Survival Game (Men of London Book 9)

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Survival Game (Men of London Book 9) Page 5

by Susan Mac Nicol

  The reply came back quickly. Couldn’t sleep. You too?

  He smiled as he replied. Same. We’re a right pair, aren’t we?

  A smiley face came back. Not sure what to reply at four in the morning, he sent back a sleeping kitten emoji. Going to try get back to sleep now. Hope you do too.

  Kyle’s response was a quick Will try. Thanks for the chat:)

  He laid his phone down and went back into his bedroom. He crawled under his duvet and lay back on his pillow, hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling.

  “Miss you, Linc,” he whispered softly into the darkness. “Gonna try to get back to sleep now. Please visit me and leave me good memories this time, will you?”

  He shuffled about, punched his pillow into a comfortable nest for his head then lay down and closed his eyes.

  It took him a long time to fall asleep.

  Unfortunately, with a couple of his teammates calling in ill—one of them Aaron—and a horrific workload, it was impossible for Eric and Kyle to get together. Over the next couple of weeks, they texted short messages about the woe of their respective jobs and consoled themselves with silly gif wars and the occasional meme.

  End of shift, he and the cleaning crew were under manpower pressure, with more needs than bodies to do the work. He figured it was a sign of things to come with the current government cutbacks and inspections. Just as he was restocking the truck, his personal mobile rang and he answered his phone with a smile. “Kyle, hey. This is a surprise—”

  Out of breath, Kyle sounded panicked. “Eric, Ryan’s passed out in his office. I heard this noise and came in to find him slumped over his desk. He’s awake, but really out of it.”

  Eric’s paramedic mode kicked in immediately. “Did you call nine-nine-nine? Is an ambulance on its way? I haven’t heard anything via my station.”

  “Yes, I called them first. They’re coming. They’re only a few blocks away. I just wanted to tell you about it. Mango isn’t here. He’s abroad. I’ve told Ryan’s bestie, Lenny, and he’s going to try to track Mango down.”

  “Okay. Good. Chances are they’ll take him to UCH. University College Hospital.”

  “I know what UCH stands for, Eric,” Kyle said waspishly then let out a shuddering sigh. “Sorry, I’m in a state. I didn’t mean to snap.”

  “Don’t worry ’bout that. Just sort out stuff with Lenny, and let me know when they take Ryan in. Do you need to go to the hospital with him?”

  Kyle heaved a deep breath. “I can’t leave the club. We’ve got deliveries scheduled this afternoon and I’ll catch shit from Ryan if I don’t get it sorted. He wouldn’t want the club to suffer. Lenny will go to the hospital with his boyfriend Brook. Lenny is Ryan’s emergency contact anyway.”

  Eric didn’t have time to wonder why Ryan’s boyfriend wasn’t down as his contact. “All right. Text me when the ambulance arrives, and I’ll make a few calls to the hospital, see if I can find anything out once Ryan has been admitted. Don’t worry, mate. I’m sure he’s probably not been eating, or has low blood pressure or something. He’s been a little off for a while now, but damned if anyone can get him to open up about it.”

  Kyle heaved a shuddering sigh. “Thanks. Okay. I’ve got to go. Lenny’s on the other line. Hopefully he’s got hold of Mango. Speak later.”

  The phone went dead and Eric swore. “Stupid, secretive arsehole, Ryan. I’m going to kick your backside when you’re better.”

  Later that afternoon, when he had confirmation that Ryan was resting comfortably, Lenny and Brook by his side, and Mango was on his way home from Spain, Kyle texted:

  Finished with deliveries. Club ready to open per usual.

  Eric messaged back: Cool. Luckily Tuesday nights aren’t that busy. Hope it goes ok.

  Kyle’s reply was short. Yeah, me too.

  Around ten that night, Eric walked into Club Delish to find it in full swing. He grinned wryly. Life carried on regardless of the owner being in hospital.

  Determined to find Kyle, Eric manoeuvred through the writhing throng of half-naked, sweaty bodies, pouting drag queens, and men in various stages of grinding and sex play on the dance floor. He had a feeling he knew where to look.

  Sure enough, Kyle was in Ryan’s office, standing with arms folded across his chest as he stared out of the large observation window down at the mass below. Eric couldn’t help but notice the strain of Kyle’s shirt across his shoulders, sleeves rolled up the elbows. His pert arse filled out his well-fitting trousers, one foot tapping to the faint strains of the music floating up from below. His hair colour had changed once again since Eric had seen him last. It was still a deep dark purple but now featured lilac streaks at the tips, and artful splashes that looked casually painted in.

  Eric knocked and cleared his throat, announcing himself, knowing Kyle was skittish. Startling the man was the last thing he wanted.

  “Kyle?” He waited as Kyle turned swiftly and a look of relief passed over his face when he saw it was Eric.

  “Hi. What are you doing here?” Kyle moved away from the window and smiled softly. “Can’t keep away, huh?”

  Eric walked into the room and laid his jacket on the chair. “I wanted to see how you were doing. And find out if there was any news about Ryan. I imagine things have been a little chaotic here today.”

  Kyle waved a black-fingernail-tipped hand. He had long fingers, and Eric had seen their dexterity first-hand when Kyle had done his card tricks. A fleeting flash of lust passed through Eric as he wondered what those fingers would feel like milking his cock.

  He realised Kyle was talking and brought himself out of his fantasy.

  “Not too bad. Rufus and Greg helped offload all the deliveries and get the paperwork done while I made sure the club was ready for opening. The bar needed restocking, like badly, so I gave Jim a hand with that too.”

  Rufus and Greg were the club’s bouncers, both fond of Ryan and Kyle. The head bartender, Jim, was a six-foot muscleman, bald and scary looking, but soft as a pussycat—until you messed with him.

  Ryan had a good crew working for him.

  “You heard from Lenny?” Eric wandered closer to Kyle, and now saw the dark circles under his eyes and the pallor of his face. The man looked exhausted.

  Kyle nodded. “Yeah, Lenny called, said Mango had arrived. I haven’t heard anything since, but he said Ryan was fine for now. He sounded worried but I didn’t push him. Apparently, Ryan’s gonna need some surgery but he didn’t elaborate. Ryan wanted to tell me about it himself.” Kyle huffed. “I don’t know how that’s supposed to comfort me. Now I have these horrible thoughts about cancer, or brain tumours and shit. I mean this is Ryan we’re talking about.” He stopped suddenly and looked uncomfortable, as if he’d said too much.

  Eric hadn’t missed the tremor in Kyle’s voice. Quietly, he asked, “Have you eaten today? Taken a break?”

  Kyle closed his eyes momentarily. “I actually can’t remember. Greg offered me a doughnut at some stage but I wasn’t hungry. I think he said he’d put it down here somewhere for me for later.” His eyes roamed the office, looking for the pastry. Eric chuckled and walked over to the desk. He moved a wad of paperwork to reveal a Krispy Kreme doughnut box.

  “It’s not exactly what I’d call sustenance, but it’s sweet and better than nothing.” He picked up the box and handed it to Kyle. “Eat. I’ll make you a black coffee. Ryan’s still got that fancy coffee maker here, hasn’t he?”

  Kyle swiped the box, opened it and stuffed the doughnut in his mouth. “Yeah, it’s in the corner over there.” The words were barely distinguishable as he chewed, and he gave a deep groan that immediately had Eric thinking he’d like to be the one that made Kyle groan that way.

  “Oh my God, these things are decadent but they taste so good. I could never have another thing in my mouth other than this.” He burped, and gave Eric an apologetic smile as he fiddled with the coffee machine. “Sorry, and ignore that last comment. There are some other things I’d like to
have in my mouth.” He laughed softly.

  Eric was glad to see Kyle relaxing but his comment caused desire to flood Eric’s body. Those lips wrapped around his cock? Now there was a scenario he could get on board with.

  Down boy, he chastised himself. You’re supposed to be giving moral support, not perving over everything he says. He brought a cup of black coffee over to Kyle, who took it gratefully.

  “Ta.” He took a gulp and made another one of those throaty moans. Eric shifted uncomfortably and sat down on the corner of the desk, hoping the bulge in his trousers didn’t show too much.

  “Was that the only one?” Kyle peered over his shoulder at the desktop. “Greg didn’t surprise me with another?”

  There were remnants of white, powdery sugar on Kyle’s lips, and Eric couldn’t resist. “You have something on your lips,” he murmured. He ran his thumb across the dusting and watched as Kyle’s eyes darkened. He looked wary but not afraid.

  “I’d like to kiss you,” Eric said softly. “I don’t want to scare you though. So if you say no, I’ll listen. You have my word.”

  Kyle’s breathing hitched, then with a slow smile he nodded and pulled Eric’s face down to his.

  Eric gave a soft gasp as their lips touched. He licked the seam of Kyle’s luscious lips and his tongue came out, taunting Eric’s with warm, fragrant sweetness.

  Eric reached out, pulling Kyle between his legs, cupping that firm arse in his hands. Kyle moaned and his kisses became frenzied.

  God, he’s devouring me, sucking me in.

  When they drew apart, Kyle gave a low laugh. “Wow, I didn’t expect that.”

  Eric stared into violet eyes that were languid and glazed. “You should have. That powder on your lips begged to be kissed off.”

  Kyle’s hands, which had been on his shoulders, moved to encircle his neck. “I think I might still have a smidgen of it left.”

  This time it was Kyle that took the initiative, and before long, Eric’s head was swimming in a frothy swirl of desire and need. Kyle rubbed Eric’s groin, and fenced him in against the wall. Eric’s cock was loving where things were heading and he worried that before long he’d be left with nothing but a sticky mess in his trousers.

  Pulling his mouth away from a hungry Kyle, who really seemed to love kissing, he managed to gasp out. “Hang on. I need a breath before I blow my load right here.”

  Kyle’s bruised, swollen mouth pouted and his dark eyes shadowed in satisfaction. “I could really make you come just from touching and kissing you?”

  “My cock certainly thinks so. Maybe we should slow down.”

  God, what the fuck am I saying? I’ve finally gone gaga. But anyone could walk in on us.

  Kyle grinned wickedly. “Where’s the fun in that?” He reached down and unzipped Eric’s jeans as his needy dick said a happy “Hello there” when it poked up from inside his tight briefs.

  Kyle licked his lips and bent down, the tip of his tongue sliding along the soft foreskin, teasing Eric to the point of insanity.

  “Oh my God.” He leaned back on the desk, hands splayed behind him as he watched Kyle’s bobbing head. The man sucked cock like he lived for it.

  The heat of his mouth, the friction and the sensation of having his cock in that warm, wet mouth drew Eric to the edge. “Kyle, better get off. I’m going to come,” he gasped desperately. His legs, buttocks and back tightened at the intense feeling of his impending orgasm.

  Kyle looked up, mouth glistening and wet and smiled. “Come on me,” he whispered. “Want to see you spurt your spunk all over me.”

  Eric couldn’t hold back after that filthy request. His body shuddered and he watched through glazed eyes as Kyle shrugged off his shirt, revealing a slim, tight body with toned set of abs and a treasure trail of dark hair leading down to an obviously excited thick, long cock.

  That sight was all Eric needed to push him to the point of no return. He gave a loud shout and his dick let out what he thought might be a record amount of come, shooting forth in thick white streams, all over Kyle’s bare stomach and chest.

  Spent yet turned on beyond measure, he slumped back on the desk.

  Kyle chuckled. “That’s one pretty debauched sight. You flat on your back with your dick sticking out of your trousers looking like you’ve just been well screwed.” His fingers trailed through the wetness on his chest. He dipped his forefinger in Eric’s come then slowly sucked off the spunk.

  Eric was mesmerised. “Hell, that mouth of yours should be classified as a WMD. In many ways.”

  “Clean yourself off and zip yourself up, lover boy.” Kyle motioned to the bathroom. “I need to check on the club.”

  Eric sat up, surprised. “You don’t want me to get you off? I’m more than happy to return the favour.”

  Kyle shrugged. “I’m good. I’ll sort myself later. I don’t mind a little delayed gratification.” He turned, bare-chested, and wandered over to the window, where he stood again, gazing down at the strobe lit dance floor.

  Eric felt a little disappointed—he’d been looking forward to seeing up-close and in-person what Kyle packed in those trousers. But he did what he was told and went into the bathroom where he tucked himself away and cleaned himself up, then stared in the mirror. His hair was mussed, his lips red and swollen, but the glow of sexual satisfaction was unmistakeable.

  Kyle came in behind him and chuckled. “You do look well fucked,” he said slyly. He reached over and picked up a hand towel, wetting it under the tap then cleaning the spunk off his chest and stomach. Then he sauntered out into the office. Eric followed, watching as Kyle picked up his shirt and slid it over his head. Within seconds he was the seasoned yet sexy Nightclub Manager again.

  Eric picked up a stapler and toyed with it. “So, I’m back on night shift again tomorrow, but maybe we can do something during the day, if you have any time off?”

  Kyle nodded absently. “Sure. Let me see how things go with Ryan. I’ll message you.” He turned and flashed him a smile. “I’d like to see you again.”

  That is a relief. I really want to see him again. I don’t want this to be a one-hit wonder.

  “Me too. This…” He flapped a hand. “This was fun. And next time, it’s my turn to see you get a happy ending, capisce?”

  “Capisce,” Kyle acquiesced, amusement in his eyes. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Eric picked up his jacket and swung it over his shoulder. “Just so you know. Me coming over here tonight—it wasn’t for sex or a blowjob. It was because I was worried about you.”

  Kyle’s face softened. “I know. I appreciate it.” He moved forward and enveloped Eric in a brief hug that smelt of sex and cologne. “Get home safely and text me when you do. You never know who or what’s lurking out there.”

  “Will do. And let me know about Ryan the minute you hear anything new. I’m worried about him.”

  “You got it.” Kyle’s face split in a yawn. “God, I can’t wait to get out of here tonight. Only three hours to go.” He made a moue of dissatisfaction. “I think I need some more coffee to keep me awake.”

  Eric took Kyle’s movement toward the coffee machine as his cue to leave. “See you soon. Enjoy the rest of the night.” He walked out the door to the sound of coffee beans grinding.

  Chapter Six

  “So, you got any plans to see that hunky paramedic of yours anytime soon?”

  Kyle shook his head as he leaned back in his office chair, feet planted firmly on his desk. From the other side of the desk, Lucinda grinned at him as she sucked her iced coffee through a straw. The slurping sounds had been driving him mad for a while now as he tried to finish some Club Delish social media posts and design a promotion planned for a new drag queen event later in the month.

  “No, he’s been busy.” Kyle scowled at the paperwork in front of him. “He’s a workaholic, it looks like. Anyway, with Ryan being gone, things haven’t exactly been quiet here either. I don’t know how he does all the stuff he does, I really don’t. He
must be fucking Superman.”

  It had been a rough time for Ryan. As Kyle had feared, things were grave; Ryan had been diagnosed with a brain tumour. After all his posturing that he’d been fine, he hadn’t been fine at all. He was home now, but next week he was scheduled to have surgery to remove the bloody thing.

  Kyle was scared for his friend, but at the same time angry at Ryan for waiting so long to tell anyone about it. As for Mango—well, the man had been a saint since the diagnosis and Kyle had seen a side of him he’d never expected.

  Lucinda gave a loud slurp.

  He glared at her. “Really? Can you finish that damn thing already?”

  “Ooh, someone’s in a pissy mood.” She gave one last loud saucy pop as she pulled her mouth off the straw and gestured toward the desk. “Anything I can help you with before you burst a blood vessel?” She stopped as the import of her words struck her. “God, sorry. That was insensitive. Bad form, you’d say. Sorry.”

  He leaned back in his chair, stretching. “Don’t worry. He’s in good hands. The operation’s scheduled for next week. Mango made him take time off so they can spend it together. I hope it all goes well. It’s no picnic having a brain tumour removed.”

  In truth, he was petrified for Ryan. The idea of his fun-loving, dapper boss and friend having his skull opened and doctors probing around in it? Um, yuck. He shuddered.

  “Have you seen him recently? How’s he doing?” Lucinda stood and walked around to where he sat. She threw the offending drink container and straw in the bin and perched her bum on the desk. “And more important, sweetz, how are you doing? Other than stressing out at work of course. I know Ryan means a lot to you.”

  “I’m fine. Worried about him, of course. I saw him on Monday. He came in to check how I was coping and that his club was still functioning. He wasn’t here for long though.” He smiled at the memory. “Mango kept glaring at him and telling him he wasn’t supposed to be here at all. Apparently, there was some DIY Ryan wanted done.” He snorted with laughter. “Not Mango’s forte, I don’t think. He’s more the ‘let’s pick up the deadwood and make a bridge so we can save the tigers’ type of guy.” Kyle batted his eyelashes modestly. “He told me I was doing a great job looking after his club. I’m glad he trusts me.”


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