Amelia and the Secret of Stoney Manor (Amelia Series Book 1)

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Amelia and the Secret of Stoney Manor (Amelia Series Book 1) Page 21

by Michelle Bradshaw

  “No, Matthew. That’s my mom,” I yelled, not sure if he did that to hurt or help me. He shook his head as he pointed down the hallway grabbing my arm, dragging me toward the Darkness. I turned to look at my mother as she was picking herself off the floor as she brought her hands in front of her. “No!” I pleaded. “I love him! He doesn’t know what he is doing.”

  “It is the only way, Amelia!” she countered.

  “Stop, Diana!” sounded the voice of my grandmother as she streaked down the steps as fast as she could. Cassius charged at her, but she quickly blasted him with a bolt of light as he landed against the wall. It seemed to only stun him, and he ran towards her again. She jumped out of the way as he hit the steps. Suddenly, everything began to shake as if it was a large earthquake happening. “On no! The portal has been compromised!” she announced. “Run!”

  I subconsciously grabbed Matthew’s hand as everyone, including Cassius, ran to avoid the cave in. “Great. We are stuck here now,” I grumbled as the cave-in stopped and we came to a halt, except for Cassius who continued to run down the hallway.

  “Oh ye of little faith,” smirked my mother as she glanced at my grandmother.

  “Where is it located Diana?” she probed.

  “Just past the throne room,” replied my mother.

  “How do you suppose we get past him though?” she asked.

  “Leave that to me,” answered Grandmother.

  “Mother, no!” remarked Diana.

  “It is my duty to protect my girls,” she proclaimed, looking lovingly at us both.

  “What is going on?” I questioned.

  “Your grandmother is going to sacrifice herself so we can escape.”

  “No! I won’t let you,” I exclaimed, tears beginning to stream down my face as I jerked away from Matthew and ran to Grandmother.

  “This is the way it has to be, my darling,” she assured me as she pulled me close to her and began to stroke the back of my head.

  “No, either we all go or none of us,” I insisted, burying my face in her chest as my tears stained her dress.

  She kissed the top of my head before taking my chin in her hand, lifting it so I was facing her. “Never forget I love you, Amelia,” she said smiling as I shook my head back and forth, begging her not to do this. She hugged me and my mother one last time before running ahead of us.

  “No!” I screamed as the magic fired ahead of us could be heard. My mother grabbed me before I could run after her.

  “Ouch, you witch!” shouted the Darkness as suddenly Matthew regained what I can only describe as consciousness, and his eyes returned to normal.

  “Where am I?” he asked. “Amelia. Are you all right?” he asked looking at me crying.

  “What is going on? Who is that woman?” he added, pointing to my mother.

  “We’ll explain later. Luna, let’s go!” hollered mother as Luna shot in front of us to scope the perimeter.

  “She’s got him facing her in a corner of the room,” Luna informed as the sound of debris falling could be heard.

  “That was my throne!” roared the Darkness as more magical sounds echoed off the walls.

  “It’s now or never,” said mother, grabbing Matthew and me both.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” snapped Matthew in protest.

  “Run or die, boy! Your choice!” Matthew looked shocked, but spoke nothing else and began to follow my mother.

  As we left the hallway and began to run past the ruins of what was once the throne room, Grandmother mouthed, “I love you, Amelia,” and I almost lost it again.

  “It’s just up this way,” instructed my mother as we ran past what was once a door. My mother waved her hand as steps began to appear and form in place.

  “Let’s go,” ordered Luna, running ahead with Matthew following and then my mother.

  “Not without Grandmother!” I demanded, turning back and running to the throne room.

  “Amelia!” the three exclaimed in unison.

  As I entered the throne room, Grandmother saw me. “Amelia, get out of here!” she shrieked. As the Darkness took down his hood and was turning to look at me, Grandmother proclaimed, “Hey, Theodoric! If you want me, you can have me!” she said raising her hands to each side and closing her eyes.

  It was like everything went as quiet as a silent movie and moved in slow motion as the Darkness quickly turned and shot a deadly green bolt of light out of his hand, hitting my grandmother as she vanished. No words would come out of my mouth. I tried to run for her as the Darkness jumped up and down, silently cheering and pointing at the place that she once stood. My mother and Matthew raced in through the doorway and grabbed my arms, almost dragging me as I bucked and kicked and tried to get to where my grandmother had been. I shook my head as I tried to scream, but still no words came out as they dragged me up the steps and out of the portal. We came out on a snowy mountain, overlooking the city.

  “You couldn’t save her, Amelia,” affirmed my mother as I jerked away from them both, trying to go back to the portal, but Matthew stopped me.

  “Yes, I could have, and now she’s dead,” I cried.

  “What?!” they both said in horror.

  “I saw it. He blew her up. He killed her. I could have saved her,” I explained, falling to the ground, crying.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” urged Matthew, trying to console me.

  “No!” I retorted, shaking away from him, getting off the ground. “I’m going to go back down and show him what pain feels like,” I snapped as I raced toward the portal entrance.

  “Matthew, get her!” commanded Mother as he lunged for me, grabbing me in a bear hug. “This is for your own good, Amelia. Sueño!” she uttered, touching me as a warm tingling sensation ran from her fingertips into my body and all went black.




  A few hours later, I woke up in my bedroom with Luna beside me. “Where am I?” I said blinking.

  “She’s awake,” announced Luna.

  “You’re in your room, Amelia,” she said as my mother and Matthew came rushing in the door.

  “How do you feel?” they asked in unison.

  “Like I’ve been run over by a truck,” I replied, placing my hand to my forehead and closing my eyes.

  “Sorry about that. I guess I laid the sleeping spell on a little thick,” confessed my mother as she stood at the end of the bed near Matthew.

  “Huh? Sleeping spell?” I repeated sitting up slowly.

  “Yes, Amelia. I had to charm you to sleep because you were trying to run back to the portal.” Thoughts of what had happened began to flood my mind as a deep sadness for the loss of my grandmother filled my heart. I pushed all the thoughts away for now, so I could mourn in private later.

  “Hey Matthew, I’m sorry if I hurt you … Wait … Oh no … What do you know?”

  “Calm down,” he said smiling. “I know everything now. Your mother and I talked.”

  “And you’re okay with everything?” I asked putting emphasis on the word everything.

  “Of course I am,” he assured me walking around the side of my bed. “I love you for you, Amelia,” he said, looking me in the eyes as he picked up my hand and kissed it gently.

  “Let’s all let Amelia get some more rest. We all need to go to bed. Matthew, you can sleep downstairs on the couch,” said my mother.

  “Wait a minute!” shouted Luna vaulting off the bed and looking out the window to see the sun rising.

  “What is it Luna?” my mother asked.

  Luna slowly turned and looked her in the eyes. “Did you seal the portal before we left?”

  We all stood in horror looking at each other as it began to sink in that the world we once knew was no longer safe anymore.

  As the sun began to rise on the snow covered mountain where the portal lay, the Darkness and a dark haired stranger stepped out of it and walked to the edge to look at the city.

sius failed me,” proclaimed the Darkness turning to the dark haired stranger. “Now, it’s your turn.”

  About the Author

  Michelle Bradshaw is a mom to an amazing, comical, dancing, baseball playing, wanna-be superhero. Originally from Georgia this Southern Belle now resides in Montana with her husband, son, and their wonderful fur babies.

  For as long as Michelle can remember her mind would see stories from things in her everyday life. From making radio shows on her grandparents’ radio to writing scripts for her friends, her passion for writing has only intensified and grown.

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