Bad Boys Teaser: A Sizzling Bad Boys Anthology

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Bad Boys Teaser: A Sizzling Bad Boys Anthology Page 110

by Warren, Rie

  Fire surged through my veins, and I snapped.

  All bets were off.

  “Dark corner. Now,” I gnashed out.

  “Or our bedroom?” She shimmied against me with a coy smile a flutter of eyelashes.

  “Bedroom. Now.” I tugged her through the courtyard, all the revelers whistling and parting a path for us.

  Good fucking thing too, because I wasn’t above steamrolling over anyone in my way.

  When we didn’t make fast enough tracks, I swung Mercy into my arms.

  “In a hurry?” Her fingers traced shivery lines along the cords of my throat.

  “Don’t distract me.” I shoved into Thunder Road, grunting when her mouth took the same trail as her fingertips. “Damn, cher.”

  Her laugh sent a hot spike of need all the way to my dick, and my heart hammered in my chest.

  With the bar crowd spilling out to the courtyard, the entire first floor was standing room only, and that included the crowd milling around the back hallway.

  Luckily none of the drunk schmucks seemed to have ventured upstairs to the living quarters. Maybe that had something to do with Sol sitting right there at the landing with my shotgun cradled on his lap.

  “À demain.” He nodded. “Sol g’on be keepin’ this riffraff where dey belong.”

  Hopping past him, I advised, “You might wanna cover your ears.”

  Because I was gonna have Mercy screaming within the next few minutes.

  And I didn’t plan on stopping all . . . damn . . . night.

  I slammed into our room. I banged the door closed. I locked the fucking thing then cornered Mercy against a wall.

  Her nipples peaked beneath her dress, and I needed the buds in my mouth ASAP.

  Tucking my fingers beneath the straps, I lowered them off her shoulders.

  She stood still, looking at me with hooded eyes as breath shuddered and bounced her breasts.

  Tilting my head, I located the zipper at the side. My lips fell to her neck where I nibbled as I pulled down the tab and loosened her sundress.

  The floaty fabric slid down beneath my palms, palms I ran from the sides of her tits to the indent of her waist to the swell of her hips. The dress a forgotten puddle on the floor, I drew the backs of my fingers up her trembling belly, between her breasts, to her collarbone I lightly etched.

  I took her mouth in mine, mastering her to my tongue I swept all around. Her arms hitched around my shoulders, her back pressed against the wall. When I tore away, she panted, all hazy-eyed.

  “Have I told you how much I love the new ink?” My voice dropped several throaty levels.

  “Yes.” Mercy whimpered when I licked across the new constellation of tats, stopping only to bite into the juncture of her neck.

  “And your tits.” Roughly palming both orbs, I thumbed across her swollen nipples.

  “Uhnnn.” She gasped when I brought her tits together, licking a route around one nub then the other.

  I couldn’t stop there though. Staring into her cinnamon-brown eyes, I gave a hard smile before drawing a nipple into my mouth. I sucked, lapped, bit. My hands dropping to her ass, I yanked her higher. Her breasts presented to my lips, I licked into her cleavage before latching onto the neglected pink gem.

  Her head thrashed against the wall, and she writhed in my arms.

  I popped her nipple from my hungering mouth, looking at both glistening breasts.

  Dropping to my knees at her feet, I ran my hands from her ankles to her shapely calves to her coltish thighs.

  I smelled her. I smelled her even through the panties covering her most precious, most sexy pussy.

  “Your cunt.” My nose nudged against the swollen bump of her clit.

  “Oh god, Angel.” Mercy moaned when I licked up the center of slick material.

  Her taste exploded on my tongue.

  “I want you to scream for me.” I took the two sides of her panties and ripped them clean off her body, baring her to my sight.

  Baring her to my mouth.

  I growled as the scent of her feminine flesh wafted to me. Wetness glimmered on her smooth cunt lips. The small strip of honey-gold hair above shined.

  I lapped across her downy curls, the tip of my tongue just brushing the jewel of her clit on each path.

  “Please,” she begged, hips thrust out.

  Lifting one of her legs to my shoulder, I sampled her ruby red pussy delicately. I outlined her labia before dipping into the deep well of her wet heat.

  She swelled beneath my tongue, her slippery juice urging me on.

  I growled against her, mashing my mouth to her with a thumb toying at her hooded clit.

  Her toes curled, pointing into my back, and one of her hands slammed against the wall.

  Mercy goddamn screamed.

  She creamed into my mouth, and I lapped up every trickle of girl cum I could get.

  Then I surged to my feet, one hand steadying her.

  I whipped off my shirt while she tackled my jeans.

  Her fingers brushed against my cock, my buckle clanging open.

  I placed her hands back on the wall, right above her head. “Don’t. Move.”

  “Hurry, Angel.” Puffing hot breaths, she arched, all flushed and sexy and ready.

  “Who’s impatient now?”

  “Don’t you tease me.” Fiery and fierce, Mercy’s need to get to my cock made my balls ache to unload inside her.

  Jeans yanked to my thighs, I bent to unlace my boots. The damn strings knotted and tangled all together.

  “Goddamn fucking bastard things!” I cursed, tugging at the stubborn laces.

  Her breathless laughter filled the room as I wrenched the goddamn boots off and chucked them clear across the room. I could’ve just fucked her with my pants down and my cock out, but I needed naked skin on naked skin.

  Jeans finally shucked off, I barged up against her. All her pretty curves and soft flesh completely shredded any last remnant of my control.

  Then she stroked my formidable erection and demanded, “Fuck me.”

  Like I said, what my woman wanted she got.

  With a hand grasping my base, I bent my knees to get the right angle and pistoned into her sleek heat with a jarring thrust.

  My first hard intrusion took her clean off her feet, and knocked the breath clear out of my lungs.

  Head hanging back, eyes crushed closed, I roared, reveling in the bare intimacy of her luscious cunt snugged all around my buried cock.

  “Ohhh. I can feel you!”

  I halted mid stroke. “You didn’t feel me before?”

  She laughed softly, which made her squeeze around my half-hilted shaft.

  “I meant . . . with no”—she mewled when I withdrew until her stretched pussy lips clung to my flared glans— “no condom. It’s better. You feel so good.”

  Hands roaming down my back, she dragged her fingernails into my flexed ass.

  “I need to get deeper.” I growled, cupping her rear end in my palms.

  Lifting her so her tits swayed right in front of my face, I held her poised as her thighs hooked around my waist.

  I took a moment to lathe my tongue across one upturned pink bud then the other.

  Then I dropped her down onto my rigid shaft, rocking up into her at the same time.

  She howled.

  I groaned.

  Her heat and wetness multiplied.

  Banging her back against the wall, I rode her up and down the whole length of my cock.

  Drawing her hair around one fist, I attacked her neck with teeth and lips.

  Hands gripping my shoulders, she cried out with each furious lunge of my hard flesh into her velvet sex.

  As her juices spilled down her thighs, she began writhing. “Yes. Yes! I’m comi—”

  I railed the rest of her words right out of existence.

  She came, her inner tissue working like squeezing waves all over my dick, and her body arched into a delicious glistening bow.

  Pumping int
o her with short fast strokes, I bellowed. One last long thrust, and I hilted all the way inside her. My balls constricted. My cock swelled more. Cum jetted out in powerful ropes, and I held Mercy sealed tight against my groin as I drenched her pussy in my seed. The barrage endless, I lunged several more times, planting my cock as deeply as possible.

  Finally stilling, I leaned against her as I held her propped up in my arms. I probably squashed her a little bit, but she didn’t complain.

  Her hands coasted soothingly up and down the muscles slowly relaxing in my back.

  My lips moved from her temple to the corner of her mouth. “Mon Dieu. I love you.”

  Labored breathing lifted her tits against me, and a small giggle escaped her. She kept her face pressed against my chest until I pulled back just enough to frown at her.

  “I find it unnerving that you’re laughing right after I nearly fucked you through the wall.”

  “Because you said you love me right after you filled me with so much cum.” A half smile tipped her lips.

  “If that’s not an appropriate time, I don’t know when is.”

  Her hands caressing both sides of my face, she kissed me with deepening heat. “You certainly have a way with words.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment then.”

  “You do that.”

  I also took it as a compliment that, as I carried her to the bed with her still lodged on my cock, she gasped with every step I took. My dick hadn’t really softened, and moving provided just enough friction to get me going again.

  Not to mention her pussy kept pulsing and fluttering around my buried pole.

  Logistically I couldn’t stay in her all night—or could I?—and I pulled out very slowly once I’d settled her on her back. My cum leaked out from her flushed sex in white streams, and she blushed as I stared. I could’ve been a gentleman and cleaned her up, but the primal part of me loved the sight.

  I fell next to her and pulled her into a wonderful heap of arms and legs and her breasts cushioned against my chest.

  “Aren’t you gonna say it back?” I nudged her.

  “Say what back?”

  I shoved up to an elbow. “You know what.”

  She slanted a saucy look at me. “Well, isn’t it obvious after I came all over your cock?”

  “Say it,” I growled out the order.

  “Ah love you, Angel.” Smiling softly and sighing sweetly, she looped her arms around my neck.

  I went with the motion as she guided my mouth to hers. Our tongues circled in a teasing dance before the unquenched fire of lust had us making out hotly and rolling across the bed.

  Her hair flittered to my face when she rose on top of me.

  My rigid shaft nestled against her slick pussy when I flipped her back over.

  I pressed a line of kisses from the delicate wings of her collarbone to the very tip of her chin. “I think next time we fuck I want you bent over that table on the balcony.”

  The thought of her outside, under the stars, almost in public made my cock pulse with another injection of blood.

  “I would never!” She pushed me up by my shoulders, a tantalizing blush staining her cheeks.

  “My lady of Mercy doth protest too much.” I snuck down to kiss her again.

  Then I murmured against her ear, “You’re the one who attacked me in a public park just so you could have your wicked way with me.”

  “That was different.” With her head turned aside, she sniffed in a haughty manner.

  But it only took me a few seconds to cajole another smile and a sigh and a kiss from her.

  We’d come full fucked up circle from danger and terror. From the edge of death to new life. Now there’d only be love.

  And a hell of a lot of lust.

  “Mmm.” Her hips lifted up to me when I thrust achingly slowly inside of her. “My Angel.”

  My fantôme. My gamine.

  My mercy.

  Want more from these big, bad New Orleans bikers?

  You’re in luck because Blood Legion MC is complete.

  Cry Mercy

  Save Grace

  No Saint

  Get Revenge

  Thanks so much for checking allll my Bad Boys out. Please leave reviews where possible for the books. Reviews are pure gold for us self-published authors!

  Read all of Rie’s Books

  Blood Legion MC

  Cry Mercy, Book One

  Save Grace, Book Two

  No Saint, Book Three

  Get Revenge, Book Four

  Mistaken Identities

  Why HIM?, Book One

  Why HER?, Book Two

  Intergalactic Lurve

  Taming the Alien King, Book One

  Taming the Alien Prince, Book Two

  Taming the Alien Warriors, Book Three

  Carolina Bad Boys—the original Bad Boys

  Complete series

  Stone, Book One

  Ride, the novella from within Stone, Book 1.5

  Love, Book Two

  Steele, Book Three

  Chrome, Book Four

  Rush, Book Five

  Tail, Book Six

  Carolina Bad Boys for Life, Book Seven

  Bad Boys of Retribution MC

  Complete series—Carolina Bad Boys spinoff

  Hunter, Book One

  Kinkaid, Book Two

  Bo, Book Three

  Coletrane, Book Four

  Bad Boys of X-Ops


  Walker, Book One

  Justice, Book Two

  Storm, Book Three

  Bane, Book Four

  Bad Boy Ballers

  Complete Sports Romance Series

  Million Baller Baby, Book One

  Free Baller, Book Two

  Baller Made, Book Three

  Standalone BOXER book

  In the Ring

  Lowcountry Heat

  Sugar Daddy, Book One

  Don’t Tell Series

  Complete series

  In His Command, Book One

  On Her Watch, Book Two

  Under His Guard, Book Three

  In His Sights, novella, Standalone


  Jingle Bell Rock, Free download

  Heart Beats, Download for free

  In His Heart, Free download

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  Street Team of Awesome

  About Rie

  Badass, sassafras Rie Warren is an OG Amazon All Star author of Bad Boy books and MC romance. She delivers five star sex, suspense, and the best banter around. Her stories are one hundred percent original, do not contain fluffy plots or virgin brides, and wring every last emotion from readers to leave them with a satisfied smile. Rie’s tough alpha males are never brought to heel, but are instead healed by the feisty femme fatale of their perfect match.

  She grew up in Maine, went to college in Iowa (Iowa, what?), lived in Scotland, and married in Englishman. In true roundabout fashion, they came back to the States, settled in South Carolina’s lowcountry, putting down southern roots and pursuing their arty endeavors. Tale spinner and character diviner, Rie is a lover of sleep, wine, and rude memes often involving either Disney characters or Winnie the Pooh. She is raising two teen daughters along with an entire brain full of unruly characters.

  Rough-talking alpha men? Rie has that on tap.

  Stubborn sassy heroines? You bet.

  Smoldering sex scenes that’ll set your Kindle on fire? Check, check, check.

  Keep a fan handy, you’ll need it.

  Follow the signup link below to her romance newsletter for sneak peeks, new releases, first looks, and her quirky sense of humor.

  And, as always, happy sexy reading to you!




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