The Legendary Mechanic

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The Legendary Mechanic Page 176

by <unknown>

  The messaged spread wide and far, and all the players in the sanctuary heard the news and headed toward where the convoy was heading. Waves of people all flooded through the security walls and reached the red flat plain.

  Chapter 318. The Clueless Six Nations |

  When the convoy stopped, the horde of players stood afar as they stared at the supply boxes that were dropping from the sky. They quickly stacked up like a mountain, and the chosen professional players stood by the boxes without moving.

  As for Han Xiao, who had the full attention of the players, he was just standing alone at the side, looking up into the sky, as if he was waiting for something.

  Quite a number of players activated the record function with excitement.

  “It looks like he’s leaving today.”

  Everyone was curious about how Han Xiao would leave the Planet Aquamarine. The players had long waited for this moment. They followed Han Xiao and looked upward.

  It was right at the crack of dawn, as the sun on the horizon slowly raised up. The heavens and the earth brightened while chasing the darkness away.

  Right at that moment, in the area right above the convoy, the players realized that there was small black dot that was the size of an ant. They focused their eyes, and they could soon see that it was an outline of a spaceship that was descending toward the planet.

  “Look! Spaceship!”

  At the beginning, the crowd became exhilarated as they talked with each other. But as the shadow of the spaceship become larger and larger and the sky started to dim, the excitement and noisiness of the crowd quickly died down.

  Tens of thousands of people’s jaws dropped. The scene in front of their eyes was so shocking that they were lost for words.

  When the spaceship was still high up in the sky, the outline was only the size of a green bean. It was only when the spaceship was a few hundred meters above the crowd that they realized the sheer magnitude of the spaceship. The spaceship was large enough to block out the entire sky above.

  “My god… just how big is this spaceship‽”

  As the players looked up into the sky, they could not see anything other than the black spaceship. They only saw the outline of the spaceship that was near the horizon. There was one poem that everyone remembered as the spaceship landed.

  Dark clouds bearing down on the city threaten to overwhelm it.

  The Short Horn Star was the main spaceship of the tourist group. The large-scale commercial spaceship had a controlled ecosystem, and it was comparable to the size of a space station. It could travel in space for a long time with radar equipment, powerful turrets, and a high energy shield. Just this one single spaceship could sweep over Planet Aquamarine.

  The crowd was in great shock, and it was even more so for the chosen professional players. They took a deep breath. In their eyes, Han Xiao was just a character on Planet Aquamarine, yet he had the ability able to call in such a large spaceship. It was simply phenomenal.

  However, because Han Xiao had shown so much power and capability, the teammates started to gain confidence.

  The magnificent futuristic scene left a powerful impression in the players’ hearts. The monstrous machinery and the natural environment juxtaposed each other perfectly, and it was perfect for a desktop picture. The players quickly took out their cameras and captured the view.

  A box-shaped levitating cabin detached from the main spaceship and spat out blue flames that pushed the dust in the air as it landed right in front of Han Xiao. This was the specialized cabin that carried the passengers into the spaceship. The metal cabin had a high-tech style, with a very clean, detailed structure.

  The cabin door opened up, and folded stairs extended in front Han Xiao.

  “Let’s go now, I can’t wait to get a drink.” Kerlodd got in without hesitation and left all his burdens behind.

  Han Xiao waved at the players, and they had to do hard labor, carrying all the supply boxes up into the cabin. After everything was done, the cabin door closed by itself, and it shot right up to the sky and docked into the Short Horn Star.

  After a few seconds, the Short Horn Star quickly moved up. Despite its huge mass, it did not make any noise or release any flames as it flew away, giving the crowd a weird feeling. When the Short Horn Star stopped by a planet, it would turn off its engine and only use the anti-gravity core to save fuel.

  Through the window, Han Xiao looked down on people that had turned into the size of ants and let out a deep sigh.

  After spending so much time on this planet, I’ve finally moved on from this place.

  And up into the sky they went.

  On the plain, millions of players stared at the spaceship that disappeared into blue heavens, and the sunlight showed up again in the sky.


  Inside the Sanctuary Three, Hila stood behind his sister, and she put her hand on the shoulders of Aurora. The two of them both looked at the Short Horn Star.

  “Will he ever come back?” Aurora asked curiously.

  Hila remained quiet and shook her head. “It’s a wider world out there. After stepping out of here, there’s no reason for him to come back.”

  “Hey sis, why didn’t we also join him?”

  Hila patted on Aurora’s golden hair and did not reply.

  “Hey, you’re hurting me.”

  Hila then realized that she had use too much force and quickly let go.

  The bear cub on the side roared at the sky, lay on the ground, and covered its head with its paws, sobbing, as if it was sad about the departure of its owner.

  Aurora patted on the bear’s fur and was also sad. She asked quietly, “Will we be able to see him?”

  “Sooner or later, we will.”

  “But you just said that he won’t come back.”

  “Yeah.” Hila did not explain. Aurora’s heart skipped a beat as she understood the hidden meaning. Then her mood was happy again.


  “He’s gone.”

  In Sanctuary One, Bennett was doing a video call with Huang Yu and listening to the intel.

  “From now on, Sanctuary Three is under your command. Don’t try to change Han Xiao’s arrangements, but other than that, you can decide on the other matters.”

  “Okay, thank you, Sir Bennett.” Huang Yu was motivated since his hard work had finally paid off.

  “Don’t thank me. Han Xiao recommended you before leaving.”

  “I understand.” Huang Yu nodded and carved it in his heart.

  After ending the call, Bennett, with a smile on his face, logged into his secret account and opened the threats that the Six Nations had sent him.

  Bennett had dealt with the pressure from Raylen and other countries by himself as he did not want Han Xiao to worry about these things before departing.

  Now that the ship had sailed, the way that his old friend had left was enough to shock the Six Nations since Bennett himself also was surprised at the scene of departure. He wondered how Raylen would react to that.


  Because there were too many witnesses of the event, it brought a large impact all over the world with the video of the spaceship spreading on the internet. Every citizen on Planet Aquamarine saw the landing monstrous spaceship that was as large as a mountain.

  The Short Horn Star did not state their purpose of entry, and this massive ship frightened the Six Nations. As the satellites detected the Short Horn Star, the Six Nations had panicked and sent the air force to try and communicate with them. Yet, the Short Horn Star had ignored them and showed no intention of talking to the highest power of the planet. Before the Six Nations could do anything, the spaceship had then left without a sound.

  After the visit of the enormous spaceship on Planet Aquamarine, the Six Nations feared what had to come and quickly tried to get intel.

  When they found out about the truth that the Short Horn Star had just come to pick up Han Xiao, the Six Nations had been flustered at first, but then they were suddenly struck dumb with am

  The mysterious spaceship that had surpassed Planet Aquamarine by countless of years was just there to pick Black Phantom up!

  How did he do it‽ What else was he hiding‽

  Although they knew that Black Phantom was capable, this action was so unbelievable that no one could ever have thought of it.

  This time, the Raylen was bamboozled. They had never thought that this would happen! The target whom they were threatening had already jumped out of the pool and stopped playing with them. No wonder Han Xiao had ignored all the threats from the Six Nations since their hostility was just a speck of dust.

  Chapter 319. The Short Horn Star |

  As Han Xiao left without a sound, Raylen were left in confusion. They could not even lay their finger on the world above, yet Han Xiao had simply achieved this without breaking a sweat. For the Six Nations, there were still a lot of unknowns about the nature of the galaxy, and they only had the downgraded version of the Galactic Communicator, so they could only contact the Godoran Civilization and were unable to use other functions.

  It was complete suppression of difference in civilization, so the Six Nations had to comply.

  Therefore, they did not know about the function of the Galactic Travel agency and had no idea how Han Xiao had achieved what he had done. In their eyes, they felt that the ship was the unknown space organization that backed Han Xiao up. The man had always been mysterious, and they were always clueless.

  As the major political power, having one individual that had allies more powerful than the entire planet, their fear and anxiety was off the charts.

  Raylen was the party who had started the aggression against Han Xiao, but the pressure was meaningless. On top of that, they had also revealed the secret that they had the spaceship. They had suffered a double loss, and it pained their heart.

  The difference between reality and expectation was huge, as if a student was trying to beat Han Xiao in exam, but then they realized that he was already confirmed to go to a top university in a big city. Raylen was left only with disappointment.


  Through the box-shaped cabin, the earth became smaller and smaller as Short Horn Star flew in the sky. The blue sky slowly turned dark while the anti-gravitation engine operated quietly. They headed into the dark universe. Suddenly, the cabin shook violently as it tried to escape the atmosphere. Before they knew it, they were in space.

  Planet Aquamarine was filled with the deep blue color of the ocean with bountiful fertile land and specks of yellow dots. From above, one could see the entire land in detail, and Han Xiao saw that Andrea was covered in black, showing that the war and nuclear explosion had the most damaging effect at this area.

  His experience on Planet Aquamarine flashed by in his eyes. He had started with nothing, then he had finished accumulating enough resources to start rising in this planet. And now, he was taking the next step to the higher stage. He felt sad leaving his friends behind, so he still had some feelings for the Planet Aquamarine. As he left the planet, part of his heart was still in his home.

  Even though he was not extremely close with people such as Bennett, Hila, and Aurora, they had great potential in their ability. Just from the perspective of benefits, Han Xiao hoped to see Hila and her sister grow stronger and provide assistance.

  Staring at the planet that was slowly drifting away, he quietly murmured, “I will be back.”

  The next moment, Han Xiao looked away from the planet and headed toward the hallways in the spaceship.


  The metal door that connected box-shaped cabin to the main spaceship split into four diamonds and retracted into the walls. Right through the door was a straight metal hallway that extended forward. The light on the side of the door turned from red to green, indicating that the passengers should follow the path.

  “Come on, I need to get a drink,” Kerlodd urged.

  “Why are you rushing? Your money is with me.”

  Han Xiao waved his hand, and the professional players stopped their chit chat and pushed the payload forward.

  Halfway through the tunnel was a mechanical arch door with a monitor on the side. It was used to detect the body condition and identify the species of the passengers to have a suitable arrangement. The group walked through the door, and the monitor showed that everything was normal. The floor suddenly opened up, and a transparent container popped up. Inside the container was a translator for passenger to use.

  Han Xiao and others all put the translators on, and the monitor spoke with a digital woman’s voice.

  “Welcome to the Short Horn Star Travel Agency. You originally reserved fifty seats, but we have detected more, please pay the additional fee of…”

  With a few more people than originally planned, Han Xiao followed the instruction. The account still had a bit more than 700 Enas. The voice then said, “Payment confirmed. Class: Economy. Personal luggage storage function activated. Please store your luggage and move forward.”

  The wall on side opened up, and inside was a moving conveyor belt that transported luggage to the warehouse. After putting in the supply boxes, the group kept on moving forward.

  Finally, they reached the end of the hallway. It was a large elevator. After they stepped in, the elevator moved up and down, but it also moved sideways. The galactic commercial spaceship did not force the passenger to stay in one place—it was more like a cruise that had a lot of entertainment and resting spaces. Different sections of the ship had different environments to accommodate different life forms. For example, species similar to humans that needed oxygen and low gravity to live shared one large lobby. Species that needed special environmental conditions also had their own section, such as Aquatic Creatures and Anaerobic Organisms.

  The elevator stopped abruptly. The door opened, and the bustling atmosphere crashed into the group.

  In front of their eyes was a large empty space—the lobby for economy class. It was wide and open with all sorts of entertainment such as a place that was a mixture of a bar, a ballroom, and a party room as well as resting areas and personal rooms. One side of the lobby was a large window that could directly see the beautiful universe decorated with the stars.

  All sorts of living creatures walked past them. They saw a bird talking to a lion that was wearing a suit. There was also a dwarf with a great big, bushy beard drinking beer with a beast with sharp teeth. Every one of them had different scents and voices, and they were mixing together in a small space, which gave the players a weird feeling, as it was their first contact with aliens.

  “What kind of species is that? Their heads look like a hammer,” Second Prince said in surprise.

  “You look like them.” Sun Eggplant laughed.

  “Don’t bullying him so much,” King Admiral said. “Only I have the right to do so.”

  Second Prince gave both of them a middle finger.

  Rainy Kim stood by the window like a quiet, beautiful lady, enjoying the view of the night sky. Twinkle Fried Rice slowly moved up to her, and just as he wanted to flirt, Hao Tian pulled him back.

  Hao Tian dragged Sleepy Winter and Twinkle Fried Rice and said in a serious tone, “Later, we will go find a chance to see if we can activate some missions… Fried Rice, why do you look so bitter?”

  All the players opened their eyes and chatted about the new world. However, Han Xiao was not surprised.

  He had already seen too many species after a lot of reading. A female member of staff wearing a uniform with a human shape walked up to the group. She had light-red skin and smiled at the group.

  The staff member scanned through the group, then she directly walked up to Kerlodd and said with enthusiasm, “Respectable Godoran, your room is ready.”

  In the Colton Star Cluster, Godoran was a well-known species with high standing. Commercial traveling groups were equivalent to public transport in space because it was the cheapest way to travel. So, it was rare to see a Godoran.

  The staff member assumed that Kerl
odd was the leader, and he ignored Han Xiao and the others.

  Kerlodd was a bit surprised and looked at Han Xiao. He then replied, “Okay, I understand.”

  The staff gave the room number and authorization to Kerlodd, then she gave him wink before leaving. It was obvious that she was interested in him. Godorans were the best species in the star cluster, and the woman, who was an Aqwax Species, would not mind if anything happened between Kerlodd and her. Some species could have a hybrid offspring, while others could use IVF. The relationships between different species in the universe were very open.

  However, Kerlodd was insistent about being a pure blood, so he had no interest in females from other species. He handed everything to Han Xiao.

  Han Xiao took the things. He found it funny that the Godoran was mistaken as a leader.

  “We are on the ship and have finished the transaction,” Kerlodd said. “When can I contact the headquarters?”

  “No worries, the final stop is Juberly Hub. You can head back by yourself from there. I won’t stop you.”

  “That’s good.” Kerlodd rubbed his hand and added awkwardly, “I want to get a drink, so…”

  “I only have that much. Don’t waste it all.” Han Xiao gave him ten Enas. Han Xiao thought to himself that he was such a kind person for giving pocket money to a person whom he had scammed.

  After receiving the money, Kerlodd skipped toward the bar. He believed in hedonism, so most of his money was spent on drinks.

  Han Xiao brought everyone to their room, and the players’ faces were filled with surprise. Bun-hit-dog excitedly recorded everything. Occasionally, other species looked at the group, but they withdrew their gazes rather quickly as Space Humans were really common. There were a lot of human species in the economy class lobby.

  After reaching the door of the room, Han Xiao thought for a while and turned to the group. “You are free to do whatever you want. Also, try to get some information from other passengers.”


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