Patrick Henry

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Patrick Henry Page 32

by Thomas S. Kidd

  St. Paul’s Parish

  Stamp Act

  Stamp Act Congress

  State debts, assumption of, plans for

  States’ rights, respect for, plan for

  State vs. national power. See National vs. state power

  Stephens, Alexander

  Suffolk Resolves

  Suffolk, Virginia

  Sugar Act

  Syme, John

  Syme, John, Jr. (half-brother)

  Syme, Sarah. See Henry, Sarah (mother)


  Tariffs. See Customs duties/tariffs

  Tarleton, Banastre “Bloody Ban”


  Confederation Congress and

  congressional plan to implement new

  customs duties/tariffs

  funding churches

  under the new Constitution

  on sugar

  without representation, resistance to

  See also Stamp Act

  Taylor, John

  Tea Act

  Tea Party

  Tea tax

  See also Boston Tea Party

  Temples of Reason


  Tenth Amendment

  Thomson, Charles

  Tidewater region, Virginia

  Tobacco currency

  Tobacco farming

  Toleration Act

  Tombigbee River

  Townshend, Charles

  Townshend Duties


  with Britain, dependency on

  European barriers to

  Mississippi River and

  regulating colonial

  Seven Years’ War and

  See also Commerce; Slave trade

  Trade status, favorable, granting

  Trail of Tears


  Treason laws

  Treaty of Paris

  Trenchard, John

  Trenton, Battle of

  Tucker, St. George

  Two Penny Act (1755)

  Two Penny Act (1758)

  Tyler, John, Sr.

  United States of America, naming the

  U.S. army. See Continental army

  U.S. Congress

  cost of maintaining the, concern over

  first convened

  powers of, under the new Constitution

  U.S. Constitution

  amendments to the, issue of

  first form of the

  opposition to the

  “parchment barriers” of the

  powers under the

  ratification of the

  strict interpretation of the, advocate for

  U.S. House of Representatives

  U.S. Senate

  powers of, under the new Constitution

  U.S. Supreme Court

  Valley Forge disaster

  Vermont Gazette (newspaper)

  Veterans’ care

  Vice president, office of the

  View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion, A (Jenyns)

  Vincennes (Illinois territory)


  attacks on


  Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in

  civil war in

  and collection of the Stamp Act

  colonial government of

  colonization of

  committee of correspondence

  currency in, tobacco as

  declaring independence, debate over

  final battle in

  Great Awakening in

  indebtedness and

  interest in controlling the West

  militias/military of

  Parsons’ Cause and

  period of quiet in

  population of

  response to the Alien and Sedition Acts

  secession threats and

  Seven Years’ War and

  western frontiers of, opening up the, desire for

  See also specific cities, locations, and institutions

  Virginia Committee of Safety

  Virginia Constitution

  Virginia Conventions

  Virginia Declaration of Rights

  Virginia Gazette (newspaper)

  Virginia General Court

  Virginia House of Burgesses

  Boston Port Bill and

  bribery case involving the

  dissolution of the

  Henry’s ascension to the

  Parsons’ Cause and


  religious rights and

  slavery and

  Stamp Act and

  Townshend Duties and

  Virginia government and

  Virginia House of Delegates

  and the general assessment plan

  Henry attacking Madison in the

  Henry running again for the

  investigation of Jefferson

  power held by the

  See also Virginia legislature / assembly

  Virginia Independent Chronicle (newspaper)

  Virginia legislature/assembly

  land grant appeals and the

  manumission of slaves permitted by

  response to attacks on Virginia

  response to Jefferson’s resignation

  voting for Henry as sixth governor

  See also Virginia House of Burgesses; Virginia House of Delegates; Virginia Senate

  Virginia Resolution

  Virginia Senate


  Volunteer army, issue with a

  Voting power

  Wabash Confederacy

  WallBuilders organization

  War of 1812

  War on Terrorism

  War, power to make

  Ward, Artemas

  Wartime powers, need for

  Washington, George

  Articles of Confederation and

  bribery by

  campaign to replace, as military commander

  as commander of the Continental army

  as Constitutional Convention delegate

  as Continental Congress delegate

  death of

  efforts to recruit Henry to a national office

  elected to the House of Burgesses

  Federalist Party of

  on Henry as a military commander

  Henry supporting

  indebtedness of

  as land speculator

  Mount Vernon estate of

  national influence of

  as a planter

  political break from Madison

  posthumous biographical treatment of

  as president

  on publicly supported religion

  religious pluralism and

  request for a national military

  retirement of, from the army

  retiring as president

  Seven Years’ War and

  support for the U.S. Constitution

  Townshend Duties and

  Washington, Martha

  Watson-Wentworth, Charles

  Waxhaws, South Carolina

  Wesley, John

  West Point, New York

  White, Alexander

  Whitefield, George

  William, King of England

  Williamsburg, Virginia

  Wirt, William

  Witherspoon, John

  Wolfe, James

  Woodford, William

  Wythe, George

  Yazoo land grant

  Yorktown, Virginia

  Copyright © 2011 by Thomas S. Kidd

  Published by Basic Books,

  A Member of the Perseus Books Group

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  Patrick Henry : first among patriots / Thomas S. Kidd.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  eISBN : 978-0-465-02810-8

  1. Henry, Patrick, 1736–1799. 2. Virginia—Politics and government—1775–1783.

  3. United States—Politics and government—1775–1783. 4. United States—

  Politics and government—1783–1789. 5. Legislators—United States—Biography.

  6. United States. Continental Congress—Biography. I. Title.

  E302.6.H5K53 2011

  973.3 092--dc23






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