Apocalyptic Beginnings Box Set

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Apocalyptic Beginnings Box Set Page 104

by M. D. Massey

  I felt like such a fucking moron. There I was, swooning over this oversexed, obviously far too up on the social ladder douchebag, only to be looked at as his next notch.

  “Yes. Thank you, Philip.” Henry casually pulled his other hand out of his pocket and slipped the man a tip. I wondered how much it was. In such a swanky place, I suspected it was at least a hundred.

  I looked around a little more as he chatted with Philip. The dim lighting, the dark floors and walls, the blood-red leather couches, the glass tables with orchids in clear vases, the low music. It was not the usual “get up and dance” kind of bar. As I looked around at all the couples, I wondered if it were some sort of swingers club. I was not doing that!

  “Thank you, sir. Miss.” Philip nodded at me. “I will notify Mr. Williams that you are here.” When Philip walked away, Henry waited to sit until I sat. Such a gentleman. I could hardly contain my eye roll.

  “Bring all your dates here?” I said in my full blown “I can’t believe I fell for your tricks” attitude.

  “No, not really. I have a couple times. This is usually a third or fourth date kind of place for me.” He smiled. Good god, his smile was stunning.

  “So I should feel special I made it here on the first date?” I hoped, with every fiber of my being, that he were being truthful.

  “I do think you should feel that way.”

  A middle-aged man with a small potbelly and wearing a fancy suit approached us. “Mr. Daniels, pleasure seeing you here this evening. It’s been a while.” He chuckled. Henry smirked.

  Great. He was probably there the previous evening with some floozy whore making out, then fucking her unwalkable in the back room. We stood to greet Mr. Fancy Pants.

  “What’s going on, Cam?” They did the quick man fist, grip shoulder, hug thing.

  “On a date?” Henry nodded. Mr. Cam Fancy Pants glanced over at me and looked me up and down. “Lucky man to walk in here with such a fox.” I blushed and looked down. He held out his hand to me. “Cam Williams.” Henry gazed at me and smiled.

  “Elaina Cooper.” I took his hand and he gently squeezed it. I tried to be confident and powerful.

  “I do feel lucky,” Henry said with pride in his voice. I still didn’t understand.

  “You take care of my boy here.” Then he winked. What the fuck did that mean? “Listen, I got that whisky in this morning that you wanted. I’m keeping it for my private stock in the back since, technically, I can’t sell it. Do you want that tonight? Drinks are on the house.”

  “Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.”

  “And for the pretty little lady?” Cam looked at me with a devious smile.

  “I will have a glass of red wine, please.”

  “Anything in particular?”

  “Do you have a Cabernet Franc?”

  “Of course. I have an ’09 that is fantastic. I will send Wesley over with your order.” He walked away.

  Good Lord, it had to be the most insanely over-the-top, ritzy place I had ever been to. Henry motioned for us to sit.

  “Who was that?”

  “The owner. Nice guy. He takes care of me when I need it and, in turn, I take care of his staff with a nice tip or two.” He smiled.

  “Friend of yours?”

  “Ahh…I suppose. We don’t hang out, per se. Let’s just say I’m a very good customer.” I wasn’t sure what to think of that statement. “Anyway, I thought we could have a drink and chat for a few minutes before dinner.” He checked his fancy watch. I was sure it was worth more than my car. “I made reservations at Christiano’s for six forty-five.”

  My eyes popped out of my head. Christiano’s was so far out of my budget, I couldn’t afford to even be on the waitstaff there.

  “You don’t have to take me to such nice places.” I was embarrassed. He gazed at me, tilting his head to the side, then laughed. “What’s so funny?” I growled.

  “You. Most women want to be taken to stuffy places like this, but I sense you would be happy at a regular bar or a diner.”

  “I’m on a PBR budget, not an outrageously-priced whisky budget. I’m not sure if you are trying to impress me or woo me.”

  Wesley brought over our drinks and set them on the table. Henry thanked him and passed him a tip. At that point, I was certain he was loaded. It was the third bill he handed out before our drinks. I couldn’t imagine what he would tip at dinner.

  “Well, to be honest, I hope to do both.” Oh no, not the deep rasp again. He slid over on the couch a little. I froze as he cupped my cheek in his cold palm. “I had such a nice time chatting with you last night. You know, I haven’t met anyone like you before. You’re honest, spunky and, my god, so beautiful.” I looked down in embarrassment. “I wanted to kiss you so badly last night. I hope I’m not being too forward.” He moved in so close, I could feel his breath on my lips. I swallowed hard. “May I?” he whispered.

  I wanted to slap some sense into myself, but it were as if he had put a spell on me. He was hot, a gentleman, and probably a manwhore, but I could look past that for the time being. Chalk one up for me having a run-in with a flat tire and phone stealing fairies.

  “Yes…,” I breathed out.

  He closed the distance between us and brushed his soft lips across mine. He paused to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear, then tilted his head and began kissing me. I heard him groan softly, which turned me on and made my insides stir. He pulled away, leaving me breathless. He ran his fingers down my neck and to my hand. His gorgeous eyes bored into me, trying to read my every move. I was ready to lay back and let him take me right there, but I decided to act like a lady for the moment.

  We finished our drinks, chatting a little about nothing, then left for Christiano’s.

  When we entered the restaurant, I looked around at all the luxury. It was hard to see all the people in the dim lighting, but I was certain I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew there. Between the idle chatting and the soft music playing in the background, there was a quiet murmur throughout.

  When we reached the table, I was impressed with the setting…the white linens and perfectly placed water glasses, napkins, and utensils. It was much different than the rolled up paper napkin/cheap silverware combo I was used to.

  I wasn’t the type of girl who would order a small salad, watching my date eat lobster and steak. I liked to eat, and I wasn’t going to waste an extravagant meal in a place like that. So, after a brief discussion about what looked tasty on the menu, I ordered the same.

  He spent a lot of time just watching me. I almost felt like he was studying my every move. I felt somewhat self-conscious, and his constant staring made it difficult to eat.

  “I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable. I shouldn’t stare at you so much. I’m just… I don’t know. I can’t believe you would want go out on a date with me.”

  I burst out laughing. Funniest…epiphany…ever.

  “What?” Brows furrowed, he looked legitimately confused as I took another sip of wine.

  “Have you seen yourself?”

  “Every damn day.” He still looked confused.

  “Let’s just say I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  “Really?” He took another bite of his steak, chewing slowly, obviously rolling my words over in his head.

  The waiter came over and refilled our glasses of wine for what seemed like the fourth or fifth time. I lost count. Even with food in my stomach, the alcohol hit me pretty hard. What could I say? I was a lightweight. I felt brave and a little less inhibited.

  “So how did that beautiful face of yours get bruised up?”

  He quirked an eyebrow at me. “You want the truth, or do you want some version of it?”

  “I would love the truth. I’m all about being honest.”

  “Right. Well…it’s kind of not pretty.” I raised my eyebrow. “You drive a hard bargain, my love.” I was briefly stunned when he called me “my love”, but I had to shake it off.

  “That I

  “I got into an altercation at the gym.” Again with the eyebrow. “He was an ass. I was defending myself. The ambulance took him away. I wasn’t arrested. The end.”

  “Hmm. Well, if it was self-defense…” I shrugged. When he smirked, I could see the relief in his eyes.

  As the waiter came back to refill our glasses again, we ordered dessert. We ended up sharing a chocolate pot de crème. If it were just me, I would have inhaled the entire thing without blinking. He confessed he had a horrible sweet tooth, as well.

  After the delicious, outrageously priced dinner, we sat back and had a few more glasses of wine, talking and laughing. I felt so comfortable around him. It could have been all the wine, but we connected. Kismet? Quite possibly.

  I invited him home with me. I was sure all the wine had something to do with it. It made me more ballsy than usual. Believe me. I never did that. I could count on one hand how many times I had sex, but I couldn’t help myself. He was stunning, and I was in desperate need of him.

  The entire ride back to my apartment was full of nervous laughter and small talk. When we made it to my floor, I hoped Claire wasn’t still there. When I opened the door, the lights were off. Thanking her silently, I flicked them on.

  As soon as I closed the door, Henry grabbed my face in both hands and began kissing me with a passion I had never felt before. He pulled me close and moaned into my mouth, then broke the kiss.

  “It’s getting warm in here.” The rasp in his voice made my knees weak. A slow, sexy smile spread across his lips.

  When he shrugged off his jacket and turned to lay it on the chair, I saw the faint lines of a tattoo across his upper back showing through his white button-down shirt. We sat on my couch and he pulled me onto his lap. I straddled his hips. His hands traveled up and down my sides as he kissed me hungrily, then reached up to pull the clip out of my hair.

  “I like it down,” he murmured in my ear as my hair swept down around my shoulders. He pulled back and looked at me for a moment. “Jesus Christ, Elaina. You are so beautiful.”

  He dove in and kissed me some more. He was an amazing kisser, probably from tons of practice. He must have had to beat the women off with a stick. Still, I was in shock that he wanted me. I hoped I wasn’t the last single woman in the area that he hadn’t slept with yet.

  He ran his hand over my small breast. I let out a slight moan and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Maybe we should head into my bedroom?” I said between his kisses.

  “That’s up to you,” he drawled, kissing my neck. I shuddered in excitement. I stood and took his hand, guiding him down the short hall to my bedroom.

  I yanked his shirt out of his pants and finished unbuttoning it. He was deliciously fit and, from what I could see, quite aroused. I was a little nervous because he looked a little larger than I had ever dealt with…and he was still in his pants!

  I ran my hands down his sexy, muscled shoulders to his cut abdomen, feeling the hardness of his muscles under my small hands. He groaned as he kissed me. I traced the lines of the V directing me to the place I wanted to touch.

  “You have an amazing body.” I was almost drooling. He looked like a model.

  “Thanks, but I think we need to even up a little here. I need to see you.” He grabbed my hand and gently spun me around. He laid his hands on my lower abdomen, pulling me back into his body. He nipped at my ear, swaying us back and forth, then reached between us and unzipped my dress.

  Thankfully, I wore one of my only matching bra/panties sets, just in case. They were black lace, which I thought was sexy. After the dress hit the floor, he spun me around, looking me up and down.

  “Shit. You are stunning. Perfectly curvy.”

  He pulled me close again, and I felt his thickness swell, begging to be released. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. He wore a pair of low-cut black boxers that exposed a long track of dark hair running below the waist. When I ran my hand over him, he closed his eyes and sucked in a breath.

  My body buzzed with need. Tugging on his arm, I walked backward to my bed. As I sat and leaned back, he laid on top of me, pushing his hips into mine, grinding his hard length against my begging core. He kissed my neck, trailing down to my nonexistent cleavage. He unhooked the clasp on my bra, groaning when he finally saw me. I was thrilled that he enjoyed my body.

  He kissed my chest and ran his tongue around my perky pinks. I nearly convulsed. His tongue must have been magical because it made my body do crazy things it had never done before. He reached down and began massaging me, grinding my panties into my heated, wet flesh. I wanted him in the worst way. He looked up at me with those dazzling eyes.

  “You are so fucking ready for me. But not yet.” He slowly pulled off my panties, then shimmied out of his boxers. He kissed my abdomen, nipped at my skin. Each kiss felt better than the last. I enjoyed every second of his lips on my body.

  Then it hit me. He was about to do a muff dive! I hoped I smelled fresh, glad I groomed in the shower that afternoon. His tongue teased my nub. My hips bucked under him. I moaned so loud, it was embarrassing.

  He looked up at me and smirked. “God, you are amazing. You like that, my love?”

  “Yes. More,” I rasped.

  He teased me, moving his tongue around my folds, sucking and dipping his tongue in as far as he could. It was intense and amazing, and I couldn’t help but move my hips to the rhythm. Then he slid in a couple fingers. He knew exactly where to massage. In less than a minute, I was pulsating feverously around his fingers.

  I heard him chuckle a little. “You want more, my love?”

  Christ, he was going to kill me.

  “I want you.” I reached over into my nightstand and pulled out a condom. Leaning back on his knees, he rolled it over his veiny, heavy thickness. I about died when I saw it, worried that it wouldn’t fit.

  Henry crawled over me and captured my lips. I could taste myself on his tongue. He balanced his upper body on his arms, staring at me. His eyes sparkled.

  “You are so gorgeous.” He knew how to pour on the charm. He positioned his tip at my entrance. “You sure? We can stop now if you want. I want you, but if you want to stop, I’m fine with that.”

  “Please. I need more of you.” I was a hot mess of desire and need.

  Slowly, he slid his thickness into me. I gasped as he stretched me and filled me to my max. He groaned and bit his lower lip, pausing. I was thankful for it because I needed a minute to get used to him.

  “Oh god, you’re so fucking tight. I can barely handle it.” He looked into my eyes and saw my struggle. “You all right?” My nod was slow. I was still unable to breathe. “You sure?” I nodded again. He lovingly stroked my cheek with his thumb, settling his big body on me.

  He wrapped his arms under mine, holding me firmly in place. He breathed deep and began moving his entire length in and out of me. I gripped his shoulders and dug in with my nails. He felt so damn good.

  He worked me with a slow, deliberate rhythm. “You want more from me, my love?” The sexy rasp and calling me “my love” was killing me.

  “Yes. More,” I moaned. I popped my hips up, and he began an assault like I’ve never felt before. His thrusts were harsh and deep, making him pant. He was above ten on the sexy scale as he fucked my brains out.

  “Fuuuuck, Elaina. You feel so good,” he moaned.

  I felt my core stirring again. I was close and, judging by his trembling, I had a feeling he was, too.

  He pounded into me furiously and I lost it. I wrapped my legs around his body and cried out as waves of pleasure crashed over me. My core exploded, soaking the both of us.

  “That’s it,” he growled. “Scream for me.”

  Then I demanded something I had never demanded before. “Henry…pound me harder!”

  He wasn’t going to argue. I wanted to ride out the last seconds, enjoying his power. When I clamped my muscles down on his thickness, he growled again. I planned to milk him dry.
br />   “Shit, love.” A deep throaty groan escaped his body. He rolled his beautiful eyes and popped his hips into me a couple more times until he fell on top of me, covering me like a blanket. I felt like I had accomplished my mission. I wrapped my arms around his chilled, muscular body while he caught his breath.

  He pulled out, being careful that his juices stayed in the condom. He reached over and tossed it in the trash next to my nightstand as he rolled off me. I rolled onto my side facing him.

  “Hands down, best sex of my life.” He looked so calm and relaxed. He lazily laid his arm across my hip. I shyly smiled at him. “For real. I’m not joking. That was crazy good. I hope I pleased you.” He pulled me closer and gave me a nice kiss.

  “You probably say that to every woman you bed. And yes, you got me good.”

  He smiled. “I’ve had my fair share of shitty sex with women who lay there and do nothing or barely moan. I mean, how am I supposed to know if I am working her over correctly if I don’t get a response? I’m telling you, love, no words can describe what we just did. Fucking amazing.”

  I liked him saying “love” because it made me feel good. I smiled at his beautiful, slightly bruised face. “I have to admit it was pretty spectacular. That’s the first time I’ve come twice.” He grinned again, then kissed me.

  Oh god, he was so sexy. I would’ve had him again right at that moment if he wanted to.

  “You going to stay the night, or are you going to run away?” I kind of surprised myself. I wanted him close to me all night, even though I knew nothing about him. For all I knew, he could’ve been a serial killer.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He ran his hand through my hair and kissed me on the forehead. “I would like to stay, but only if you want me to. I don’t work weekends, so I’m available for a slumber party.” He smiled and winked.

  My body buzzed again. I could only imagine what staying in bed with him for a couple days straight would be like.

  “Well, lucky for you…” I tapped him on the nose, “I just got fired from my job, so I’m free until…whenever.”


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