War in Colgilor

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War in Colgilor Page 7

by Colin Gibbons

  Shaun guided the Dragon over to the flat plateau on the rugged rock face of the boundary they had used before, giving them an excellent viewpoint of the mountainside and the cave holding their families. They could see the four guards standing outside. Shaun glanced skyward and waited until a large bank of dark clouds rolled across the moon, casting the area below in semi-darkness before setting off. The Dragon refrained from beating its wings; it just opened them up and quietly glided down, landing in the shadows of a large, projecting outcrop at the mountain base. Shaun and the Dwarfs slipped quietly from the Dragon’s back. Drawing their swords, they followed Shaun as he crept stealthily forward, keeping to the shadows, but as they were within striking distance, the moon burst forth, lighting up the mountainside.

  The Dwarfs charged forward, grabbing one guard each, but the fourth one broke free and rushed into the prison cave. One of the Dwarfs turned to Shaun. ‘Do something please: he may kill some of our families.’ Shaun slipped out his hammer but before he could enter, Duball emerged with the fourth guard. A huge smile broke across his face when he saw his friends. He glanced over to Shaun. ‘I am sorry I doubted you. Even with your magic I didn’t think it possible to free us all without some of our families being sacrificed, but your plan has worked. I’m sure the Great Wizard will be proud of you.’

  Shaun smiled awkwardly. ‘The plan has just started. We have a long way to go and a limited time to complete it. The Dark Wizard and his army will be on their way here, so we must move quickly but carefully. Let us finish off in this area first and make sure your families are safe.’

  There was loud cheering and floods of tears as they entered the cave. The families all rushed to greet Shaun and the warriors. After a brief reunion, Shaun took out the portal and rolled up his sleeve, inviting the families to grasp the amulet and pass through to the Great Wizard’s cave where all the warriors were waiting to greet them.

  Once the last one had disappeared through, Shaun led the four Dwarfs out of the cave and climbed onto the Dragon’s back and headed towards the rugged boundary, landing on the mountainside on the other side overlooking the Golden Palace. They could see four guards seated outside the caves holding the Elf families. Shaun glanced skywards as he could see the moon had crossed the sky and was beginning its journey down towards the horizon. They still had a few hours of darkness, but needed to hurry if they were to take control of the area before daybreak.

  He and one of the Dwarfs slipped inside the shroud before heading down towards the Palace. The other three Dwarfs waited a while, giving Shaun time to enter the Palace before they set off on the Dragon’s back, swooping down and keeping in the shadows of the mountainside. The guards were snoozing, allowing them to land a short distance further up. The Dwarfs quickly and silently dismounted before swiftly and silently creeping towards the guards who were easily disarmed and overpowered before they could strike a blow. Meanwhile, Shaun floated into the palace. There was no sign of any guards downstairs so they continued up the stairs to the first floor. There was one guard outside the Elves’ bedroom as they passed through. Inside the four Elves he had seen on his first visit were all in their beds sound asleep. He approached the one he had spoken to and whispered, ‘Don’t be alarmed. I’ve returned as I said I would.’ The Elf opened her eyes then blinked several times, wondering if she was dreaming. ‘Stay silent when I appear, but first go and wake the others and tell them not to make a sound.’ She crept out of her bed and crawled around each of the other beds, gently shaking them awake. The four of them tiptoed back and sat down on the bed next to each other.

  When Shaun and the Dwarf appeared they all put their hands over their mouths, gagging their urge to cry out with glee. Shaun was holding the portal. ‘Now all of you simply pass through into the Great Wizard’s cave and your families and warriors will join you soon.’ Each one wrapped their arms around him, squeezing him tightly before stepping through. The Dwarf quietly walked over to the door, silently opening it and grabbing the startled guard, putting his huge hand over his mouth and lifting him bodily inside. Shaun pointed the ring and the guard was tied and gagged in a flash of light.

  Shaun then peeped out into the corridor before creeping down to the guard’s bedroom. ‘It might be safer if we use the shroud to enter,’ Shaun whispered. As he unfolded it they stepped inside and floated through the door. The other three guards were asleep in their beds. As Shaun and the Dwarf slipped out, they quietly gathered the guard’s weapons, placing them out of sight before waking them up. ‘One sound and it will be your last,’ said the Dwarf, standing over them, sword in his hand. Once they were gagged and bound, Shaun and the Dwarf floated out of the Palace and over to join the other Dwarfs who were waiting outside the caves with the Dragon and the four traumatised guards who were standing frozen to the spot, eyes wide open, glaring at the fearsome-looking Dragon.

  Using his ring, he opened the first gate and he and the Dwarfs entered the cavern. The Dwarfs shook their heads and sighed in disbelief at the pitiful sight that unfolded in the dim light. Shaun had seen it before but he, too, was taken aback. As they moved forward the cavern was filled with cries and groans of despair and terror as the families cowered and huddled together, the Elves trying to pacify their young. ‘Don’t be afraid, we have come to free you. The Great Wizard has sent us. We have captured the guards so you have nothing to worry about.’ He produced the portal. ‘This is a portal which will take you through to the Great Wizard’s cave. Wait there and you will be joined by the other families and your warriors. Once you have gone we will go to the other side of the area and free them.’

  The families remained huddled together, unsure whether or not to trust him for if this was some trick by the guards, they and their warriors would be in deep trouble. One of the Dwarfs sensed their doubts: after all, they, too, had been unsure when Shaun first appeared to them. He moved closer to the families. ‘Please believe what he is saying. He has freed all our families and warriors: they are safe and well in the Great Wizard’s cave: let him do the same for you.’

  There was a silent pause before one of the Elves struggled to her feet and ushered her family towards him, turning to the others. ‘What have we got to lose? I am willing to trust him. Follow me.’ She turned back and threw her arms around Shaun before walking through the portal, holding hands with her family. One by one, each family approached Shaun. Some hugged him; others just smiled as they stepped through.

  He stopped the last two families. ‘Will one of you help me? I need to free all the other families in the other caves, but I don’t want to go through trying to convince them to pass through the portal. The two Elves looked at each other before one of them nodded her head. ‘Yes, I will come with you; my family can go with them.’

  She wrapped her arms around her two youngsters. ‘Don’t be afraid, I will join you shortly,’ she whispered as the other Elf took their hands and wiped away a tear as they waved before joining the family to step through.

  The Dwarfs left the cave to join the Dragon while Shaun and the Elf stepped inside the shroud and passed through the side stone wall into the adjoining cave. There were still cries of panic when he and the Elf appeared, but she soon settled them down and convinced them to go through the portal. It was the same in each of the caves, and as the last family in the final cave disappeared through, the Elf turned to Shaun. ‘We will never forget this act of bravery. You will be forever in our thoughts and hearts. I just hope the Gods will protect you on the rest of your journey, and look forward to meeting you again when you have completed your work here. She squeezed him tightly, tears streaming down her face as she turned and stepped through.

  Her words upset Shaun, but it made him realise how important it was to free the others in this beautiful land which had been tainted by the evil Dark Wizard, and made him more aware of what life would be like for all those who resided in Colgilor if the Dark Wizard was not defeated. He took a deep breath before leaving the cave and joining the Dragon and Dwarfs who were wa
iting impatiently.

  They knew as the moon had all but disappeared that the first rays of the sun would be soon lighting up the area, so without further delay they flew over to the other side, coming to land high up on the mountainside overlooking the caves below. Shaun and his Dwarf companion, inside the shroud once more, floated down past the four guards standing outside the caves which held the warriors and along to the end cave holding the Prince. The guard was still seated inside the entrance half-asleep as they passed through. Once inside, they stepped out of the shroud. Shaun used his ring to unlock the gate. The Dwarf stayed there, keeping an eye on the guard while Shaun swiftly and silently made his way over to the Prince who was lying fast asleep. Shaun gently shook him awake, and as the Prince opened his eyes a huge smile broke across his face. ‘We haven’t much time,’ Shaun whispered as he took out the portal. ‘This will take you through to the Great Wizard’s cave: your warriors will join you shortly.’

  The Prince tried to struggle to his feet but was so unsteady after months of lying cramped up on the straw bed. Shaun helped him up and the Prince placed a hand on his shoulder ‘Thank you,’ he said, his voice quivering with emotion. Shaun smiled and the Prince was gone. Shaun tiptoed back to the Dwarf. He nodded and the Dwarf slowly opened the gate, grabbed the guard and lifted him inside, putting his hand over his mouth as he tried to call out. Once he was bound and gagged, Shaun slipped outside and signalled to the waiting Dragon. With the Dwarfs on her back, they glided off the mountainside, swooping down and landing close to the four guards just as Shaun and the Dwarfs arrived. They quickly disarmed the guards who froze when they made eye contact with the Dragon and knew they would be a match for the four muscular Dwarf warriors who accompanied it. They surrendered without a fight. Once they were securely shackled, two of the Dwarfs marched them up to join the other guard and left them imprisoned in the squalid conditions the Prince had to endure. They would have to remain there till the Dark Wizard arrived.

  Meanwhile, Shaun and the other two Dwarfs entered the first cave which was dark and dank. They stood for a moment or two to allow their eyes to adjust. Shaun glanced around the cave: there were only half a dozen oil lamps hanging on the walls, giving out just a glimmer of light. He pointed his ring up and closed his eyes; suddenly the whole cave was engulfed in brightness, which aroused several of the warriors who quickly spread the word and suddenly the whole cave was wide awake and alert. Shaun moved forward. ‘Don’t be alarmed. The Great Wizard has sent me to free you. As you can see, I have freed the Dwarfs, and also your Prince who was held prisoner in the cave; he is now safe with the Great Wizard in his cave.’

  ‘But what about the guards outside?’ one of the warriors said. ‘And there are our families on the other side of this area: you are placing them in great danger.’ One of the Dwarfs stepped alongside Shaun. ‘The guards are locked up in the prison that held your Prince, and your families are safe and sound with the Great Wizard.’

  Shaun took out the portal. ‘Yes, your families and your Prince are waiting for you to join them: just step through this portal into the Great Wizard’s cave.’ There was complete silence throughout the cave followed by a buzzing of whispers as the warriors discussed the situation before one of the warriors walked slowly forward. ‘We have nothing to lose: I will be the first.’ He glanced over to the others as he disappeared through, and one by one the warriors followed. Shaun stopped the last one. ‘Will you come with me to the other caves to help persuade the other warriors to pass through? We haven’t much time, as the Dark Wizard and his army will be on their way here.’ The warrior agreed and they left the cave and worked their way along the line of caves until all the warriors had gone, and Shaun and the Dwarfs climbed on-board the Dragon and took off, flying over the dense, wooded area which formed the border to the Fairies’ domain.

  They continued along the fringe of the woods to the other side of the area to the large cave they had used before on the mountainside overlooking the castle, just as the morning sun was preparing to rise from the horizon, shading the fluffy clouds with an array of golden red and silver. There was no time to rest Shaun: his Dwarf companion floated down to the castle gates and into the entrance hall. They continued along to the end room where they could hear voices. Inside they found four guards sitting at the large, round table enjoying a meal with the female Fairies waiting on. Leaving the room, they floated back along the hallway up the staircase and along the corridor to the room holding the two princesses. The guard was still sitting outside as they passed through. The princesses were sitting on their beds. ‘Don’t call out. It’s me again, Shaun. I’m going to appear,’ he whispered before stepping out of the shroud with the Dwarf.

  The princesses sighed out loud. ‘We wondered if you would return. We are so pleased to see you again.’ Shaun smiled. ‘We haven’t much time,’ he said as he took out the portal. ‘Just step through and you will be in the safe hands of the Great Wizard. Your families and Prince are already there. Evena and Falu will join you shortly. They both jumped up and grabbed their possessions, then they wrapped their arms around Shaun before disappearing through. The Dwarf crept over to the door, quietly opening it, and dragged the guard inside. They quickly tied and gagged him before slipping back into the shroud and floating back down to the dining area to find the guards still sitting at the table.

  Finally, after a frustrating wait, one of the guards stood up. ‘Come on, then, we had better go and sort out the Elf warriors. It’s time they had their exercise,’ he said with a sarcastic tone. The others chuckled as they stood up and made their way out. As soon as their footsteps faded down the hallway, Shaun and the Dwarf appeared. The Fairies gasped out loud, huddling together. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ Shaun said, ‘we are here to help. We have just sent Princess Evena and Princess Falu through to the Great Wizard’s cave with this portal. Your warriors and families will join you shortly.’ The Fairies looked at each other and pondered a moment before taking hold of each other’s hands. They smiled nervously at Shaun before walking through. Without further delay they left the castle and headed towards the other side and the fairy camp.

  Meanwhile, the Dragon and the other three Dwarfs watched as the guards left the castle and marched over to the mountainside cave holding the male warriors. They emerged shortly after, escorting the warriors over to the lush meadows, the warriors paired up and broke out into their daily mock battle. The Dwarfs were eager to fly down, but the Dragon waited to give Shaun time to reach the Fairy camp before taking off, and they swooped down towards the castle, coming to land in the courtyard. The four dwarfs jumped off, drew their swords, and raced up onto the battlement before splitting up; each one headed for one of the turrets and the guard stationed there. The Dragon took off again, soaring skyward before swooping down towards the guards who were standing close to the mountainside, watching the Fairy warriors fighting. One of the guards called out as he looked up in horror as the Dragon flew towards them, flames belching out and scorching the mountainside above them. Without delay, the Fairy warriors turned and streamed over, waving their swords, and the terror-stricken guards threw down their weapons and fell to their knees.

  The Fairy warriors would have loved to slaughter these wild beasts that had made their lives hell over the past months, but Shaun had made them promise they would not harm them, so they shackled their hands and marched them over to the cave they had been imprisoned in just as the three Dwarfs arrived from the castle with the four guards from the turrets and the one that had sat outside the princesses’ room. While they were locking up the prisoners, the Dragon flew over to the other side, circling above the landscape, its sharp eagle eyes searching for Shaun and scanning every valley, mound and hill. Suddenly from out of the cleft in one of the hillsides, Shaun the Dwarfs and their prisoners emerged and headed down the dirt track. Their faces lit up when they spotted the Dragon swooping down and landing close by. ‘That’s all the Fairy families safely through to the Great Wizard cave,’ said Shaun proudly. ‘T
hree areas clear, just the one to go,’ he said as he pushed the terrified guards towards the Dragon, and he and the Dwarf lifted them up onto her back before climbing up behind them.

  When they arrived on the other side they were greeted with loud cheers, and the Fairies’ faces were beaming with delight when Shaun told them their families were all safe and sound with the Great Wizard. Each one thanked Shaun and the Dwarf as they stepped through the portal.

  Above their heads the sun shone down brightly as they mounted up and took off, heading for the final area. The Dwarfs and Shaun were praying they would be able to free them all before the Dark Wizard and his army arrived. But as they were approaching the border, Shaun’s ring began to oscillate and he told the Dragon to fly down and land. ‘What’s happening?’ asked one of the Dwarfs. ‘What does that mean?’ ‘It’s the Great Wizard: he wished to communicate,’ replied Shaun as they touched down. The Dwarfs watched in awe as the ring sent out a golden beam which travelled over to the nearby mountainside and exploded into a cloud of Fairy dust which settled on the rocky face. Slowly the dust faded, and to their amazement the Great Wizard’s image appeared.

  ‘Shaun, my faithful little warrior, you are doing so well but I have some worrying news. The Dark Wizard and his army are close by and will arrive shortly. You need to move quickly, but although you have the hammer and the ring it would be advisable not to engage in battle with him. Do what you can, but as soon as they arrive you must come through the portal.’ He raised his caduceus before slowly fading away. Shaun stroked his chin, pondering a moment. ‘We will have to change our plans. I’ll explain on our way there.’


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