It Goes On

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It Goes On Page 7

by Ashley Claudy

  “Sonja didn’t corner your father like she threatened?”

  “No, not while I was there. Maybe she talked to him earlier. I don’t know. I told you what my mother told me. I could see Sonja not wanting to hurt my feelings with that information.”

  “Maybe he has changed, but shit, Kate, you don’t owe him anything. Forget your mother too and her telling you to behave around your father. You’re awesome and if he doesn’t see that and want you as a daughter then that’s his loss. You’ve always got me.”

  “Thanks. You’re the reason I have any awesomeness. I don’t know what I would do without you. So, I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

  Lexi and I rode the elevator to the roof of the building. The tips of her hair were dyed red from a photo shoot she had in the morning, but she still looked amazing. I pulled at my sundress, comparing my short legs to her long, sleek ones. She wore a green and white striped tank top as a cover up. I wore a loose swim cover up that hung off one shoulder, and I was trying hard to mimic Lexi’s confidence.

  The elevator doors opened to the roof, revealing the open pool deck. There were two pools: a lap pool and a large circular shaped pool that had beach access entrance on one side and a diving board on the other. It also had a circular hot tub attached just to the side of the diving board. Lounge chairs and umbrellas circled the pool in rows and along the far edge of the roof were cabanas. A catering company occupied the grills, and the bars were tended and stocked.

  I curled my fist, stopping myself from adjusting my dress again. There were at least a few hundred people congregating around or in the pools. Some were even dancing. As my eyes swept the area, I caught sight of Liam on the diving board. I took in his bare chest and stomach muscles as they flexed while he bounced on the board, testing the spring. There was a small crowd yelling challenges to him, to either flip or belly flop. I spotted a dark shape on his shoulder, but before I could make out his tattoo, he leaped into the air. He flipped and then pointed his body into a dive, landing with barely a splash.

  I tugged Lexi’s arm. “Wow, did you see Liam? He’s got a nice body and a tattoo.”

  She laughed. “Seriously Kate, you’re just noticing now? Didn’t you realize that last week?”

  Embarrassed, I flushed. “Well, my memories of that night are a little fuzzy.”

  I glanced back to the pool as Liam lifted himself out of the water and sat on the edge, calling to the next guy on the board. That guy belly flopped, and the girls on the edge shrieked as the water sprayed them.

  The next guy up was muscular like Liam, but leaner. He too had a tattoo on his shoulder, but when he circled his arms around to stretch, I caught sight of at least two more. Liam stood up and called for him to flip. As he looked towards Liam his eyes swept over me, and my breath caught. His bright green eyes, framed by dark eyelashes and eyebrows, were noticeable even from across the pool. He covered his broad smile and facial hair with the tips of his fingers, kissed them, and then raised them to the sky. He surprised everyone by springing off the diving board onto the bricks of the hot tub, which were raised about two feet above the pool, and completing a backflip off of them. I gasped, as others did, but he cleared the concrete and landed feet first into the pool to a resounding cheer.

  Lexi grabbed my shoulder during this performance and whispered in my ear, “who is that?”

  I couldn't pull my eyes away as he bobbed out of the water and ran his hand through his dark hair, causing it to stand in wet spikes.

  “I don’t know,” I said, dazed as his white smile caused a tingling sensation to shoot through my veins.

  ~ Carly ~

  She continued to put her all into work and keeping Connor organized and on schedule, but his frustration was increasing as the day went on.

  She feared telling him that his two o’clock meeting had called to say they would be late. She braced herself for his anger as she stepped into his office to show him the altered schedule.

  Connor waved Carly in. He stood behind his desk, talking on his phone. She placed the new schedule in front of him and then turned to leave.

  Connor grabbed her hand before she could step away, and Carly’s heartbeat sped up as she saw the glint in his eyes, a look of passion she recognized from their time in Hawaii. His eyes locked with hers as he kept a hold of her hand and sat back in his chair, finishing his conversation. “Yes, all construction needs to be done by the twelfth... Do what needs to be done... I will see you then.” He hung up and then wrapped his free arm around Carly’s waist.

  “I see I now have some free time in my schedule.” He nodded to the paper on his desk. “I’ve been thinking about this outfit of yours all day.” He pulled Carly down to sit on his lap. “Your breast in this dress, I wondered how easily they could pop out.” He tugged on the low neckline, and his eyes widened as her bosom spilled over. He lowered his head to her exposed nipples, tracing each one with his tongue.

  Carly hiked up her skirt, helping him out as his hand traveled up her bare thigh. They fucked on his desk. It was quick and rough, but still satisfying.

  The attitude Connor had at the start of the day was gone after their quickie; Carly just hoped Connor realized what an asset she was.

  Chapter Eight

  A boy makes a girl jealous of others…

  Sonja squealed and embraced me in greeting. She looked bright in yellow with strawberry blonde waves framing her face. She pressed a beige and black fedora on her head and lifted her glass up as she wiggled a little dance. “Are you girls ready to have some fun?”

  I could tell by her voice she was already a little tipsy.

  She turned to Lexi. “A certain boy has already been asking about you.”

  “Who?” Lexi scanned the crowd, and I knew she was looking for Chase. He said he’d be here today too.

  Sonja frowned. “I’m not sure. I can’t remember his name.” She glanced over the crowd and pointed to a table with several people circled around. “Him. With the blonde shaggy hair.”

  “Oh.” Lexi’s face dropped when she identified the guy who was not Chase. He looked up then and waved for her to come over. “I guess I should go say hi.”

  “I’m going to get some food. I’m starved,” I said.

  Sonja pouted. “I’ll stick to drinks. Come on Lexi, let’s go be admired by that table of boys.” She laced her arm with Lexi’s and pulled her away.

  As I waited for my burger to be built, I couldn’t help but keep the guy who back flipped into the pool in my peripheral vision. When he stepped in front of me, grabbing a burger from one of the chefs, I took a step back to avoid him bumping into me.

  “Sorry.” He turned, surprised. His eyes traveled the length of my body, and he smiled, reaching out his free hand. “I’m Ethan. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  I shook his warm hand, my heart skipping at the contact and replied, “I’m Kate.”

  The servers behind the grill handed me my burger, and I had to reach around him to retrieve it. I kept it wrapped, not wanting to eat it with him staring at me in all his zero percent body fat hotness.

  “Not to sound arrogant, but this party is for me. And I don’t believe I know you. Who are you here with?”

  The question made me uncomfortable, like a party crasher. “Liam invited me. I just moved into this building.”

  “Ah.” His smile was friendly. “Well, welcome neighbor. Liam’s my roommate. Where did you move from? I’d guess you’re not from LA.”

  “Is it that obvious?” I laughed. “And here I thought I blended in nicely. I just moved from Georgia.”

  Ethan winked. “The burger gave you away. Most girls here stick to the carbless chicken, if they eat at all.”

  I looked at my burger, slightly embarrassed, but I was hungry. I opened it and took a defiant bite. It didn’t play out as confident as I wanted since the width of the burger was too large.

  Ethan laughed and took his own bite. I watched, breathless, as he wiped away the ketchup that dripped on the corne
r of his mouth and then sucked the sauce off the pad of his thumb.

  That same tingle I felt earlier returned, and it took effort to pull my eyes away from his full lips surrounded by a dark beard that I wanted to feel against my skin.

  His lopsided grin told me he knew the effect he had on people. “Have you had a proper tour of LA yet?”

  I looked out the tall plexiglass wall surrounding the roof, blocking the wind. From one side I could see the hills, and the other side overlooked the city skyline and beyond. On a clear day, I would probably be able to see the ocean from here, but today, the typical haze that encompassed the city blocked the ocean view.

  “Somewhat, but haven’t been to the beach yet. I thought LA was all about surfing and the beach.”

  From behind, arms slipped around my waist and warm breath tickled my neck. “You want to go to the beach, baby? All you have to do is ask.” Liam placed a kiss on my neck as he turned me around for a hug.

  Over his shoulder, I spotted Taylor glaring at us as she approached. Her cleavage was high and her sarong wrap accentuated her tiny waist.

  I stepped out of Liam’s arms, embarrassed at his display of affection. It seemed overly familiar and possessive. “I didn’t realize this party was for your roommate.”

  “He’s more than my roommate, Ethan’s family. Now that he’s graduated from Cornell, he’s back for good.” Liam clasped Ethan on the shoulder. “This is the new girl I was telling you about, Kate.” Liam’s arms circled my waist again.

  I shifted my eyes down, avoiding anyone’s stare. The attention Liam was bestowing and the knowledge that he’d talked to his friend about me made me uneasy.

  “Ethan, what have you done to your hair?” Taylor slinked her arms around him in a hug, and then she slid one arm up to run her fingers through his hair and down his cheek. She turned towards Liam and me with a forced smile.

  Ethan smiled down at Taylor. “I let my hair grow during finals. I’m probably going to cut it soon.”

  “Don’t. It looks good.” She slid her free arm to his bare chest and patted. “I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re back.” The way her eyes darted to Liam made her intentions of jealousy obvious.

  Liam spoke, gaining Ethan and Taylor’s attention, “Want to hit the beach tomorrow? We could go to Santa Monica pier for the day. What do you think?” He brushed the hair from my neck with the tips of his fingers.

  “I’ll go,” Ethan answered.

  Liam looked towards Taylor, “What do you say Taylor? Go to the beach with us?”

  “Of course I’ll go.” She gave Liam that fake smile again.

  The tension between Liam and Taylor was obvious. His little gestures and touches towards me felt like digs to her. Just as her touches of Ethan seemed directed at him. I wanted out of this strange game, and I suddenly dreaded spending the day with just the four of us. “Do you mind if I invite Sonja, Chelsea, and Lexi?”

  “I’ll invite some of the guys,” Ethan replied

  I took this opportunity to excuse myself under the pretense of inviting the girls.

  Chelsea found me first. She’d witnessed the exchange between the four of us and immediately questioned me.

  “What was all that about?” She seemed almost giddy.

  “I’m not really sure. They want to go to Santa Monica tomorrow. Will you go with me?”

  She beamed. “I wouldn’t miss that for anything.”

  I spotted Lexi talking to Chase across the pool and decided to leave them be for the moment, so I found Sonja next. She agreed to go to the beach but was concerned about the situation between Liam and Taylor after Chelsea explained what she saw.

  “Kate, maybe you should stay away from Liam. He has this strange thing with Taylor. They always play these mind games with each other. But in the end, they always get back together.”

  “Nonsense, don’t listen to her. Yes, Taylor is always playing games with Liam. But Taylor needs to see that Liam can move on. I’m not saying fall in love, because then you will get hurt, but if you’re strong enough, this could be fun. Besides, it’s not like you and Taylor were ever going to be friends anyways,” Chelsea said.

  I was confused. “I thought you were friends with Taylor?”

  “I am. And that’s why I know she wouldn’t be your friend. She doesn’t make girlfriends now unless they can help her somehow. She’s my friend simply because we grew up together and my family connections.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to get in the middle of anything. I wanted to make friends.”

  “And you will. We’ll have fun tomorrow and stay out of boy drama.” Sonja’s optimism returned.

  “Easy for you to say. Your boyfriend is out of town,” Chelsea said.

  My interest was piqued. I hadn’t heard Sonja speak of a boyfriend before. “How long have you been with your boyfriend?”

  “Almost two years. He goes to Harvard, but he’s on vacation with his family right now. He’ll be back next week, and then he’s going to Italy with me next month.”

  “What about you, Chelsea, any boyfriends?”

  “I have a couple of guys for the moment, but they’re older and not part of this scene. I prefer it that way.”

  Sonja suddenly stood up. “Enough talk. Kate, you don’t have to worry about driving. it’s time to get drunk with us.”

  I laughed and let her drag me to the bar. We started with a round of shots and then ordered a Vodka and cranberry to sip on. We sat under a cabana, and soon a small group joined us.

  When my drink was low, Liam surprised me by handing me a new drink. He’d been by the pool area with Ethan before. I’d watched Taylor flit between the two of them, laughing and caressing each of them.

  “Thank you,” I said as I grabbed the offered drink from his hand.

  “Are you jealous?” I could tell by his voice he was at least buzzed.

  I shook my head, meeting his eyes. “I didn’t think I had a right to be jealous.”

  His smile was crooked, and he whispered in my ear, “I was jealous when I saw you laughing with Ethan. So yeah, you could be jealous that a girl was touching me.”

  I laughed and sat back.

  “I’m serious.” He wrapped an arm around my waist. “I’ve decided I don’t want another person touching you.”

  I pushed my hand flat on his chest to keep him at a safe distance. Since he was shirtless, the touch was more intimate than I had intended. I was sure we were drawing attention from those around us, and it made me anxious.

  “I think we need to have this conversation later. Privately.” His eyes widened in excitement, so I added, “When you’re sober.”

  He sat back. “Fair enough. But don’t leave with any of these guys.” He narrowed his eyes around the group under the cabana. I caught Chelsea staring, and so did Liam. He winked in her direction. “Keep an eye on her for me, okay?” he said to Chelsea and then placed a kiss on my neck before he stood and walked back to Ethan who’d been eyeing our exchange.

  I watched them laugh about something and then, reluctantly, I turned back into the circle of people whose eyes were on me. I wanted to disappear.

  Chelsea laughed. “Oh, tomorrow is going to be so much fun.”

  I wasn’t convinced, and neither was Sonja. “So much for no guy drama.” She shook her head apologetically and then leaned it on my shoulder. “It will be all right though. New plan, avoid Taylor, or if all else fails, we’ll get drunk.”

  I held up my drink. “I’ll start now.”

  Liam stayed away until the sun began to set and guest began to leave. He cornered me when I was returning from the bathroom. His shirt was on now which was both a blessing and a shame. His chest and abs were beautifully defined, but a major distraction.

  “What are your plans tonight?” He asked after greeting me with his trademark kiss on my neck.

  “I’m probably going to bed. It’s been a long day in the sun, and we’re going to the beach tomorrow.”

  “We’ve arranged fo
r two cars to drive us all, so no one has to drive. They’ll pick us up at one.” He nodded and gripped my hips with both hands. “Now, back to tonight. Don’t go yet. A couple of us are going out. Come with us.” The smell of alcohol on him was smothering.

  “That’s okay. You go have fun. I’ll see you in the morning.” I tried for a reassuring smile.

  He accepted my refusal with a brief kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  My eyes followed him till he reached Taylor, who leaned into him. I heard her trill, “I have to go get ready. I’ll call when I’m done.”

  Taylor and Chelsea left moments later. I assumed to get ready for their night out.

  Lexi emerged at my side and laced her arm through mine. “Chase had to leave. He’s got basketball camp this weekend and has to be there early tomorrow.”

  “For school?” I asked, happy for the distraction.

  “No, he plays for UCLA too, but this is for kids. Isn’t that amazing? He is Amazing.”

  I leaned back and stared at her. “You’ve really got it bad, don’t you?”

  “So?” She looked offended. “I saw you watching Taylor and Liam, and damn if you weren’t jealous.”

  I shook my head, embarrassed at being caught. “I was just confused. This whole situation is confusing.”

  “Yeah, feelings are fucking confusing.”

  I shook my head “Can we just go and watch trashy reality TV? I need to see other people’s issues for a while.”

  She was already removing her shoes as she walked to the elevator. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Lunch was civil enough. There were no uncomfortable displays of affection, but the food and alcohol served seemed to energize the group, and I had a distinct feeling the politeness would soon end.

  There were ten of us altogether. We’d ridden in the cars, actually limousines, based on location. Sonja, Chelsea, Sydney, Brody, and Shane rode in one car and Liam, Ethan, Lexi, Taylor, and I rode in another. After lunch, I thought of switching cars but didn’t want to cause an issue over the short drive to the beach.


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