapter 16


  Arrows flew through the air as the townspeople battled the two griefer armies. The griefers lost their energy and one by one they were destroyed.

  “We don’t know where they’ll respawn.” Lucy was concerned.

  “Without their leader, they are no threat to us. They don’t know how to think for themselves,” said Phoebe.

  When the last griefer soldier was destroyed, Kyra asked, “Where are the griefer leaders?”

  Lucy walked them over to the bedrock prison. “Here they are.”

  Max asked, “What are we going to do with these villains?”

  Lucy suggested, “I think it’s best if we keep them in a jail on the Minecrafters Academy campus.”

  The others agreed.

  “But how are we going to get them there?” questioned Henry.

  Kyra offered, “I can build boats and we can travel to Minecrafters Academy as a group. Victoria and Stefan are already there, working on rebuilding the campus.”

  Lucy added, “Or we can force them to TP to the Academy.”

  “That sounds like a good plan,” said Max.

  “They have very little energy left. I’ll TP them now,” Lucy said as she entered the small bedrock prison.

  Lucy walked into the bedrock prison and pointed her sword at Liam. “I’m TPing you to Minecrafters Academy.”

  Dylan interrupted, “No!”

  Liam said, “We’ve been in the prison. It’s awful.”

  “Well, you have no other choice,” said Lucy.

  The man in the cape stood silently.

  Lucy asked, “What’s your name?’

  “It’s not important,” he replied.

  “I need it.”

  “I know why you need it, and I’m not going to say.”

  Dylan looked at the caped man. “It’s over. Just tell her.”

  “You’ll be trapped in here alone if you don’t tell her. Wouldn’t you rather be with us?” asked Liam.

  “My name is Owen.”

  Lucy nodded. “We are going to TP right now.” Lucy TPed with the three griefers. As they reappeared at the academy, they saw Victoria and Stefan standing in the center of the campus.

  “Lucy!” Stefan grinned and then walked her toward the new prison. “We built this large bedrock prison, and there is no way anybody can escape from this jail. It’s extremely secure.”

  Liam, Dylan, and Owen walked into the bedrock prison. Isaac stood by the door.

  “We’re roommates again, Isaac,” said Liam.

  Stefan said, “No, you’re not. Isaac is no longer in jail. He is charge of the jail. He’s going to make sure you don’t leave.”

  “Isaac? Is that true?” Dylan asked.

  “Yes,” Isaac replied. “I can’t believe what you did to the Overworld. All three of you will be in this jail for a very long time.”

  Isaac locked the door behind him.

  Stefan turned to Lucy. “We have a graduation to plan,” he said.

  “Seriously?” Lucy asked as she looked around the campus. “How can we have a graduation? The school needs to be rebuilt.”

  “Eitan has been rebuilding the Great Hall, and it’s almost done. That was where we planned on having the graduation ceremony.”

  Lucy hurried across the campus and stood in front of the Great Hall. The building was almost completed. She called out, “Eitan!”

  “Lucy, come inside,” Eitan said.

  Lucy walked inside, pausing as she looked at the theater where the graduation would take place. “This is amazing. You did all of this by yourself?”

  “I had help from some students on campus.” Eitan gave Lucy a tour of the Great Hall. “I even rebuilt the rooms where visitors will stay. I have a room for your friends Kyra, Steve, Henry, and Max.”

  “Wow!” Lucy was thrilled, but then she remembered she had to give a speech. Her heart began to race, and she started to sweat. Now that the battle was over, she was going to have to face an internal battle. She was going to learn how to speak in front of a large crowd and face her stage fright.

  Lucy started to mumble. Eitan asked, “What are you saying, Lucy?”

  “Nothing.” She was embarrassed. She had been practicing her speech.

  “Are you nervous about giving the speech?”

  “Yes,” she confessed.

  “After watching you battle ghasts, blazes, and winged griefers in the Nether, I think giving a graduation speech will be a piece of cake for you.”

  Lucy smiled. She hoped Eitan was right.

  Chapter 17


  “I can’t believe it’s graduation day!” Phoebe was excited.

  “I know! Our time at Minecrafters Academy went by so fast,” said Jane.

  Lucy remarked, “It’s our last day together.”

  “Don’t say that. We’ll see each other a lot.” Jane was heartbroken about leaving her friends.

  “Should we have a final lunch together in the dining hall?” asked Lucy.

  “Stop saying things like that and using words like ‘final.’ We are going to see each other once school is over.” Jane’s eyes swelled with tears.

  “I know, but we won’t be living together like we are at Minecrafters Academy.” Lucy walked toward the dining hall.

  As the entered the dining area, Lucy hoped that this would be a peaceful last day. She didn’t want to deal with any blackouts or attacks from hostile mobs. She grabbed a piece of cake.

  “I’m going to miss this cake. They have the best cake here,” Lucy said.

  “I know. I am going to miss these buffets. I’ve gotten lazy here. In the Overworld, I was always hunting for my next meal,” remarked Phoebe.

  Adam walked over to the trio. He looked at Lucy. “Are you prepared for your speech?”

  “I guess so.” Lucy took a deep breath. “I’m still nervous.”

  “Steve, Kyra, Henry, and Max will be coming soon,” Adam reminded her. “They are very excited to watch us graduate.”

  “I hope I don’t make a fool of myself when I give the speech,” she confessed.

  “You’re going to be great. Remember when you were my assistant at the talent show? You were very nervous, but you did an incredible job.”

  “Thanks.” Lucy smiled.

  Stefan and Victoria entered the dining hall. Victoria announced, “Everyone will meet in the Great Hall after lunch. We are very excited to begin our graduation ceremony.”

  The students cheered. Stefan walked over to Lucy and her friends. “Lucy, are you ready? You have to get to the Great Hall earlier than the others. We have to go over your speech.”

  Lucy took a final bite of her cake and nodded. “I’m ready.” Although she was still nervous, she knew she had to face her fears.

  When she entered the Great Hall, her heart began to race. She stood on the stage and recited her speech to an empty room. It wasn’t as hard as she imagined. Lucy decided she would just pretend that the room was empty when she was giving the real speech.

  As Lucy prepared backstage, she saw all of the guests enter the Great Hall. Kyra, Steve, Henry, and Max were in the front of the room. They were smiling and ready to watch their friend walk on stage. Lucy’s stomach squirmed.

  Phoebe walked over to Lucy. “Just think about the big party we have planned after the graduation. We’re going to play that disc we got when the skeleton destroyed that charged creeper.”

  Lucy remembered the disc and the party. She was excited for the party, but it still didn’t stop her from being nervous about giving the speech.

  Stefan called Lucy’s name. It was time. She took a deep breath and walked onto the stage.

  “It seems like just yesterday we all started our studies at Minecrafters Academy. I remember how nervous I was for my first day of school. Almost as nervous as I am right now, giving this speech.” Lucy paused.

  Kyra smiled at Lucy as she delivered the speech. Lucy realized that giving the speech wasn’t as hard as she imagined. She actually enjoyed it. When everyone applauded, Lucy felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had faced her fears.

  Chapter 18


  “It’s time for our party!” Phoebe exclaimed.

  Everyone raced to the party, which took place in the center of campus, and had tables of food and drinks.

  “This is a really great party,” Kyra said to Lucy. “I bet it’s going to be hard for you to leave the academy.”

  “Yes, it is.” Lucy was upset that she was leaving her friends, but she was glad that order was restored in the Overworld and she could return to Steve’s peaceful wheat farm.

  Steve, Henry, and Max ran toward Lucy. Henry said, “You gave a great speech.”

  “Thanks!” Lucy smiled.

  Max asked, “Are you ready to go on a treasure hunt? I heard there is a large pile of treasure in a jungle temple not far from here.”

  “That sounds like fun,” Lucy replied. She was happy to start another adventure. Although it was hard to leave her school, she always knew there would be something exciting happening in the future.

  Phoebe offered Lucy a piece of cake. “I’m having such a great time at this party. And I have to let you know that you gave the best speech.”

  Max asked Phoebe, “Do you want to join us on a treasure hunt?’

  “A treasure hunt! That sounds like fun,” exclaimed Phoebe.

  “Yes, come with us!” Lucy was thrilled Phoebe was joining her on the treasure hunt. “We have to ask Jane if she can come, too.”

  Lucy and Phoebe found Jane talking to a group of fellow graduates. Lucy asked, “Would you like to go on a treasure hunt?”

  “Yes,” Jane replied, “of course.”

  Lucy was so happy that her two best friends from the academy would join her old friends on a treasure hunt in the jungle.

  Stefan, Victoria, and Eitan came over to Lucy and her friends. They wanted to say goodbye and wish them well in the Overworld.

  “I’m going to miss Minecrafters Academy,” Lucy told them.

  “You can always come and visit,” said Victoria.

  “There will always be a room for you in the Great Hall,” added Eitan.

  “You have been a very important person in this school’s history,” Stefan told Lucy, “and we want you to know how much you mean to us.”

  Lucy told them about her treasure hunt with Phoebe and Jane. “I made new friends and I learned valuable skills at this school. I will always remember my time here.”

  Everyone ate cake and danced to the music from the disc. It was the ultimate graduation party. Lucy spotted Adam. “Do you want to join us on a treasure hunt?” she asked him.

  “A treasure hunt? Yes. I need to replenish my inventory.”

  Lucy was even more pleased that all of her friends would be on this new adventure with her. She knew that when the party was over, she would still be surrounded by the people she cared about, and that made her very happy.

  When the party ended, Lucy and her friends left Minecrafters Academy. They walked through the large gates that stood at the entrance to the Academy.

  Lucy studied the map. “You’re right, Steve. The jungle isn’t far from here.”

  “Yes, it’s just over the mountain,” Steve remarked.

  The gang climbed up the side of the mountain. They stopped at the top.

  Lucy looked at the Minecrafters Academy campus and smiled. She knew she’d be back one day.


  Check out other unofficial Minecrafter adventures from Sky Pony Press!

  Invasion of the Overworld


  Battle for the Nether


  Confronting the Dragon


  Trouble in Zombie-town


  The Quest for the Diamond Sword


  The Mystery of the Griefer’s Mark


  The Endermen Invasion


  Treasure Hunters in Trouble


  Available wherever books are sold!


  Read the rest of the Unofficial Minecrafters Academy series!

  Zombie Invasion


  Skeleton Battle


  Battle in the Overworld


  Available wherever books are sold!


  Read the Unofficial Minetrapped Adventure series!

  Trapped in the Overworld


  Mobs in the Mine


  Terror on a Treasure Hunt


  Ghastly Battle


  Creeper Invasion


  Attack of the Ender Dragon


  Available wherever books are sold!




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