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Air Service Boys Over The Rhine; Or, Fighting Above The Clouds

Page 18

by E. J. Craine



  For some little time the picked squadron that was intrusted with thedifficult and dangerous task of locating the big German gun flew overthe French lines. Below them Tom and Jack could make out various Frenchcamps, the front and supporting lines of trenches, and various othermilitary works. They could see a brisk artillery duel going on at onepoint. They noted the puffs of smoke, but of course could not hear theexplosions, as their own motors were making too much noise.

  Tom and Jack kept within sight of one another, and also within view oftheir comrades. Each plane was marked with a big number so it could bedistinguished, for the aviators themselves were so wrapped infleece-lined clothes, so attired in gauntlets, goggles and fur boots, asprotection against the terrible cold of the upper regions, that one'sclosest friend would not recognize him at a near view.

  It was the object of this first scouting expedition to make apreliminary observation over as wide a range of the enemy's country aspossible. While it was hoped that the location of the big gun might bespied out, it was almost too much to expect to pick out the spot at thefirst trial. The Germans were keen and wary, and undoubtedly they wouldhave laid their plans well.

  "Well, I don't see any of 'em coming out to dispute our passage,"thought Tom, as he looked at his controls and noted by his height gagethat he was now up about two miles. "There isn't a Boche plane insight."

  And the same thing was observed by Jack and the other fliers. TheGermans seemed to be keeping down, or else were higher up, or perhapshidden by some cloud bank.

  That was another hazard of the air. Going into a cloud, or above itmight mean, on coming out, that one would find himself in the midst ofenemies.

  It is a life full of dangers and surprises. It is this which makes it soappealing to the young and brave.

  On and on flew the Allied planes, and the eager eyes of the pilots werealternately directed toward the earth and then ahead of them, and upwardto discern the first sight of a Hun machine, if such should venture out.

  The fliers were now well over the German lines, and the batteries frombelow began firing at them. This was to be expected, and Tom, Jack andthe others had gotten used to the bursts of shrapnel all around them.They could see the puffs of smoke where the shells burst, but they couldhear no sounds.

  "The 'Archies' are busy this morning," thought Jack, as he noted thefiring from below, and using the French slang word for the Germananti-aircraft guns.

  He took a quick glance toward Tom's machine to make sure his chum, sofar, was all right. Assured on this point Jack looked to his own craft.

  "Well," he mused, "at this point the 'flaming onions' can't get us, butthey may pot us as we go down, as we'll have to if we want to get a goodview of the ground where the big gun may be hidden."

  The "flaming onions," referred to by Jack, were rockets shot from aground mortar. They have a range of about a mile, and when a series ofthem are shot upward in the direction of a hostile plane it is no easymatter for the aviator to pass through this "barrage." Once a "flamingonion" touches an aeroplane the craft is set on fire, and then, unless amiracle happens, the aviator falls to his death.

  The German gunners, however, could not use these to advantage while theFrench planes kept so high up, though the shrapnel was a menace, forthe Hun guns shot far and with excellent aim. A number of the scoutmachines were hit, Tom's receiving three bullets through the wings,while Jack's engine was nicked once or twice, though with no seriousdamage.

  But as for the German planes they declined the combat that was offeredthem. Probably they had different plans in view. It soon became evidentto Tom, Jack and the others that to fly at that height meant discoveringnothing down below. The distance was too great. The big gun might behidden almost anywhere below them, but until it was fired, disclosingits presence by an unusual volume of smoke, it would not be discovered.Also its fire might be camouflaged by a salvo from a protecting battery.

  "It's about time he did that," said Tom to himself at last, as henoticed Cerfe, who was the leader of the air squadron, dip his plane ina certain way, which was the signal for going down. "We've got to getlower if we want to see anything," the young aviator went on. "Thoughthey may pot some of us."

  Down they went, flying comparatively low but at great speed in order tooffer less of a target to the gunners below them. And, followinginstructions, each pilot noted carefully the section of the Germantrenches beneath him, and the area back of them. They were seeking thebig gun.

  But, though they looked carefully, it could not be seen, and finallywhen one of the French machines was badly hit, and the pilot wounded, sothat he had to turn back toward his own lines, Cerfe gave the signal forthe return.

  In all this time not a Hun plane had come out to give battle. What thereason for this was could only be guessed at. It may have been that noneof the German machines was available, or that skillful pilots, capableof sustaining a fight with the veterans of the French, were not on handjust then. However that may have been, Tom, Jack and the others, afterfiring a few rounds from their machine guns at the trenches, thoughwithout hope of doing much damage, turned back toward Camp Lincoln.

  "Well, then you did not discover anything?" asked Major de Trouville,who had been transferred and given the command at Camp Lincoln.

  "Nothing," answered Jack.

  "If it's in the section we covered, it is well hidden," added Tom.

  "And I think, don't you know," went on the Englishman, Haught, "that theonly way we'll be able to hit on the bally mortar is to fly low and takephotographs."

  "That's my idea," said the major. "If we take a series of photographswe can develop them, enlarge them, if necessary, and examine them at ourleisure. I had thought of this, but it's a slow plan, and itmeans--casualties. But I suppose that can't be avoided. But I wanted totry the scouting machines first.

  "After all, the taking of photographs from the air of the enemy trenchesand the land behind them is a most valuable method of gettinginformation," he continued.

  Men, specially trained for such observation work, examine thephotographs after the aviators return with the films, and they can tell,by signs that an ordinary person would pass over, whether there is a newbattery camouflaged in the vicinity, whether preparations are under wayfor receiving a large number of troops, or whether a general advance iscontemplated. Then measures to oppose this can be started. So, Major deTrouville was right, photography forms a valuable part of the newwarfare.

  The photographing of the enemy positions is done in big, heavy machines,carrying two men. They must fly comparatively low, and have not muchspeed, though they are armed, and it takes considerable of an attack tobring them down. But of course the pilot and his observer are in danger,and, to protect them as much as possible, scout planes--the single-seatNieuports--are sent out in squadrons to hover about and give battle tothe German aircraft that come out to drive off the photographers.

  "We'll undertake that," proceeded Major de Trouville. "I'll order thebig machine to get ready for an attempt to-morrow at locating the gun."

  "Is it still shooting?" asked Jack.

  "Yes, it has just been bombarding Paris; but I have no reports yet as tothe damage done."

  "Aren't we doing anything at all?" asked Tom.

  "Oh, yes, our batteries are keeping up a fire on the German lines alongthe front behind which we think the gun is concealed, but what theresults are yet, we don't know."

  "Well, let's hope for clear weather to-morrow," suggested Boughton.

  The intervening time was occupied by the aviators in getting everythingin readiness. The machines were inspected, the automatic guns gone over,and nothing left undone that could be thought of to give success.

  The next day dawned clear and bright, and, as soon as it was lightenough to make successful photographs, the big machine set out, whilehovering above and to either side of it were several Nieuports. Tom andJack were each occupying one of these, ready to give battle to the Hu
nsabove or below the clouds.

  In order to distract the attention of the Germans as much as possiblefrom the direct front where the airships were to cross the lines, aviolent artillery fire was maintained on either flank. To this theGermans replied, perhaps thinking an engagement was pending. And so,amid the roar of big guns, the flying squadron got off.

  "Now we'll see what luck we'll have," mused Tom, as he drove his machineforward, being one of the large aerial "V" that had for its angle theponderous photographing bi-motored machine.

  Over the German lines they flew, and then the Germans awoke to thenecessity of ignoring the fire on their flanks and began shooting at theairships over their heads.

  "This ought to bring out their pilots if they have any sporting blood,"thought Jack.

  And it did. The French and their allies were no more than well overGerman-occupied territory, before a whole German air fleet swarmed upand advanced to give battle. They flew high, intending to get abovetheir enemies, and so in the most favorable fighting position. But Tom,Jack and the others saw this, and also began to elevate their planes.

  "We certainly are going up!" mused Tom, as he noted the needle of hisheight gage showing an altitude of twelve thousand feet. "When are theygoing to stop? We're high above the clouds now."

  That was true as regarded himself, Jack, and two other French planes.But still the Germans climbed. Doubtless some of them were engaging thebig machine which was low down, trying to take photographs, but Cerfeand Boughton were guarding that.

  "Here comes one at me, anyhow!" thought Tom, as he saw a Hun machineheaded for him.

  "Well, the sooner it's over the better. Here goes!" and he pressed therelease of his automatic gun, meanwhile heading his craft full at theGerman to direct the fire, for that is how the guns are aimed in aNieuport, the gun being stationary.

  And so began the battle above the clouds.


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