Lily's Trust

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by Lilli Carlisle


  Omegas choose their mates, and Lily had been certain Jensgar would be happy she had chosen him. Instead, the former general of the king’s army refused her, forcing her to the leave the pack she’d adopted. Humiliated and heartbroken, she returns to the Black Ridge Pack, only to find the pitying glances and hushed comments too much to bear. She has no home, and no one to call her own. Convinced she has no other choice, she flees to the forest to live as a wolf. She is shocked when Jensgar, in wolf form, comes for her, and slowly convinces her to trust him again. But the woods hold secrets, and danger. When Jensgar’s life is threatened, Lily gives up everything to save the man she loves, and once again puts her chance for happiness in peril.


  The Black Ridge Wolf Pack

  Omega’s Choice

  “A charming fairy tale for grown-ups, ‘Omega’s Choice’s is not your usual werewolf fantasy. Lilli Carlisle’s werewolf world includes warriors, palaces, princesses, kings, queens, witches, ogres, unicorns, and a really, really nasty bad guy. Its setting, while ostensibly modern-day, is more like that of a fairy tale world, with castles and secret passages and danger lurking outside the palace gates.”

  “Paranormal at its best by Lilli Carlisle. I’ve fallen in love with a whole new pack, and I can’t wait for more in this series. This is book 1 in The Black Ridge Wolf Pack and what a brilliant beginning to what is sure to be a gripping new shifter romance series.”

  Ceva’s Chance

  “Ceva’s choice was a great second story in this wonderful series! I genuinely enjoyed this story and am very much looking forward to the next story dedicated to Karli, a strong Omega in love with two warriors, and her power hungry manipulative parents. Thank you, Lilli Carlisle for an engaging series”

  “I enjoyed this book. Ceva’s story was great, it kept me captivated. The story is sweet, has action, magic and more.”

  Karli’s Resolve

  “Well written. Very, very, very good.”

  “Great read.”

  “By far my favorite of the series (thus far at least). I quickly fell in love with Karli, Rowl and Joseph and I wanted to reach into the story and smack Karli’s parents for trying to separate the trio. Although the deal they made with the king seems straightforward, there are several difficult hurtles they must overcome to reach their happily ever after, including a major plot twist!”

  Laura’s Legacy

  “Again a fabulous story. Laura and Dedric are very interesting characters that deserved their own story line. They bring together the previous Black Ridge Wolves and White Witch characters and why long ago decisions rest on the backs of today s wolves. A must read for Lilli Carlisle fans.”

  “Can’t wait for the next book. Love the series!!!!!!!! Loved how it brought the other characters in from the previous books and let us know what is happening with them. The story ended on a sad note and can’t wait to see if Lily gets her happily ever after.”

  “Laura’s Legacy is a thrilling and fascinating addition to the Black Ridge Wolf Pack series that has strong, wonderful characters and readers can’t but be enthralled with Laura and Dedric’s story. The fast paced plot flows smoothly from beginning to end and is packed full of exciting adrenaline pumping events that has readers holding their breaths in anticipation of will happen next while the romance of the story is sweet, heart tugging and full of red hot passion. Laura and Dedric’s path to happily ever after has some wondrous, magical events, dangerous thrills and evil enemies, so readers can’t stop turning the page and never have a chance to be become bored. And Laura’s Legacy is unique and one that brings about hope and astonishment to the wolves.”

  Fated Mates


  “A favorite story of mine that I whole heartedly recommend!”

  “I loved this book! You are immediately taken in by Raz’s bravery & selflessness from the first. Her quirky sense of humor & compelling backstory make this a great read. Her two sexy wolves were not just excellent imaginary eye-candy, but their compassion with a woman who was, in many ways, beginning her life from scratch was endearing.”

  “I haven’t read any of Ms. Carlisle’s novels before this one, but I’m looking forward to reading more!”


  “Great series! Love how the women are no damsel in distress. Can’t wait for the next book.”

  “I waited for this book for quite a while and it was definitely worth the wait. Good fun reading with spicy bits.”

  “Great Read. Sometimes we think we know people, but there are things they hide sometimes. Rose is hiding a secret and it’s a pretty important one. When she meets her fated mates, they immediately fall in love. Despite her fears and reservations about telling them her truths, they love and support her all the way. I can’t wait for the next book!”


  The Black Ridge Wolf Pack – Book Five

  Lilli Carlisle

  PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


  Copyright © 2019 Lilli Carlisle

  Smashwords Edition

  All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

  ISBN 978-1-948029-68-1

  E-book formatting by Maureen Cutajar

  This has been possible with the love and support of my family.

  Love you Craig, Samantha, Katie and Jason.

  And to all those who are in love with what society considers the wrong person, fight on.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author



  The wind swirling around her began to slow until Lily felt solid ground under her feet once more. How Ceva could teleport on a regular basis without getting ill was a mystery. Lily’s vision cleared after several blinks and the familiar Black Ridge pack house came into focus. She was back right where she’d started. The sympathy reflecting in Helena’s eyes was almost tangible and only served to add to the weight of rejection Lily carried around her neck like a yoke.

  Helena knew. Surely, everyone was already aware of Lily’s shame. Her wolf growled deep inside her. Angry, confused, and heartbroken, her wolf didn’t understand the complexities of laws and traditions, or even the workings of the male mind. Her wolf understood only that her mate had rejected her, nothing more.

  As the days had passed at the Newton pack while Lily had supported her friend Laura through her pregnancy, Lily had begun to lose herself to her thoughts, which led to a rapid downward spiral. It felt as if reality was slowly pulling away as she sank deeper into the safety of her omega wolf.

  Case in point: “Lily…Lily, are you all right?” Helena asked, bringing Lily’s attention back to the here and now. Again.

  “Yes. I’m fine. Sorry. I was lost in thought. What did you say?” It took all of her energy to concentrate on the people around her. Even Amalia and Marcus, the adult children of General Jensgar—the man who had rejected her—stood looking upon her with sympathy.

  Lily hated pity.

  Helena, a princess and omega of the Black Ridge pack bent her tall body to wrap her arms around the more petite Lily. “It will be okay, my friend. You always have a home here with us.”

  Lily understood that her friend had meant to reassure her and make her feel welcome. But, unfortunately, Helena’s concern had the opposite effect. It felt like a knife twisting in Lily’s stomach. The reason for the gentle care and worry further highlighted Lily’s heartbreak. She drew in a deep breath, more for patience than courage, and told her friends, “I’m going to go for a walk by myself. Clear my thoughts.” And get away from the pity swirling around me. Is this going to be my existence from now on?

  Both Helena and Ceva looked concerned, but nodded. Helena said, “Yes, if that’s what you need. Your room is ready. Your belongings that Ceva had sent earlier have been put away. When you come back let me know, okay?”

  Lily dipped her head. She remembered how well Helena had taken care of all the omegas when she had lived here over sixteen months ago. It gave her some measure of warmth and security. This pack had saved her twice. Once from the ogres that had destroyed her home and killed her family, and now, when the man she’d chosen and had lost her heart to, had thrown their potential future away.

  She took Helena’s hand and shared her thanks and love, through her omega gifts, to everyone. The jewel in the center of her forehead denoted her as an omega, and she possessed gods-given gifts such as having the ability to amplify powers and mimic others’ abilities, as well as telekinesis and fertility. She could make a dead piece of land bloom with foliage and flowers, and magnify everyone else’s gifts.

  Without anything further to say, she turned and walked off down the wooded lane toward the gardens. Alone. She might as well get used to it. Her wolf had chosen Jensgar as her mate and would accept no other. That would be her prison. Her human side had chosen him as well, and all others paled in comparison. Yep, her new personal hell.

  The sun shined through the tall trees leaving dappled spots of light dancing across the ground every time the wind blew. Normally, she’d be soaking up the beautiful weather, light with joy, with a need to spread flowers far and wide to share with everyone. But that wasn’t her normal now. Not anymore. And she didn’t think it would be ever again.

  Lily shook herself out of her malaise, rounded the corner and walked straight into a pair of mates, lying wrapped in each other’s arms on a blanket in the shade of an old maple tree. Quickly, she changed direction before either noticed her presence. Once Lily felt she was far enough away she collapsed onto the ground, finding it hard to breathe.

  Visions of Jensgar flashed unbidden through her mind. Lily had felt his interest; the soft looks and gentle touches he gave were not a figment of her imagination. The way he threw his body over hers, protecting her from a lunatic with a gun, and was never far away from her after that horrible incident. When she’d forget to eat while working in the gardens he’d bring her food and sit to eat with her under a tree. His eyes didn’t lie. Jensgar held affection for her.

  She couldn’t understand why he had rejected her choice.

  Omegas chose their mates, with whom they would share their power. Until recently, it was tradition for them to choose an alpha with a pack to strengthen. Now, omegas that had been to the Omega Celebration and not found a suitable alpha could choose another wolf from the packs. The only problem was the absence of a guarantee the mate would say yes. Although it was rare, rejections did occur.

  She was living proof.

  Desperate longing made her head pound, but anger made her wolf howl and fight for dominance. The pain of loss burned bright, and she felt her jewel warming on her forehead. Her wolf wanted its freedom, away from this confusing world, and to run in the forest where life was simpler among the earth and trees. Free from the ache, free from the pity, free of Jensgar.

  Lily didn’t fight her shift; when it came she embraced it fully, and welcomed the baser of her instincts. She heard her clothes tear as her body stretched, reshaped, and sprouted her brilliant white fur. The cry of loss that tore from her throat quickly turned into an anguished howl as she stood on four sturdy legs. Legs that would carry her far away from this reality to a place where she felt safe, and where she belonged.

  Sharp claws dug into the soft soil. The scent of water some distance away called to her and Lily answered. She ran fast and hard, weaving in and out of the trees, causing birds to take flight as smaller animals scampered back into their burrows. The freedom, the visceral feeling of being part of nature gave her wolf a bit of joy. The only joy she’d felt for some time, and the search for more drew her deeper into the forest.

  She didn’t bother looking back or have any thought of turning around as she vanished from main pack lands.

  She didn’t plan on returning.

  Chapter One

  Jensgar blocked the blow coming from his right side while throwing another attacker into nearby silverthorn bushes, satisfied by the loud thud when the body hit the ground as well as the yelps that came soon after. Another lunged at him as soon as he disposed of one. It was an endless stream of challengers and he felt his muscles stretching as he warmed up. Some numbskull jumped onto his back and attempted to choke him, which made Jensgar growl even louder before slamming his back into a nearby tree, removing the threat.

  Even as he unarmed yet another trainee, he had to admit they were improving, albeit slowly. Claws scraped down his left bicep and blood began to flow. Without missing a beat, he grabbed his overzealous attacker’s hand and pulled one of his claws clean out of the shifter’s paw. It would grow back in less than a week, but from the howl of pain and the trainee’s quick retreat, Jensgar’s point had been made.

  Soon the attacks tapered off and he stood in the center of several groaning men rolling around on the packed earth of the practice ring. He flicked the bloody claw back to its original owner and howled loudly, declaring his dominance.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Howl away, but one day we’ll be the ones howling,” Chris, a young warrior, declared as he tossed his own detached claw into the nearby silverthorn bush he’d crawled out of.

  “Don’t be angry with me. You’re the one who decided to draw first blood. I simply responded in kind.” Jensgar laughed before helping the warrior to his feet. “But I have to admit you and the men are improving.”

  That brought a smile to all five of the warriors’ faces. Drune, one of Jensgar’s captains, huffed from the other side of the ring and stated, “The General still kicked your asses. Fifty laps now.” He laughed as they struggled to stand. The groaning men made Drune laugh even harder, but they dutifully picked themselves up and rolled out, some faster than others. Jensgar gathered his torn, bloody shirt from the ground, rolled his shoulders and joined his fellow instructor beside the weapons shed.

  “Good workout today,” Drune said as Jensgar approached. “They’re getting faster.” Jensgar was about to agree when a stunning yellow Tridal bird flew onto the branch of a nearby tree. The plumes seemed to glow in the sunlight. Its song filled the air as it called to its mate, and instantly his mind went to the one person his tired heart desired more than anyone in a long, long time—Lily.

  “Hey man, you with me?” Drune asked, bringing Jensgar back from his musings.

  It had been over t
wo months since Lily had left him without warning, and his longing for her had only increased over that time. He and his wolf were both desperate for her, but common sense kept him rooted to the spot. Lily deserved better than a beat-up old general twice her age. Considering shifters lived for over one thousand years, that time difference was irrelevant, but to him it mattered.

  “Jensgar, are you all right?” Drune moved closer, concern evident in his eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I think the men are coming along nicely considering before all of this ogre crap they were farmers.” Jensgar agreed with Drune’s earlier assessment. Since the ogres began attacking villages across the country, more warriors were needed to protect the shifters of each pack.

  Drune looked at him with a shrewd eye. “You’re a fool for many things, my friend. One of which is you believing that I accept you’re ‘all good.’”

  “I’m not in the mood for another bit of ‘friendly advice.’ I’ve been receiving it for the past couple months and I’ve grown tired of everyone’s suggestions about what I should do.”

  “But, General, anyone with eyes can see what the small omega means to you. We simply wish to help,” Drune explained as he squeezed Jensgar’s shoulder.

  “I know, Drune, but you have to believe it’s better this way.” Jensgar turned to leave. The late afternoon sun hung low on the horizon and he could use a long, hot shower. Unfortunately, once again, someone else was heading his way to “help” him, although it seemed to be for entirely different reasons.

  Drune growled behind him. “And then there are others who prefer to advise you for their own personal gain.” His friend couldn’t keep the disgust from his voice, knowing the approaching female would easily hear him. They were shifters, each in possession of heightened abilities.

  Jensgar watched as Marie approached. She’d been coming around almost daily. Her dark hair was styled and not a lick of makeup was out of place. Again, a vision of Lily’s wild blonde hair flowing through the wind as she pushed strands back with her dirty, flower-filled hands was a stark contrast to Marie’s artifice. Lily remained front and center in his mind. His wolf growled deep inside, still pissed at him for allowing their mate to leave. His other half didn’t understand Jensgar’s logic or belief that this was best for Lily.


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