An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1)

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An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1) Page 19

by S. R. Rashad

  Claire’s a little worried for Frank. He’s been at the wheel for hours, no rest, and driving these roads can take a toll on the average person. So, she can imagine how exhausted Frank, with his cancer, has to be. Besides, she is a little tired and hungry herself.

  “Frank, how are you doing?”

  “I’m fine.” Peter says as he looks over to see a concerned look on Claire’s face.

  “Well, you may feel fine now, but I think you should stop and rest a bit ok?” She says firmly.

  This is Claire’s attempt to step up to the nursemaid challenge. He should listen to her. She feels it is her role now to insure his well being.

  There is a motherly tone to Claire’s voice that affects Peter in a way he hasn’t felt since his mother past. This feeling is familiar and comforting.

  “Yes, Claire. You’re right. We should stop for awhile.”

  He likes turning over the reigns to Claire, as he did to his precious mother. Claire’s controlling undertones is strangely reassuring. He agrees to a rest stop.

  He was a little more tired than he thought, and the fact that he parked in the dark, away from the noise and lights, was all the chance his weary body needed. He leans back in his seat and in minutes, he is nodding off. He was right about the rest area though. Frank and his nursemaid pull in for a coffee and a little rest from the exhausting monotony of the tree lined country roads. And, there he is, asleep in his car, in the dark corner of the rest stop, within yards of his target.

  "Hey, hey!” The busboy says as he bangs on the window of his car.

  He opens his eyes to an angry busboy…

  “Mister, you are blocking the dumpsters”.

  “Oh, my bad.” He says, embarrassed.

  He starts the car, rubs his eyes, slaps his face, to jolt himself awake, as he wonders how the hell he fell asleep in the first place and how long has he been out, anyhow. More importantly, did he miss him. As he pulls past the dumpster, he sees Peter's truck, parked near the entrance. He pulls around to the side. He still doesn't see Peter, but that's ok. That's the truck and he's not letting it out of his sight. He has a good vantage point of the truck and the entrance. He gets his rifle from his trunk and waits. He still has to be sure.

  Claire has been wanting to smoke for the longest but she knows smoking around cancer patients is a no no. But now, the need to smoke is great. She tells Peter she needs to use the restroom. She goes out back and lights up. That first drag is pure joy. As she lights up, the glow from the flame illuminates her face. He sees her. That's the woman that was with Peter in Traverse City. He wants to know what's she doing with Peter. What’s her connection to the monster. He's doing something he doesn't feel comfortable doing again but he needs to know. He gets out his car and walks over to her.

  “Excuse me, you got a light.” He says loudly as he approaches her from the dark.

  “Yea sure, who said that?” Then in the next few seconds, she sees him emerge form the shadows. She remembers that face. It's the cute guy from earlier.

  “Hey, I know you.”

  “Yeah, Traverse City, right?”

  “Right!” She says. “You're traveling this way too?”

  “Yea, it seems so.” He says as he pats his coat pocket, pretending to search for a cigarette.

  “Oh, I forgot my cigarettes in the car. Let me go get them.”

  “No, here. Have one of mine.”


  “Where are you heading?”

  “To my patient’s sister’s house?”

  “Patient? So, you're a doctor?”

  “No, nurse, well, more of a nursemaid, really.”

  “Nice. Where's your patient, now.” He says looking cautiously around, hoping not to get ambushed by Peter.

  “He’s inside having a coffee.”

  “Oh, I think I saw him... tall guy with a cane?”

  “Yea, that's him.”

  “Oh, what's his problem?”


  “Really?” Does the doc have cancer? He’s not sure but he wants to play it out… “Is it bad?”

  “Yea, I think so… So, he wants to be around family.”

  “I can understand that.” He needs to see if she is legit or just toying with him.

  “His name’s not John is it?” He says waiting to test her answer.

  “No, it's Frank and I better get inside before he starts to worry.”

  “Ok, thanks for the light.” He says. Then he holds up the half smoked cigarette… “Oh, and the cigarette.” He laughs.

  “No problem.”

  Claire heads back in. He’s still uncertain, whether or not she’s telling the truth or whether there's something more elaborate going on here. Who's Frank? Is this a guy who resembles the doctor, or is this him. Maybe, this is some tactic to throw him off their scent. He is starting to have doubts and concerns. Shooting those innocent people has affected his judgement and his instinct. He needs to see this Frank guy up close and personal, to make sure it’s his Peter. He needs to get a little closer. He has to be certain. When she leaves him, a thought enters his head.…He has to move quickly. He has seconds, minutes maybe. He goes over to Peter's truck and jimmies the lock. He opens the door and fumbles around hoping to find some clue of this guy’s identity. He’s taking too long. He starts to get nervous, afraid someone will see him rummaging through the car. He stops searching and decides on a different approach. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone, reaches into the backseat and shoves his iPhone deep in-between the cushions. He knows he’ll be able to track his phone with his find my phone app. So he doesn't have to try to keep up or drive too closely, jeopardizing his cover. His phone will do all the work. He likes this new plan. He closes the car door and heads back to his car.

  Chapter 19

  It’s not the dream but the dreamer.

  Laura had a rough first night back at her place. Her sleep was continually interrupted by nightmares of being shot, of being paralyzed, of being helpless, of being a vegetable. She awakes unable to go back to sleep and she is in some degree of physical pain, more of a discomfort really. Indeed, she definitely doesn’t like being shot. But now, even worse, she is haunted, wondering if, she had died that day, would her life to this point have been a success? Would she have lived the kind of life that made her proud? Has she been too selfish? Too self centered? Too self involved?

  Her most vivid dream, more of a nightmare really, is of her running from the gunman. In the dream, she runs toward a crowd of hundreds of faceless people. She tries yelling for help but she has no voice and as she gets closer to the crowd, they all begin to turn their backs to her. The gunman gets closer and draws his gun. Aiming it at her, he says why should you get to live, then pulls the trigger. This is the point in the dream where she wakes. This dream must mean something. She could never really remember too many of her dreams. And none have ever been this vivid, this real, this frightening.

  Jen has been her connection to her humanity. Jen forces her to remember to smile, to laugh, to live. She is grateful to have Jen in her life. Perhaps, this was meant to be. Why did she need a second bedroom anyway. Could it all have been by design. These questions are above her pay grade. These are the questions for priest, clergy or religious folk, not for ambivalent agnostics, like Laura.

  Laura hears Jen and LB playing in the other room. She likes the sound of laughter and tiny barking.

  “Hey, what’s going on in there, you two?”

  “Oh, I’m just getting LB familiar with his new home.” Jen yells. Then Laura comes into the room to see Jen and LB rolling around on the floor.

  “Is that so.” Laura says with a smile as she stands in the doorway, looking at the two of them playing.

  Where is her life heading? So she helped a man like Peter get off, big deal. How does this help society? She is haunted by the last words she hears before being shot. The words of the dead report, now, echo in her psyche.

  “Jen, do you think we can take hi
m out to the park?”

  “Well, Laura. I think we need to take him to the Vet first to get his shots before he can go out and make friends.”

  “The Vet? Do we have one?”

  “I’ll look to see if one is nearby. Laura, can you take LB? I have to go to the office. There's a lot that needs to be done today.”

  “So, it’s just gonna be me and him then?” Laura says in a worried voice.

  “Yes. It’s gonna be fine, Laura. You're gonna make a great mommy.”

  “Am I now?”

  “Yes.” Jen says smiling. “I'm gonna make us breakfast while you get to know LB.”

  Jen leaves the room as LB sits with his tail waging look at Laura. Laura hasn’t played with a dog, let alone a super hyper puppy since she was a kid. She stands for a second not remembering how to play with a puppy. Then she remembers what Jen and he were doing just minutes ago. And she lays down on the floor and lets Legal Brief run all over her. She is having fun with her new companion. Jen strikes again. Laura is enjoying herself.

  “Hey, Laura. Let’s have some breakfast.” Jen yells

  “Ok, what should I do with him?”

  Jen comes into the room with a bowl of water and a handful of doggy treats.

  “Here we go, boy” Jen says, putting the bowl and the treats on the floor.

  LB attacks the treats and laps up the water.

  “Wow, look at him go. This pup’s gonna be a handful for sure, Jen.” Laura says. They look at each other and laugh at their hungry little beast. They leave LB to his treats. Jen closes the door as they head into the kitchen.

  “This looks great, Jen. You’re gonna spoil me. You know that?”

  “Yea, I know that.” Jen says and laughs “Maybe you need spoiling.”

  “Maybe, I do. Maybe I do… “ Laura gives Jen a serious look. “Jen, can I ask you a question?”

  “Laura, come on. Ask me anything.”

  “Well, what do you know about dreams?”


  “Yea, you know, what they mean? Is it like something from God? Or some kinda foretelling? Are dreams important? Do they mean anything?”

  “Well, Laura. I don’t know much about them really, like how to interpret them or whatever, but I do think they're important. Why? Have you been having some intense dreams, lately?”

  “Um…Yea. Well, there’s one I remember but it seems more like a nightmare than a dream really.”

  “Oh. I hate nightmares. Scary stuff, huh?”

  “No, not really. But It got me thinking about my life, my purpose, maybe. You know the importance of leaving some kinda mark, or contributing to society, something along those lines.”

  “Well, Laura that doesn’t sound like a nightmare to me. Leaving a mark is important and so is contributing to society. If this is part of your dream then I think that’s alright. But you know what? You’re gonna be meeting with a psychologist, right? Why don't you bring up these questions there. I think that would help.”

  “Maybe, you’re right. How the hell did you get so wise, lady.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.”

  “Thanks so much for all your help and the puppy. I like him even though I know he’s gonna be a lot of work.”

  “Yea, he is a handful, huh?”

  “Can we say, hell yea! I mean his energy alone is gonna run me ragged.”

  “Oh, I did get ahold of a Vet. He’s near. Here’s his number and address. You wanna get LB ready. The traveller is in the living room and don’t let him boss you around, Laura.”

  “No way is that dog gonna get the better of me.”

  “Laura, are you feeling up to this?”

  “What do you mean, hon?

  “Well, you just had a bullet removed from your chest?”

  “Oh, that. If you guys are gonna treat me like an invalid, I’m gonna completely lose it. Let’s end this kinda talk. Ok?” Laura says giving Jen a stern look.

  “Ok. No more from me on the subject.”

  “Great. Now, get to the office. LB and I are going to be fine.”

  Jen leaves for the office.

  “Ok, it’s just me and you now, boy.”

  LB lies spread out, on the floor, exhausted from his savage eating and drinking binge.

  “Look at you. You cute little thing, you. What am I gonna do with you…Well, I know the first thing I better do is get you to the Vet.”

  Laura picks him up and gives him a kiss, takes him over to his traveling case and puts him inside.

  Laura changes and the two of them head over to the Vet.

  Look at you, Laura. You’re a damn yuppie dog owner. How the hell did this happen. I don’t even know what kind of dog he is. I hope he isn’t a breed that gets too gargantuan. Shit! What if he is. No, no don’t even think that Laura. Let’s hope the Vet knows.

  Laura and LB get to the vet’s

  “Hello, I’m here to see about getting my puppy vaccinated.”

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  “I don’t know. My friend called.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Laura. Laura Danger.”

  “Let me see.” The receptionist says as she looks through the appointment book. “ Ok. We have you here. But your appointment isn’t for another hour. You know what. Let me see if Dr. Stevens will see you sooner. Here, just fill these out for me and I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  Laura fills out the paperwork as her exhausted puppy sleeps in his traveller.

  A tall handsome Vet approaches. Laura begins to feel self conscious. She’s wearing a running outfit and she didn’t put on any make up.

  Shit! Why do I always look like this when there’s a cute guy present. You should be more prepared, Laura, like your neighbor Cindy. I mean she even takes out the trash dressed in a nice skirt and make up. Fuck! I’m beginning to think grandma phillis was right when she said a lady should always look her best. She never knows when her future husband might appear. Not that he’s my future husband, but when is the last time you had a good roll in the hay, Laura?

  "Hello, Laura Danger?”

  “Yes. Doctor.”

  “Great. Come with me.”

  If you say so, but we just met, you dirty man.


  “Here. Let me see him.”

  Laura hands the traveller to Dr. Stevens.

  “So, he needs some shots, eh?”

  “Yea, I think so, right?”

  “Sure. How old is he?”

  “Well…um…I’m not sure and I definitely don’t even know what breed of dog he is. Is that bad, Doc?” Laura says embarrassed.

  “No, most who come in here have no real knowledge about their pets unless they’re some kinda animal expert which most aren’t.”

  “Good…cause I don’t know anything, quite frankly.”

  “Ok, let’s get him out this mini prison.”

  “No, don’t say that. Should I have not put him in here?” Laura says feeling a little silly.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just my failed attempt at humor, obviously.”

  “Oh.” Laura says with a nervous laugh. “you worried me for a second.”

  “Well, perhaps I’ll leave the jokes outside the exam room… This is a perfectly reasonable method of transportation for him, but not for you or me. Oh! I did it again. Sorry.”

  “No, you’re actually making me feel less nervous. Would you believe that.”

  “In that case, a guy walks into a bar…”

  Laura interrupts with a smile on her face.

  “How about you quit while you’re ahead.”

  “Ok, but you’re missing out on a perfectly reasonable joke.”

  “Well, to be honest I really don’t have much of a sense of humor and a reasonable joke definitely wouldn’t make the grade, however, a knee slapper might. If you have one of those, I may be interested in hearing it later.” Laura says in full flirt mode.

  “Ok, then.” He
says happily.

  “So, I bet you want me to be a Vet, now?”

  “That would be helpful.”

  “Here, look at his teeth.” Dr. Stevens says as he holds LB’s mouth open. “You see these teeth. This is how we know how old he is. And being that he has teeth. He’s at least a month old. But from what I see here, I’d be willing to say he’s closer to two months. Which is the perfect age for him to get his first set of shots.”

  “Great. Let’s do it. And the breed of dog?”

  “He is definitely a golden retriever but he does look like a mixed breed. I’m just not certain which breed or breeds he could be other than a retriever but if you really want to know you can see a colleague of mine she knows how to determine how mixed he may be.”

  “No, I don’t think I need to know that much.”

  “Ok wait, here. I’ll get the Vet. Tech and we’ll give him his shots and you can be on your way.”


  “So, would you be willing to hear at least one more silly joke over drinks?” Dr. Stevens says shyly.

  “I might…”

  “Well, can I call you?”


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