Tempting the Billionaire

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Tempting the Billionaire Page 13

by Ginny Sterling

  Instead, she had text messages or emails from him – knowing that they were both terrified of breaking down emotionally in front of the other person. He would email her an electronic bouquet of flowers to her inbox… followed by a real delivery shortly thereafter. Her cell phone was full of pictures of them. Her desktop wall paper was the photo of them sticking out their tongues, pointing at each other in their Anime Nerd t-shirts.

  She tried to keep her memory of their time together in her mind, hoping it wouldn’t be quite so painful over time. The breaking point was when she was at the office drinking coffee at 2AM to stay awake. Through blurred and bleary eyes, she saw Hermes’s little glowing green eyes sitting there and it hit her.

  “Hermes? Has Aaron read the transcript again,” she asked, swallowing hard as she already knew the answer deep down inside her very soul. She knew exactly what she would be doing!

  “Yes Jemma.”


  “Aaron has logged in to the transcript two hundred and seventy-two times.”

  “He has?” she breathed with a painful smile. Her heart gave a wobbly flip in her chest. “I jt usknew he would have read them.”

  “Yes ma’am. He has highlighted an excerpt too. Shall I read it?”

  “Yes,” Jemma whispered, feeling dizzy and sick. The room was spinning and she couldn’t focus on anything. This was not living; this was slowly existing until she wore herself out. Aaron had been devastated losing his father, what would he do if he never heard from her again? How would she take it if the roles were reversed?

  “You are my very life.”

  “I love you so much and always have, Achoo.”

  “Hermes? Dial 911…” she whispered and collapsed on the floor.

  Jemma had awoken in more than one way. She came to in the hospital with her mother and father near her, crying – but she also realized that her home was now in Amanohashidate, with the man she adored. She couldn’t let someone give him a message that she’d been sick or ill – she could never do that to him. For him, for her, for them – she needed to take care of herself, and that started with making sure her soul felt full. She needed to be with Aaron. It was time to make plans for her business and the next step in her life.

  “Mom, Dad…we need to talk.”

  Her flight from Bloomington was long and convoluted as there was no direct flight. She had a layover in Denver, then Los Angeles, and finally onward to Kyoto International Airport. Jemma could have contacted A.I. and had them send the plane, but she wanted to surprise Aaron.

  The split in her office had gone smoothly – actually better than she’d originally imagined. She had thought there would be chaos, but instead she found herself able to delegate more to her team. She’d put her office manager in charge, offering her a bonus on profit to keep her invested in making sure that the company was a success stateside.

  Jemma was going to open up a branch on the other side of the world to tackle taking on clients in Japan. She was fiercely studying Japanese as much as possible and emailing Aiko repeatedly in order to check her translation skills. She filed for a six-month VISA to work there, explaining to her parents that she would be home to visit when she could.

  With video chat, FaceTime, email, text, and other methods of communication there shouldn’t be much of a problem continuing business on the other side of the world… other than the time difference.

  Jemma looked at her screen on her iPad, fondly. The video commercial she’d built for A.I. was spectacular… and that was putting it mildly. The transitional video from sepia to color, from feudal Japan to modern, was incredibly inspiring and promised at a new future with A.I. The screen faded to black and the new mantra faded onto the darkness like a beam of light guiding someone.

  See what time and technology can do for you- A. I.

  It was a breathtaking slogan and she’d been given the green light immediately by Aaron. Companion was set to go into production in July with a release date in November – just in time for a Christmas sprint up the charts. She had already reached out to every tech giant in order to push interest, placing articles in upcoming magazines and arranging press releases. Everyone would have the snarky friend nearby, ready to assist or talk… just like they had both needed so long ago when they had found each other.

  Yawning, Jemma finally settled back in her seat and tried to rest her eyes. She remembered the jetlag from her first flight and wanted to make sure that she was wide awake when she told Aaron that she was moving to Japan. She already had several furnished apartments bookmarked in Amanohashidate for her to rent so she could be near him.

  Hours later, Jemma was exhausted but had finally landed in Kyoto. She thought about calling Edo but was afraid he would leak the news to Aaron. Instead, she caught the train and remembered fondly their last trip together, how he held her to keep her from being jostled so much. She couldn’t wait to see him- nor his expression- and that was the only thing that kept her going right now.

  She was still forcing herself to drink plenty of water and taking a heavy dose of multivitamins to prevent herself from collapsing again. She had really let herself go and it showed. Her face was gaunt from losing weight, with rings under her eyes from exhaustion still two months later, but she was slowly getting back to who she was before. She realized now that she had to take care of herself … for herself and Aaron.

  Getting off the train, she rolled her suitcase down the cobbled street like it was nothing. She didn’t care if it bounced about or got jostled, the only thing she could focus on was getting to Aaron. As she finally got close and could see it nearby, she felt a burst of energy knowing she was almost there. Knocking on the door, Jemma felt tears well up as Margaret’s shocked face appeared.

  “Jemma! You are back! Oh, thank God! Does Aaron know you are here? Does he know you are coming back?” Margaret rushed out in a hurry, grabbing Jemma and hugging her wildly. “We’ve missed you, honey.”

  “I’ve missed you all too.”

  “Come in! Come in!” Margaret ushered quickly, wiping her misty eyes as she pulled Jemma indoors and took the suitcase. Jemma slid off her shoes, feeling a sense of peace seep into her body. It wasn’t her home, but she felt like she’d finally arrived where she belonged.

  “Your room hasn’t been touched since you left,” Margaret said softly. “You are staying with us, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe for a day or so. I need to find an apartment to live.”

  “Are you moving here?”

  “Yes. I feel like I am home.”

  “I understand,” the older woman said gently, nodding in complete understanding. She wrapped her arm around Jemma’s shoulders tenderly. “It was the same for me years and years ago. That’s why I never left.”

  “Where… is Aaron?” Jemma asked, hesitating.

  “Every day since you’ve left, he spends hours praying out by the pond or by the ocean. He’s having a rough time, honey – and I see you are too. You look like something the cat dragged in sweetie. We need to put some meat on your bones again. I think I will fix us something special for dinner while you reunite with my son.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  “Welcome home.”

  Jemma padded softly along the worn boardwalk that led up to the outer structure. She’d always loved how it was suspended above the warm waters yet had the ocean to its back. She saw Aaron’s figure as he sat there on his knees on the zabuton. He’d lost weight.

  His dark hair had grown out and was flipped up at the ends where it touched his collar. His jaw was covered in stubble but it only accentuated his strong cheek bones. She stopped, biting down on her knuckle to keep from crying out in pain, as she realized he was hurting as much as she was. Hot tears ran down her face silently as she began walking over to him again. Climbing the stairs to the deck, she fell to her knees on the zabuton beside him.

  “Watashi wa anata o aishiteimasu,” Jemma whispered, staring at his beloved face that looked so serene, yet so haggard. She
’s practiced that phrase over and over again the last few weeks. She’d dreamt of the moment she would tell him that he was her soulmate and she loved him. A single tear fell from his closed eyes and rolled down his tanned cheek.

  “Go away, oni,” he whispered, his voice ragged with pain. His hands clenched tightly as he fought to keep himself together. Jemma felt a tear splash her hand, understanding what he meant. An oni was a demon that tortured people and he was afraid to open his eyes. “You haunt me at night – do not torture me during the day too.”

  “My Aaron,” she breathed, laying her hand on his. “See me,” she pleaded. “I’m here with you. It’s not a dream, my love.”

  His eyes opened slowly and she saw the hollow look in his gaze as he looked at her. She could see the fear in the brown depths and the spark of hope that flared.


  “Your Jemma,” she corrected, throwing her arms around his neck, nearly knocking him over onto the wooden deck. His arms tightened around her as he whispered her name brokenly in her hair over and over again.

  Aaron released her and grasped her face in his hands. His eyes were staring at her, raking over her features as he looked like he couldn’t believe she was there. He then pulled her to him, kissing her desperately as if he was frightened she’d disappear again. She’d dreamt of this kiss, wanting to hold him in her arms once more. He broke the kiss and blinked a few times, a hint of a disbelieving smile finally touching his face.

  “You are really here?”

  “To stay, if you’ll have me. I need to find an office and settle into an apartm…” she began excitedly and saw him frown.


  “What?” she blurted out in shock.

  “No, I’m not letting you slip through my fingers ever again. I want you here, but as my wife. We are getting married as soon as possible so I can have you in my world forever.”

  “I should say ‘no’ since you are telling me to marry you, not asking. What is it about arrogant, bossy, Ichiyo men that us women lo…” Aaron stopped her mid-sentence, kissing her again. Jemma felt him linger, knowing that the feeling of finding that perfect someone who made you feel whole again.

  “Marry me, Jemma,” he breathed, his lips brushing hers decadently. “Be my partner, my wife, and my best friend. Love me forever for who I am, a stubborn, bossy, man.”

  “I said arrogant, not stubborn,” she teased lovingly, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear and smiling against his lips.

  “Does that mean you’ll marry me, sorumeito?”

  “Hai, my soulmate.”


  Jemma was in absolute heaven. This was her wedding day and nothing could be more beautiful than Kyoto in the springtime. The thick clusters of cherry blossoms were everywhere, scenting the air. A light cool breeze and warm sunshine made it an idyllic moment she would never forget. Tourism was at an all-time high right now… and they were causing quite a scene.

  Her wedding kimono was stunning. White satin with tiny blue flowers stitched along the trim made it infinitely precious to her. Not that she was nervous, but she was taking no chances when it came to their happiness. The ‘something old’ was their location. They were being married at the Fushimi Iniari taisha shrine under their gate. Aaron had once told her the gates were purchased by people who were thankful for a wish that had been granted. He’d bought the torii not long after Jemma returned.

  ‘Something new’ was their wedding bands. Both had opted for simple bands with each other’s names inscribed on the inside of the bands and the date. It was just a marker to her of something she already knew. She’d been blessed to find her soulmate years ago online with the click of a mouse, only she hadn’t known it at the time. The first time he’d kissed her, she’d felt their worlds collide and knew what it was like to be complete now.

  ‘Something borrowed’ was her headpiece from Aiko. She was the most amazing friend and confidant. Jemma had hired Aiko to help her with starting her business here and she was invaluable. Aaron had given her the use of a floor in his building so she could be close to him daily. It actually worked out really well because they ended up putting a daycare facility in also for little Kaito to make sure that families were taken care of. He’d claimed it was because he wanted his own children nearby when they were blessed to have some in the future.

  Aiko had loaned her a large crown that she herself had been married in years ago. She had an affinity for large headpieces or décor, just like the flower pick Jemma had bought for her… and this was no exception. Jemma’s hair was pulled back into a traditional bun, but a small white comb stood tall in her hair. From there, a massive ring of flowers, bells, pearls, and other satin origami birds formed the crown. A cascade of tulle fell around her face, hiding her appearance until she reached her husband.

  ‘Something blue’ was the flowers she carried and a delicate, embroidered handkerchief her mother had stitched for herself, Margaret and Jemma. Each mother wore a pick in their hair and walked proudly behind Jemma as she ascended the stairs to where Aaron waited.

  Tourists took photos, as well as the Kyoto media. A billionaire from one of the oldest families was marrying an American. Everyone wanted to see her, see what she looked like or acted like… boy wouldn’t they be disappointed if they were expecting a girl in blue jeans!

  As she rounded the next corner, she felt her heart and soul explode in happiness seeing Aaron’s proud face. He was standing there in a black dress robe as was customary for a traditional wedding, just under the red Torii that had the name Ichiyo engraved upon it and the year.

  This was his way of honoring his father’s memory by celebrating at one of his favorite shrines. Especially since they were having a combined wedding. The vows in English were from a Christian bible for Jemma and her family. The vows spoken in Japanese were Shinto for his father- and the people surrounding them taking photos.

  Jemma wanted to remember every moment, commit it to memory for all time… but all she could focus on was the way Aaron looked at her. She knew that deciding to uproot her life and begin again had been the right choice for them both. She felt such a peace here.

  “Sorumeito,” Aaron whispered, lifting her veil and looking down upon her. She loved that he called her his soulmate. Meeting him had been divine guidance. He’d always believed in destiny or fate, whereas Jemma had thought it was simply luck. Something or someone had put her in his path all those years ago- the right moment, the right time- and she thanked God for allowing her to be a part of this man’s life.

  “Sorumeito, my husband.”


  Thank you for taking the time to read Tempting the Billionaire. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Doesn’t have to be much, just a simple rating and a few kind words work wonders. Your thoughts, opinions and feedback are much appreciated.


  Ginny Sterling

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