Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

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Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) Page 5

by Candace Blevins

  Brain had gone home, but Duke and his Duchess were snuggled together on a sofa on the other side of the room while Duke watched a game and Gen did something on her laptop.

  I typed, “I may need to get thirty grand from my safe into the bank without raising red flags.”

  I got Duke’s attention and motioned him over, and let him read the question. I’d have gone to him, but he prefers we keep club business away from Gen.

  “Brain has some ways. It can get complicated but it’s possible, and you may lose a substantial chunk for that fast of a turnaround, so you’ll need to start out with a lot more than you need. I don’t want you to worry too much about it, though. We’ll make sure you have enough.” He shook his head. “You’re all tense again.”

  The whole room looked up as he said, “Hey, Britches!”

  When she looked our way he told her, “Gonzo needs some stress relief. Take him downstairs and make sure he comes back chilled-the-fuck-out.”

  I closed the file I’d used to type the note to Duke without saving it, and then shut my laptop as I glared at Duke. He was right, of course — a good fuck would clear my mind and possibly put me to sleep, since I hadn’t slept more than an hour last night. I was exhausted but my brain was running a million miles a minute.

  Duke just grinned, and I rolled my eyes and stood. Britches followed me downstairs and took her shirt off as we walked into my room. I watched as she disrobed, and told her, “On your knees. You know what I want.”

  This bitch gives incredible blowjobs, though I can usually only take a few minutes of her tongue and lips working in concert in magical ways before I’m slamming into her throat. Dawg told me his solution to this — get off and then tell her to get you hard again so you can enjoy her ministrations longer.

  She unbuckled my belt and loosened my jeans, pulled them down just enough, and went to work. I looked to the ceiling and groaned, willing myself to let her keep working, but in less than five minutes I’d grabbed the back of her head and was pounding her throat. She rested her palms on my thighs, and even though she wasn’t trying to control anything I growled, “Arms behind you. Grab your elbows.”

  She obeyed immediately and I pounded her throat until my balls finally emptied.

  The child of a wolf and a human is usually a wolf, but not always. Britches had been raised with the normal training a child goes through in preparation for their first change, but she’d never shifted. She knows about wolves, so we can hurt her with our cocks. Also, she’s a little hardier than a human but we still have to be careful. She can see better-than-human at night, though she didn’t get our sense of smell or hearing.

  I’d made sure she had enough oxygen, but I’d been hard on her and her eyes were red and tear filled, and her makeup was smeared all over her face.

  “Unlace my boots.”

  She leaned forward and did as I asked, and then held them as I pulled my feet out. I slid out of my pants and underwear, stripped my shirt over my head, and stretched out on the bed on my back.

  “Get me hard again. I’m gonna want your ass.”

  She crawled between my legs and I groaned once again as she pulled my cock into the heat of her mouth. She gave my balls just the right attention as her lips worked my shaft and her tongue did amazing things to the head of my rapidly hardening cock.

  I growled when she sat up, and was about to yank her back down when she said, “I’ve been bitten three times to try to get me to change, and it’s never worked. Whatever’s in my body that fights off the werewolf gene or virus or whatever-the-fuck-it-is, fights it off in a bite, too. Someone told me being bitten by someone who wasn’t born to it, but was bitten, might give me a better chance.”

  I propped up on my elbows and considered her situation. Her family are all wolves because her father had bitten her mother after Britches was born. She’d expected to be one until she didn’t change when puberty hit. A few days ago I wouldn’t have considered the question when asked in the middle of a blowjob, but I asked her, “Why me? I’m not the only bitten wolf in the MC.”

  “You’re the strongest bitten wolf I know.”

  “How old are you?”


  Britches had been hanging around the clubhouse about six months, and a few weeks ago we’d declared her one of ours. She has to do whatever a fully patched member asks her, but she has a permanent invitation into the front of the clubhouse, can be alone downstairs long enough to leave a brother’s room and make her way to the front, and we’ll protect her should someone threaten her and we know about it. We aren’t obligated to bite her, but she’s one of ours and I owed her an answer.

  “My life just went crazy. If I bite you and it works, I’m responsible for you until you gain control, and if you can’t control your wolf then I’m responsible for killing you. I have too much on my plate right now to even consider adding to it. If you haven’t found someone else to do it in six months, ask me again. No promises I will, but you can ask.”

  She opened her mouth to say something else, and this time I reached for her head and yanked her back down. She got the message and went back to my blowjob.

  I let her work me over for nearly twenty minutes this time, and she didn’t try to rush it. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be getting me off — the goal was to pleasure me, and she certainly did.

  Wolves don’t like being on their backs very often, and when I’d had all the pleasure I could stand, I ordered her to her hands and knees as I stood beside the bed. I made short work of lubing her ass and my cock, and soon I was sliding into her warm, tight ass.

  Vasectomies won’t work for werewolves — we’d heal right up on our next change. There are stories of men who’ve tried to have the plumbing cut with silver so it won’t heal back, but apparently it only works some of the time, and when it works the men sometimes can no longer get an erection. So, a vasectomy isn’t an option.

  Until I found stronger condoms or figured out a way to only fuck women on birth control, I didn’t intend to fuck any more cunts.

  Her ass loosened up within my first twenty thrusts, and I let my cock grow wider and wider as I pounded. She yelped and squealed almost constantly, and when I was as wide as I wanted to go without losing too much length, I went skinny and ultra-long with no warning. It took her ass a good minute to close down around my now thin cock, and I held her hips as she tried to claw forward to escape the length fucking deep into her colon. When I’m this thin, I’m over a foot long — I usually make the bitches give themselves an enema before I do this, but I was far inside of her with no obstructions and it felt incredible.

  When she finally stopped trying to escape, I let my cock go wide and short again, thickening in spurts so I caught her off guard and could hear more of her delicious yelps. I breathed in her scent — a combination of pleasure, pain, and anticipation — and I kept pumping. Her yelps grew more intense and her scent changed, which made me realize there was a lot of friction, so I added lube.

  She reached for her clit and I didn’t say anything. If she could get off she was welcome to it, but I wasn’t going to stop just because she was finished. I’d told her this when I’d fucked her before, though, so I didn’t bother repeating myself.

  As it turned out, she managed to get herself off several times, and I loved the way her ass muscles milked my cock on her more intense orgasms.

  I went back and forth from narrow to so-wide-she-was-begging-for-relief for over an hour before I finally came deep in her ass, and I rolled to the side and landed on my back.

  “Clean me up and turn the light out on your way out. And lock the door.”

  She cleaned my cock with a warm washcloth, dried it, and left without saying a word. I rolled over and closed my eyes as the room went dark and the door closed, and I was out within seconds.

  Chapter 6


  I checked email first thing when I awakened, and Connie had emailed me back to let me know the twins had a million questions but
so far seemed to be handling everything well emotionally. I wrote her back to tell her she’d done a great job with them, and their emotional stability showed they’d been raised in a loving home.

  As I wrote the words I knew I was giving her ammunition to use against me if we ended up in a custody battle, but I truly wanted to work this out with her and not turn it into a fight. I’d do everything I could to show her how appreciative I was of the way she’d taken care of my kids, and hope we could work things out amicably. I’d meant it when I told her if we both have the best interests of the kids in mind, we’d be fine.

  I know they have to stay with her right now, because ripping them from their current life and dragging them into mine wouldn’t be good for them. We had to do this slowly.

  No one else in the clubhouse was up and about yet, so I went to the workout room and attacked the bag a while before I hit the weights. I showered and changed, got breakfast at a little greasy spoon diner down the street, and then drove to the Nissan dealership.

  I rode my bike around the lot, and then back and forth amongst the Maximas. I parked behind the only black one, and was disappointed it didn’t have the package I’d decided I wanted. I looked them all over and none had what I wanted, so I got back on my bike before the salesman made it to me, and I rode to the other dealership.

  Once again I drove the entire lot before focusing on the Maximas. This time the black one had exactly what I wanted, and I looked up expectantly as a salesman approached.

  “I’ll move my bike while you get the keys to this one, if you don’t mind?”

  I loved the way it drove, and when I got out I took a picture of the VIN number as I told the salesman, “If we can reach an agreeable number, I’ll take it.”

  An hour later we’d come to a deal and I’d let them know we could skip the finance option because I’d be paying with a check. I’d texted the VIN to my insurance agent on one of the occasions the salesman had left the room to talk to his manager, and she’d called back to get my credit card number and ask me what deductible I wanted. I’d also arranged for a prospect to drive Angelica to me so she could drive my bike home, so I was all set.

  I only trust three people with my bike, and Bash’s Princess is one of them. It’s kind of a long story, but she’s torn it down and rebuilt it, and she knows how to handle it.

  When we arrived at my house, Angelica got in the passenger seat so I could take her home, and said, “She’s a beaut, and Harmony’s right — you’re more alive.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond so I changed the subject. “I started to research child car seats, but I figure Connie’s already done that so I’ll just buy whatever she has. The kids’ll be used to them, so it should work out.”

  “Connie’s the aunt?”

  “Her name’s Constance and she doesn’t shorten it, but that’s a prissy assed name.”

  “Will you tell me about the twins?”

  I told her about our time at the Riverpark, and she laughed and smiled as I talked. When I dropped her off in her parking lot she leaned over the armrest and kissed my cheek. “I like this version of you, Gonzo. I’m so fucking happy for you.”

  “Thanks for getting my bike home.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  I drove to the compound and went through the sequence necessary to get into the RTMC’s large parking garage. I have access because I’ve needed to park my truck here on occasion, and I have to admit it felt good to drive my new car in.

  I checked my phone to see if Connie had replied, and she had. My heart soared as I saw the invitation to come to lunch at her house tomorrow at one. She gave me her address, and noted there was probably no need in telling me to dress casual. I grinned as I replied to let her know I’d be there, and asked if it’d be okay if I brought a decadent dessert.

  I had a few hours until I was scheduled to work, but I walked across the street to get something to eat. Brain, Harmony, Gen, Duke and a few others were sitting at the jumbo table in the VIP section, and I joined them.

  I let the waitress know what I wanted as I sat, and then let the group good-naturedly rib me about the fact I seemed to be smiling for no reason. When we finished eating, Harmony kissed Brain on the cheek and told him, “Gonzo’s going to take me for a ride in his new car. We’ll be back when you see us.”

  Brain nodded, and I walked Harmony across the street. “Angelica told me all about it, I’m so excited for you!”

  “Yeah, and you have something you want to lecture me about, and you know I won’t toss you out of a moving car because you’re human and it’d take you forever to heal and Brain would make me pay dearly for every day you hurt.”

  She laughed. “Okay, maybe a little guilty of that one, but I’m hoping you’ll hear me out.”

  “Where do you want to go?” I asked as we pulled out of the compound.

  “I don’t know, just drive. Did they teach you how to use the onboard computer?”

  “They showed me how to use the basics, enough to drive and use the radio. They said when I have those things down to come back and someone’ll walk me through the rest. Apparently, trying to teach everything at once is overwhelming.”

  “You need to tell Constance about Clara and Nicky. She needs to understand where you’re coming from.”

  I shook my head and she kept at it. “Do you want her to dig into your past and find out, or hear it from you?”

  “She doesn’t even know my real name.”

  “I’d have written down your license plate number and given it to a PI before the end of the day. If she didn’t, her dad probably did.”

  Fuck. She was right. Was that why I’ve suddenly been invited to her home when she was so hesitant before?

  “Yeah, me too. Okay then, I’ve been invited to lunch at her house tomorrow. Her dad’s still in town and I assume he’ll be there. I’ll email her and tell her if she can work it so the two of us have some time to talk alone, I’d like to tell her who Clara is so we can discuss whether the twins need to know any of the story at all at this age, and if so, what parts we tell them. Maybe her dad can watch them while she and I take a ride. She’s warned me they can hear really well, so going to another room probably won’t be enough.”

  “Good. I like her. You need to be upfront with her.”

  “I intend to, though there are a few things I think need to wait a little longer. I want my name on their birth certificates but it’s too soon to bring it up.”

  “I can see that, just don’t wait too long — and make sure you talk to her before you actually do anything.”

  “I’m putting an attorney on retainer Monday, but we won’t get started yet.”

  Chapter 7


  I took homemade brownies for dessert, and a huge box of Play-Doh with thirty-six colors for the twins. I’d also brought five pounds of frozen beef, bundled in an insulated thermal bag.

  I hadn’t worn my gun to the park, but Brain and Harmony had been armed so I’d been okay with not having mine. Clara and Nicky had been taught about guns since they were tiny. They’d seen me shoot jugs of water and watermelons and other things that made an impression in their little minds. I’d let them handle a few guns when they weren’t loaded — to get rid of any curiosity they might have — and explained every gun in our house will always be loaded, so unless I handed it to them, they couldn’t touch it. I’d still kept them locked up, but I was also certain they both had enough respect for the violence and damage a gun could wreak that they’d leave one alone if they came across it. I had no idea if Chloe and Declan had ever even seen a gun in person, and I didn’t intend to piss Connie off by bringing one.

  Still, I felt naked going into the house unarmed. This was a nice neighborhood, and her home was more of a mansion than a house, but I still didn’t like it.

  However, every other thought left my mind when the twins came running out the front door and nearly attacked me. Connie took everything out of my hands as we neared the front porch,
and I sat on the bottom step and let them climb into my lap.

  “We went to the early service at church this morning so we could come home and cook!” Chloe practically squealed.

  “Wait until you see what we get to eat today!” Declan added.

  I took a deep breath and picked up just the faintest scent, and guessed, “Pork chops?”

  “How did you know!” Declan shouted.

  Chloe quickly followed up with, “You aren’t supposed to know!”

  I stood with one on each hip and walked them into the house. “I vote we go see what all there is. Your Aunt Constance is an incredible cook.”

  They gave me directions to the kitchen as we walked through the house, and I leaned to one side to set Declan down, and then the other direction to set Chloe on her feet.

  Declan is about an inch taller than Chloe, though I hadn’t noticed it at first because neither is ever still when they’re standing. They both have sandy blond hair, but Declan’s is a touch darker. I know fraternal twins aren’t identical — they come from two eggs being fertilized at the same time. Still, they look an awful lot alike, though they’re easy to tell apart. It’s possible if their hair was cut the same, though, one might have trouble.

  “Did you make them or did you have one of your girlfriends make them?” Connie asked as she moved the brownies to the island.

  “I made them. Don’t have a girlfriend.”

  She looked doubtful about the girlfriend part, but said, “I’m impressed. Thanks.”

  “Did you put the beef in the freezer?”

  “Yes, but I told you we don’t need—”

  “I know, which is why I only brought five pounds. Put it in the fridge twenty-four hours before you intend to cook it, and then let me know what you think. I’m serious about bringing however much you can store in a freezer. I’m big on eating organic when possible, and staying away from meat raised on factory farms.”


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