His pregnant mistress

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His pregnant mistress Page 15

by Carol Marinelli

  He gave a perplexed shake of his head, glancing at the midwife for inspiration, then doing a double take, appalled that a nose ring was considered suitable attire in such a reverend setting!

  ‘I think Mia needs a little incentive right now, Ethan." Garth nudged. 'Perhaps now might be a good time to say what she really wants to hear, what she really needs to help her through this turbulent time.'

  'Oh, that...' A tiny smile inched across his face as the midwives glared back expectantly, then he stepped in and took over, his strong arms holding her up as she bore down, superior, scathing but infinitely loving as he pulled her in closer and softly whispered into her ear, his touch, his embrace, his mere presence everything she needed right now.

  The only man in the whole world who could suffice.

  Wrapping her in his loving arms, holding her close as she faced the most tumultuous journey of her life; the only man who could make her smile, laugh even, at the most overwhelming moment in her life.

  'Hurry up darling; I've got a bottle of champagne on ice.'


  Holding the precious parcel, staring at the pretty rosebud mouth opening in protest, defiant blue eyes already tinged with green flecks staring angrily back at him, her little fists clenched in rage as she demanded yet another feed, Ethan felt his heart spill over.

  What wasn't there to love?

  Holding her arms out, Mia took the angry bundle, smiling down in utter wonder as she nursed her child, scarcely able to comprehend she was finally, after all this time, really here. As she looked up her breath caught in her throat, her head tightening in disbelief as she stared back at Ethan.

  He was really here too.

  More exhausted than she'd ever seen him, dark smudges under his eyes, his suit for once crumpled and his expensive silk tie undoubtedly lost for ever, but he was here, and, from the love blazing in his eyes as he stared back at her, it was for good this time.

  'She's got Richard's hair.' His strong fingers stroked the Titian locks, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as his face quilted with emotion.

  'You were wrong, what you said in the delivery room.' Mia's voice was soft, her eyes gazing at the babe in her arms, the world put to rights as peace finally took hold. 'You were loved all along, I know; Richard really did love you.'

  Did you ever tell him?' Ethan's voice was thick. 'About us, about that night?'

  She gave a tiny nod. 'A few weeks after it hap­pened,' she admitted. 'My dad had lost his job and everything seemed such a mess, and I suppose he was there for me. I really needed to confide in someone— not that it helped.' She gave a soft laugh.

  ‘I can see now why the whole thing made Richard so uncom­fortable. I thought at the time it was because you were his brother, but I guess, looking back, he was riddled with guilt for inadvertently breaking us up. Maybe that's why he stayed away from you,' she said softly. 'Maybe that's why he couldn't face you, because he knew deep down how much he'd hurt you, how much he'd hurt us both.'

  'It must have been hard for him,' Ethan murmured, 'carrying that secret all these years.'

  'Perhaps this was his way.' Her fingers traced the soft apple of her baby's cheek. 'Somewhere, deep down, maybe he knew that a baby would bring us together, that sooner or later you'd find out that she was his and...'

  Ethan gave a slow nod, the possibilities endless, the truth too hard to fathom sometimes, but, staring at the innocent face, he knew it was meant to be, that the gift of love was sometimes just too big to comprehend; but it was a gift and one he intended to cherish.

  'Should you ring your parents?' Her voice was ap­prehensive; she was scared to let the world in just yet but knew she had to. 'Shouldn't you let t hem know that they're grandparents?'

  'Good God, no!' He gave her a slightly appalled look. 'I'm not ringing them twice in one day-'


  He pulled his diary out of his pocket and tossed it on the bed. 'Pick a day and then I'll call t hem—kill two birds with one stone.'

  'Pick a day?'

  'For the wedding.'

  A deep blush whooshed up her cheeks. 'Ethan, you don't have to marry me. What I said in there...'

  'You meant,' Ethan quipped. 'Now, had you chosen a rather less barbaric way to give birth —' for the hundredth time he pulled up his shirt sleeve, almost proudly displayed the nail marks on his forearm as Mia slunk back into her pillow '—then you could blame it on the drugs, but, given this was an entirely natural labour, I don't think you've got an excuse. In fact if I remember correctly—'

  'Don't.' Her hand came up to her scorching cheeks; she was mortified at her own presumption in the birthing suite. 'Please don't remind me; it was awful...'

  'It was perfect.' His face softened into a smile. 'So all you have to do now is pick a day. I've already chosen the location.'

  'Oh, you have, have you? I thought we were going to discuss things from now on, talk...'

  'So there's no room for romance, then?' An eyebrow shot up. 'No room for surprises?'

  'Okay,' she grumbled, 'so where's this fabulous, romantic location you've chosen?'

  'Our rainforest.' Ethan smiled. 'Our rainforest where we're going to build our own extremely envi­ronmentally friendly hotel, build our own little patch of paradise; where we'll raise lots of happy, fat babies during the day and spend the nights making more; of course, if you can think of somewhere better, if you've got an idea...'

  'No!' Her voice stopped his teasing tirade and something told him it was a time to be serious, a time to be still. 'I mean, I don't have a better idea, it sounds wonderful.' Her eyes held his as he came over and cradled the two precious females in his safe, strong arms.

  'Have you thought of a name?'

  Mia nodded.

  'Hope.' Staring at Ethan, she tried to gauge his re­action, gave a tremulous smile as he softly repeated it.


  And this time he didn't stumble over it as he had back in the church, didn't falter on the concept as he had way back then—that difficult word made easy with love on their side.

  First North American Publication 2005.

  Copyright © 2005 by The Marinelli Family Trust.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

  This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.




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