Sinners MC

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Sinners MC Page 66

by Bella Jewel

  “It’s a girl,” Spike says, his voice thick with emotion. “We got a girl.”

  Tears run out of my eyes as Cade strokes my hair and says. “You got a girl, honey.”

  “We need to wrap her,” Addison says, tears streaming down her face.

  Spike pulls off his jacket and he wraps it around his baby girl’s body, securing her for the first moments of her life, in his safety.

  “She’s fuckin’ perfect,” he rasps, looking at me with tear filled eyes.

  Jackson kneels beside him, his own eyes filled with emotion. Serenity is crying with the phone pressed to her ear.

  “Welcome to the world, little one,” Jackson says.

  I hear the sounds of the ambulance arriving, and within minutes they are placing my baby in my arms, her daddy’s jacket wrapped around her tiny body. I stare down at her and my eyes well with tears. She’s perfect. Chubby cheeks, pink lips, and a mass of blonde hair. Spike kneels beside me, his hands stroking over my hair.

  “She’s so fuckin’ perfect, just like you.”

  I stare down at my daughter and I know he’s right – she’s perfect.


  “I think she should be called Addi,” I say, sitting on the hospital bed beside Ciara who is cradling her perfect daughter in her arms.

  “Dream on,” Spike says, grinning at me.

  “What about precious then?” I offer.

  He laughs.

  “You should call her Jasmine,” Jackson says and I glare at him.

  “That’s not the right name for her, father.”

  He grins at me and turns back to Ciara. “What about Isabelle?”

  Ciara rolls her eyes as Muff pipes up with, “I know, how about Muffy?”

  We all burst out laughing.

  “Ain’t no way in fuck that’s happening!” Spike says, running his hand over his little daughters head.

  “Well,” I say. “What are you guys thinking?”

  Ciara looks over to Spike and they both smile. “We’re calling her Mercedes.”

  I stare at them. “Like the car?”

  “Like the car that was in the garage the night she decided to come,” Spike says and I laugh.

  “Ohhh, brilliant.”

  I sit beside Ciara on the bed and stroke Mercedes hair. “Welcome to the world, Mercedes. You were born into a biker jacket and you’ll die in a biker jacket. These guys will drive you crazy and send you over the edge, but they are the best family you’ll ever have.”

  Ciara smiles at me, and Spike wraps an arm around me. “I always knew you loved me, precious.”

  I roll my eyes. “Hell no, there ain’t no way this love I’m feeling is for you, big guy.”

  He barks a laugh and we all smile down at Mercedes.

  God help us, it seems it’s really only just beginning.


  “Fuck you, Danny,” I bark, flipping my long, blonde hair over my shoulder and glaring at the man standing in front of me, grinning, arms crossed across his broad chest.

  Danny’s grin widens, he loves taunting me, he’s always loved taunting me. The man is just over twenty years old, and is a spitting image of Uncle Spike. He’s broad, he’s covered in tattoos, he’s got messy blonde hair and eyes that are as yellow as Aunty Ciara’s. Damn him. We were close as kids until he grew up and became just like all the other guys in the club. He started getting women’s attention and I quickly became just an annoying little brat.

  “Skye, honey,” he purrs. “I’d love to, but I’m busy.”

  I brush past him, making sure to swing my arm out and hit his shoulder as I go. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  He turns and follows me as I walk back into the clubhouse, in search for my dad. He’s meant to be taking me to my gymnastics training this afternoon, but he’s been busy doing shit for Uncle Jackson. I walk up to Jackson’s door and I knock a few times.

  “Yeah?” I hear someone bark.

  “Club business,” Danny breathes into my ear, causing me to shiver. I hate him. Hate. “You know you ain’t allowed in there, Tiny.”

  He’s called me tiny ever since I can remember. I’m only small for my age, and he’s always found this amusing.

  “Of course I’m allowed in there, they love me,” I grin, shoving the door open.

  I step in and see my dad, Uncle Jackson, Uncle Spike and Uncle Muff sitting around the desk, talking. They look up when I walk in and my dad’s eyes instantly go to what I’m wearing.

  “What you got on there, Tiny?”

  Did I mention the nickname stuck?

  “Gym clothes, you’re meant to be taking me,” I remind him.

  “Danny, can you take her? We are busy,” Uncle Spike says, staring at his son.

  “No!” I protest, crossing my arms. “I love you Uncle Spike, but your son is an asshole.”

  They all burst out laughing and Uncle Spike stands, coming over and putting his arm around me. “Tiny, do you remember when I taught you how to fight a man twice your size?”

  “Yes,” I say.

  “Then baby girl, if he gives you hell, you kick him right where it hurts.”

  Danny snorts behind me, and Uncle Spike turns to glare at him.

  “Sure, whatever, but I don’t want him taking me. My friends are there and he’s...”

  “What am I?” Danny says from behind me.

  “A distraction,” I mutter.

  My dad stands, walking over and shoving Uncle Spike off me. My dad is handsome for his age, so many of my friends love to come over just to stare at the guys. My dad has this dark hair with just a slight amount of grey scattered through. He’s bigger than most men I know and he struts that damned patch around like it’s gold on his back.

  Uncle Jackson is the oldest of them all, but he’s one of the best looking. Even though he’s got salt and pepper hair, he’s still as bulky and strong as the other guys. Uncle Spike is my best friend, Emily’s, favorite. He’s just like Danny, and because he’s got blonde hair you can hardly see any grey in there. He’s also bulky and strong just like the others; only he’s got the attitude to go along with it.

  Uncle Muff has the coolest red hair I’ve ever seen and is the funniest, most caring man I’ve ever met. His son Max is one of my best friends and I adore him. I spend a lot of time with Ebony, Aunt Janine’s daughter also, though she’s older than us, and quite a rebel. I know she drives Uncle Muff crazy because she’s always running off with the wrong men.

  “Go and ask Ciara to take you then, sugar,” dad says, turning me towards the door.

  “You’re letting me down, daddy,” I say in my sweetest voice.

  He chuckles and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Behave. Go find Ciara.”

  I sigh and leave, walking down the halls with Danny still close behind me. He’ll be the president of this club one day; I don’t doubt it. He’s just got that kind of strength. I step into the main lounge and see a heap of bikers lazing about. It’s nice having these guys in my life, but it’s also a pain. They are over protective and controlling. I can’t go anywhere without a line up of bikers trailing me.

  “Hey Tiny,” they say as I walk past.

  “Hey guys,” I reply with a wave, walking into the kitchen.

  I see my mom and Aunty Ciara standing and laughing about something. They’re both as beautiful as ever, they seem never to age.

  “Hey baby,” mom says when I walk in.

  “Hey momma,” I say, stopping and leaning against the kitchen counter. “Can you take me to gymnastics? Dad’s busy.”

  My mom frowns. “I don’t have a car honey, I came on Cade’s bike.”


  “Looks like I’m taking you,” Danny chuckles from behind me.

  “Bite me, Danny.”

  “Are you two still fighting?” Aunt Ciara says, glaring at her son.

  “Course not,” Danny grins. “Just teasin’ her.”

  I snort and stare down at my watch. Shit, I’m going to be late. I need
to get there now. I turn to Danny and cross my arms. “Fine you can take me, let’s go.”

  His grin widens, showing me dimples. Dammit.

  “Later, honey,” my mom calls as I follow Danny out.

  We head outside and over to the line of bikes against the fence. Danny gets on his, backing it out, before thrusting a helmet at me.

  “Come on, Tiny. I don’t bite.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  He smirks as I pull the helmet down over my head. I throw my leg over the bike and avoid putting my arms around his waste. With a growl, he reaches back and takes my hands, jerking them forward and holding them around his waist.

  “Let me go and I’ll put you over my knee, Skye.”

  His voice is hard and dominating. I swallow, feeling my cheeks heat. His hands leave mine and he takes off, sending dirt and rocks skidding into the air as we tear out of the compound.

  It takes us about twenty minutes to get into town, and Danny arrives just in time. I jump off his bike when he pulls over, and jerk my helmet off. I see a group of girls from my gymnastics class watching him. I roll my eyes and hand him the helmet, before turning and rushing towards the door.

  “A thank you would be nice, Tiny!”

  I stop and look at him over my shoulder. “Thank you.”

  He grins, winks at me, and then turns and speeds off down the road. Taking a deep breath, I turn back only to face the group of girls from my class.

  “You with him?” Summer, the oldest of the group and without a doubt the snottiest asks me, throwing her hands onto her hips and flicking her raven black hair off her shoulders.

  “No,” I mutter, shoving past her.

  “Good,” she says. “Because Danny is mine. I don’t know if he told you that or not, but we’ve been fucking for months now.”

  My cheeks heat and my heart clenches as I continue through the doors. The moment I get inside, Summer takes my hand and spins me around. “Did you hear me, Skye?”

  She’s glaring at me. I jerk my arm out of hers. “Don’t touch me again, Summer. And yes, I heard you. Danny is all yours. Well,” I say, crossing my arms. “Not technically yours considering he fucks everything that moves.”

  Her face drops and her eyes widen.

  “Oh,” I gaps, putting my hand over my mouth. “Didn’t you know? Oh no. I’m so sorry.”

  At her grim, horrified expression, I toss her a grin and turn, walking off.

  That’ll teach her for being such a bitch. What I said isn’t entirely true, Danny does have his fair share of women, but he’s mostly going back to just a few. I know Summer is one of them. I don’t like that, not one bit, but I’ll never admit that to him.

  No, because that would mean admitting I don’t hate Danny – and that’s never going to happen. He’d like that too much.


  “Hey Max,” I smile, stepping forward and hugging him.

  He pulls me in tight and then steps back, grinning down at me. Max is handsome in your not-so-typical kind of way. He’s got dark red hair just like Uncle Muff’s, only his has little stray bits of brown flickering through it. His eyes are green and his skin is not white, but not quite olive. It’s like the perfect in between. He’s a tall man with a great amount of muscle. He works out a lot.

  “Hey Tiny,” he finally says, wrapping an arm around me and turning me towards his bike. “Danny couldn’t come back and get you, so here I am.”

  I snort. “That doesn’t surprise me.”

  “Oh look,” I hear Summer’s voice come from behind me. “She’s got another one. Better be careful, Skye – you’ll get a name for yourself. Oh already have one, Biker whore.”

  My skin prickles and I clench my jaw. Max lets me go and turns, glaring at Summer.

  “Did someone ask for your fuckin’ opinion?”

  She flicks her hair over her shoulder and glares at him. “I’m sorry, who involved you, carrot top?”

  Seriously? Is she fucking serious.

  I drop my pack and turn, charging towards her. She can insult me all she wants, but she won’t be insulting my friends. I reach her and my fist goes flying out, connecting with her jaw in one, hard hit that has her head swinging to the side and a scream ripping from her throat. She falls to the ground, cupping her jaw.

  “Don’t you ever insult my friends again,” I spit at her, turning and walking back to Max who has his brows raises in shock.

  “Jesus, Tiny, where did you learn to punch like that?”

  I grin and get onto the back of his bike.

  “I’m a biker whore, remember?”

  He laughs and jumps on in front of me.

  “I always knew we taught you well.”


  Are you excited about this snippet? You should be – because there’s a possibility an entire new MINI series will be created with all your biker’s favorite babies. If you want this to happen, come and tell me how much! I hope you enjoyed this little snippet and hopefully soon you might see more from The Sinners Kids!

  Danny, Skye, Max, Ava, Ebony & Mercedes.




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