Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)

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Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5) Page 17

by Sibylla Matilde

  “That’s something I haven’t said to anyone, Rain—anyone—since I was a little kid. Not since I yelled it to my mother as she walked out the door.”

  She swallowed hard, but other than that, didn’t move. Barely breathed. She looked just a little pale again, a bit faint. Blood rushed to my dick.

  Focus, motherfucker.

  “I didn’t leave you,” I began, starting to become a little concerned that she wasn’t saying anything back.

  “I know.” Her whisper washed over me. “I figured that out pretty quickly after you tried to tell me to fuck off, Justin.” Remorse socked me in the chest again as she paused, appearing somewhat hesitant. “But how do you even know you like me out of bed?”

  “Rain, I saw you every day for months. In class, out of class. In bed, out of bed. Up against walls, in the shower.”

  “Those last two are kinda like bed. Just because we are really awesome at fucking… that’s not love.”

  I took another step, close enough to touch her. Close enough to feel the warmth radiating from her body. Close enough that the opulent scent of her perfume tantalized my senses.

  But I didn’t make true contact. Not yet.

  “You’re right. That’s not love.”

  Her eyes closed tightly at my admission, and I continued in a low voice.

  “Love happened every day in class. Every time you’d try not to smile at something I’d say. Every time you stood up to that dickweed Brian. Love was you understanding me. What I missed. What was lacking. How everything had suddenly stopped working and how you made it right again.” I finally lifted my thumb to brush along the wet trail on her cheek, catching the tear that had spilled over. She made the tiniest of movements, arching towards my caress and my skin tingled where we finally touched. “I didn’t think I could love,” I said in a scratchy voice. “I knew without a doubt I didn’t deserve it.”

  Her lashes lifted and the deep brown of her eyes had gone soft, full of sweet emotion. “That’s not true. You do deserve it.”

  “You’re about the only one who’s ever thought that,” I said. “Aside from the guys, I’ve never really given two shits about anyone in my life. Quite honestly, I kinda suck at it, so I can be a real dick sometimes. I sure as fuck don’t deserve another shot,” I drew in a fortifying breath. “But, Rain, I’d do damn near anything to have you back with me.”

  For a minute, I didn’t say anything, and neither did she. We just kind of looked at each other, waiting for… something.

  “Okay,” she finally whispered back.

  I exhaled, deep with relief and let her one little word wash through me, freeing a rush of emotion that hurt and healed all at once. Tangling the fingers of both hands in her newly short hair, I kissed her. Hard and rough with all the intensity I felt at that moment.

  “I’m really glad you agreed,” I whispered. “Especially since your name is part of the company name.”

  “What?” she, pulling back to smile up at me curiously.

  I reached into my pocket to fish out one of the business cards I’d had done up and handed it to her.

  She looked down at it, studying the lettering across the bottom of the card, then back up at me with wide eyes.

  “JR Associates… Justin Dorsey,” she whispered, “and Rain Hartmann. You kinda went out on a limb there putting my name on it and all.”

  “I ordered a shit ton of them, too. Enough to last us a good year or two. It would really suck if they were wrong.”

  “JR Associates is your company?” she asked.

  “It’s our company.”

  Rain looked back down at the card for a long moment, then kinda laughed and sniffed all at once.

  “Did you, um… did you pick that phone number?” She looked up at me, pointed at the six-nine-six-nine on the card.

  I just shrugged. After all, she totally already knew the answer.

  She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist, laying her head against my chest. “I’ve really missed you.” Her voice was so quiet I could barely hear it, but I totally felt it.

  “Back atcha,” I replied, holding her close against my heart. “But tell me, how fucked up is it that I have a total stiffy after watching you faint dead away?”

  Smooth, Justin. So smooth.

  Rain choked back a throaty giggle. “Maybe a little bit,” she shrugged, “but how fucked up is it that I’m soaking wet after coming to in your arms.”

  “Fuck, I love you,” I groaned. “It’s like you were made for me.”

  She laughed again and lifted her lips to mine.

  God, I missed that laugh.

  Even if I turned it into a moan by kissing her long and hard once again.

  There’s an old saying… the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

  I’ve gotta agree because I was a massive manwhore, and I fell like a motherfucker and never looked back. Once in a rare while, I would wonder how it all came to be. I would wonder if I was worthy of her. But all it would take was my name on her lips. The touch of her fingertips on my skin. Her late night whisper that she loved me.

  Even just the thought of her smile.

  And all my doubt evaporated.

  I remained the last unmarried Mofo for a while longer. Things were just so good. Why fuck with a good thing?

  Just like everything else with her, though, that changed in a perfectly dirty way.

  It started at a Mofo barbecue at Drew and Raven’s house. My buddies with their families and me with Rain in every sense of the word. She was sitting in the yard swing next to Raven and holding baby girl Massey who was just under a year old. I stood on the porch overlooking the backyard, watching Rain carefully and reverently cradle little Violet, tucking the blanket around her to ward off the evening chill that had settled in the mountainous valley. Drew came up beside me, a total mushed up look on his face.

  “It’s amazing,” he said.

  That was it. Nothing else. No long flowery spiel about the joys of fatherhood. Nothing to try to convince me to follow in his footsteps.

  But the tone in his voice, the wonder and the emotion as he gazed down at his wife and child, caused a knot to form in my throat. A burst of the past mixed with the future. I thought back to when I held Rain close to my heart after Brannon’s kid was born and saw my future flash through my subconscious. So beautiful. Sex and love and life.

  “Just remember,” Drew murmured, “since I have a daughter, you don’t get to have a boy. I’ll fucking go apeshit on the little bastard.”

  A few days later, I noticed that the business cards were starting to run low. Things were hopping at JR Associates, so I knew we needed to reorder before long, and that got me thinking about a small change I kinda wanted to make on them.

  I thought about it for a good week or two before it all kinda went back to where it started.

  To where we started.

  With a camera in the bedroom.

  We upgraded our camera game, investing in some new equipment. Special lighting. We took our art to a new level. Rain and I were both born exhibitionists, so we got extraordinarily creative and ended up with just a shit ton of followers on Tumblr.

  “Have I ever told you what a beautiful pussy you have?” I asked one night after setting up the gear to record. I gently slid my hands between her thighs and nudged them apart.

  Lying on her back beneath me with her once-again long brown hair fanned out dark against the flannel sheets, she smiled through a hot look in her eyes. “You do seem to have an affinity for it.”

  “Yeah, but have I told you,” I asked again. I stroked my finger down the outer lips, and her breath stuttered. I bent down and placed my mouth over her clit, not touching, but exhaling. My heated breath made her squirm beneath my mouth. “You seem to be a bit aroused, Miss Hartmann.”

  “A bit…” she whispered. “A lot…”

  My fingers grazed her inner thigh as I finally dipped a teasing stroke up her center and gently pulled her lips apart to reveal the
wet, sensitive sweetness in between.

  “There it is,” I half-said, half-groaned. “That pretty little pussy.”

  I traced the tip of my tongue around in wide circles, avoiding the swollen clit in the middle. Firm strokes of my tongue that made her tremble, so close to her aching bud, then darting away. I swept deep inside her, reveling in her arousal, and all around, finally closing my lips over her clit with a hard sucking kiss.

  Her body arched so hard that only her head touched the bed. Her heels dug into my shoulder blades, and her sob echoed through the room.

  She was so incredibly close as I teased her with my fingers and my tongue, stroking that special spot with a technique I’d perfected over my many manwhore years. It didn’t work on every girl, but it totally worked on Rain every time. As she got closer, I slicked a finger with her wetness and slipped it quickly in her ass. Flexing and stroking as I licked and savored her creamy arousal.

  Five… four… three… two… one…

  Rain shot off like a rocket.

  We have liftoff.

  In my head, I heard Def Leppard. Joe Elliott’s lyrics ran through my head.

  We just gotta fly…

  By that time, I had a rager of a hardon, so I sat up and pulled her down on my dick. I fucked her long and slow, then rolled her beneath me and drove into her hard and wild. The excitement was heightened by the knowledge that we could go back and watch it again. Just like that first video so long ago, we could replay the moment until every moan and sigh and slap of skin was burned into our minds. We could take stills and clips from it and share them with all the horny bastards who followed us on our dirty, dirty Tumblr.

  When I poured myself inside her, a strange sense of peace settled in my chest. It had sprouted up inside me the first time we’d gone bareback and only grew stronger in the time we’d been together. Now it became almost overpowering, causing the words to spill forth as I lay on top of her, kissing her breathless lips.

  “Marry me,” I whispered.

  She gave a short, shaky laugh, obviously not catching the intensity of my words.

  I pulled back and narrowed my gaze at her. “I’m serious.”

  Her dark brown eyes, hazy with sex, looked up at me. Her smile softened. She lifted her fingertips to trace them down my jaw. Her lips came up to touch mine, softly with reverence and emotion. Pulling just a breath away, she whispered back her response.


  I released a pent up breath and kissed her again. Harder this time.

  Then I fucked her again.

  And we recorded the whole fuckin’ thing and posted it on Tumblr with the hashtag #shesaidyes. Gained us a fuckload of new followers.

  While my life drastically morphed into celibacy and commitment and eventually even fatherhood, some things hadn’t changed and probably never would.

  I still cocked off and told Denny to speak English (fucker) and gave Cody all kinds of shit about being such an airhead. I tried to watch my language around the mini Mofos, but was pretty sure every one of them thought my name was “no no wood” at one point or another. Even Max, who didn’t talk much, went through a spell where he would look up at me and squeal “no no wood!" anytime the little fucker saw me.

  Doug had been so fuckin’ happy to have the Mofos back at the Copperline, I thought he was actually gonna cry. Freaked me the fuck out the first time we all showed up together. He was a massive biker dude and all, but the fucker actually hugged us.

  Fuckin’ weird.

  But being back on the stage with the guys was like coming home, especially with Rain in the audience, sitting with the other girls like she’d been there all my life.

  I guess I’d just been waiting for her all my life.

  Like I’d told her once before, she really was that good of a fuck.

  Okay, so she was a lot more than that, but, hey… it’s me, after all. Professor Badass. I don’t do mushy.

  I may have come close when our son was born about a year and a half after we got married. I may or may not have had tears in my eyes the first time I held him, although I hadn’t slept in thirty-eight hours. Brannon and Drew both looked completely terrified when the doctor said it was a boy since they both had daughters. Even Denny eyed Felicity and murmured something about the wee snapper she was carrying and how Eoghan needed a brother. He really, really needed a brother.

  He got a sister.

  But two years later, after Brannon’s second kid was a boy and our second kid was a girl, Cody leaned over my shoulder.

  “Karma, fucker,” he murmured with no small amount of amusement.

  I just looked down at my daughter and wondered how early kids could start martial arts.

  Under the lights at the Copperline Bar, the Bangin’ Mofos played long into the night almost every Friday over the years. We made the most of every moment, with each other and with the women who loved us and the kids they gave us.

  People who’d known me before Rain were completely shocked that I’d finally settled down, but I didn’t need to look for wild groupie pussy anymore. I had the best of the best in her. I still got hit on from time to time, but word quickly spread that I was a one-woman man. It helped that my woman was a total freak between the sheets, and anyone stumbling across our Tumblr feed could see that.

  We started taking requests even. Some guy sent us a link once for a sparkly butt plug, wanting to see it in Rain’s ass. Lots of people might be creeped out by that, but Rain and I found it kind of erotic. We ordered it and tried it. We photographed and filmed it, and it really was so fucking hot. We gave the dude a shout out when we posted a short video clip that featured the facets of the jewel glimmering in the light as my cock stroked in and out of her slick pussy.

  More links followed. More followers from all over the world. More suggestions. Ones for her leading to glass dildos and nipple clamps with sparkly chains I could tug on.

  Even ones for me. Cock rings and anal stimulators. Someone once sent us a link to a strap-on, and we gave that a go. After all, I was comfortable enough with my bisexuality to admit I occasionally wanted a dick pounding my ass. I needed something to fill the void, so to speak.

  That did the trick.

  While we kept our faces out of the shots, a lot of locals knew it was us. All my friends did. They all followed us, actually.

  Well, except Cody, but I think even he sneaked peeks now and then.

  So even years later, after marriage and kids, I was still known as the baddest of the bad boys. Sometimes, the guys would try to put me on the spot, to give me shit in hopes they could out-perv me.

  Wasn’t happening.

  Not even when Denny once mentioned the strap-on, right there on stage with a full bar out in front of us.

  “From what I’ve seen on Tumblr, ya like to have her stick it up yer gicker,” he laughed, looking slightly horrified at the thought.

  “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, man,” I grinned with a confidence I’d never had before Rain. Looking out into the crowd, I found her smiling face and winked at her before glancing back over at Denny. “But, seriously… speak English, you fucker.”

  ● Slut Like You ~ P!nk

  ● Promiscuous ~ Nelly Furtado, Timbaland

  ● Puppeteer ~ MAX

  ● Paralyzer ~ Finger Eleven

  ● There’s No Going Back ~ Sick Puppies

  ● All My Life ~ Foo Fighters

  ● You Shook Me All Night Long ~ AC/DC

  ● Fuel ~ Metallica

  ● Overkill ~ Mötorhead

  ● The Fantasy ~ Thirty Seconds to Mars

  ● Little Monster ~ Royal Blood

  ● Coming For You ~ The Offspring

  ● Holy Roller Novocaine ~ Kings of Leon

  ● Sugar (feat. Francesco Yates) ~ Robin Schultz

  ● Hellbent (feat. Snowblood) ~ Mystery Skulls

  ● Fans ~ Kings of Leon

  ● Sweet Disaster ~ Whitehorse

  ● Under Pressure ~ David Bowie, Queen

  ● Longview ~ Green Day

  ● Hide ~ Little May

  ● Bloodstream ~ Transviolet

  ● Ready or Not (feat. Esthero) ~ Micha “Book” Chillak

  ● Hands to Myself ~ Selena Gomez

  ● Sick Like Me ~ In This Moment

  ● One Touch ~ New Volume

  ● The Heart It Beats the Thunder Rolls ~ The Wind and The Wave

  ● Dangerous (feat. Joywave) ~ Big Data

  ● Sweet Emotion ~ Aerosmith

  ● Snake Eyes ~ Mumford & Sons

  ● Don’t Let Me Go ~ RAIGN

  ● Hunger ~ Ross Copperman

  ● Couldn’t Stop Caring ~ The Spiritual Machines

  ● Brothers in Arms ~ Dire Straits

  ● Stay ~ No Devotion

  ● Oops!...I Did It Again ~ Britney Spears

  ● Scream & Shout ~, Britney Spears

  ● Neverland ~ VanLadyLove


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