An Arranged Mating for Micah [A Dragon's Growl 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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An Arranged Mating for Micah [A Dragon's Growl 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  The pants were thin, and even a little big on Micah’s waist. They were easy enough to pull off of his hips, revealing his hard cock as it sprang free from the confines of his clothes.

  Micah inhaled a trembling breath when he was free. His eyes briefly rolled to the back of his head, and his small claws were now gripping tightly to the sheets beneath him.

  “I’ve…I’ve never felt this before,” Micah said. “This is insane.”

  Those words stopped Stefan in an instant. “Have you ever touched yourself before?”

  Micah blinked. “What? Well, I have, but this is…this feels different.”

  Stefan smiled at that. That was an answer he could definitely accept.

  “Good, and it will feel different. When I’m inside you, stretching you wide open with my cock, I promise you will enjoy it.”

  Micah’s throat worked in another nervous swallow. He nodded.

  Stefan smiled. “I can see the only way I’m going to prove it to you will be to show you.”

  He took Micah by his wrist and brought his hand down. Micah’s mismatched eyes widened when his palm made contact with Stefan’s still clothed dick.

  “Feel that? That’s what you do to me.”

  Stefan pulled his hand away from Micah’s wrist, and he was pleased when the omega’s hand stayed right where it was, touching, exploring the heavy length of Stefan’s cock.

  Stefan gritted his teeth against the pleasure of it.

  Micah, however, seemed fascinated, which was a wonderful compliment. “Uh, I don’t think this is going to fit inside me.”

  Stefan didn’t mean to burst out laughing, but it just came. “Trust me, it will. I just have to get you ready.”

  “I’m a little scared to ask how you’re going to do that.”

  Stefan blinked, taken aback by those words, and he looked down at Micah in a whole new light.

  Micah pushed himself a little deeper into the sheets beneath him. “What did I say?”

  Stefan ignored the question. Micah wasn’t simply innocent in the ways of sex, he was…oh God, did he really not know what Stefan was going to do to him?

  Suddenly, a whole new opportunity presented itself to him, and the excitement within Stefan’s body came to a boiling point. He pushed himself to his knees, lifting his shirt over his head and tossing it onto the floor.

  Micah’s hands immediately came over his chest, abdomen, and nipples, touching everything he could. “You’re…” Micah didn’t finish, as if he didn’t have the words.

  “I’m the one in awe of you,” Stefan promised. “This next part is the best part, trust me.”

  Micah still appeared unsure, though he didn’t say why or what he expected Stefan to do to him at that point.

  Stefan had an idea of what was going on. “I don’t know what the other servants told you happened in the bedroom with the vampires, but I am not a vampire, and I promise you will enjoy this part.”

  “But won’t it hurt?”

  “If I just go shoving away, it will,” Stefan said, inching his way down Micah’s body, taking hold of the man from beneath his knees and lifting them up high.

  Micah’s heart jumped, and Stefan used that as a fuel to the fire he was currently struggling against.

  “You’re not going to shove away?”

  Stefan’s initial thoughts had been right.

  “No, though, believe me, it’s not because I don’t want to.”

  Micah nodded, his face still beautifully colored with pink. “I know. I felt your erection just now.”

  Stefan nodded. “And now you’re going to feel something else.”

  Micah’s small body made it a simple enough matter for Stefan to pull his hips and ass up high. Micah seemed to know what to do on instinct, how to balance himself, and his pleasured cry as Stefan pressed his tongue to the star shape of his asshole made his already heated blood spike with a powerful inferno.

  He didn’t just tease around the tight hole. Stefan pushed forward right away, making it slick with his saliva and listening with pleasure as the omega, his omega, his mate, cried out and came from the sudden shock of his orgasm.

  Stefan pulled back quickly, looking down at the man. Micah’s small chest was covered in his own cum, and he gasped for breath as if they had been fucking for hours instead of just getting started.

  “Oh God,” Micah gasped, his chest rising and falling in heavy succession. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  Micah’s cock was still hard, and his testicles were still tight. Stefan smiled at the sight. Even an omega wolf still had a decent amount of stamina, and the mating heat Stefan was leading them both into was sure to be enough to keep them going for several more hours to come.

  He was grateful to Seth for having the foresight to give him the time off he would need tomorrow.

  “We’re going to be at this for a while.”

  Micah nodded eagerly. “Yeah,” he puffed. “C-can you do that again?”

  Stefan quickly set out to grant the wish of his mate.

  Chapter Four

  Micah puffed and panted for air, turning his head side to side, creating a damp spot on the sheets beneath him, as he couldn’t seem to stop sweating.

  Stefan never once told him it was gross. He never sneered down at him and told him to get ahold of himself. He seemed to like that Micah didn’t have full control over his body.

  Maybe it was because the one who currently had that control was Stefan.

  Micah knew that powerful men liked to have control. It was the same thing with alpha wolves, the vampire overlords, and apparently, even dragon warriors, but though Micah thought he would be uncomfortable with giving any sort of control to anyone, he found himself more than enjoying the control that Stefan had over him.

  He wanted the alpha to have more of it. So much more that it made Micah lose control again.

  He seemed to be having trouble this second time around. Even though Stefan’s tongue was all the way inside him, wiggling, slick, and wonderful, Micah couldn’t seem to reach a second orgasm.

  Possibly because he’d already had one just minutes before and his body seemed to need a bit more time to recover.

  Not that it mattered too much because he could apparently still be lost to the pleasure. It was still enough to make his body spasm, his nerves feel as if they were on fire, and his toes clench and tremble, but he couldn’t orgasm.

  Micah reached for his cock. His neck was starting to cramp because of the position with his thighs in the air, on top of Stefan’s shoulders, but even that didn’t matter because he just wanted to keep feeling good.

  Micah reached up for his dick. He hadn’t liked coming on himself before—that had been humiliating—but the pleasure was so intense that he couldn’t think about that embarrassment anymore. The only thing he wanted to think about was coming while that tongue was buried deep inside his body.

  That was the only thing he needed.

  Micah had barely gotten his hand around his dick when Stefan grabbed him by the wrist and pulled his hand back.

  Micah didn’t think anything of it, so he tried again, only to be cut short again.

  “No, let me touch,” Micah begged.

  The growling sound Stefan let out vibrated through his tongue and all the way inside of Micah’s hole, sending vibrations of pleasure like shocks of lightning through every nerve in his body.

  And he was powerless against them, powerless to resist what Stefan wanted from him.

  Stefan wiggled his tongue, and as if he was playing a chord deep inside Micah’s body, Micah reacted. His already tight and tense spine felt as if it would snap under the sudden pressure that took hold of him.

  “Oh God,” he moaned, his small claws digging into the sheets beneath him. “Stefan, I can’t…”

  Stefan’s tongue left Micah’s body, and Micah moaned from the disappointment.

  “No, no, don’t stop.”

  “Not going to, sweetheart.”

s heart soared. He’d never thought he would ever hear anyone call him their sweetheart before. He liked it. He liked it so much that he didn’t have words for it.

  Stefan reached out for something. He grabbed a small bottle from…somewhere.

  “Where did that come from?”

  Stefan briefly kissed him. “Try not to worry about that. This is about you.”

  “What’s it for?” Micah asked as Stefan popped open the cap.

  Stefan grinned and shook his head, as though Micah had said something cute.

  “It’s something you’ll like.”

  Micah thought about it quickly. He saw how slick the substance was that Stefan poured onto his palm, and it clicked in his brain.

  “It’s to make it so you can put your cock inside me.”

  “That it is,” Stefan answered, pushing his wet fingers against Micah’s asshole.

  Micah’s body instinctively tensed. He didn’t mean for that to happen, but he was able to relax his body quickly enough.

  “I thought it was for your cock.”

  Stefan chuckled. “It is, but this is to ease the way.”

  Those fingers made it through the ring of muscle. Micah clenched his teeth at the sudden sensation of being full, of being spread apart.

  And of being hot. The heat that rushed through his body was unlike anything he’d ever felt before in his entire life. The intense rush of pleasure, the beating of his heart, he felt as if he was going to fly apart.

  “I don’t want your fingers,” Micah moaned. He reached for his cock again, and this time he curled his fingers around it, stroking it while staring up at Stefan desperately. He was the only man in the world who could fix this problem Micah was having. Stefan was the only person in the world Micah wanted to fix it.

  “What do you want instead?” Stefan asked.

  Did he really not know?

  “I want your cock,” Micah said.

  “Oh? And where do you want my cock?”

  Micah tensed, his hole clenching around the fingers that thrust pleasantly inside him. “I want…I want it inside me,” he moaned. “Please, don’t—don’t make me ask again.”

  He was pretty sure Stefan knew exactly what it was that Micah wanted. He was just being strange about it.

  Micah moaned suddenly as the rush of pleasure that hit him sizzled all the way up his spine. He arched his back and thrust his ass hard against those fingers.

  “See? You like them, don’t you?”

  Micah couldn’t answer. He wanted to, but he couldn’t. His tail thumped against the bed beneath him and he reached up and grabbed at his wolf ears painfully hard, too hard. He wanted more. He wanted so much more.

  This wild, instinctual side of himself was something he couldn’t hold back.

  “F-fuck me. Oh God, put your cock inside me. I want it.”

  He heard the growl above him. Micah opened his eyes, noted how those silver orbs had turned a bright shade of red, and a few silver scales started to appear over Stefan’s body.

  They glimmered like diamonds. Not like the glimmering in Twilight. No, this was a wider effect, different from diamond dust.

  This looked as if there were actual diamonds embedded into Stefan’s skin.

  He was so handsome, and he was choosing Micah.

  It made Micah so happy that, for a split second, he was able to forget all about how this wasn’t a love match. This was an arranged mating for the sake of creating good relations between the dragons and the omegas.

  He didn’t want to think about that right now. Micah stopped stroking his cock, and he reached up for Stefan, grabbing him by the back of his neck, desperate to pull him down, to touch every inch of his heated skin.

  To have Stefan inside him.

  Micah wanted to crawl under the man’s skin and stay there for the rest of his life. He’d been touching himself, desperate to receive his own pleasure, but he’d barely stopped to think about Stefan’s pleasure.

  “Inside me. In me, now, please. I want you to feel good.”

  Those red eyes glimmered. Stefan’s fingers pulled out of Micah’s body a little too harshly. Micah grunted, but not from the pain. He just felt empty. After having Stefan’s fingers scissoring, thrusting, and wiggling around in there after the magnificent thing he’d done with his tongue, it felt almost strange to have nothing inside him anymore.

  He didn’t like it, and when he heard Stefan’s harsh growl, noted how the man positioned his body closer to Micah’s hips, it made Micah tremble with anticipation.

  When Mica felt something blunt and wet pressing against his asshole, his brain immediately clicked with what it was, and he moaned even before he felt the pressure of the first thrust.

  Stefan growled as the head of his cock pressed through the barrier of muscle. Micah groaned, curling his arms around the dragon male’s neck and holding on tight, as if Stefan would vanish if he didn’t keep a firm grip on him.

  Stefan didn’t go anywhere. His body was hot, and Micah was shocked to feel him trembling as much as Micah had been before.

  As if the pleasure he was getting by being inside Micah’s body was enough to make him come undone, as if he was just as helpless to the pleasure as Micah was.

  Emboldened by this, by the sense of power that came with being the one who could make Stefan have such a reaction at all, Micah began to move his hips.

  It was experimental at first, just a circular motion, something he wasn’t even sure would be worthwhile, but he just wanted to make this man feel good. He wanted to do anything and everything in his power to make it so Stefan would never regret his choice.

  Micah didn’t regret it. Even if Stefan never loved him, Micah was happy just to be with him.

  “Fuck me, please,” he said, whispering it hotly into Stefan’s ear.

  Stefan didn’t answer. He growled. He growled low and beautifully, enough to make that ripple of shivery pleasure rush through Micah’s body once more, and when he pulled back, Micah held his breath.

  Stefan’s cock wasn’t just thick. It was long. The width alone had to be enough to span four fingers’ worth of space inside Micah’s body, and while it burned to have that inside him, Micah was really coming apart by the sheer length of him.

  Stefan pulled his cock back so much that Micah feared he would pull out completely.

  No, Stefan stopped just before the thick head of his prick could leave him. Micah clenched his hole around the base beneath the mushroom shape in an effort to keep that from happening.

  “No, you’re not allowed to stop.” Micah frantically shook his head. He couldn’t bear the thought of having Stefan stop, of having the man leave him in a state like this.

  “Not going to.” Stefan’s voice hardly sounded human in that moment, and when he thrust back inside of Micah’s body, hard, fast, and with all the power and control of an alpha, Micah couldn’t control himself.

  His spine arched clear off the bed. The only reason why he stayed earthbound was because of the grip Stefan held to his thighs as he frantically fucked into him.

  For a few long seconds, Micah couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t do anything by lie there and take in the sensation of deep and exhilarating pleasure.

  This was nothing at all like the times he’d touched himself when he was alone in the shower rooms or awake at night.

  This pleasure…he would never be able to experience this himself by his own hand. This was something that only Stefan would be able to give him.

  Because he was taking Micah as his mate? Or because he was an alpha who happened to be skilled in bed?

  It didn’t matter. Micah let himself be swept away by this mind-numbing pleasure.

  He was vaguely aware of the animalistic grunting and growling noises Stefan let out with each powerful thrust, and then he became more and more aware of the pain in his hips.

  Stefan’s claws dug into Micah’s skin as the alpha held on to him tightly, pulling Micah’s hips forward with each intense thrust.r />
  Micah liked that. He liked the feeling of this powerful man on top of him, commanding him, giving him pleasure and taking all that he could.

  Micah regained some control of his body. He reached up, touching Stefan’s chest and stomach, reaching for his nipples and tweaking them.

  Stefan growled at that, but it seemed to be done in a way that suggested he liked it. Since Micah wasn’t being given warning growls, he did it again, reaching out for the man’s nipples and pinching them, feeling the heat of the man’s chest as he fucked inside of Micah’s body.

  And then the pleasure building within Micah came to a head. Whereas he had trouble reaching out and grasping it before. Now it was right there, ready for the taking.

  Micah wanted to take it. He didn’t want to hold back.

  “I’m coming,” he said, feeling as if he should warn the alpha, though he didn’t know why.

  Stefan nodded. “Do it. Come for me.”

  Micah gritted his teeth. He wanted to. He wanted to so badly, but Stefan hadn’t come yet, and it seemed somewhat selfish for him to have two orgasms while Stefan had yet to have a single one.

  Micah thought he felt a pop somewhere in the back of his teeth from clenching his jaw too much. He shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “Yes, now,” Stefan rumbled in that growling, animalistic voice that had Micah’s inside melting.

  Melting more than they already were as Stefan began thrusting inside of him hard and fast, as if he were secretly a robot in disguise.

  Micah couldn’t hold back against something like that. He was completely helpless against it. There was nothing he could do except let the wave crash over him as he felt a sudden rush of warmth spilling inside him, and something within his body and heart clicked.

  Micah shouted long and loud as his next orgasm hit him. He’d been embarrassed before when he’d come on himself, but now, that humiliation was the furthest thing from his mind as he gripped his cock by the base and stroked himself, milking out his orgasm, spilling warm cum onto his stomach and chest and not caring in the least.


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