Apocalyptic Beginnings Box Set

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Apocalyptic Beginnings Box Set Page 112

by M. D. Massey

  “Understood.” Nick grabbed Thomas by the arm and dragged him to Sophie’s truck. “Here, eat a couple of these, you scrawny bastard, and drink water.” Nick handed him a couple packets of snacks, along with a bottle of water Claire pulled out.

  Within minutes, they were piled in the trucks and resumed their journey to Elaina and Nick’s parents’ house. There were several vehicles, their doors and trunks open, pulled to the side of the road. It gave Henry the impression someone must have already looted through there.

  He tried to shake the feeling that something was off. A shiver ran through his body. He pressed on, though, wanting to get to their destination, worried about what they might find. On top of that, he was exhausted.

  Chapter 17

  Henry pulled into the driveway of the Cooper’s home. It was a grand Victorian set in the small, well-established village. Nick and Elaina grew up in that home.

  Since it was late fall, the leaves had changed to the brilliant golds, ambers, and reds, which were quietly drifting to the ground, one by one.

  Henry and Sophie got out to scope out the area for any undeads. This left Thomas alone with Nick, a fresh reanimation of his former self. Thomas was jerky and nervous, rightfully so. He drummed his fingers on the door armrest. Nick stared at him, getting used to the small changes in his senses. He rapidly became aggravated with Thomas’s twitchy behavior.

  “Enough!” Nick roared, clenching his fists. Thomas almost came out of his skin. Nick felt the pain and stiffness of his new body. The blood he had back at the store wasn’t enough. He tugged at the bloodied strip of Henry’s t-shirt tied around his arm. He now had a good understanding of Henry’s rages.

  The craving quickly became uncontrollable, the anger like an ember burning in the deepest part of his body. He couldn’t think about anything but tearing open Thomas’s neck and drinking the elixir of life.

  “Fuck!” Nick threw open the door and slammed it shut. Thomas didn’t move, deciding it would be best if he just stayed right where he was.

  Henry and Sophie turned around, pointing their Sigs in Nick’s direction. “Christ, Nick! What the hell are you doing? Trying to get yourself killed?” Henry jogged up to him. Claire watched the scene from Henry’s truck.

  “I can’t… I can’t do this.” Panic settled in on top of his rage. Seconds from tweaking out, he rolled his neck back and forth, clenching and releasing his fists over and over, pacing like a maniac.

  “Listen, I know how hard it is, but we need you. You need to concentrate on the bigger picture right now.”

  Nick laughed. Then, out of nowhere, he grabbed Henry by the throat and wrestled him to the ground. Henry easily overpowered him and rolled Nick to his stomach, his wounded arm pinned behind his back. He jammed the muzzle of his Sig into Nick’s left ear.

  Claire scrambled out of the truck, then dropped to her knees next to Nick. “No! No! Stop! Please, stop!”

  “Do it! Do it!” Nick yelled, laughing maniacally.

  “Shut it! You’re going to attract undeads!”

  Nick laughed again. “Wake up and look around you, motherfucker. We are the undeads!”

  “You listen to me,” Henry growled, slamming Nick’s body into the ground. “You are going to shut the fuck up now so we do not get overrun. We’re trying to see if your mum is here and alive!” He held him down, Nick growling in pain. Henry looked up at Claire. “Can we tap you?”

  “Tap me? Absolutely not!” Claire gave Henry a disgusted look, scrambling back.

  “Claire, please. He needs blood. If he doesn’t get it soon, he will not be able to control this rage or his drive. You guys will be in danger. Trust me. It will only get worse from here.” Nick continued to struggle. Claire stood, looking at what Nick had become. “If he doesn’t get what he needs, I will have to end it. You get me?”

  “This is your fault! He wouldn’t be like this if you could control yourself! Look at him!” The tears poured down her face. “And it’s your fault Elaina is hurt!” That stung. Sucking back a hiss, Henry knew their current predicament was his fault, but to hear Claire spit those words to him hurt on a deeper level.

  “Claire, please. I know. I’m fucking sorry. You have no idea how pissed I am with myself right now. I’m full of regret, but I can’t turn back time.” Nick was starting to wear thin beneath Henry. “He needs your help. Can you not see that?” Claire sobbed.

  I heard the fighting, yelling, and the struggle going on outside the truck. My head was foggy, but I processed what was going on. I sat up, using my hands to hold myself steady. Looking outside, I saw we were in front of my parents’ house.

  I took a deep breath, focusing on my family home standing silent in all its glory. Someone had left the truck door open, so I slid out unnoticed. Henry had pinned Nick down, and Claire was a short distance away from them, crying.

  “I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but tap me if you need to.” My words were groggy, and my knees weak. I had to hold onto the truck’s door to stay upright because I felt every rotation of the earth. Claire spun around.

  “Elaina, love…” Henry’s rigid features softened. “No. Absolutely not.”

  Claire ran over to me, helping to hold me steady. “You need to sit.” Claire tried to direct me back into the truck.

  “I’m fine.” I was angry at them for treating me like I was fragile. I could hear Nick growling. “Get whatever you need to help him.”

  Sophie, still keeping an eye out for undeads, grabbed a pack and pulled out the supplies needed to perform a draw. She stood, waiting for permission from Henry.

  “I will not allow this to happen!” Henry snapped.

  “It’s not your choice, is it? It’s my body!”

  He shook his head, pleading with me. “Elaina, please. You may have a concussion.”

  “Okay. Okay!” Claire held her arm out to Sophie.

  “Are you sure?” Sophie asked.

  “Yes. Do it before I change my mind.” I have to admit, I was relieved Claire stepped up to the plate because I was pretty sure I would’ve passed out again.

  While Sophie performed a draw on Claire, I slowly walked, steps staggered, to Nick and Henry. “Henry, let him go.”

  “No. He can’t be trusted at the moment.”

  “Sort of like you,” I mumbled. I looked at the scene around me, finally able to speak about the nightmare consuming us. “I cannot believe you hid this from me. I can’t believe I have been fucking a dead person. Do you know what that makes me? A necrophiliac.”


  “Why didn’t you tell me? I had a right to know who I was sharing my bed with. I had a right to know who I was marrying!”

  “I’m sorry. Please believe me when I say that I love you so much.”

  I looked at him with disgust. I would have slapped him across his face if he weren’t holding my brother. Henry tucked his Sig in the back of his pants. Nick flailed underneath him, trying to get free. “You know why I didn’t say anything.”

  “Am I going to get infected now since you stuck your tongue in my mouth? Or since you…?” I looked around, hoping no one was listening to our conversation. I figured Nick was too focused on himself so he wouldn’t even hear me. “Since you released in me?”

  “No. No. It doesn’t work that way. There has to be a blood/saliva mix in order for it to infect.”

  “So other fluids…?” Blushing, I tried to say it without notice. I didn’t want to say out loud that I wondered if his juice were contaminated. We had a few slip ups, but stayed protected for the most part…until recently.

  “No. You’re safe. Otherwise, I would have made sure to wear protection every time. I wouldn’t have risked your life just for sex.”

  Nick growled. He was deteriorating, second by second. His eyes were graying, his movements slow and jerky.

  “Hurry up, Sophie!” I yelled.

  “I’m doing the best I can. I can’t force her blood to come out any faster!”

  “I thou
ght you said the process was slower for your kind!” Claire yelled.

  “Once we become stable. He isn’t stable yet. It’ll take a few days. He needs a lot at first, then his need slows down. Eventually, he will be able to live on a vial daily, plus a bag every few weeks, like Sophie and me.”

  “This is a bunch of bullshit!” Dizzy, I grabbed my head.

  “Sophie, get Elaina water and something sweet to eat. Sit down before you fall, love.”

  I was happy to. With no grace at all, I plopped my ass on the ground and rested my head on my knees.

  “I only have two hands, boss. I’m trying to fill a bag here.”

  Henry grumbled. “Shit.” He sat up, then remembered. “Thomas!” he yelled. “Thomas, get your scrawny ass out here!”

  The truck door opened, but he didn’t get out. “I’m not comin’ out there wit’ you freaks!” he shouted.

  “Get Elaina water and food.” Thomas was frozen in place. “I’m not asking. That was an order!” Henry had a knack for intimidation. He could intimidate Godzilla.

  Thomas scrambled to the back, finding the items Henry demanded. He slid out of the truck and handed them to me, keeping a close eye on Henry.

  “Thank you, Thomas,” I murmured.

  “Uh…yeah. Anytime.” He backed away one slow step at a time, making his way back to the truck. I ate, feeling a little better after drinking water.

  Sophie wrapped up the draw from Claire. She filled two vials for her and Henry, along with a partial bag for Nick. “Here. Sit back. I’ll get you something to eat in a second.” Sophie helped Claire sit in the truck, then rushed over to Henry. He helped Nick sit up, but he was still behind him, restraining him in a bear hug.

  “Open up.” Sophie squeezed the fresh blood into Nick’s mouth. Once he drank it all, he relaxed. Henry loosened his grip on him, but sat at the ready until Nick calmed down enough to maintain an even temperament.

  Finally, when Henry was able to let him go, he came over and sat next to me, leaning against the ailing fence. Sophie handed him the vial she drew for him.

  As I watched, Nick rolled onto his back, looking like he was in ecstasy. He lay on the ground, his eyes closed, enjoying what looked like a high. I glanced at Henry, who had tipped back the vial. “Don’t you dare drink that in front of me.” I was angry, but then I saw the shame on his face when he furrowed his brow and pursed his lips. I knew it wasn’t his fault he was that way, but I was so pissed at him. When he started to get up, I grabbed his arm. “Wait. I’m sorry.” Brows furrowed, he gazed at me with uncertainty, then sat back down. “I know this isn’t your fault. It’s fine.”

  “Are you sure?” He had hope in his voice and eyes.


  Henry tipped the vial back. I shuddered, my stomach protesting. I fought to keep the food down. His expression turned euphoric. His eyelids slowly opened and closed, lips parted. I had seen that look in more compromising situations. A low groan rumbled out of his chest. “Fuuuck…,” he moaned in that gritty voice that always made my panties hit the floor.

  He rested his head back on the fence with his eyes closed for a moment, exhaling at great length. When he opened them up, they were more brilliant than they were before. He looked at me with concern again. “I’m so bloody sorry for all this.”

  I wanted to accept his apology, but I wasn’t ready yet. “I need some time.”

  “I understand.”

  “Can we go see if my mom is around?”

  Henry stood and held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he helped me up, pulling me close so we were face-to-face. I stared deep into his sorrow-filled eyes. He took my face in his hands. “Please understand… I love you. I could never stop. It is you who makes me whole. It is you who makes me want to keep going every single day. Having your love captured in here…” He took my hand and put it over his heart, “means so much to me. You rock my world, love. If you weren’t here at this moment, I would have sacrificed myself long ago.”

  His words tore through me like an arrow, digging deep into my heart and soul. My sadness flooded to the surface, causing my eyes to fill with tears. I was afraid to speak, knowing that if I did, my words would come out in between sobs. He wiped my tears with his thumbs, then kissed me on the forehead. “I love you, Elaina Cooper. You have no idea how much.” He let go of my hand, pulled away, and looked around.

  I was overwhelmed. I wanted to collapse on the ground, kicking and screaming like a two-year-old. I wanted to curl into my own body and cry. Why me? I looked up to the sky, searching for the answer. Why? Why was this allowed to happen? I wanted answers, but I realized I was on my own and I needed to press on.

  “Thomas, get out!” I didn’t like the way Henry barked orders, but I was sure he was still pissed about Thomas tying him up. He scurried out of the truck. “Sophie, how’s Claire?”

  “All pinked up and pretty.”

  “All right. Nick, you all set?”

  He lay flat on his back, as if he were crucified. He opened his eyes. “Yeah. I think so. For now anyway.” His voice was slow and drawn out.

  “Have your weapons at the ready.”

  “Can I get mine back?”

  Henry laughed at Thomas’s statement. “Nope. You stay in the middle. I don’t trust you yet.” We walked single file up to the front porch.

  I wasn’t sure if my trembling was from excitement, fear, or my head wound. Henry paused for a second, then quietly said, “No separating. We will search together. Ready, Elaina?” I nodded. After trying the doorknob, Henry knocked a few times, getting no response. He dug into his pocket for his lock picking set.

  Nick said, “There’s a storm cellar entrance around back. She might be down there. If not, we can get in and search the house.”

  “All right then. Lead the way.”

  Nick stepped off the stairs, weaving a little, and headed toward the back of the house. He seemed to be trying to get used to his new self. Everyone stopped in front of the cellar doors. Sophie continually scanned the area for undeads or whatever else could possibly pop up. Nothing would have surprised me at that point.

  Henry tried to open the doors, but they were latched from the inside. He pounded on them. “Mrs. Cooper?! It’s Henry! Are you inside?” He spoke in his American accent so as to not confuse my mother if she were down there. When I heard the latch unlock, my heart raced. I knew it! I couldn’t wait to see her. I nearly pushed Henry down. The door creaked as it opened an inch at a time.

  I gasped.

  Chapter 18

  A brilliant pair of emerald eyes danced in the darkness of the cellar.

  “Back up! Now!” Henry shouted to us. Everyone took a couple steps back, except for me. That probably was one of those moments I should have listened, but I had other plans.

  “Mom! Mom, are you in there?” I yelled in desperation.

  “Get back,” Henry growled, yanking me back by my shirt. He aimed his Sig at the eyes. “Come out! Now!”

  “I knew you would get here eventually, Liam.” The voice was deep, rumbling like thunder when he spoke. It made my skin crawl.

  “I said come out now!”

  An overgrown gorilla of a man climbed up the stairs and hoisted himself up to the ground with zero effort. Henry still had his Sig trained on him. I scrambled, trying to get to the cellar. I needed to see if my mother was down there.

  “Elaina, no!” Nick grabbed me and held me tight with his good arm. “I won’t let you down there.” I struggled with an intensity only I possessed, but he was much too strong for me, even in his weakened state.

  “Nick, take the others to the truck.” Henry didn’t take his eyes, or his Sig, off the overgrown gorilla. He stood in front of Henry, his hands on his hips, grinning like an asshole without a care in the world. His clothes were filthy, but he looked strong. There was certainly no suffering on his part.

  “No! No, I have to see.” I cried. “Please.” I clawed at Nick, begging for him to release me from his unyielding grip. />
  “Nick, take them away! Now!” Henry had a look about him that I had never seen before. Like he was out for blood, and not in the way that he needed to continue living. Thomas ran to the truck, and Nick grabbed Claire’s arm and dragged both of us with him.

  “Ah, Sophie. You are looking especially delicious, love. Come here so I can feel you next to me again. I have missed your luscious body. I could go for a quick one right now just seeing you. You miss me plunging into your fanny, don’t you?” He winked at her. She didn’t move a muscle, working hard not to show her fear.

  “Sophie, go! Keep an eye on them.”

  “I am not leaving you alone with this piece of shit.”

  “I’ve got this. Go. Now.”


  “Go now, goddamn it!” He had never sounded so ferocious. She knew he meant business.

  Sophie backed off and headed toward the truck, keeping Henry in her peripheral vision.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Kellan?”

  The rage burned deep inside him. He wanted to make Kellan pay for everything he and the rest of the head-fucks had done to Sophie…for everything they had done to both of them.

  “On assignment, of course. Why else would I be in this splendid paradise?” They eyed one another, neither one giving in. It was nothing but a contest to see who was more dominant.

  “Where’s Elaina’s mother?”

  “Downstairs.” He smirked as he thumbed over his shoulder.

  “Is she alive?”

  Kellan laughed. “Of course she is. How do you think I’m moving around so freely?” He rolled his neck, smirking in a sinister way.

  “Go get her.” Henry’s voice was calm, but commanding.

  “Well, that might be a problem.”

  “Go get her now!”

  “Well, you see… What happened? Ah, yes. That’s right.” His sarcastic tone turned explosive. “She’s gagged and tied up! Sound familiar?! I have her tapped. She’s ready for another draw. You needing some?” He stood in front of Henry, his body relaxed, even though there was a gun aimed right between his eyes.


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