Making Her His

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Making Her His Page 3

by Shaw Hart

  “It wasn’t so bad. I graduated high school but didn’t have enough money for college so I joined the navy. I got out a couple of years ago and have been doing a couple of jobs here and there.”

  “What kind of jobs?”

  I can feel my body tense up and Ainsley squeezes my hand and runs her thumb over the back of my hand.

  “I was a hitman.” I blurt out.

  Silence meets that statement and I grip Ainsley’s hand tighter, waiting for her to jerk away from me.

  “Hitman?” She asks slowly.

  I jerk up off the ground and crawl over to her bed. I kneel next to the bed and grip her hand in mine.

  “I was a little lost after I got out of the military and I had this set of skills but nothing to do with them. I only did a couple of jobs and they were all bad people. I won’t do it again, Ainsley. I’m done. I promise. Please don’t leave me. I just found you, I can’t lose you.”



  “Ok, Sin.”


  “Well it’s not ok, but I trust you. I trust that you only hurt bad people and that you’re past that. I don’t want to lose you either.”

  I feel her tug on my hand as she moves over in her tiny bed and urges me to lay down next to her. I slide under the covers and wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. She tips her head up to look at me and her lips are right there. I lean down and brush my lips gently across hers. I feel her sigh against my mouth and her tongue comes up and swipes across her bottom lip before she pulls me down into her.

  Kissing Ainsley is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. She tastes like chocolate and something sweeter that is just Ainsley. Her tongue duels with mine and I moan into her mouth as I roll her onto her back and come down over her.

  We make out like that for minutes, hours, days. Time is lost as I get lost in my girl. Finally, we pull apart to catch our breath. I lean my forehead against hers, breathing her in as I roll back onto my side. I tuck her against me and kiss her forehead one more time as I hear Ainsley’s breathing even out.

  “I love you.” I whisper as I feel sleep take me.

  Chapter Seven


  I wake up this morning with a smile on my face. I roll over only to realize that Sin isn’t in bed with me. He’s not even in the room. I jerk out of bed as my stomach sinks, wondering if he left. As soon as I pull my bedroom door open though I can hear him and Grams talking in the kitchen.

  I pad down the short hallway to the kitchen to see Sin standing at the stove with a spatula in his hand. My Grams is sitting at the little kitchen table already with a cup of tea in front of her. I walk over and kiss her cheek as I say good morning and get her pills out for her.

  “How are you feeling this morning, Honey?”

  I see Sin turn to look at me at the stove like he’s interested to know the answer too. Our conversation from last night flashes through my mind and I wonder if things will change in the light of day. Then I look at Sin and my heart flops in my chest. I smile at him as I answer Grams. “I’m feeling great.” I say with a smile.

  Sin plates up the food, some eggs and toast, before he joins us at the cramped table. We eat breakfast in companionable silence and when we’re done Sin clears the plates away and washes the dishes as I get dressed for work.

  When I walk back into the living room, Sin and Grams are sitting by the window talking. I watch as Sin says something and Grams laughs heartily at it. I smile to myself as I make my way over to them. Susan comes in as I’m saying goodbye to Grams. Sin stands with me and grabs my hand as we walk down the stairs and down to the subway.

  Just like yesterday, Sin walks me to the café and then to the bodega. He brings me lunch and then dinner and when I leave the bodega, he has an ice cream sundae waiting for me. I laugh as I wonder where he got that from. I eat my sundae as we ride the subway home and Sin walks me to my door. We both look around but there’s no sign of Blaine.

  Once we got to my door, we both seemed to hesitate. I want to invite him in again. I want to fall asleep in his arms again, and I really want to kiss him again. All day, all I’ve been thinking about is having his lips on mine again.

  Finally, I can’t take it anymore.

  “Do you want to come in?” I ask.


  “Yes!” I practically yell.

  Ainsley giggles as she unlocks the door and holds it open for me to walk in. Susan rounds the corner and comes towards us with a smile on her face.

  “Grams is asleep already.” She says as she gathers her bag and heads for the door.

  “Let me walk you to the subway, Mrs. Grane.” I say. We didn’t see Blaine outside but you can’t be too careful.

  “That would be great. Thanks, Sin.” She says.

  I look over at Ainsley and see her beaming at me. I can feel my heart flip over in my chest when I see her looking at me like that.

  “Be right back.” I say as I give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  I hold the door open for Mrs. Grane and carry her bag for her as we make the short trip to the subway. I wait with her on the platform until her train pulls up and then say goodnight to her.

  I practically sprint back to Ainsley’s apartment. I can’t wait to spend the night with her again. I’ve been replaying our kisses from last night in my head all day and I’ve been hard as diamond because of it.

  I keep my eyes peeled for any sign of Blaine or his goons but the streets are almost empty. I climb the stairs back to her apartment two at a time and finally, I’m standing in front of her door again. I raise my hand and knock and a second later, Ainsley is there holding the door open for me. I step past her into the apartment and watch as she closes and locks the door behind me.

  She grabs my hand and leads me down the hallway to her room and closes the door behind me. Then, she turns and launches herself at me. I catch her small body easily and hold her higher as she crushes her lips against mine. I moan into her mouth as her small tongue comes out and slips into my mouth. I press her back against the door as I start to dry hump her through her clothes.

  She moans as I rub against her and soon we’re pulling at each other’s clothes. I pull away from her mouth long enough to pull her shirt over her head and she tears at my shirt until I pin her against the door and lean back to pull it off. I unclip her plain white bra and wrap my lips around her pretty pink nipple. She moans as I lave the small bud with my tongue. I wrap one hand around her ass and use the other one to plump her other breast.

  I take turns licking and sucking on each of her nipples as I grind against her. When her moans have reached a fever pitch, I grip her ass and carry her over to the bed. I lay her down and take a minute to look at her. She’s gorgeous, spread out half naked for me. My eyes can’t decide where to look. She’s perfection.

  She reaches her hand out to me and pulls me down on top of her. My lips meet hers and soon we pick up right where we left off. I feel her nimble fingers on the button of my jeans and I have to hold in a groan. As soon as she has them open her tiny hand reaches inside and she fists my cock. I grit my teeth to stop from coming all over her hand instantly.

  “I- I’ve never done this before, Sin. Am I doing it right?” She asks, looking up at me self-consciously.

  “Yeah, doll. It feels fucking perfect.” I pant as her hand starts to slowly move up and down my cock.

  I jerk away from her suddenly, not wanting to blow my load in her hand. I crawl backwards down the bed, pulling her jeans and panties off as I go. I kneel between her spread legs and try to imprint this image to my memory.

  “You’re so beautiful.” I whisper as I run my hands up her legs, pushing her thighs wide so that I can settle between them.

  I’m eye level with her beautiful pussy now and I can see her lips glistening in the moonlight. I take a deep breath as I lean closer and take a long, slow lick up her center. Her hips shoot off the bed at the contact. I grip her hips and pin
them to the bed as I start to eat her sweet pussy. Her sugary sweet cream is running down my chin and I can feel her legs tensing on either side of my head.

  I reach my hand up and slowly push one finger into her, moaning at how tight she is. She moans my name over and over again and I know that she’s close so I lick up her center until I reach her little nub. I circle her clit slowly until her hips start to circle with me. Then, I wrap my lips around her hard nub and suck. She comes with a shout and I feel her legs lock up around my head. Her pussy locks down around my finger and I can feel my cock release a spurt of cum as I think about what it will feel like when her hot, little cunt is wrapped around my dick instead of my finger.

  I lick her through her orgasm and when she finally comes down, I pull my finger out of her and lick it clean. I look up at her, ready to take things further, to find her passed out under me.

  I chuckle to myself as I lay down next to her, adjusting my rock hard cock. I pull the blankets up around us, wrapping her up tight in my arms as I drift off to sleep myself.

  Chapter Eight


  I wake the next morning naked with Sin wrapped around me. I blush when I think about everything that he did to me last night. I’ve tried to touch myself before but I’ve never been able to quite get myself there. I had worried that maybe I wouldn’t be able to finish but I should have known that Sin would take care of me.

  I can’t believe that I fell asleep on him. I smack my forehead when I think about what he must have thought after I came on his face and then passed out. He didn’t even get to finish, I realize.

  I feel him start to stir next to me as my alarm goes off. I turn to shut it off and when I turn back around, I see that he’s awake and smiling at me.

  “Good morning.” He says softly before he leans in and brushes a kiss on my lips.

  “Morning.” I say back, placing a kiss on his lips in return.

  “What do you want for breakfast? I’ll go make it while you get dressed.”

  “Just oatmeal is fine.”

  “You got it, doll.” He says, kissing me one more time before he rolls out of bed.

  I watch him as he buttons his jeans and slips his shirt back on. He turns and smiles at me before he leaves the room. I clutch the blanket to my chest, suddenly realizing that I’m still naked. I smile to myself as I hear him talking to Grams as he messes around in the kitchen.

  I shower and get dressed quickly, wanting to spend as much time with Sin and Grams as I can. I brush my hair out before making my way down the hall to join them. I walk in to the small living room to see Grams and Sin sitting and laughing with each other at the little table. As soon as Sin sees me, he stands and pulls the other chair out for me. I see he made Grams tea for her again this morning and he places a cup of coffee with cream and sugar in it just the way I like in front of me.

  He pushes a bowl of oatmeal in front of me and then goes and gets Grams medicine for her. As I watch him help her with her pills, I can feel myself falling. I know that I don’t know much about him and that we only just met but there’s something here between us. He’s so sweet and kind. Generous too, I think as I slip on my new shoes that he got me yesterday.

  We say goodbye to Grams and head to the subway.

  “No Susan today?” He asks as we wait for the train.

  “I only have a shift at the café this morning today so I’ll be home by 2 to take care of her.”

  He waits until we’re seated on the train before he speaks again.

  “Do you want to do something tonight? Since you have it off?”

  “Like what?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. We could go out to dinner, maybe see a movie?”

  “Like a date?” I ask.

  “Yeah. A date.” He says smiling at me.

  “I’d love to.”


  She said yes to the date. That thought just keeps running around and around. The girl of my dreams is going out with me tonight. Now I just need to come up with the perfect date. I drop Ainsley off at work and then run to my apartment to shower and change. I run to the store next and grab some groceries and snacks for tonight. I run back to the café at the end of Ainsley’s shift and escort her home.

  “I’ll sit with Grams while you get ready.” I tell her.

  “Where are we going?” She asks.

  “It’s a surprise.” I say slyly.

  She pouts at me and I laugh before she turns and runs down the hallway.

  “Where are you taking her, honey?” Grams asks me.

  “I thought maybe you girls would like to get out of here for a little bit. I got some groceries and stuff from the store earlier and I thought I’d make you girls some dinner and then we could watch a movie.”

  Grams eyes light up as I tell her my plans.

  “I guess I should go get ready then too.” Grams says excitedly.

  I help Grams out of her chair and then wait for my girls in the living room. It doesn’t take long before they’re both ready and we make our way to the subway and over to my place. I’ve got a penthouse in Chelsea about a block away from the subway. We help Grams down the sidewalk and into the elevator in my building.

  “Nice place.” Grams says as I give them a quick tour of my home.

  “Thanks.” I say as I look around.

  What I really want to know is what Ainsley thinks of it.

  “Do you like it, doll?” I ask.

  “It’s beautiful.” She says.

  I settle them on the couch together as I go into the kitchen and start to make dinner. I decided on a simple dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. It doesn’t take long before dinner is done and I hold chairs out for Ainsley and Grams to sit down to eat.

  We eat in companionable silence for a few minutes before Grams breaks the silence.

  “This is really good!” She says as she stuffs another bite in her mouth.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  We talk and laugh throughout dinner and I bring out the cheesecake that I bought at the store for dessert. Ainsley and I packed Grams medicine and we help her take the right pills. Grams brought some clothes too and she goes into one of the bedrooms to change.

  The girls decide on Bridesmaids and I click on it to pull it up. Ainsley sits next to me on the couch and I slip my arms around her as she cuddles further into my side. When the movie ends it’s late.

  “Why don’t you guys just stay here tonight since it’s so late?” I offer.

  “Are you sure?” Ainsley asks as Grams says “Sure!”

  “I’m sure.” I say as I chuckle at Grams response.

  I show them to the spare bedrooms and say goodnight to Grams.

  “Where’s your room?” Ainsley asks as Grams closes the door.

  I lead her down the hallway to my bedroom and she walks over and sits on the bed. I close the door behind me and when I turn around Ainsley is pulling the sundress she wore to dinner over her head. I gape at her as she stands before me in her bra and panties. I stand frozen by the door as Ainsley steps towards me unclipping her bra as she closes the distance. My eyes drop to her tits as they bounce softly with each step. My dick hardens in my pants the closer she gets to me.

  I reach my hands out, expecting her to kiss me but instead, Ainsley drops to her knees in front of me. She reaches out and unbuttons and unzips my pants before I can recover and before I can ask her what she’s doing she’s pulled my cock out and has her lips wrapped around the head.

  “Fuck!” I shout as her head starts to bob on my cock.

  Ainsley moans around me and brings one hand up to stroke the remaining part that she can’t fit in her mouth. It hasn’t even been five minutes and already I’m ready to bust in her mouth. I reach down and grip her under her arms so that I can drag her mouth up to mine. She wraps her legs around my waist as I push my tongue into her mouth. I carry her over to the bed and throw her down.

  “Panties off.” I say as I drag my shirt off over my head and kick my jeans
and underwear off.

  She hurries to do what I ask and then lays back in the middle of my bed. Our bed, I correct in my head. I grab her ankles and drag her down the bed, latching my mouth onto her pussy as soon as she’s in reach.

  “Sin! Oh god!” She moans as I eat her like a starving man. There’s no teasing like the other night. I wrap my lips around her clit and suck, flicking my tongue back and forth across it. She’s so wet already and I’ve barely touched her.

  “Did you like sucking my cock, doll? You’re awfully wet.” I say before I dive my head back between her legs.

  She comes with a shout and I give her one last lick before I kiss my way up her body. I mold my lips to hers, letting her taste herself, as I line my cock up with her opening. I thrust into her in one push, not wanting to prolong any pain. She tenses under me and I kiss down her neck to her pebbled nipples. I suck one in my mouth, releasing it with a pop before moving to the other.

  “You feel so freaking good, Ainsley.” I whisper against her lips as I feel her start to relax around me. Her pussy still has my cock in a death grip and I have to fight to slide my way in and out of her. After a couple of thrusts, she’s moaning and her hips are raising to meet my thrusts.

  I try to keep my pace even, letting her get used to feeling me stretch her tight pussy and move inside her. I groan as I feel her start to ripple along my cock and as soon as she whispers, “harder Sin!” in my ear, I’m powerless but to do as she commands.

  I push up on my knees and grip the back of her thighs as I pound into her. It doesn’t take long and her body tenses up as she screams my name and comes all over my cock as it hammers into her. As I feel her cream coating my cock and dripping down to my balls, I feel my own release pressing down onto me. With one final thrust, I bury myself balls deep and roar as I feel my come pulse into her unprotected womb.


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