Sinners MC

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Sinners MC Page 4

by Bella Jewel

  “You liked what you saw.”

  It’s not a question. It’s a simple fact.

  “Does it matter if I did, or if I didn’t?” I say over my shoulder.

  He grips my arm, spinning me around. His green eyes hold mine. God, he’s so fucking devastating to look at. He literally makes everything hurt with want.

  “It matters, sugar.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “Does to me, ‘coz you know I want inside those panties. I’ve never wanted inside a girl as much as I want inside you,” he drawls.

  “Seems like you have plenty of panties to crawl into,” I say, grinning at him.

  He steps closer, leaning down until I can feel his warm breath against my skin. He smells like beer, and Britney’s perfume. It’s not off putting though, in fact, it’s quite a sexual smell.

  “Girls like Britney, they’re what you use when doing it yourself is just too hard. They don’t feel great, they don’t perform great, they’re just easy. If I wanted a simple fuck, then sure, I’ve got plenty of panties to crawl into. I don’t want a simple fuck though, I want something that’s real. Something like you...”

  I cross my arms. “Why the fascination. You don’t know me, Cade. Besides, aren’t you banned from having sexual relations with the President’s daughter?”

  “If you had been around the entire time, sure. You haven’t, though. Jackson ain’t got a say so when it comes to you, so no, there ain’t nothin’ hold me back from takin’ what I want...”

  “Why would you want me?” I ask, a little shocked and confused.

  “Girls like you are what all men want, sugar.”

  “You don’t know what kind of girl I am, Cade.”

  “I do,” he says, his voice husky. “I know exactly what kinda girl you are.”

  “Fill me in on that, won’t you?”

  He leans closer, lifting his heavily ringed fingers to stroke my cheek so lightly, I tremble.

  “You’re the kind of girl that makes a man want to stop what he’s doing, just so he can get a moment to look at that angelic face – a face that will keep him awake for the rest of his fuckin’ life. That’s the kind of girl you are, sugar.”

  I swallow, feeling my body coming to life beneath his touch.

  “I think you’re wrong,” I breathe as he leans even closer.

  “I’m not wrong. I’ve seen a lot of people in my life, and I’ve been with a lot of girls. None of them are as real as you. I’ll fuck you, sugar. I’ll claim you because you’re the meaning of need. You’re what I’ve been lookin’ for.”

  Is he serious? I tremble as he moves even closer, bringing his lips only millimeters from mine. I swallow over and over, trying to think of anything else but him. How could he possibly want me that much, after a mere week and a bit? It’s not possible; he doesn’t know me. He just wants something different, a challenge perhaps? I don’t know, but I do know he’s completely wrong about me.

  “I’m not what anybody looks for. I’m not what they fight for. I’m not what they breathe for. I’m not the girl you think I am.”

  He leans down, shocking me as he slides his lips over mine, gently at first, then roughly when I begin to respond. I can’t help my hand, as it lifts up to wrap around the chain on his jeans. I tug it, bringing him closer. His boots crunch in the dirt as he takes a step closer, pressing his body against mine. I open my mouth, allowing his tongue to slide in and tangle with mine. His fingers travel up my neck, over my cheek and then he thrusts them into my hair, tangling it around them. The kiss is the kind of kiss that stops your breath, the kind of kiss that stops everything. For a split second, all I can feel is him. When he pulls back, I snake my tongue out and lick the last of him off my bottom lip.

  “You might not think you’re worth fighting for, or breathing for, but let me tell you, sugar – everyone deserves to be fought for, even those who think they aren’t worth it.”

  Then he lets me go, turns and walks off, leaving me utterly speechless.

  Well hell, the biker is deep.


  ~*CHAPTER 4*~


  “Don’t fucking bitch at me, Addison.”

  I stare at my mother, cigarette in her mouth, hair in tangles, wearing nothing but a bra and panties. The man she just serviced is passed out on her bed. He’s old and fat. I am guessing he’s also rich, by the looks of the suit that’s hanging over the back of a nearby chair. Why would any rich man feel the need to put himself anywhere near a woman like my mother? Heck, couldn’t he just order a bride or something?

  “We have no food, again. You’ve spent all your money on drugs!”

  I am arguing with my mother yet again because there’s no food in the house. Once again, she’s spent all our money on drugs. She grins at me, showing rotting teeth. “You don’t seem to complain about the drugs I buy, considering you make good use of them.”

  “To avoid reality when your pimp decides he wants a piece of my ass!”

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic. Jasper is only giving you what you’re allowing him to give.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” I shout, my voice high and angry.

  “Yes, I’m fucking serious,” she says in a sing song voice.

  Nothing is serious to her, nothing at all. She’s just an emotionless soul trapped in a beaten body.

  “You know what, I am sick of trying to talk to you. I’ll go find my own way to get some food.”

  “Use that pretty mouth, honey; the men will come running.”

  I stare at her, completely horrified. “I hope you rot in hell, I really do.”

  She smirks again. “If I’m goin’ to hell, honey, you’re comin’ with me.”

  Stupid bitch. I lean down, gripping her purse and opening it. I toss the contents out until I find her stash of money right down the bottom. She thinks I don’t know that she keeps bits in there for herself. She lunges at me, screaming loudly as I fist the wad of cash and clench it tightly. Her fingernails slide down my skin as she grips my hair, clawing at me to try and force me to let it go. I slap her hard, and she goes stumbling back. She lunges again, though, ramming my middle section.

  “Stupid little whore!” she yells.

  “Learned from the best,” I growl, attempting to kick her off me once more.

  “Whoa, whoa, ladies...”

  We both see the fat, ugly man rising from the bed. His belly is hanging far over any parts that may, or may not be, present. I feel the need to throw up. He stands, pulling his pants on with heavy grunts. Then he walks over to the two of us, still squabbling over some cash.

  “Jesus, never seen two women fighting like scrawny cats over some cash before. Here,” he says, thrusting a fifty at me.

  I take the money, letting go of the bundle in my hand. My mother gathers it back up, snarling curses at me. I take a few steps back, clutching the fifty in my hand, not willing to give it back, so the fucker better not change his mind. He stares at me, clutching the money like it’s a matter of life or death.

  “I’m not takin’ it back, girl,” he mumbles.

  Then I hear him mutter, “Pathetic.” And that’s exactly how I feel right now, well, most days in fact.

  Just pathetic.


  “Addison, is it?”

  I turn when I hear the sexy, smooth female voice speaking to me. I’m just heading out of the compound after my morning shift at the bar in my second week. I see Britney rushing towards me, blonde hair flapping in the breeze, tits bouncing; the girl really should lock those up. When she stops in front of me, she’s panting. She puts a finger up and indicates that I wait while she heaves and catches her breath. Is this bitch serious? I stand there, staring down at her with an amused expression. She straightens once she’s caught her breath, and crosses her arms, looking over me. I do the same, giving her my best ‘are you finished?’ look.

  “You’re Cade’s new flavor, seriously?”

  I raise my brows. �
�I’m sorry, I’m nobody’s flavor.”

  She grins, showing teeth too perfect for her face. They’re likely fake. I’ve been watching her smoke like a chimney all day; it’s not possible for them to be that white. “Oh, honey, but you are his flavor. He likes new girls. He likes to play with them, tell them nice things, fuck them, and send them on their way. I’m the only one Cade Duke takes twice.”

  Cade Duke? What a stupid name.

  I give her a rude snort. “That’s so nice for you, really. I’m thrilled that you feel so...happy...about being used. I, however, don’t get involved with men like Cade and I certainly don’t discuss it with his toys.”

  Her eyes narrow and she scowls. “Be very careful how you speak to me, Addison.”

  “Oh, right, and what are you going to do if I’m not careful?”

  She raises her hand, fist bunched, ready to hit me, but I catch the punch mid-air. Her eyes widen, and for a moment, she’s stunned. That’s all I need, I twist her arm, bringing it around her back, making her bend with a squeal. She cries out loudly.

  “Listen to me, lady. If you ever try to lay a hand on me again, I’ll break this arm. Unlike you, I have a certain level of respect for myself. If you have a problem with whoring yourself out, that’s your business; it ain’t mine. I’m here to work, get some money, and leave.”

  She snarls and curses at me before hissing, “That’s not what I heard. I heard your mother was a fucking whore and so are you.”

  I twist her arm harder and she screams.

  “Watch what you say. It’s you in the awkward position right now.”

  “You fucking...”


  Dammit. I glance up to see my father walking towards me, five bikers in tow, one of those bikers is Cade. Jackson rushes over, gripping me and attempting to tug me backwards.

  “Let her go,” he says to me.

  “Bitch was calling me a whore,” I yell, twisting Britney’s arm harder.

  “Just let her go, and I’ll deal with it.”

  “No one calls me a fucking whore!” I hiss.

  Hot tears burn under my eyelids and I hate that she’s gotten to me. I hate that she tugged my heart strings. Her words aren’t true. I know they aren’t, but they hurt in a way I can’t explain. Jackson gently pries my fingers from Britney’s arm. When I let go, she stumbles to the floor with a cry.

  “Get up, you’re not hurt!” I yell at her, my voice raspy.

  “Jackson, I think she broke my arm,” she sobs.

  Jackson stares down at her, then turns to the bikers behind him. “Jock, Lion, get her back into the house. We’ll sort her later.”

  Two men step forward, hurling Britney up. She wails in pain, but I shoot her a warning look before she’s taken away. Jackson spins me around, forcing me to face him. His blue eyes scan my face, a mix of concern and anger.

  “Fuckin’ hell, girl, you’re fuckin’ playin’ with fire.”

  I shake his hands from my shoulders, and cross my arms. “She came over and started me, and by the way, I think it’s completely rotten that you would go anywhere near that...thing.”

  He raises his brows. “What I do ain’t none of your business. Get home, don’t fuckin’ start shit like that in my club again.”

  “And you wonder why I don’t call you Dad, a tip for next time, Father – you take your daughter’s side,” I growl.

  Then I spin around and hurry towards the gates, a little hurt but mostly angry. I hear boots crunching behind me, and I turn to see Cade following me. He’s grinning at me, completely amused. I growl and turn, continuing on my path without acknowledging him. I don’t need his shit right now, nor do I want it. When I’m out onto the road, I can still hear him behind me. Spinning, I bare my teeth in an angry snarl.

  “Fuck off, Cade!”

  He keeps walking, so I am forced to start walking backwards. His green eyes are dancing with amusement, and he looks extremely powerful as he looms over me. I pick up my pace, walking backwards with greater speed.

  “Nice move back there,” he says, giving me lusty sex eyes that make me want to place him against the nearest tree and take his cock into my mouth and suck until he comes hard in my mouth...fuck...I shouldn’t be thinking like that. Get him out of your head, Addison.

  “She had it coming.”

  He nods, as if agreeing. “I have no doubt. She has a big mouth.”

  “I bet.”

  He gives a deep, throaty laugh. “Sassy little thing, aren’t ya, sugar?”

  “Stop calling me sugar. Do I look sweet to you?”

  He reaches out, gripping my shoulders and stopping me. He leans in close and murmurs, “You might not look sweet, but I bet you taste fuckin’ sweet.”

  “Seriously?” I whisper. “You’re hitting on me in the middle of a road?”

  “I like to do it in style,” he says, staring at my lips.

  “Are you always this full on when you want to get your dick wet?”

  He grins, slow and sexy. “Sugar, if I wanted my dick wet, I could get it wet anywhere, with anyone. I don’t want my dick wet. I want it fuckin’ drenched, drippin’ and surrounded in you.”

  I swallow, feeling my cheeks flush. “You’ll have to do a little better than dirty lines on a road if you want anywhere near me.”

  He reaches out, running his thumb across my lower lip. “But you already want me. I can see it. I can smell it.”

  Smell it? Is he serious?

  “I think what you can smell,” I say, taking a step back, “is the last whore you drenched yourself in.”

  He lashes out, gripping my shoulder again and stopping me from moving back. “Keep speakin’, baby, it only makes me want you more.”

  I peel his fingers from my shoulders. “If you don’t mind, I really have some things to do.”


  I scowl at him. “That’s none of your business.”

  “I’m makin’ it my business, what you doin’?”

  I raise my brows. “I’m going into town, alone.”

  “No, you’re not. I’m takin’ you.”

  “Um, no you’re not.”

  “Um, yeah, sugar. I am.”

  I cross my arms and he does the same, staring down at me with a determined expression.

  “No. You’re. Not.”

  He leans closer.

  “Yes. I. Am.”

  “Seriously!” I cry, throwing my hands up. “You’re impossible.”

  He grins, pleased with himself. “I know, now, let me go and get my bike. I’ll be back in ten.”

  “Oh, hell no! I’m not getting on a death trap.”

  He chuckles. “How were you plannin’ on gettin’ in there?”

  I roll my eyes. “Walking, duh!”

  He bursts out laughing. “Did you not pay attention when you were comin’ in? Closest town is at least thirty miles.”


  “Well, I’ll borrow Jackson’s car.”

  “Jackson don’t have a car, sugar.”


  I throw my hands up, and in an exasperated tone, I snap, “Fine, you win!”

  He grins, spinning around and sauntering back towards the compound. “See you in ten, sugar.”

  Fucking asshole.

  ~*CHAPTER 5*~


  When Cade shows up on his Harley, I stare at it for a long, long moment. He’s not serious? He wants me to get on that? I won’t lie and say it’s not sexy as hell, with its chrome fittings and candy-apple red paint but really? It looks so...dangerous. Cade gets off. The buckles on his boots make a clinking sound as he walks towards me. His eyes scan over my outfit. I had to find the closest thing to riding clothes that I could. I got jeans, and a tank, and a pair of old runners. It’s the best I could piece together. I don’t have many clothes to choose from.

  “That all you got to wear?” he says, in an almost disgusted tone.

  I cross my arms, feeling suddenly ugly. “Yes, it is.”

“No leathers?”

  “Serious?” I snort.

  “Fuckin’ deadly serious, sugar,” he says, his eyes hard.

  “Then no, I don’t.”

  “Fine, we’re gettin’ some.”

  “I can’t afford leathers,” I protest as he thrusts a helmet at me and gets back on the bike.

  “I can, now get on.”

  I slide on the back of the bike, feeling my heart leap into my throat.

  “You’re not buying me anything; this is the one and only time I’m getting on this bike.”

  He grips my knees, pulling me forward so my legs are spread and his back is rested comfortably between them. He runs a hand up my thigh until he reaches my ass, he grips it, pressing me even closer to him. I swallow, smothering a whimper as the leather on his jacket rubs suggestively against my pussy. Fuck. He grips my wrists next, pulling them around his large, solid body. When I connect them at the front, I realize how close my face is to his back. I can smell him, and fuck, he smells like man dipped in chocolate, covered with fuckable sprinkles.

  “Hold on, sugar.”

  He starts the bike, and the rumble goes right to my core. I close my eyes, clenching my teeth as the vibrations do wonderful things to my already soaked pussy. I shift on the seat, uncomfortable with how aroused this man is making me. I’m an extremely sexual person; it’s hard not to be when you’ve lived a life based around sex. I haven’t had a great deal of good sex in my time, most of it was drunken sex, high sex, or forced sex. I don’t remember a great deal of the forced sex with Jasper, probably because I used to get so high it would knock me out. The only good sex I ever had, was with Billy, my ex-boyfriend. My first love, my first heart break, my first decent sexual experience.

  Cade turns his head looking me dead in the eye. “Your little pussy against my back is doin’ bad things to me, sugar. Keep still.”

  I squirm at his words, and his eyes flare.

  “Keep fuckin’ still,” he grates out. “Or I’ll have them jeans around your ankles in less than five minutes and my dick will be buried deep inside that hot little cunt.”

  I open my mouth, shocked and completely aroused. Cade turns, lifting his boots and pulling the throttle. The bike lurches forward; my thoughts quickly disappear and a scream escapes my throat. I feel Cade’s chuckle rumble through his back and into my chest. I hold on tighter, terrified and completely thrilled, all in one. I scream, squeal and then laugh as he picks up speed, heading towards town. My hair whips around, the wind tickles my face, and for a moment, I feel completely free. It’s a moment in my life, I know I’ll never forget. The freedom I feel on this bike, is a freedom I’ve never felt. It’s exhilarating. It’s one of the most beautiful, intense feelings I’ve ever had pulsing through my chest. As we soar along, the rumble of the Harley the only sound we hear, I ponder how I will keep Cade at a distance. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man to give up easily if he wants something.


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