Adventures in Sugarland

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Adventures in Sugarland Page 9

by M J Marstens

  And off he walks.

  But not before he steps all over my heart on his way.


  The Lollipop Woods is a magical forest of tall trees shaped like lollipops. Whether they actually are, I’m not sure. The sun beams through them like stained glass and leaves prismatic rainbows everywhere. It’s stunning and normally would have mesmerized me; but not now. Right now, I’m back in that dark place in my head.

  The place that tells me I’m not good enough.

  And that Graham would never want me.

  Usually, I can eventually pull free from this mental hellhole, but my brother’s words are eating a hole in my head, making more room for the darkness.

  The others seem to sense this and have tried to reach out to me, but I’ve pushed them away, too.

  I’m in full pity-party mode.

  Not overly mature of me, but a girl’s entitled to a party now and again.

  We reach the general’s massive stone home, and like soldiers, we march to the front door.

  General Caramello is definitely an older gentleman and is very kind. He welcomes us into his house and serves us food. He’s especially solicitous to me and reminds me of my stepfather, Graham’s dad. I sigh, thinking of him and my mother. I miss them. Maybe if I’d never lost them, I wouldn’t have clung to Graham so tightly.

  I wouldn’t have fallen in love with him.

  I wouldn’t be standing here, whole on the outside, shattered on the inside.

  “Sister?” Graham calls me when my attention again wanders.

  I can’t even conjure the energy to wince at his new name.

  It’s not like we’ve never not called one another brother or sister; the step gets annoying to say after a while, but that was before Graham’s words.

  Before his declaration.

  Now the word is a dagger stabbing into my heart every time he utters it.

  “Excuse me, general; gentlemen. I think I need some fresh air,” I announce to no one in particular.

  Of course, everyone but Graham and the general rushes to aid me.

  Firmly, I decline, but not until Caramello confirms the safety of the woods and his wards do my Sugarlanders agree to let me out of their sight.

  I can feel Graham’s gaze boring into me, but I walk out of the hall and into the rainbow world without a backward glance.

  Outside once more, I breathe in the warm sunshine and examine the strange yellow dirt. Apparently, it’s good for growing lollipops, which the general confirmed are real. Like Pepper, his family harvests them for trade. I scoop a handful of soil and bring it to my nose for a sniff.

  It smells pungent and sweet.

  Unable to help myself, I dip a finger in and take a small lick.


  So, lollipops need acidic soil to grow.


  “Do you always lick dirt?” a male voice calls out to me.

  Startled, I drop my hands and dust them off against my thighs. A few paces ahead, leaning against a sucker trunk, is a young man close to my age. He’s tall and lean, with golden blond hair. From here, I can see it’s streaked with every color of the rainbow. He’s wearing blue pants with a yellow shirt and seems to blend in perfectly with his surroundings.

  And sticking out from his mouth is a sucker stick.

  Belatedly, I realize he’s been watching me eat the ground, and my blush comes scorching back into view.

  “No, I, ah. . . um.”


  Now I just sound like a moron, but the young man doesn’t seem put off. In fact, he walks right over to me and picks up my right hand, still lightly dusted with soil. He removes the sucker from his mouth, and never breaking eye contact, he slowly licks it clean, eliciting a deep and humiliating moan from my very depths.

  “Delicious,” he whispers seductively. “I thought I was the only one who liked strange things. I’m Prince Lolland, but call me Lolli.”

  I feel my brow furrow.

  “You are King Kandine’s son?”

  I didn’t know he had any. . .

  Would that make Mari his mother?!

  “No. I’m the general’s son. King Kandi is an honorary uncle of sorts and since he has no heir, for the time being, he’s named me it. Of course, my father is over the moon, but I have no desire to be king.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to travel. Go on adventures.”

  He sounds just like Graham and me. . .

  Before we got lost and spent two years in hell.

  “Are you going to tell me your name, sugarpop?” he asks when I get lost in my thoughts again.


  “Pretty name for a pretty girl.”

  “Flatterer,” I tease, but he only grins, licking his lips.

  I notice his tongue is pierced and almost reach out to touch it, but rein myself in. My curiosity is going to be the death of me. Not because I do anything dangerous, but because I do the most embarrassing things. I’m convinced embarrassment will kill me one day.

  “I was thinking of going on an adventure just now. Wanna join me?” Lolli offers.

  “I don’t know. . .”

  “Come on. It won’t be far. Let’s go to the ocean. It’s over to the east a little bit.”

  “Is it outside your dad’s wards?”

  “Yeah, but you’ll be safe with me. I’ve got magic, sugarpop.”

  I don’t tell him that so does everyone else around here, save for Graham and me.

  But Lolli’s so exuberant; I imagine this is how Graham and I looked two years ago. Funny how your experiences can add decades onto your life in just a short time. Lolli and I are probably the same age, but I feel so old.

  I want to lecture him.

  Caution him.

  Nag him.

  Tell him the dangers of leaving the wards.

  Remind him that others have more powerful magic.

  Say to him that. . .

  I stop myself.

  This is exactly everything I said I wouldn’t do. I promised myself I wouldn’t tumble into my internal abyss and spiral out of control. I had my bubble popped; my dreams shattered. That doesn’t give me the right to burst his.

  “Is it safe?” I find myself asking though.

  Lolli gives me the strangest look and scratches his head in befuddlement.

  “We’re just going for a stroll, sugarpop, to the ocean. What could happen? We’ll be back before anyone even knows we’re gone.”

  Yes, I think.

  This is what I need to get my head off of Graham and his hurtful words. A fun and quick diversion.

  As Lolli said, we’ll be back before I know it.


  Holding hands, Lolli and I skip down the sprinkle trail, laughing at our own silly antics. As promised, we’re soon at the edge of the Lollipop Woods and I can hear the roar of the waves from the ocean.

  “Come on,” Lolli urges and I squash that last mature voice in my head telling me ‘no’.

  You only live once and it feels like I’ve spent most of my life chained up. Whether it was to Mari’s table or to the palace, I’m finally free. No one telling me what to do, how to speak, how to act. I can finally be me. The question is: who am I?

  I chuckle at how deep I’ve let my thoughts go again and simply clear my head.

  I’m not going down the rabbit hole.

  “Do you have any other piercings?” I hear myself asking Lolli.

  “A couple, but my tongue is my favorite.”


  He shrugs.

  “I like to lick things,” he says with a naughty waggle of his eyebrows.

  I laugh.

  “You like to lick things?”

  “It’s a fetish.”

  His words remind me of Plumpy’s; Sugarlanders certainly love their kinks.

  And I certainly seem to love them, too.

  “Are you going to ask me if I have any fetishes?” I flirt.

p, I’m not going to ask,” he declares with a wink. “I’m going to discover them.”

  I’m a little tongue-tied at his words, but thankfully, we arrive at the beach.

  “Welcome to the Icing Ocean!” Lolli announces in a booming voice.

  The frothy caps in the tumultuous waters do look like icing, but also dangerous. This is probably one of those times curiosity will kill me.

  Via drowning.

  But damn if the ocean doesn’t sound delicious.

  “Come here,” Lolli says, taking my hand.

  We walk along the beach and he scoops up some sand before bringing it to my mouth.

  “Try,” he offers.

  Hesitantly, I run my tongue along one sand-covered digit. . .

  “Oh my word, is that sugar?!” I exclaim in rapture.

  Lolli chuckles.

  “Sure is! It crystallizes into granules from the ocean which forms the beach.”

  “Why aren’t there droves of people out here eating the beach?” I tease.

  “It’s hallucinogenic.”

  “What?!” I squawk.

  Now he laughs like a madman.

  “Calm down, sugarpop, a little won’t do anything. You would have to consume it in large amounts.”

  I scowl and smack his arm, but he tussles me to the sand, tickling me until I beg for mercy.

  “Mm-mm, what have we here?” a falsetto voice ponders.

  Lolli and I freeze and roll over in the sugary sand. I’m conscious of Chester’s shirt riding up my legs and exposing me to everyone’s eyes. I nervously try to tug it back down while assessing the stranger.

  She’s tall, with mocha-colored skin and short hair. Very short, cut like a man’s, but topped with a shining crown. She’s wearing an ice blue skirt that opens in the center to showcase long legs and merges into shorts. Her top is a corset, corresponding perfectly with the skirt, and the color matches her eyes to perfection.

  In fact, against her tanned skin, the color is startling.

  Her build is muscular and I can’t see any evidence of cleavage or any other hint of a curve on her.

  Lolli pulls me to my feet, eyeing the stranger with interest.

  “I’m Prince Lolland and this is my friend, Anise.”

  “A prince? Well, you’re in good company; I’m Queen Frostine.”

  She glides forward, holding out her hand, which Lolli kisses like a gentleman.

  Years of palace manners dictate that I curtsey, which I attempt, but fail miserably when I notice something different about the woman.

  “You’re a man!” I blurt out tactlessly.

  Queen Frostine laughs, seemingly not taking offense to my rude observation.

  “Last time I checked I was, honeycake. What are you two sweet morsels doing on my beach?”

  “I didn’t realize anyone had domain over the Icing Ocean,” Lolli comments.

  “I don’t. I’ve petitioned King Kandi, but he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. It’s not like anyone else wants it, so I figured it would be the perfect place to become queen.”

  Queen Frostine shrugs a delicate shoulder and I peer more closely at his face.

  It’s gorgeous and I’m slightly envious; this man looks better in makeup than I do.

  His eyelashes are long and thick, and his cheekbones are a sculptor’s dream.

  He’s wearing purple eyeshadow and something glittery shimmers on his face.

  I notice Lolli is staring at Queen Frostine in much the same way.

  “Sugarpop and I are looking for an adventure,” he belatedly answers and my mind scrambles to keep up.

  “An adventure? Mmm, my little creampuff, you have come to the right place. So funny you call Anise sugarpop, though.”

  “Why?” we both ask.

  “Because that’s the kind of party I throw here. A Sugarpop Fest, if you will. I can have one now if you want.”

  I blink in surprise.

  “How are you going to just throw a party? How will everyone come so quickly?”

  “Oh, honeycake, no one’s coming quickly at this party. We are going to savor it. And all the invitees are already here.”

  I have no clue what he’s talking about, but Lolli seems to understand.

  “What exactly happens at a Sugarpop Fest?” he demands.

  “Well now, my little creampuff, tell me, do you like to lick things?”


  Well, fuck me if that’s not the magic words I needed to hear.

  Next to me, Anise giggles.

  “That’s his fetish,” she announces gleefully, and I grin down at her beautiful face.

  I’ve been waiting to escape from my father’s constant surveillance for what seems like forever now. With him distracted by Anise’s friends, my wish was finally granted. And what a boon. I not only got a companion, but a party offer to boot.

  “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun,” Queen Frostine drawls, staring at Anise and me like we are delicious desserts.

  And fuck if it doesn’t make my dick hard.

  I stare hungrily back at the man, letting him know exactly what I’m thinking and feeling.

  He throws me a wink.

  Message received.

  “Let’s get this Sugarpop Fest started,” Anise claps.

  Queen Frostine smiles at her.

  “Indeed. Let the party commence! Please come pay your respects to your queen,” he commands.

  He holds out a hand, which Anise takes to shake, but he pulls her into his arms and kisses her senseless. I watch, in aroused yearning as Anise melts into Frostine, moaning softly. Frostine breaks the kiss to nibble along her jaw and up her ear, where he regards me over her shoulder. His eyes glow with knowing and I palm my dick under his watch. He gently sets Anise aside.

  “Now you, my creampuff prince, come greet me,” he orders.

  I walk over to him and look up into his face. I’m a lanky guy, but this man is a good foot taller than me. I place my hands on either side of Frostine’s corseted body and prepare to taste heaven. Frostine kisses me with a little more savagery than he used with Anise. Good, the rougher, the better. Frostine breaks our kiss to attend to Anise again.

  Back and forth, he takes turns pleasuring our mouths with his, until he directs us to kiss each other. Greedily, I yank the purple-eyed goddess to me and feast on her lips. She’s so soft in comparison to Frostine and I growl with my fucking need to bury my dick into something so magically soft. Anise is panting, like she’s been running, and I wonder if she’s as keyed up as me.

  I step back from her when I notice Frostine pulling his cock from his shorts. The ice blue of fabric contrasts beautifully with the dark skin of his dick, which juts proudly up. Anise sucks in a breath at the sight, and I step behind her to grind my painful erection against her luscious ass. She arches back and nearly lose my shit. Fuck, I literally ache to be balls deep inside her.

  My cock twitches at the thought of me inside her, and Frostine inside of me.

  “Alright, my bit-o-honeys, who wants first lick? This is a Sugarpop Party after all. I’ve got the pop, all I need to do is sprinkle a little sweetness over it. But first, I need it good and wet. Lolli, can you help me? Since you like to lick things,” Frostine adds with a wink.

  Fuck, yes.

  I kneel down before him in the sugarsand and go to town on his monster cock, sucking it into my mouth, while digging for his balls inside the tight shorts. I take him deep and hard between my lips until he puts a halting hand on my head.

  “Mm-mmm, you say licking is your thing, but you fucking suck like a champ,” Frostine growls and my dicks gets even harder. “Now for that sweetness. Anise, it’s your turn, honey.”

  Frostine leans down and sprinkles some sugarsand over his glistening cock, wet from my saliva. The sugarsand sticks perfectly, making a ‘sugarpop’. My mouth waters for a taste, but I step back to watch Anise on her knees, sucking the queen clean. I lick my own hand and slide it inside my pants, unable to help myself. Anise licks the
sugarsand off, but then leans over, giggling, and cups a handful more in her palms. Artlessly, she tosses it on Frostine’s dick, making the particles stick all over it.

  “Your turn!” she tells me in delight.

  I join her in front of Frostine and we take turns licking sugarsand off of the giant cockcicle in front of us. Her, then me, her again, and then me. Once more, twice more, and finally, Frostine can’t take it anymore.

  “Undress Anise and lick her creamy pussy,” he orders.

  I practically rip her clothes in my haste to obey. I toss the shirt-dress to the side and moan. Anise is perfection. Dark, glossy hair, piercing purple eyes, full pink lips with blushing cheeks- and that’s just her face. Her body is a veritable wonderland as well, from her large breasts and cherry-tipped nipples, to her small waist, flaring hips, and delectable pussy peeking out coyly from the curls between her legs.

  I push Anise back onto the beach and spread her legs wide open. I can feel Frostine towering over me, watching. I hope he enjoys the show. I know that I will and with this thought, I dive into her cunt, tongue first. The flavor of her cream fills my mouth and all I can think is that I want more. I lick and lick, lapping forever, until she comes all over my face. I lean back to stare at her, enjoying the look on her face: glazed-eyed and slack-jawed.

  Frostine kneels behind me.

  “Fuck, that’s so hot. How’d your tongue feel in her cunt?”

  He doesn’t pause to let me answer, though, but just keeps going, “Imagine what your dick would feel like sliding into her sweet warmth?”

  Just like that, my control snaps, and I surge into Anise.

  She lets out a muffled shriek at the invasion and I instantly still.

  “I’m sorry, sugarpop, I should have ask-”

  “Don’t stop,” she mewls, pushing up to encase me deeper inside her.

  I sigh in relief and begin pummeling my cock in and out of her perfect folds. I don’t stop until I feel Frostine at my back, leaning over me.

  “Bend over her more,” he directs and I angle my body onto all fours while I fuck the gorgeous woman beneath me.

  I startle when I feel Frostine tongue my asshole, then relax, enjoying the foreign sensations running through me. I wish it were his tongue on my dick, but I can’t complain, being buried in Anise is just as good, if not better.


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