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Charlotte Page 1

by Mima

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  You are on an interactive adventure with eleven possible endings. Instead of a traditional Table of Contents that takes you to the start of a chapter, this index puts you at the end of a chapter where the choice point is. Dare to rewind history and make a different decision. Get ready to sail away!

  The Lily Pad Lounge

  The Table

  The Ballroom

  The Banquet

  The Nightclub

  The Dance Floor

  The Beach

  The Dock

  The Cabin

  The Pool

  The Diving Board

  The Stairs


  Below Decks

  ✦ ✦ ✦

  Ending Checklist

  About the Author

  The cruise ship’s dance club writhed with a mass of happy, hip-pumping vacationers. The bass was all she heard from outside, but the wall of windows revealed their leaping shadows. The strobes and slicing electric blue laser lights lit their flushed faces. The dancers seemed to be one creature, undulating like liquid.

  Charlotte yearned to belong there. It was decadent and carnal. She would take off this modest, boring T-shirt and reveal a black lace bra cupping her breasts. Painted-on jeans would be nice, over a firm ass and muscular thighs, with a rhinestone thong riding the tops of her hips and a tribal tattoo slinking over one shoulder. A striking mass of red ringlets and exotic makeup would complete the transformation. How easy it would then be to slide into that sea of dancers and grind with them.

  But that wasn’t her body, she didn’t own those clothes, and her only experience with makeup was her winter tubes of Chapstick. The thought of trying on a lace bra worth a week’s pay and a rhinestone thong sounded . . . uncomfortable. Even though she hungered to join the sexy scene, she remained perched on a wooden bar stool sipping the lovely fruity, icy thing the bartender had given her.

  This outdoor balcony lounge was one of the neatest places on the ship. She’d been drawn to it as she wandered around earlier. For some reason, this deck was much less crowded than any of the others. There had been hardly anyone here until after sunset. That’s when the club had opened, and the lounge became a way station for beautiful people to drink up their courage before storming the neon entrance. Beyond the railing off to her right, the ocean glittered with diamonds under the bulging, waxing moon. The massive ship glided on the shimmering Caribbean Sea, a surreal spot of life.

  She straightened her spine. She was on a cruise. She was young and free. She’d brought condoms. She’d gone on the pill, just to be safe. She’d even gotten her private bits lasered smooth and that was serious commitment. Charlotte was here to get laid. Her world had ended four months ago when her grandmother died. Now the quaint White Plains house was cleared and sold. Most of Charlotte’s things were sitting in boxes in an ugly little walk-up in the Bronx.

  Before she’d been able to focus on getting a job, or maybe even starting nursing school again, she’d decided to follow through on a dream she’d developed with Gram. They’d talked about cruises because Gram loved the water, and even with all the traveling she’d done, she’d never gone on a cruise.

  Because quaint White Plains houses sold for a price that would make Somali pirates happy, Charlotte was on the first adventure of her twenty-nine-year-old life. Just in time to fit in some living before she slid firmly into middle age. Gram had led such an amazing life. Charlotte meant to emulate her.

  Lifting her tall glass with the lilac umbrella high, she murmured, “Thanks, Gram. I’ll make this count.”

  With her gumption temporarily stirred, she swiveled to peruse the balcony lounge, the place she’d chosen to make her first effort. It was marked off from the ship’s continuous rim walk by a split rail fence and pots of tall grasses. Low emerald cushions with side tables in the shape of flowers dotted the landscape. Hanging brass lanterns shone with pale butter light. The club’s blue lights painted the wooden floorboards aqua. The scattered green disks reminded her of lily pads on a pond, with the lanterns like little floating fireflies. Did that make the attractive people lounging on them frogs? She smiled.

  In that moment, with her pep talk fresh and the warm breeze ruffling her braided orange hair, the alcohol molten in her stomach and the primal thumping of the club calling to her blood, Charlotte relaxed. She actually felt her jaw shift, soften. Her shoulders eased and she rested against the bar. Breathing deeply the way her Pilates tape had taught her, she tipped her face up to the moon, closed her eyes, and sat with an empty mind.

  Gram’s absence wasn’t a clawing hole or a guilty shadow. Gram had lived well and Charlotte had done right by her these last ten years. It was something to be proud of and to move on from. The moonlight seemed a heavenly blessing from Gram. She breathed again, drawing the air into her nose and deep to the bottom of her lungs, expanding her ribs. Her shoulders were back, opening her chest, and she held the breath, feeling the tingle of oxygen surge. She let it out slowly, chilled lips curving faintly.

  When she opened her eyes, her gaze collided with a huge, brawny blond man’s across the lounge. His dress shirt was open at the neck. The rolled sleeves revealed powerful forearms. His face was blunt, heavily masculine. She was reminded of a soldier, despite his thick, longish hair that almost brushed his shoulders. No, not a soldier, a Viking. He stared right at her. She looked over her shoulder, but there was no one at the bar beyond her. He was looking at her.

  Now his mouth quirked to the side. He was amused she’d been unsure of his notice. One brow lifted in a very Old World way. With his hand palm up, he made a flicking, curling motion with his fingers. She fought to keep her face bland, but she was shocked. He wanted her to come over to his lily pad?

  He was so big that the low seating drove his knees high from where his feet were braced on the floor. His arms rested on his knees, hands dangling as he considered her, watching to see what she decided. A beer sat on the pink lily table behind him, and he reached around and grabbed it without even looking. For some reason the simple move reeked of confidence. He took a deep swig while keeping his gaze on her. Her belly flipped upside down, which was odd because last she checked, guys drinking beer weren’t inherently sexy.

  Just then a surge of laughter exploded from the club. The glass doors burst open and a topless man stumbled out backward, arms windmilling. The crowd of sleek blondes who shoved him out all clustered in the doorway.

  “Aw, c’mon!” he roared, laughing in return as the ladies blew him a kiss and closed the doors.

  They turned their backs and sashayed into the bouncing bodies, their long straightened hair almost the same length as their golden micro dresses. When the black-haired man noticed all the people in the lounge were staring at him, he took his hands from his hips and bowed with elegance. A few chuckles mixed with light applause. He gave a flourish from his forehead, nodding deeply, like a pasha.

  He swaggered toward the nearest empty lily pad, which happened to be close to Charlotte. Throwing himself down on the firm vinyl disk, he sprawled on his back, ribs heaving. His chest hair was perfect, not too thick, and tapering down into a pair of leather pants that looked authentic. They weren’t latex and they
weren’t too tight. What they were? Magnificent. He was lean and muscled in the way of a professional athlete, not a body builder.

  He propped himself up on one elbow and called out, “Bartender, a bottle of your best shiraz, please. No gl—” He broke off when he saw Charlotte. His eyes went intent and his bladed face tightened. “—assss,” he finished softly. “Hello, gorgeous. Where the hell did you come from? I didn’t see you at the ball.”

  She was still smiling from his entrance. His words made her smile grow wider. What a player. “That’s because I’m nowhere near Cinderella.”

  He frowned, gaze sweeping over her plain cream V-neck tee and brown peasant skirt with something like confusion. The waitress, decked out in silver lamé and glittering like a toy, offered him the bottle wrapped in linen. He waved off the accompanying ice bucket and she sauntered away, but he never took his eyes off Charlotte.

  Charlotte took a deep pull of her spiked slushie. What was going on? Her eyes darted over to golden Mr. Viking. His mouth had a grim set as he glared at the topless player.

  Sensing her gaze, he switched to her face, and his look softened. He tipped his head, chin jutting ever so slightly in a summons. He leaned back against the table, his legs stretched out in perfectly tailored shimmery gray business slacks, feet shod in some hip Euro-looking shoes. His beer was propped on his belly. Her cheeks went scarlet with a very naughty thought that he’d placed his beer there in a phallic gesture.

  “Well, you’re an undiscovered treasure, is what you are.” The black-haired charmer shook his shaggy, silky hair off his face. His dark eyes glinted dangerously, framed by thick lashes. He patted the thin wedge of seating next to his tight, rippling abs. “Come visit, my pearled ruby.”

  Charlotte blinked. She had never in her life had a man express interest in her. Not one wolf whistle in the street, not one flirtatious smile in a diner, not one lingering glance in the grocery. Licking her lips, she looked over at Mr. Viking. He was in the same long, relaxed position, but his face was emptier—closed off. She got the sense he was disappointed, or disapproving.

  Charlotte was a woman with substantial bones and fine, dark orange hair. Her face was plain, her eyes gray. Lines worn by anxiety and grief showed around her eyes, between her brows, and at the edges of her mouth. In short, there was absolutely nothing that warranted the dual attentions of two startlingly gorgeous and very different men.

  But Charlotte couldn’t see any possible nefarious motivation. If they wanted to steal from her she had nothing but her ship charge card in her pocket and no jewelry at all. Date rape seemed an absurd goal when there were a dozen hot-to-trot elegant women in the club.

  She shook her head once and took a hard drag on her drink. She’d stop being suspicious and pick one. Here it was, the adventure she’d hoped for. Maybe it would be some light banter and a shared drink. And maybe she’d get to kiss one of these guys under the moonlight.

  A quick glance told her they were both still watching her. She swallowed. Would she go to the man who noticed her first or the brash newcomer? The Viking or the rascal?

  This is an interactive book.

  Click on the underlined text you prefer to control Charlotte’s actions.

  The link jumps you to a unique chapter that will lead to one of eleven endings.


  Charlotte’s lungs shrank a size. “I’m good here.” Some insanity made her qualify that, to leave the way open for this golden temptation. “Tonight.”

  Ivor nodded once, then turned and left without a word to Ryder.

  Ryder called after him, “Piss off, you overbred hound!” He tipped back his head and howled in a surprisingly musical imitation of a wolf.

  People turned to look. Ryder blew them a kiss. They laughed.

  Ryder turned to her and caught some look on her face. He tilted his head. “You are shy.”

  She shook her head and shrugged at the same time. Then laughed at herself.

  He smiled, seeming to relax. “It’s good to see yourself clearly. What bothered you specifically? Me being loud, or being looked at?”

  Biting her lip, she toyed with her empty glass, rolling it in her palms. “It’s okay, really. I’m just not used to . . .”

  He waited, then prodded her. “To . . .” When she still couldn’t answer, he put one gentle touch on the back of her hand, stilling the nervous fondling of her glass. “To performing? To teasing? To friendship? To—”

  Distressed that she was ruining everything, she turned and put one hand on his thigh. He cut off.

  “Yes,” she admitted. Daring a glance up at him, she saw his closed face ease into something like kindness. She straightened her shoulders. “But I like it. Opposites attract, right?”

  He laid one of his hands on her thigh, bunching the cotton peasant skirt. “I would not say that. Something is calling us each to the other, and I’m quite sure it’s likeness to likeness.”

  She took a breath. “I can’t imagine ever being so bold as you. But as my gram would say, ‘Never say never.’ ”

  He hummed in agreement and took a slug of his wine. “I certainly see boldness in you. You’re not afraid of yourself, are you?”

  Brow creasing, she watched the bartender expertly toss a mixer. “Not afraid . . . just . . .” Not sleeping. Waiting? “Delayed.” She nodded.

  “Ah. And now the journey is under way?”

  She admired his chiseled features, his steadiness. When he wasn’t being a loud showman, he was . . . a different kind of wonderful. “Yes.” She was off, seeking Boldness as her destination.

  Charlotte set her glass on the side flower table and rubbed her damp palms on her skirt. It was time to link herself with Ryder. What would a boy like? She shook her head. Not a boy. A man. A man she had no idea how to connect with.

  Her gaze fell on the wine bottle he still held. He liked wine.

  “I don’t like this.” Her voice quavered. She sounded about two years old. But she reached over and yanked the bitch’s hand out of Ivor’s trunks. “That part is just for me.”

  His hand curled up behind her and pulled on her halter cord. “But you like me. Relax. You know you can trust me.”

  She lay back down. The canvas cushion on the hammock was scratchy compared to the silk she’d become accustomed to. Her hand claimed Ivor’s warm, iron-hard penis. It was still a thrill. Isabella’s hand danced up with butterfly lightness to help him untie her halter.

  “I thought this was about submitting to you.” She shrugged her shoulder, irritably batting Isabella’s hand away.

  “She’s here to satisfy whatever desire I have. And right now, you’re my desire.” He pushed her top off the tip of her breast. “Who wouldn’t want this?”

  Watching his fingers work her nipple mesmerized her. Until a mocha hand came weaving into his fingers, lifting the heft of her breast to offer it to him. It felt about as sexy as when her gynecologist taught her how to check for lumps.

  “That’s it.” She shoved Isabella so hard her mouth slurped when it dislodged from Ivor’s neck. “I’m done here. This isn’t sexy.” Twisting away, she struggled out of the hammock, adding, “Ivor, either she submits to you some other time or I’m out of here.”

  Isabella propped herself up on one arm and smirked. “I knew she couldn’t stand up to me.”

  Charlotte gaped. “What do you think I’m doing!”

  “You’re running. That’s what your fat, ghostly self is doing.” She tucked her short hair behind her ear, dismissing Charlotte.

  Charlotte pinned Ivor with a furious stare while she finished adjusting her top and tying her suit. “Get rid of her.”

  Ivor sighed and sat up. “I apologize. I’m completely rushing you. Last night was so perfect I wanted to see how you dealt with the worst of the pack.”

  “Hey!” Isabella glared at him.

He ignored her and stood up, running his hands through his hair. His glorious, silky, stupid golden hair. “I think you have the right instincts, but you’re not dominant enough yet to stand at my side.”

  Charlotte wanted to show him enough dominance to mark his wolfy face. She crossed her arms. Her voice got very quiet. “This was a test? You set this up?”

  “You can’t know how taken I am with you. You’re amazing. I wanted to see if you could make Isabella back down. I had visions of introducing you to the pack on the next full moon.”

  Isabella put her hands behind her head and stretched out in the hammock. “Weakling.”

  “I might be amazing in bed, but you barely know me. And this is a crappy way of asking me to join your family.” Shame and anger twisted into a cocoon. The air, which had once felt silken, now seemed stifling.

  “I was wrong. I’m sorry. Let’s go get a drink, cool off in the water again.”

  The muffled chatter of a megaphone caught the air. She looked to see the ship’s tender uncoiling its mooring line. Determination filled her to board that escape. “Good-bye, Ivor.”

  She trotted out of the trees, across the hot sand, and ran along the damp waterline toward the dock.

  He kept pace without a problem. “Charlotte. Don’t go running scared from a fantastic night.”

  “Yes, this is me running in fear. Tell yourself that. This isn’t me being insulted by your manipulation and lack of communication.”

  “Let me come with you. We’ll go try that rock-climbing wall you mentioned.”

  “No, no.” She spoke through gritted teeth. “You stay here with your pack. The weakling insists.” She strode snappily down the dock. “Hold! I’m returning to the ship, too!”

  The friendly man in white waved to her in acknowledgment.

  Ivor reached for her but she spun away, slapping at his hand.


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