Sinners MC

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Sinners MC Page 36

by Bella Jewel

  “You okay in there, junior?”

  I giggle.

  Two weeks after Spike’s surgery, I found out I was, in fact, pregnant. All along, I had been carrying his child. We found out just after he got home from hospital, and surprisingly, he was thrilled. Something about a near death experience making him pull his head out of his ass.

  “She’s fine,” I smile, leaning my head back into his shoulder.

  “Or he.”

  “Oh no, totally a she.”

  He grunts. “More females.”

  I spin around, gripping his hair and bringing his lips down over mine. “We’re not so bad.”

  “No, babe, you ain’t.”

  I grin up at him, and he runs a finger down over my nose and stops at my lips. “You know, I’m still punishing you for disobeying me?” he growls.

  “How long are you going to punish me?” I ask innocently, batting my eyelashes at him.

  “Oh, for fuckin’ months, baby.”

  I giggle, and he grips my hair, his eyes flaring with lust.

  “Goin’ to put my hand to your ass many more times before I’m through...”

  I lean up, and bite his lower lip. “So long as you’re deep inside me while you’re doing it, I don’t mind.”

  “Fuck, Tom Cat, you’re makin’ me hard again.”

  I pull back, giggling. “You’re always hard.”

  He snorts. “I’ll show you hard in a minute.”

  I beam up at him, and then suddenly I remember something I needed to give him. My eyes widen, and a big smile stretches across my face.

  “What are you smilin’ like that for?” he grins.

  “Wait here.”

  He raises his brows as I turn and rush to my purse; I gather what I need out of it and hurry back. He’s still standing, watching me with a curious expression. I step forward, feeling my heart beginning to pound.

  “Close your eyes.”

  “Seriously?” he mumbles.

  “Yes, seriously, now do it.”

  He closes his eyes with a sigh, and I reach for his hand. He raises it up, and I gently secure a bracelet around his wrist. My chest tightens as I look down at it, remembering the day I gave it to him, and also the day he gave it back to me. I hurt him, he hurt me, but finally we’ve managed to make it through. He opens his eyes and stares down at the bracelet on his wrist, and then he looks up and stares into mine with an expression loaded with emotion.

  “I gave this to you a long time ago, promising that I would always be there for you. I wasn’t there for you when I should have been, and I let my hurt get in the way. You gave this back to me, because I hurt you, and now I’m returning it. I want you to know I’ll always be here for you, Spike. No matter what happens in life, I will never abandon you again. That’s my promise to you.”

  His eyes scan my face. “Fuck, Tom’re makin’ my heart do crazy things.”

  I step up closer to him. “You’ve been making my heart do crazy things for a long time now, I’m just glad I finally get to share it with you.”

  He smiles down at me, his eyes full of love. “Fuckin’ love you, you know that, yeah?”

  I beam. “Yeah, I know that.”

  “Just makin’ sure you know, now and for the rest of your life.”

  I grip his jaw, and pull his face to mine, crushing our lips together. He kisses me with ferocity, and I return it, groaning and tangling my fingers in his shirt. We stay like that for a long while, just kissing, loving and showing each other everything we’ve so desperately wanted to show for years. When we pull apart, we’re both smiling, both happy, both content. We made a promise to each other, here and now, but this time...

  This time we’re going to keep it.


  After we get over kissing and enjoying each other, Spike and I finally turn and leave the bar. We walk into the yard to find everyone else, and that’s when I see Addison, on her knees, arms that a girl? Spike and I glance at each other, and rush over. Addi is soothing a pretty, dark haired girl, who is sobbing like a small, broken child. When she looks up, I gasp. Her face is busted up, and she’s got blood running down her face. Some of it has dried, other parts are still fresh. Her eyes, I think they are brown, are bloodshot and frantic.

  “Can you tell me your name?” Addi asks the girl.

  I hear boots crunching, and look up to see Jackson and Cade rushing out. “What’s goin’ on?” Jackson asks, kneeling down. “Who is this Addi?”

  Addi looks at him. “I don’t know, she just walked in.”

  The girl looks up, and she begins to cry again. “Please,” she croaks. “Please don’t send me back out there. He’s looking for me.”

  “Who?” Jackson asks.

  “M-m-my father. He’ll kill me. Please. I have nowhere to go. He tried to kill me, and I ran away. I can’t go back.”

  “How did she stumble in here?” I ask Addi quietly.

  “She just walked in, I don’t know, she just kind of...appeared.”

  Odd. Why would anyone walk into a biker’s lot? Maybe she’s out of it.

  “What do we do?” I ask, looking at Jackson.

  “What’s your name?” he asks the girl, his eyes travelling over her body looking for more injury. They seem to soften a touch. Jackson has a soft spot for people in need of help.

  “I...I...It’s Serenity.”

  “Where are you from, darlin’?” he asks her gently.

  “I don’t know,” she croaks, tears welling in her eyes. “I just ran away...”

  “All right, all right,” he soothes. “It’s fine. We’re gonna get you all cleaned up, yeah? My daughter here is goin’ to take good care of you.”

  Addi helps the girl to her feet, and I see she’s tiny. I mean, like a pixie. That’s kind of what she reminds me of. We watch as Addi takes her inside the compound, then we turn to Jackson.

  “How do you think she got in here?” Cade asks, still watching Addi.

  “Not sure, looks like she’s beaten pretty bad,” Jackson says.

  “She looks like she hasn’t seen food in weeks,” Spike adds.

  “No, whatever she’s runnin’ from, it’s fucked up. She could be more trouble than she’s worth.”

  “You can’t send her back out onto the street,” I say, watching as Addi disappears into the house. “She looks like she’s got nobody.”

  “Can’t keep her here,” Jackson says. “Don’t know her, and we’re an MC club.”

  “You kept me here,” I protest.

  He gives me a look. “You knew Cade, you were like family. That girl is a stranger.”

  “She looks like she’s got no one else. Can’t we help her out, at least until she finds somewhere to go?”

  Jackson sighs, but I know he’s given in to me. He is too soft. “You fuckin’ women. Fine, she can stay with one of you until you find out more about her, but she ain’t stayin’ here.”

  I beam at him, then spin to Spike. “I’m going to see if Addi needs help.”

  He grins down at me.

  “What?” I say.

  “You, you’re fuckin’ sweet, you know that?”

  I flush, and lean up on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. “I love you, Danny.”

  He grunts, and then flashes me a grin. “Back at ya, Tom Cat.”

  I smile at the group once more, and then I spin around and rush inside. When I get in, Addi is at the sink in the kitchen, washing some cloths for the mystery girls face. I walk over to the girl sitting at the table. She looks tiny in the seat, and she looks beat up, but she’s showing absolutely no fear. I know it’s strange that I would notice this, but it sparks something inside me. No one, especially not women, should be able to walk into a bikers lot and not feel any fear at all. I just can’t understand it. I tilt my head to the side, and watch her scan the room. She’s taking everything in, her eyes narrowing. She turns and looks at me, and instantly puts her broken expression back in place.

  I can’t put my
finger on it.

  But there’s just something not quite right here.

  This girl has a story, and whatever that story is...

  It ain’t pretty.

  ~*THE END*~




  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


  Copyright © 2013 Bella Jewel

  KNIGHTS’ SINNER is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.


  There are so many people I would like to thank, it’s quite possible I could take up two pages with it. The support I have received with writing these books, has been utterly mind blowing. I’ve had so many kind people offering to help, from blogs, to fans, to people I don’t even know. You’re all amazing, each and every one of you. Now, to the personal thanks.

  To Lola Stark – my snatch grabber. She’s my budgie eating, whale toe, crazy friend who kept me smiling throughout this book. Without her, and her hilarious voxer messages, I think I would have given up many times. You’re my crazy bitch until the end of time snatch grab, and you know it!

  To Sali Benbow-Powers – my crazy, enthusiastic reader. Your notes kept me going, you ripped a smile out of me every time, without a doubt. Your personality is like a breath of fresh air, as I’ve told you before. You’re the kind of girl people go to when they’re feeling down, because you’re bound to make them smile! You know you rocked my book, so you know, I’ll rock you back!

  To Lauren Mckellar, for editing this book for me. You took the time out, chatted with me the entire way, and were so damn sweet about it. You’re utterly amazing, and I feel so lucky to have snatched you up. No doubt there are many out there who would like to grab you and keep you. But they can’t, you’re mine, Muahahahaha!!

  To Ari from Coverit Designs. Girl, you rock my covers. Seriously, you’re the best cover artist ever. You just get an idea, and you make it amazing. Without you, this book wouldn’t look pretty, which means no one would buy it, so girl, you get half the damn credit!! I love your work!

  To Love Between The Sheets for an AMAZING cover reveal tour, blog tour and all the other tours you took the time out to help me with. You ladies got my name out there, you helped me grow and expand. I can’t wait to do a blog tour with you, your energy is addictive!

  To Wendy Bragg Yoder for reading my book, and going through and picking out all those tiny things we missed. You are amazing, and seriously you fix everything. I adore you. Thank you.

  And of course to all my fans – You know without all of you, this wouldn’t be possible. So to each and every one of you reading this right now, THANK YOU!! Keep doin’ what you do best, and that’s reading!!


  Come and join me on facebook, to keep updated with my work!! Just click on the links below!

  Author Bella Jewel - Like page.

  Bella Jewel - Friendship page.



  Hell’s Knights - Book One.

  Heaven’s Sinners - Book Two.

  Knights’ Sinner - Book Three.

  Bikers & Tinsel - Book 3.5 - A Novella - 23rd December 2013.


  Hello my gorgeous fans!

  God, writing the MC Sinner’s series has been utterly amazing and mind blowing. The support I have received is out of this world. I can’t thank EACH and EVERY one of you enough for the respect, love and encouragement you’ve all shown me. As this series comes to a close, I feel my heart ache a little. I have loved writing about the MC guys, and it’s been an amazing experience. It’s very sad for me to have to let them go, but all good things must come to an end. I promise I’ve got many more sexy men where they came from.

  I really enjoyed writing Jackson’s story, mainly because the age difference between Jackson and Serenity is the same as my Husband and I, and yes, he happens to be a biker boy too. It was thrilling to jump into an older man’s head, and show a little of my husband through Jackson. I definitely used him as an example and found myself smiling at some of the one liners the two use, that are so like my own.

  Serenity and Jackson were hard to write, because there was so much emotion around the two. The story got incredibly difficult at times, and often I wanted to smack Serenity in the head (Yes, just because I created her, doesn’t mean I don’t want to beat her). I knew I had to play the story out exactly how my head had it, but writing it was frustrating, and time consuming, and incredibly painful. There were parts that hit close to home for me.

  I hope you enjoy the final story of these sexy guys, and I can’t wait to share the rest of my work with you all.

  P.S I know you would all like a book from Muff, but right now I just have too much on, but he will get a little Christmas Novella in his POV on December the 23rd.

  Love, kisses, slapped bottoms and winks,

  Bella Jewel xo



  Blinding pain as a fist hits the side of my face, twisting my head and sending me into the nearest wall. I don’t cry out. I’ve learned not to. It only makes him angrier. Blood fills my mouth, and I force myself to spit it out before the next hit. There’s always a fourth and fifth hit, not just one or two. It never ends well. As my body slides down the wall, I wrap my arms around my legs and curl into a ball. A foot hits my side three times, before a hand curls in my hair and launches me off the ground into the opposite wall. My head slams so hard against it that I feel it split. More blood fills my mouth. I’m struggling to breathe through it. Gagging, I roll to my stomach, feeling my ribs screaming in pain. I take a shallow breath, and spit the blood onto the floor.

  “You dare fuckin’ argue with me?”

  His voice, a voice that’s meant to be gentle, isn’t. It’s hard, cold, and empty. He feels nothing. He’s just a cold-hearted killer.

  “I’m sorry,” I rasp, struggling to breathe through the pain.

  “You ever fuckin’ question me again, and I’ll put a fuckin’ bullet in your ugly, motherfuckin’ skull.”

  His words burn almost more than his attacks. I lift my head, blinking through the blood to see him standing in the doorway, panting with rage. He’s ugly now. I’m sure once he wasn’t, but now he is - old, fat, hair that’s wispy and grey. I hope that one day I don’t look like him. I hope I never turn out like him. And yet it seems inevitable, like it doesn’t matter what I do, I’ll only end up the same. He’s the only family I know. Isn’t it terrible when the only thing you know is pure violence and hatred, and yet you cling to it because you know without it, you will crash and burn?

  I stare at my father, and I know.

  Without him I am dead.

  So for now, I have to do as he asks.

  No matter the cost.

  ~*CHAPTER 1*~


  The Hell’s Knights compound is quite large, nothing on my father’s, but definitely substantial. The moment I walked into it, and the dark haired girl rushed over to help me, I knew I wasn’t going to have a problem convincing them I was just some strange little girl who got herself into tro
uble. I know most MC clubs don’t just allow walks ins, and I know I won’t be allowed to stay here, but they’ve taken me in and that’s a good start.

  They will never know who I really belong to, or why I’m here. I’ve been given a direct order, and if I don’t follow it, the consequences are beyond anything I am willing to endure. I have to lie, cheat, and gather information from one of the biggest MC clubs in the state, so my father can seek his revenge.

  I am Hogan’s daughter. I can’t escape. No matter what I do.

  I’m about to gather information out of people who have, so far, been kind to me. They’ve taken me in, fed me, cleaned me up after the beating my father gave me, and offered me a place to stay. I was in shock for the first few hours, completely confused. How could people involved in an MC club, be this kind? It doesn’t make sense. They blew up my father’s club, they started a war, and yet they’re living so carelessly here, like nothing in the world matters. The atmosphere is completely different, it’s so chilled, and so very different to the world I live in. How can two things that are the same, be so incredibly different?


  I hear my name being murmured, and turn to face the dark haired girl who helped me. Addison, I believe. She smiles warmly down at me, and hands me a cup of tea. I swallow the bile rising in my throat, and accept it. How can I be such an awful person? I know the world I’ve been raised in, I know how deadly my father is, but I hate myself all the same. I’m here, scamming these people, basically being a spy so my father can come in and kill them. Some of them have kids, families...and I know he’ll come in here and massacre anyone who is around. It won’t matter if they’re females, males, babies or kids. He’s that kind of evil. And so am I, because here I am.


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