American Transcendentalism

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American Transcendentalism Page 43

by Philip F Gura

  Cincinnati, Ohio

  “Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau)

  Civil War, U.S.

  Clapp, Eliza Thayer

  Clarke, James Freeman; de Wette’s Theodore and; Emerson and; Fuller and

  Clarke, Sarah

  Clarkson, Thomas

  Codman, John Thomas

  Colburn, George

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  College, The Market, and the Court, The; or, Woman’s Relation to Education, Labor, and Law (Dall)

  Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (Stuart)

  Common Sense philosophy

  “Comparative Theology of Heathen Religions” (Johnson)

  “Compensation” (Emerson)

  Complete Works, on Religion and Theology (Herder)

  Compositions in Outline … from Judd’s “Margaret” (Darley)

  Compromise of 1820

  Compromise of 1850

  Comte, August

  Concise Exposition of the Practical Part of Fourier’s Social Science (Brisbane)

  Concord, Mass.

  Concord Female Anti-Slavery Society

  Concord Summer School of Philosophy and Literature

  Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de

  Conduct of Life, The (Emerson)


  Considérant, Victor

  Constant, Benjamin

  Consuelo (Sand)

  Conversations (Alcott)

  Conversations with Goethe (Eckermann)

  Convert, The (Brownson)

  Conway, Moncure

  Cooke, George Willis

  Cooper, James Fenimore

  correspondence, doctrine of

  Course of Natural Law (Jouffroy)

  Cousin, Victor; Brownson and; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” controversy and

  Craft, Ellen

  Craft, William

  Cranch, Christopher Pearse

  “Crime Against Kansas, The” (Parker)

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Curtis, Burrill

  Curtis, George

  Dall, Caroline Healey; Fuller and; women’s rights movement and

  Dall, Charles Henry Appleton

  Dana, Charles A.

  Dana, Richard Henry

  “Dangers Which Threaten the Rights of Man in America, The” (Parker)

  Dante Alighieri

  Darley, F. O. C.

  Darwin, Charles

  Darwinism, social

  Davis, Paulina Wright

  De l’Allemagne (de Staël)

  De l’Humanité (Leroux)

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville)

  democratic liberalism

  Democratic Party; see also elections

  Democratic Review


  de Wette, Wilhelm; Kantian system and; Norton’s attack on

  Dewey, Orville

  Dial; Brook Farm and; Fuller as editor of

  di Breme, Ludovico Gattinara

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, Emily


  Discourse of Matters Pertaining to Religion, A (Parker)

  Discourse on the Transient and Permanent in Christianity, A (Parker)

  Discourses on Religion (Schleiermacher)

  Discourses on the Christian Spirit and Life (Bartol)

  Discourses on the Philosophy of Religion, Addressed to Doubters Who Wish to Believe (Ripley)

  “Divinity School Address” (Emerson); see also Address before the Senior Class, An (Emerson)

  Doctrine of Life, The (Greene)

  Dod, Albert B.

  Doggett, Simeon

  Doherty, Hugh

  Douglas, Stephen A.

  Douglass, Frederick

  Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)

  Driver, Thomas

  Dunham, Z.B.C.

  Dwight, John Sullivan; Brook Farm and

  Earle, Pliny

  Echoes of Harper’s Ferry (Redpath)

  Eckermann, Johann Peter


  education, of children

  Edwards, B. B.

  Edwards, Jonathan


  Eichhorn, J. G.

  elections: of 1840, of 1848, ; of 1856; of 1860

  Eliot, John

  Ellis, Charles Mayo

  Ellis, George E.


  Emancipation (Channing)

  Emancipation in the West Indies (Thome and Kimball)

  Emerson, Charles

  Emerson, Edward

  Emerson, Ellen Tucker

  Emerson, Lidian Jackson

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo; abolitionist movement and; Alcott and; Associationism assessed by; and authority of Biblical language; Brook Farm and; Carlyle and; Caroline Sturgis and; Civil War and; Clapp and; criticism of; death of son of; Dial and; “Divinity School Address” of; Elizabeth Peabody and; Everett’s influence on; Fourier and; Frothingham and; Fuller and; Greene and; Idealism and; John Brown and; language propositions of; as lecturer; literary influence of; miracles issue and;

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo (cont.) Nature published by; Norton and; Parker’s defense by; personality of; philosophical influences of; popularity of; Reed and; reform and; Ripley and; Santayana’s assessment of; self-reliance and individual consciousness emphasized by ; Swedenborg and; Thoreau and; Transcendental Club and; Transcendentalism assessed by; Unitarianism rejected by

  Emerson, Waldo

  Emerson, William

  Emigrant Aid Company


  English Traits (Emerson)



  Equality (Greene)

  Ernesti, J. A.

  Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke)

  Essay on Transcendentalism (Ellis)

  Essays (Emerson)

  Essays, Second Series (Emerson)

  Essays and Poems (Very)

  Essays and Sketches (Dall)

  Etzler, John Adolphus

  Everett, Alexander Hill

  Everett, Edward

  Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels (Norton)

  “Experience” (Emerson)

  Fairchild, J. H.

  “Fair Harvard” (Gilman)

  Farnham, Eliza

  Fausse industrie, La (Fourier)

  Ferdinand II, King of Naples and Sicily

  Fessenden, John

  Feuerbach, Ludwig

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb

  Fields, James T.

  Follen, Karl

  Forbes, Hugh

  Fortbildung des Christenthums zur Welt-religion (Ammons)

  Fort Sumter, S.C.

  Fourier, François Marie Charles ; “attractive industry” theory of; love and sexuality issue and

  Fourier Association


  Francis, Convers; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and

  Free Religious Association

  Free Soil Party

  Frémont, John C.

  French Revolution

  Friend, The (Coleridge)

  Friends of Christian Union

  Friends of Social Reform

  Friends of Universal Reform (Chardon Street Convention)

  Fries, Jakob Friedrich

  Frost, Barzillai

  Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon

  Frothingham, Octavius Brooks ; as memoirist of Transcendentalism; “religion of humanity” of


  Fugitive Slave Law (1850)

  Fuller, Margaret; Brook Farm and; Channing and; Conversations of; Dall and; death of; as editor of Dial; Elizabeth Peabody and; Emerson and; in Europe; Fourierism and; Goethe and; Greene and; in New York City; physical description of; prison reform and; reform movement and; slavery and; Swedenborg and; Temple School and; Transcendental Club and; women’s rights and

  Fuller, Richard

  Furness, William Henry


  Gannett, Ezra Stiles

  Garrison, Willi
am Lloyd

  General Principles of the Philosophy of Nature (Stallo)

  Genesee Republican

  Genesis, Book of

  “Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy, The” (Santayana)

  George Ripley (Frothingham)

  Germany (de Staël)

  Germany (German Confederation)

  Gerrit Smith (Frothingham)

  Gilded Age

  Gilman, Samuel

  “Glimpse of Christ’s Idea of Society” (Peabody)

  Glossology (Kraitsir)

  Godwin, Parke

  Godwin, William

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Goodrich, Chauncey

  Great Awakening

  Great Awakening, Second

  Great Britain: Emerson’s admiration of; Fuller in; slavery and

  “Great Lawsuit, The. Man versus Men, Woman versus Women” (Fuller)

  Greaves, James Pierrepont

  Greeley, Horace

  Greene, Nathaniel

  Greene, William Batchelder; Brownson and; education of; Emerson and; influences of; mutualism and; Peabody and; religious views of; socialist movement and

  Greenwood, Francis

  Greenwood, F.W.P.

  Griesbach, Johann Jakob

  Hale, Edward Everett

  Hale, Nathan

  Hallett, Benjamin F.



  Harpers Ferry Raid (1859)

  Harper’s Magazine

  Harris, William Torrey

  Harrison, William Henry

  Harvard University; bicentennial celebration of; Buckminster as Dexter Lecturer; Dexter Professorship at; Divinity School of; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” at; German cultural influence at

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Brook Farm and

  Hazlitt, William

  Healey, Caroline, see Dall, Caroline Healey

  Hebrew language

  Hecker, Isaac

  Hedge, Frederic Henry ; Dial and; Emerson and; Transcendental Club and

  Hedge, Levi

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

  Hengstenberg, E. W.

  Hennequin, Victor

  Herald of Freedom

  Herder, Johann Gottfried von

  Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

  Higher Criticism

  Hildreth, Richard

  Himes, Joshua

  Hinton, R. J.

  Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century (Morell)

  Historical Discourse (Emerson)

  Historical Pictures Retouched (Dall)

  History of Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century (Cousin)

  History of the … Abolition of the African Slave Trade (Clarkson)

  Hoar, Elizabeth

  Hodge, Charles

  Holbrook, Josiah

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell

  Hopedale Community

  Hopkins, Samuel

  Howe, Samuel Gridley

  “Human Life” (Emerson)

  Humboldt, Alexander von

  Humboldt, Wilhelm von


  Huntington, Frederic Dan

  Hurlburt, Martin Luther

  Idealism; Coleridge and; consciousness emphasized in; Cousin and; Emerson and; Fries and; Kant and; later Transcendentalists and; Norton’s attack on

  Incarnation, The (Greene)

  Independent Liberal Church


  Introduction to Ethics (Jouffroy)

  Introduction to the History of Philosophy (Cousin)

  Introduction to the New Testament (Eichhorn)

  Introduction to the Old Testament (Eichhorn)


  Irving, Washington


  Jackson, Francis

  Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich

  James, Henry, Sr.

  James, William

  James Osgood and Company

  Jesus ; Gospel accounts of miracles by; reconciliation of material and spiritual by

  “Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever” (Ripley)

  Johnson, Samuel

  Jouffroy, Théodore Simon

  Judd, Sylvester; “Cardiagraphy” of; at Harvard


  Kansas Aid Society

  Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

  Kant, Immanuel; philosophical system of

  Kavanagh: A Tale (Longfellow)

  Kimball, J. H.

  kindergarten movement

  Kirby, Georgianna

  Kirkland, John Thornton

  Kneeland, Abner


  Kossuth, Louis

  Kotzebue, August von

  Kraitsir, Karoly (Charles)

  labor, rights of

  “Laboring Classes, The” (Brownson)

  “Laboring Classes—Responsibility to Party, The” (Brownson)

  Lamartine, Alphonse de

  Lamb, Charles

  Lamennais, Félicité Robert de

  Lamson, Alvan

  “Landlord, The” (Thoreau)

  Lane, Charles

  language; Biblical authority and; Emerson’s propositions on; Locke’s principles of; relation of meaning to; scriptural disputes founded in misunderstanding of

  Larned, Samuel

  Laromiguière, Pierre

  “Last Days of John Brown, The” (Thoreau)

  Latest Form of Infidelity, The (Norton)

  “Latest Form of Infidelity” Examined: A Letter to Mr. Andrews Norton (Ripley)

  “Latest News from Concord” (Alcott)

  Lathrop, Samuel Kirkland

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman)

  Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews (Lowth)

  “Lectures on the Times” (Emerson)

  Leroux, Pierre

  Lessing, G. E.

  “Lesson for the Day, A” (Parker)

  Letters to the Rev. Wm. E. Channing (Stuart)

  Letter to Andrews Norton on Miracles as the Foundation of Religious Faith (Hildreth)

  Letter to the People of the United States … Touching the Matter of Slavery (Parker)

  Levi Blodgett

  Lexington and Concord, battles of (1775)

  Life and Correspondence of Theodore Parker (Weiss)

  Life of Jesus Critically Examined (Strauss)

  Life of Theodore Parker (Frothingham)

  Likeness to God (Channing)

  Linberg, Henning Gotfried

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Locke, John; language and

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Longfellow, Samuel

  Loring, Edward

  Louis-Philippe, King of France

  Lowell, James Russell

  Lower Criticism

  Lowth, Robert

  Lücke, Friedrich

  Ludwig, Arnold Hermann

  Luther, Martin

  lyceum movement

  Mann, Horace

  Marble, Annie Russell

  Margaret: A Tale of the Real and Ideal (Judd)


  Marsh, James; and Biblical language issue

  Martineau, Harriet

  Martineau, James

  Marx, Karl

  Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society

  Massachusetts Quarterly Review

  Massachusetts State Kansas Committee

  materialism; spiritualism and

  May, Joseph

  May, Samuel J.

  Mazzini, Giuseppe

  Mediatorial Life of Jesus (Brownson)

  Melville, Herman

  Memoir of William Henry Channing (Frothingham)

  mental health

  Menzel, Wolfgang

  Mesmer, Franz


  Metternich, Klemens von

  Mexican War

  Michaelis, Johann David

  Michelet, Jules

  Mickiewicz, Adam

  Miller, Charles

  Milton, John



  Moby-Dick (Melville)

  Modern Slavery (Lamennais)

  Morell, J. D.

  Morse, Samuel F. B.

  Morton, Abigail


  Mott, Lucretia

  Murdock, James

  Mutual Banking (Greene)


  mythology, classical

  Napoleon I, Emperor of France

  National Conference to unite American Unitarians

  Native Americans

  “Natural History of Massachusetts” (Thoreau)


  nature: aesthetic sense and; early church understanding of; relation of spirit to

  Nature (Emerson); Emerson’s treatment of miracles in; organizing metaphors in; Peabody’s review of; purpose and direction of

  Neander, Johann


  New Age

  New American Cyclopædia

  Newcomb, Charles King

  “New Crime Against Humanity, The” (Parker)

  New England Anti-Slavery Convention

  New-England Non-Resistance Society

  New England Puritan

  “New England Reformers” (Emerson)

  New Jerusalem Magazine

  “New School of Literature and Religion” (Norton)

  New Testament; Alcott’s tutorial on Gospels in; de Wette’s analysis of miracles in; Gospel accounts of miracles by Jesus in; Passover supper in

  Newton, Isaac

  Newton Theological Institution

  New Views of Christianity, Society, and the Church (Brownson)

  New York, N.Y.: Beecher’s ministry in; Frothingham’s ministry in; Fuller and reform movement in; Ripley in; Thoreau in

  New-York Daily Tribune; Brisbane and; Fuller and; Ripley and

  New York Prison Association

  Nicholas I, Czar of Russia

  North American Phalanx

  North American Review

  Northampton Association of Education and Industry

  Norton, Andrews; Alcott’s Conversations attacked by; as Dexter Professor; Emerson’s “Divinity School Address” and; Hildreth and; Parker and; Ripley and; Stuart’s battle with

  Nouveau monde industriel et sociétaire (Fourier)

  Observations on the Growth of the Mind (Reed)

  Oegger, Guillaume

  Oeuvres complètes (Fourier)

  Of Religion (Constant)

  “Old and New World Democracy” (Fuller)

  Old Testament

  On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers (Schleiermacher)

  “On the Objection to Faith in Christianity, as Resting on Historical Facts and Critical Learning” (Norton)

  On the Spirit of Hebrew Poetry (Herder)

  Oriental Religions and Their Relation to Universal Religion (Johnson)

  “Orphic Sayings” (Alcott)

  Osgood, Samuel

  Ossoli, Angelo Eugene Philip

  Ossoli, Giovanni

  Ottoman Empire (Turkey)


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