Hot Vegas Nights (The Trifecta Book 1)

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Hot Vegas Nights (The Trifecta Book 1) Page 1

by Logan Chance

  Hot Vegas Nights

  Logan Chance

  Copyright © 2020 by Logan Chance

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Editing: Hang Ten Editing

  Cover Design: Kari March with Kari March Designs

  Formatting: Bearded Goat Books

  “Vegas is the answer, no matter the question.”



  Also by Logan Chance


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Sneak Peek Dirty Vegas Nights


  About the Author

  Also by Logan Chance

  Also by Logan Chance

  The Playboy Series





  The Me Series





  Sexy Standalones






  Steamy Duets



  The Cold Hearted Series



  Box Sets






  Sign up for my mailing list and receive a FREE copy of my novella RENDEZVOUS.

  CLICK HERE to claim your book.

  Chapter 1


  Three male strippers walk out of a bank.

  Sounds like the start of a hacky joke, but there’s no joke when it comes to the Trifecta. Yes, we’re well aware the Trifecta sounds a tad bit pretentious, but we play it off and we make it look good.

  Damn good.

  I know we’re eye catching. This is what we do for a living. Make an entrance, and keep the attention on us until we’ve left the room. And here we are, our attention level is off the charts and we’re loving every second of it.

  We’ve been the Trifecta since the moment we were born. My mom had the bright idea to name us Benjamin, Axel, and Damien, B.A.D, and let me tell you... we are. We’re bad for your heart, bad for your senses, and bad for your wallet.

  All three of us were born, little clones of each other, all of us ten minutes apart. We’re brothers. We were born scrawny, premature, tiny triplet boys. Babies who when we first came out of the womb had a small chance of having a normal life, boy were they right. A normal life is not what we’re living and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  My brothers not so much.

  They want out.

  They want more. I’m just following them because we stick together. If I could have it my way, I’d live this life forever and never tire of it.

  We’ve always stuck together.

  Through thick and thin.

  Or I should say thin to thick, because we aren’t thin anymore.

  The scene we’re creating right now is one of my favorites so far, and that’s saying a lot because we’ve had a lot of scenes. I smirk as the three of us walk out of the bank. All dressed in fitted matching suits, tailored to make every woman around us want to be closer, and every man wants to know our secret. We’re powerful when we’re together. We know it. We use it to our advantage.

  The Trifecta is in full force. We walk out of the bank, in calculated movements, drawing every eye to us. We never have to practice. Simpering women ask us all the time if we do our movements on purpose, pawing at one of us with lust in their eyes. We tell them the same thing, no. The triplet instincts are strong with us.

  The sunglasses come on in one motion covering our bright green eyes from the hot sun. Our arms bend at the elbow, one at a time, unbuttoning our crisp white cuffs before pulling down our suit sleeves, the emerald cufflinks capturing and releasing the sun in sparkling brilliance.

  We strut toward Damien’s, the youngest triplet’s, black Range Rover. Climbing in we shut the doors in unison blocking our shine from the staring onlookers.

  As soon as we pull away from the parking lot we all let out a collective breath. The radio is shut off allowing our sighs to ping around the interior. After a moment, Axel, the second in line lets out a light chuckle. Damien follows and soon I’m in on it. Our chuckles turn into a full out raucous laughter. We laugh so hard if any of our patrons saw us they’d dry up like the Sahara.

  But here we are under the protection of the dark tint of the SUV, laughing like giddy school girls. But in a manly way, of course.

  “We did it gentlemen,” I say, attempting to get myself together. As the oldest, by ten minutes, twenty for Damien, I’m the one who keeps the Trifecta together, upholding our status and all we’ve worked for.

  “Fuck yeah, boys.” Damien takes his hand off the steering wheel and gives the two of us high fives.

  Axel’s the most excited about what we just did. We’re one step closer to getting out of the business, something Axel’s been waiting a long time for. Axel hates what we do for a living. Damien, always the one wanting to prove himself, sees it as a means to an end. Me, well, I love it. I’m good at it.

  We’re all good at it, but I thrive off it.

  “Now comes the hard part.” We roll our eyes at Damien. He’s always the one looking at the next step.

  “Come on, Damien. Let us at least be happy for a minute before we have to think about all the hard work we’re in for. We deserve this,” Axel says, glancing at Damien through the rearview mirror.

  “I’m just saying.”

  “We both know,” I say, stopping Damien’s rant we’ve all heard countless times before.

  “All right. I’m proud of us, and we did work hard to get the loan today. Let’s celebrate tonight.”

  I grin knowing Damien’s happy. Hell, we’re all fucking happy. Our dreams are finally coming true.

  “I’m in,” I say as Axel nods.

  “After work tonight we’ll celebrate our first step of getting out of this business.” Damien pounds the steering wheel in excitement as we turn onto our street where our childhood house sits.

  “So, that means no extra guest tonight, Ben,” Axel says, punching me in the arm.

  “I’ll just have to find someone willing to play with me at work.”

  “Damn it, Ben. You’re going to get us in trouble again. You know Willie doesn’t want you playing on the job. If you get caught again.”

  I cut Damien off, “If I get caught again we’ll have to endure another boring ass lecture about how we’re supposed to look attainable, but can’t be attainable. Blah, blah, blah.”

  “Just don’t fuck it up tonight.
I hate having to show your girl of the night out of the house,” Axel says as Damien parks the car in the driveway.

  “Fine, Axel boy, I’ll give you a break for tonight. I’ll be all polished off before we clock out.”

  Damien groans as we walk into the house.

  “You know I wouldn’t complain if either of you decided to bring a woman home. Maybe if the two of you loosened up, and had some fun you wouldn’t be so upset having to usher out the wobbly-legged women I bring home. We’re the Trifecta, why don’t you use it?”

  “Because we want something more meaningful,” Axel says for the hundredth time.

  We walk into our house, the happiness pushing off us. None of us bothered by our conversation. “Work out in the garage in ten,” I say, heading to my room.

  “I bring women home, Ben,” Damien says next to me. “Just not as many as you do. And stop teasing Axel. You know he hates the way women treat him. The way they treat us like they own us. He doesn’t want a one-night stand. He wants it all.”

  “I know he wants the love of his life like good ol’ Mom and Dad, but can’t he have fun until he finds her? He was more fun when he played around, until he decided to wait for the one. Now he’s boring.”

  “He got bored of the fake intimacy, and I am too, but you know he’s not boring, he’s scared. Just go get ready for our work out. You’re never going to change, and neither are we.”

  I flip Damien off as I open my door. I enter my room with my head held high with pride. We did it. I’m so proud of my brothers. We’re following a dream we had when we first stepped into the business, and now it’s coming true.

  We meet up in the garage, all of us changed into our work out clothes. When the Trifecta started coming into its fame we couldn’t go to gyms anymore. It turned into a shit show with men attempting to out-bench us, hurting themselves in the process, and women showing up in tight clothes, staring at us with lust pulsing off them in waves. We were asked to leave at least three gyms before we decided to build one at home.

  Fame. It comes with the job.

  And we blew up over night, becoming one of the hottest shows in Vegas.

  Damien was livid when we had to spend money on the at home gym. He was pissed at the expense, but he couldn’t deny we needed to get out of public. It didn’t put us too far back, though. We’d been saving money, not spending it on anything too lavish. The three black Range Rovers in the driveway excluded. They’re fucking awesome. Those SUV’s are to keep up appearances. A must, so to speak. Just like our state of the art gym.

  The three of us begin working out, none of us stepping on the other’s toes. We have this down. One on cardio, one on free weights, one on the weight machine. The music blasts through the speakers as we move around the garage getting our sweat on. The grunts and clangs are the only other sound coming out from the room.

  After our work out, we go into our respective showers to get ready for our night. Our parents made the decision to get us our own bathrooms when we hit puberty. Thanks, Mom and Dad. When they retired from teaching, they wanted to travel the world, which they’ve been doing for the past seven years. Leaving their baby sons to take over their house. Best parents ever. We work hard to make it our own. Just like everything else we’ve done.

  And there’s plenty of room.

  My brothers asked me not to bring anyone home tonight, and I’ll respect their request. It just means I’ll have to work fast as soon as we get to work.

  I like a challenge. I’m all ready for it. Maybe I’ll get two lucky ladies tonight just to prove I can. Maybe I won’t pick anyone up. It’s not like an everyday thing, but tonight is special. Tonight is a celebration. And I do feel like celebrating. I smile at myself as I pack my stuff in my duffle bag.

  Tonight’s going to be a good night.

  I exit my room and my two brothers follow suit. Each of us lugging our bags with the Trifecta symbol embroidered on it.

  “Are you ready for this?” I ask with a bit too much energy.

  “I understand why you’re happy Ben, but this seems overboard,” Axel says.

  “I’ve decided to break my record tonight.” I wink at my brothers as they groan. “Come on boys. I have women to please.”

  “Fuck, are you going to be this annoying all night?” Axel asks as I usher them out of the house.

  “Of course he is,” Damien answers. “Come on. I’ll drive tonight.” We climb in the Range Rover. My heart stammering as my smile makes up for the two spoil sports riding with me.

  Tonight’s going to be a really good night. I can feel it.

  Chapter 2


  Big Willie’s is already packed when we park in Damien's spot. The line’s around the block and it will stay that way all night. This is perfect for my self-appointed challenge, the line means I have more sexy women to choose from. I study the women in line, licking my lips as I scan the crowd. They come to Big Willie’s in droves. It’s the highlight of this busy sin-filled town. Any tourist knows they have to make a special stop. Locals can’t stay away either, especially when the Trifecta’s on the stage. And soon it’s going to be even better.

  Women and men stand in line talking with animated movements, excitement surrounding them. Women are dressed in skimpy dresses with heels making their legs appear longer, begging to be wrapped around my waist or head. I’m not picky.

  First the bank today, and now sexy women tonight. This day keeps getting better and better.

  Men are in even tighter clothing than the women. The amount of leather clad cock and balls would make any Texas rancher proud, and rich. It looks like I won’t be the only one with a lot to choose from tonight. Much to our female client’s dismay more than half of the men I work with are going to be exclusively eyeing the male population, but like Willie says, as long as they don’t know, it doesn’t matter. Just look available. That’s the club’s motto. Appear available—always.

  The Trifecta are known as the women pleasers. Well, I’m known as the women pleaser. Hey, it’s not cocky if it’s true. My brothers used to be women pleasers. Now they both want something better, and honestly I can’t hate on that, even though I do most days. Like today. How can they not want to celebrate by getting laid? I know I sure do.

  “Tonight isn't going to be just a good night. It’s going to be a great fucking night,” I say.

  “Can’t you just keep it in your pants?” Axel asks. “Never mind stupid question.”

  We hike our duffle bags on our shoulders, heading into the talent entrance around back, careful not to give anyone a glimpse of the elusive Trifecta until they are good and warmed up. The music is deafening, and the bass is thumping. I smile as we step into my element.

  And this is by far my element.

  I get off on this shit. Seriously, I do.

  Women and men scream, encouraging the man onstage to take it off. Just a normal night here at Big Willies.

  “It’s insane tonight,” Rick, one of the newer guys, says as he scans the crowd in the peephole we use to see what’s happening in the club while we’re backstage.

  “I know. I saw some beautiful women outside.” I push to see around Rick.

  “Well tell me which ones you have your eyes on. I don’t want to be humiliated again.”

  “It wasn’t that bad,” I say, glancing at him over my shoulder.

  “It was pretty bad,” Axel says, not helping at all.

  “Ben, you took her right out of Rick’s hand by winking at her. All of her co-workers laughed at Rick,” Damien says.

  “Just let me know which one you claim,” Rick says all huffy.

  “Hell, I’m warning you now I’m not planning on just one.”

  “Fuck, at least there are a lot of them tonight.” Rick stomps off as the DJ starts his intro.

  “Why’s the club so busy tonight?” Axel asks, staring out into the crowd.

  “Willie’s running a promotion where women get a free lap dance if they buy three drinks,” Warren, another
dancer, says as he fixes his cowboy hat. His ass cheeks hanging out of his chaps.

  “Are you sure I can’t bring one or two home tonight?”

  “Stop being an ass, Ben and come rub oil on my back.” Axel jabs a bottle of baby oil at my chest turning toward the dressing room.

  “So bossy.”

  “Give him a break,” Damien says, “And if you’re good I’ll let you rub my back.”

  “Why did we have to be triplets? Obviously, I’m the best one out of the three of you.”

  We go into the dressing room, moving into our routine to get ready. The crowd is riotous and I’m soaking in the energy they’re throwing out. Axel’s eyes grow tenser the closer it gets to our time. Damien doesn’t seem to care much.

  Willie comes in as we’re stretching, giving one of the new guys shit for missing a strip of skin with his self-tanner.

  Our boss is nothing like his name suggests. Willie wears suits tailored to make him look just like he wants, the man. In fact Willie’s the one who introduced us to our tailor, Raymond. Willie’s brown hair, which he has touched up every two weeks is disheveled but he isn’t fooling anyone. We all know he takes his time with it. Willie has a wide smile on his face, which has been on his face since leaving the bank with us this morning.

  “Trifecta, your presence has been requested in VIP room three.”

  “All of us?” Damien asks as he cracks his neck.


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