Dragon Passions: Three fiery & suspenseful paranormal romances!

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Dragon Passions: Three fiery & suspenseful paranormal romances! Page 69

by Anna Lowe

Natalie raised an eyebrow.

  Hugo grinned. “Tunisia.”

  Tristan chuckled, while Liam burst out laughing. A moment later, they both covered up by coughing.

  Alaric glowered at them then turned back to Natalie. “No need to preoccupy yourself, my dear. We will find you a suitable mate.”

  Obviously, Alaric wasn’t the type to sniff out every nuance in a person’s scent. Which left Natalie in a dilemma. Should she come out and let Alaric know she was already mated?

  Nah, she decided, shooting Tristan a wink.

  “Maybe I already found one.”

  “I said, suitable.”

  Natalie stepped closer. “I will be the one to choose my own mate, do you understand? One that’s not just suitable, but the best.”

  Tristan stood a little straighter, and she could feel his inner dragon glow.

  Alaric glared, and Natalie hoped he wouldn’t stand up and shatter the confidence she’d mustered. But she was fighting for Tristan now, the way he had fought for her. So she dug deep and glared back.

  “Tristan risked his life for me — not because of orders or royal blood.” She made air quotes around the royal part. “Just because I’m me. Marcel, on the other hand, was only interested in power.”

  Alaric made a face. “If you had given him a chance…”

  Natalie shook her head, standing her ground. This was it. Alaric might be scary as hell, but she had to set things straight, once and for all.

  “No, I’m giving you one chance. You want me as your Fire Maiden? Fine. I accept — but on my own terms.”

  Alaric’s glare said, I’m the one who gives orders around here.

  She went on before he could protest. “I stay. I pick my own mate…” She glanced at Tristan in spite of herself. The second their eyes met, her heart leaped. “In my own time.”

  Never mind that she already had. Somehow, guarding that secret from Alaric made it even more special.

  “In the meantime, I commit myself to helping your cause, but in my own way. If I want to work in a soup kitchen, I will. If I find a better way to serve the city, I will do so. My life. My choices. You got that?”

  Alaric’s face was red. “Fire Maidens do not mingle with commoners. They cannot be placed in danger.”

  She jerked a thumb toward Tristan. “You’re forgetting about my bodyguard.”

  Tristan braced his legs and crossed his thick arms. He was trying to do that vacant, stare-into-the-distance thing the Queen’s guards in London did, but Natalie caught the hint of a smile playing around his lips.

  “I think our Fire Maiden has proven capable of protecting herself.” Hugo grinned.

  Natalie did too. Soon, she would be able to protect the city and protect herself, as Liviana’s daughters had in their time. She could turn into a dragon and fly away from vampires.

  Better yet, incinerate them, her inner beast rumbled.

  Smiling, she imagined a long plume of fire. Of course, she still had to learn, but Tristan had promised to walk her through every step.

  “And you never know,” Clara added, winking at Natalie. “If she happens to find herself a nice dragon to mate with — by her own free will, of course — she’ll become a dragon shifter. I’d like to see the vampire who would dare threaten her then.”

  Morfram shrank back, and Natalie hid a smile. If only they knew.

  My mate, she whispered into Tristan’s mind. Forever.

  Forever. Tristan’s eyes blazed.

  Behind him, Liam grinned, and she could picture him joking, And the sex is bloody amazing, or so I’m told.

  That, Natalie could attest to, but she bit her tongue. The idea of a vampire bite made her nauseous, but a mating bite from Tristan…

  Her body heated all over again, and she struggled not to let it show.

  But Alaric, the old curmudgeon, still frowned. “The ancient spell works best when the city is ruled by the strongest bloodlines.”

  Natalie cleared her throat and ran over the arguments she’d practiced. “Claudine d’Islay — she was one of the most powerful Fire Maidens, right? About two hundred years ago?”

  Alaric stared, and Natalie did her best not to look smug.

  “I read about her in one of your books. Her mate didn’t come from noble stock. Breselan was a knight who proved himself in battle.” She glanced at Tristan. That certainly fit. “Then there was Elizabeth Rhydderick — over in England in the seventeenth century, I think.”

  “Eighteenth,” Alaric muttered.

  Natalie nodded. “Her mate was a blacksmith, as another of your books pointed out.”

  Alaric frowned. “Your point is…?”

  Natalie kept her cool. “The spell is at its strongest — and the city most peaceful — when the Fire Maiden isn’t just in residence, but happy. Truly happy, in a way few people ever know.”

  Hugo and Clara nodded knowingly, and Natalie held her breath. Was it greedy to wish for that kind of happiness for herself?

  It’s not a wish. It’s destiny, Tristan whispered into her mind.

  Natalie resisted the urge to cuddle up to him — or better yet, to kiss him. But their kisses had a way of getting out of control, and she had a meeting to wrap up first. So she crossed her arms and faced Alaric.

  “Those are my terms. Do you accept?”

  Alaric’s face was stony, but Hugo laughed. “My friend, you have your heart’s desire. The city has a Fire Maiden again — a formidable one. What else could you wish for?”

  Alaric grimaced. “A little more willingness to comply with orders.”

  “Then you’d be wishing for a weak Maiden and a dim-witted man at her side,” Hugo pointed out. “That is not what Paris needs. Besides, a powerful Fire Maiden will allow you more time off.”

  Alaric’s eyes brightened, though he cleared his throat gruffly a moment later. “We’ll see about that.” Then his face went stony. “Let us not forget that danger remains.”

  Everyone leaned forward, and Morfram uttered, “What now?”

  The lines of Alaric’s face deepened. “Jacqueline. We don’t know where she’s gone, but we know she was in contact with the Lombardi clan. They might not have dared enter the city on their own, but they have been waiting for an opportunity to stage a coup. They will be looking for our weaknesses.”

  “So we’d better not have any,” Natalie said. “And we won’t as long as we work together.”

  Tristan shot Morfram a suspicious look, while Morfram scowled at Albiorix. Alaric frowned at everyone. But Natalie made herself meet each person’s gaze, and gradually, the suspicion gave way to determination.

  “We work together,” Morfram finally said, and everyone’s head bobbed.

  For the next few minutes, the air was thick with tension as each of the Guardians renewed their vows to protect the city. Then Alaric sighed and turned back to Natalie.

  “I suppose you’ll be moving in to the palace as soon as possible.”

  Natalie stood very still. Palace? Whoa. How much of an inheritance came with the job? “I prefer Tristan’s apartment.”

  Alaric stared. “That inadequate little place?”

  She resisted the urge to burst out laughing. “It’s more than I ever dreamed of.” Besides, it already felt like home.

  Home, her heart sighed. With Tristan.

  Alaric must have caught her blissful expression, because he heaved another theatrical sigh. “Any other demands?”

  “No more demands,” she said cheerily. “Oh, except maybe meeting with you weekly.”

  “I run this city,” Alaric growled.

  She stuck up her hands. “Believe me, I wouldn’t want it any other way. But I need to know how I can help and what I have to be aware of. Would that be all right with you?”

  Alaric pursed his lips and an agonizing minute passed. His gray eyes swept over her, taking stock in a whole new way. Finally, he gave a tiny nod and grunted, “Sundays. In the morning. Eight o’clock, sharp.”

  “Eight o’clock would be p

  Tristan groaned in her mind. Eight was sinfully early in his book — especially on a Sunday. But Natalie was sure it wouldn’t last more than a few weeks. It was just another test — an easy one that didn’t put her life at risk. Once Alaric understood she was truly committed, he would back off. Besides, she doubted he had any desire to start his Sundays early either.

  “Perfect. Thank you.” She bent into a little bow. “I guess we’ll be going now.”

  Tristan nodded immediately, and Hugo grinned. “Yes, you’d better be going. You and your…bodyguard.”

  Natalie’s blood warmed. She and Tristan had gone a whole two hours without having sex, and she was starting to feel the itch again. But, crap. Was it that obvious?

  A moment later, she decided love was nothing to be ashamed of. So she hooked her elbow through Tristan’s and smiled her goodbyes — including one for Morfram, though that one was a little forced.

  “Thank you, everyone. I mean it.” Her voice cracked when she looked at Clara. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you,” Hugo said, bowing his head.

  Alaric maintained a grumpy silence, but Natalie figured she would take what she could get. Then she turned for the door, patting Tristan’s hand. When they stepped into the sun-drenched courtyard outside, a weight fell from her shoulders.

  “We did it,” she whispered, striding away quickly.

  Tristan brushed his lips over her knuckles. “You did it.”

  “That was a team effort, and you know it. But, whew. There were moments there…” She trailed off.

  Tristan sighed. “I have to keep reminding myself Alaric means well.”

  Natalie chewed that one over. “He does. And I almost feel sorry for him, leading on his own for all that time.”

  Tristan made a face. “Almost.”

  She laughed. “Think about it. All those years without a mate…”

  Tristan’s arm slid from her back to her rear. “True. I’ve gone two hours without touching mine, and it’s already driving me crazy. It’s a miracle Alaric hasn’t gone completely mad.”

  Natalie laughed, then went somber. “Maybe he never met his mate — the way I would never have met you if I hadn’t come to Paris.”

  “We would have met. Destiny wanted us together. Even a lower-class warrior like me knows that.”

  Natalie put a finger to his scowl. “Lower-class? Don’t get me started.”


  She shook her head firmly. “Just hush.”

  “Hush? Are you ordering me around, woman?”

  “No, I just need all my concentration to get to the end of the street without kissing you.”

  Her mind was already skipping ahead to all the fun they could have at home, but the sound of someone clearing his throat made her and Tristan both turn.

  It was Liam, hurrying to catch up. He faked exasperation. “I know it’s Paris, but still. Can we please limit public displays of affection?”

  Natalie laughed. “Sorry.”

  “Not sorry,” Tristan growled.

  Liam ignored him, grinning from ear to ear. “I wish I’d had a camera to capture the look on Alaric’s face when you laid out your terms.”

  Natalie’s knees wobbled a little. “I’m just glad it’s over.”

  Liam sighed. “Apropos, being over. It’s time I said goodbye.”

  Her heart sank. Liam was a great friend and ally. It would be hard to see him go.

  Tristan thumped his back. “Right. You’ve been given your own post. Finally,” he teased.

  It ought to have been an occasion to celebrate, but a man had never looked glummer than Liam just then. “Yes. I get a whole city to protect and my very own drafty castle to spend weekends in.” He sighed. “Promise you’ll visit soon.”

  Natalie laughed. “A castle, huh?”

  Liam made a face. “It’s not as glamorous as it sounds. Suits of armor, mothballs…”

  Tristan grinned. “Duty calls. London needs you.”

  Liam nodded glumly. “Lord knows the city is a mess. I just wish it had a little more sun to bask in.” Then he brightened and clapped, dismissing the thought. “Anyway, I’m off. Wish me bon voyage and all that.”

  Natalie hugged him. “Thanks for everything. And yes, I’d love to visit.”

  He winked. “Bring a friend, will you? And I don’t just mean this guy.” He turned to Tristan, and they edged into one of those man-hugs that involved a lot of backslapping and handshaking — anything to cover up the mistiness in their eyes.

  A lump rose in Natalie’s throat. Those two had spent most of the past decade together, and the depth of their friendship showed.

  Then Tristan pushed Liam down the cobbled road. “Get going. See you in London.”

  “Ta-ta,” Liam said and turned away.

  They watched him saunter down the street and turn the corner. When he disappeared, Tristan sighed.

  “Sad to see him go, huh?” Natalie whispered.

  Tristan snorted. “That pain in the neck? No.” Then he grinned. “Well, maybe a little. But I’m glad to have you to myself.”

  She ran a hand over his chest. “That reminds me — where were we? Oh, yes. I was trying to make it to the end of the street before kissing you.”

  “You might last that long, but I won’t.” He pulled her into the shade of a huge potted plant and backed her against the wall. “Permission for a kiss, Fire Maiden?”

  She play-slapped him, then wound her arms around his shoulders. “None of that nonsense, not between us. But, yes. Kiss me. Please.”

  He leaned in slowly, and she breathed his oaky scent. A heartbeat later, his lips closed over hers, and she melted into his embrace. God, was she lucky.

  Tristan shook his head, whispering between kisses, “Not luck. Destiny.”

  She nodded. “Destiny, my mate.”


  Two weeks later…

  Natalie breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of lavender and sage. Then she shuffled from foot to foot and rubbed her arms, fighting off the night chill.

  Shift, already. Let me out, a voice grumbled in her mind.

  “You okay?” Tristan asked, hugging her from behind.

  He was as naked as she was, and for a split second, she considered heading back to bed. Then again, they’d already spent most of the afternoon making love, and now that the sun had set, it was time to fly.

  Or better put, to try to fly.

  They were at a gorgeous vineyard in the south of France. Her vineyard, as it turned out. Apparently, being a Fire Maiden meant inheriting several properties and treasure hoards. The vineyard was just the tip of the iceberg of her fortunes, so to speak. Of course, that came with great responsibility. She wouldn’t have to work a regular job for the rest of her life, but she would be fully committed to community projects. Lots of them, all the time. Her dream job, really.

  On the other hand, she had a different set of worries now. Like flying. And not just flying, but breathing fire. Part of her job as a Fire Maiden would be to help Tristan patrol Paris, and she looked forward to that too. But, man. That all seemed so far in the future. Would she ever learn?

  So far, she’d only shifted into dragon form a few times. When she had, she’d strutted around the back lawn of the sprawling farmhouse, nearly bashing pots of geraniums and an old-fashioned wine press with her tail. But she hadn’t actually flown yet, because shifting had seemed like an adequate start. However, she’d promised herself — and Tristan — that the third time would be it, which meant…

  She looked at the night sky and gulped.

  “Ready?” Tristan asked.

  Not really, no. But when he nuzzled her cheek, her resolve grew.

  “Ready,” she mumbled. Sort of.

  The moon was rising over the hills in the east, casting pale light over rows of neatly tended grapes. Crickets chirped, and leaves rustled in the cool night breeze.

  “You’re going to love it. I promise.” Tristan kissed her cheek
, then stepped away and raised his arms. “On three. One…”

  Natalie took a deep breath and mimicked Tristan, lifting her arms like wings.

  “Two…” Tristan murmured.

  Natalie tipped her head back and reached her chin skyward, feeling her neck stretch. Next, she pushed back her shoulders, closed her eyes, and—

  “Three.” Tristan’s voice grew scratchy and deep.

  Heat rushed through her body, and her skin prickled. Her blood seemed to double in volume, and a pull registered on the tips of her ears as they extended. Everything else extended, as well — her fingers, neck, and nose. A dozen scents hit her at once. Wafting lavender. The rich scent of the soil, and a pungent hint of fermentation from grapes that had fallen to the ground.

  God, you’re beautiful, Tristan’s awed voice whispered in her mind.

  She opened her eyes, about to correct him. But, wow. She really was beautiful. Her body was a dark coppery color that glinted in the moonlight, and her leathery hide was sleek yet tough at the same time. She held out her wings, admiring the delicate yet powerful curves.

  Tristan’s hide was a smooth, brownish-black, and together, they made quite the pair. Him all bulky and powerful, her leaner and more…well, feminine. Even glamorous, somehow.

  A true Fire Maiden, Tristan added with pride.

  Her tail lashed — a motion that had shocked the bejesus out of her the first time.

  You’re not looking too bad yourself.

  He grinned, making her girl parts heat and her inner dragon purr. Maybe we can practice more than flying.

  Natalie flapped her wings a little, trying to cool off. This was about flying, not mating.

  Her dragon’s head moved from side to side. First flying, then mating. Okay?

  She smiled. A girl did need the occasional reward.

  Tristan’s grin grew. Both are fun. But yes — flying first.

  He motioned, and she followed him to the top of a low mound. So, the wind is coming from…

  She stuck out a wing. That way.

  Exactly. Which means we should take off…

  She pointed. That way.

  He’d already explained the dynamics to her. Like planes, they would take off into the wind for the extra lift under their wings.


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