Balfor's Salvation

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Balfor's Salvation Page 8

by Trombley, Susan

  “Balfor,” she moaned aloud, the prince's image clear in her mind.

  In her lust-fevered mind his voice seemed to respond. “Well now, isn't this interesting.”

  Stacia shook with the intensity of the peak she climbed. She groaned again, her eyes closed as her fingers moved inside her.

  “As much as I enjoy watching you pleasure yourself, you summoned me, so I presume you would like me to take over.”

  She gasped and jerked her fingers out of her slit, her eyelids flying open. Despite blinking several times, she saw nothing but darkness. Her heart pounded so hard that the blood rushing in her ears deafened her, but she'd definitely heard his voice speaking to her this time.

  She pushed herself up on her palms and stared into the darkness. “H-hello?”

  The darkness moved, and then large hands were on her naked thighs as someone leaned into her. She smelled his unmistakable scent, a fiery musk that deeply appealed to her and had teased her during their dance.

  This has to be another dream. They’d all started like this, and just when he got close to entering her and fulfilling her desire, he would disappear just like he had from the Royal Room.

  The hands on her thighs rubbed up and down her legs, slowly getting closer to her core which was ablaze and soaking wet. Her clitoris still throbbed, begging for release.

  “I’m here, Stacia. I heard your summons.”

  She felt the scrape of claws on her legs, the sharpness of them causing her to shiver. Goosebumps broke out on her skin, and her nipples tightened until they ached.

  Calloused hands teased her inner thighs, hard knuckles just barely brushing her wet slit. She gasped and bit her lip, lifting her hips to try and push into that touch, but the hands moved away, not allowing her to feel a deeper caress.

  His voice was darkness itself when he spoke next. “Tell me you accept my claim, and I will bring you all the pleasure you desire.”

  A lump choked her throat as she swallowed. The hands continued to stroke her thighs, teasing her, driving her to distraction. “I don't understand.”

  “Just say yes.” A finger brushed over her clit, and she twitched from the shot of pure pleasure that went through her body.

  Her answer came out as a moan. “Oh, yes, please!”

  His chuckle was deep when he leaned on the mattress. Hot skin and hard muscle pressed against her naked flesh. “Good,” his voice rumbled, drawing out the word. “Now you're mine, and I can show you true pleasure.”

  The hands on her thighs pushed her knees further apart. She let them fall to the sides, spreading her open. Then she felt damp heat on her clitoris, and she opened her mouth on a gasp of ecstasy as a hard tongue swiped at her swollen bud. Stacia pulled the pillow over her face and screamed into it as she rocketed towards a climax.

  Balfor didn't let her reach it. He brought her right to the edge and then pulled away, leaving her clit engorged and hyper-sensitive.

  “Oh, please don't stop!”

  "Yes, beg me." Lips teased at the column of her throat, and she felt the scrape of sharp teeth at her jugular. She dropped her head to the side, exposing more of her flesh to him, and he rewarded her by biting a little deeper, not enough to break the skin but enough to shock her with the heat of his mouth and the almost uncomfortable pleasure it gave her.

  He sucked at her neck as his fingers returned to her core, brushing over her nub before sliding down to delve into her slippery passage. He lifted his lips from her neck and spoke into her ear, his hot breath making her shiver. “You’re so ready for me. I would draw out your torment, but the temptation to take you now is strong.” He stroked two of his large fingers slowly inside her.

  She licked her lips. “Now! Definitely now!” His fingers were so much better than her own. She’d never had a dream this intense or incredible before. She wished the lighting was better so she could see him, instead of only a silhouette in darkness.

  His weight lifted away from her upper body and then his tongue was on her clit again. She pulled the pillow back over her face, clenching it so tight that it was a wonder she didn’t suffocate herself. His tongue and fingers brought her back to the edge of climax. Then he pulled away again, his fingers slipping out of her even as his tongue stopped its damp and heated onslaught. She wanted to scream at him not to stop.

  He shifted and the frame of the bed creaked. Then his hands were on her inner thighs again, spreading her legs wider. One hand slid under her buttocks and lifted her hips.

  She felt the pressure of his erection as it probed her slick entrance and then started to sink into her. Her muscles tensed at the invasion. He was very large, and she was suddenly concerned. He didn't seem to care that her body tightened against his penetration. In fact, it only seemed to encourage him and he thrust into her, pushing hard until he was buried deep inside her. She cried out in pained surprise that ended on a moan of pleasure at the feel of him filling and stretching her. Though her muscles burned from his rough entrance, she was so well lubricated by her excitement that he had no trouble when he began to move inside her.

  His fingers sought her clit, rubbing her as he plunged into her. The combined sensations sped her to her climax and her body shuddered. She lifted her hips into him and his shaft slammed painfully deep but by then she didn’t care. Holding the pillow over her face, she screamed with her release, her muscles pulsing around him.

  He groaned almost inaudibly as her body pulsed around him. The bed creaked in protest beneath them as he shoved into her faster and harder. Then he dug his claws into her thighs and pumped a few more times before he slowly pulled out of her.

  Stacia trembled in the aftermath of the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced. The mattress rose as his weight left it.

  When he spoke, his beautiful bass voice sounded like a growl of frustration. “This time has been too brief.”

  She felt his fingers stroke across her cheek. “Sleep now. I will send for you soon.”

  Then the weight of his presence disappeared from the space of one moment to the next. His smoky scent still lingered, though, and she inhaled deeply, snuggling against her pillow.

  Best... dream... ever!

  Chapter 10

  Stacia woke up the morning after the party sprawled across the wide mattress of her guest bed, wearing only her t-shirt. Her underwear had been discarded on the side of the bed. It was immediately clear that her delicious dream had not been a dream at all.

  After a short freak-out session that involved plenty of pacing, the sight of her almost naked body passing the marble-framed mirror caught her up short. She realized that she hadn’t even gotten dressed again.

  Pulling on her nightrobe made her feel a bit more calm, though the bruise on her neck and the stickiness between her thighs could not be ignored so easily. Why am I so worried about this? I wanted him. He wanted me. We both gave in to our urges, and had a good time. What’s the big deal? It had been better sex than she’d ever had, which was saying something because she’d never been shy about taking lovers in spite of the restrictive Diakonos regime.

  Despite her internal pep-talk, she wasn’t feeling sanguine about the situation at all. Lilith had told her that the umbrose could respond when they were called, regardless of where they might be at the time. Somehow, they heard their names. She must have summoned Balfor to her side, and he just happened to respond immediately and apparently didn’t need to knock on her locked door to ask for entry.

  Her face flushed bright red as she thought of what she’d been doing when he appeared in her room. She firmly believed that masturbation was a healthy practice—and frankly didn’t give a damn if it wasn’t—but she didn’t exactly share the fact that she regularly practiced it with anyone, not even Lilith. Nor had she ever shared that fact with her lovers, all of whom had been temporary liaisons, as she’d never done well with commitments.

  Balfor had not seemed surprised by what she was doing, and he certainly hadn’t been repulsed since he’d been more than h
appy to join her, so it shouldn’t embarrass her, but he’d seen her in a way that even her previous lovers had not. That was an intimacy she wasn’t comfortable having with anyone, least of all the prince of the umbrose, whom she’d met only yesterday.

  Her thoughts carried her through her morning ablutions in the en-suite bathroom. The fixtures looked primitive and were made of stone, but performed the same function that modern toilets and tubs and sinks in DC did. Stacia wasn’t sure how they worked, and couldn’t care less as long as she could use them.

  Back in her room after a warm bath that did nothing to relax the tension in her muscles, she paused in front of the mirror, studying her face. Now that she was fully awake, some of the details were coming back from the “dream,” proving once and for all that it was quite real, as she’d never remembered many details from actual dreams. Balfor had stroked her cheek before he left. Her scarred cheek.

  It shouldn’t matter what he thought about her scars, but she wondered if he’d noticed and what he’d thought. She’d never intended to show him her face, or be this intimate with him, and she wasn’t going to allow it to happen again, although her body had other ideas that involved whispering his name just to see if he would reappear. She kept her voice firmly locked behind her lips.

  When she strapped on her wrist communicator and checked the time, she saw that Lilith would be around to fetch her for lunch in just a few more minutes. She’d tarried too long worrying about what had happened earlier that morning. Now she didn’t have time to compose herself so Lilith wouldn’t guess something was wrong.

  She’d barely managed to dress in a tan tunic and pantsuit before there was a knock at her door. “Who is it?” she asked even though it occurred to her that Balfor didn’t need to knock. He’d already proven that.

  Lilith’s voice sounded from the other side, muffled by the thick wood. “Stacia?”

  “Come in.” She snatched up the discarded jeweled veil and tied it on as Lilith entered the room.

  Lilith was barely through the door before she shut it firmly behind her and closed the distance to Stacia with hurried steps, her amber-colored dress flowing around her with each step. “Stacia!” Her voice was a fierce whisper. “What in the hells happened?”

  A sinking feeling in her gut left Stacia nauseous. “What’re you talking about?”

  “Balfor summoned Ranove early this morning. When Ranove returned to our room, he awakened me and told me the humans were leaving since their business was concluded.”

  Anger shot through Stacia, pumping fire into her veins. “Oh really? Just what the hells does he mean by that? The umbrose are going to deny DI’s trade requests?” She didn’t want to believe it was because of what she’d done. But given how often her thoughtless actions led to trouble for everyone, it wouldn’t surprise her. Apparently Balfor took offense to what had happened, even though he’d seemed a more than willing participant. Perhaps he was angry that she’d summoned him in the first place, or maybe she’d broken one of their many codes of conduct. But fuck him! He’d been fine with it this morning!

  Lilith shook her head at Stacia’s question. She clasped her hands together and twisted her fingers as she paced in front of Stacia. “I don’t know all the details. Ranove wouldn’t tell me anything else. He was in a strange mood. Not angry, but not happy about it either.” She met Stacia’s eyes. Stacia saw her own disappointment reflected in Lilith’s gaze. “Even though he doesn’t say it, I know he’s been hoping for this trade alliance. He respects what humans can do. He’s probably the only umbrose who really does.”

  “If that’s the case, maybe we can appeal to Ranove. Surely he can get the prince to change his mind.” Stacia sure hoped so. She couldn’t believe that she would have to bear the burden of this screw-up too. At least all the previous times she’d messed things up for everyone, she’d gone into the situation knowing there were risks. In this case, she’d been minding her own damned business, not planning on hurting anyone by her actions.

  Lilith sighed. “I hope so. I think Ranove will try, but the prince is….” She seemed to search for a word that was not insulting.

  “An asshole?” Stacia suggested, feeling vindicated in her initial impression.

  The skin visible above Lilith’s veil paled and her eyes widened. She grabbed Stacia’s arm. “Stace, don’t say such things.” Her gaze flicked to the shadows in the corner of the room cast by the battery lamp. “Not here in Sanctuary.”

  Stacia clenched her fists, then sighed and let the tension drain out of her. There was no point in snapping at Lilith for her—undoubtedly wise—caution. “Sorry. I’m just so upset at how this has all turned out. We just got here! We haven’t even discussed the agree—”

  Another knock on her door interrupted Stacia. Both she and Lilith turned to look at the iron-bound wooden panel as if expecting umbrose guards to come in and march them out of the city.

  “Ms. Dornan, it’s Candace. May I come in? I have some important news.”

  Stacia released her breath on a sigh of relief. “Apparently, the news has already spread,” she said to Lilith and then raised her voice to give Candace permission to enter her room.

  The woman came through the door sans veil, so Lilith and Stacia could see her broad smile. The expression on her face dimmed a little when she saw Lilith standing next to Stacia. “I’m sorry, Ms. Dornan. I wasn’t aware you had company. Would you like me to come back?” Candace was practically bouncing on her heels with excitement.

  “Go ahead and break the news to me now,” Stacia said, wondering how Candace could look so happy if she’d gotten the same news Lilith had brought Stacia.

  Candace clapped her hands together in front of her. “It seems that we’re in for a celebration. The prince has agreed to our original contract. Apparently, we’ve impressed him enough that he no longer feels the need to draw out negotiations. He signed all the agreements this morning. They were just delivered to me, and I rushed right over to give you the wonderful news.”

  The contract specialist’s announcement sucked the breath out of Stacia. “He… agreed to everything DI is asking for?” She looked over at Lilith, who was wide-eyed. Lilith shook her head at Stacia, apparently as surprised as she was.

  “The terms in the original contract are very lucrative for both parties. It’s not like the umbrose will be giving us much in the way of concessions.” Candace brushed her palms together in front of her. “Still, DI expected a lot of counter-offers and hard bargaining. My job just got much easier.” She shrugged at them and smiled sheepishly. “Not that I’m complaining. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of one-on-one negotiations with the prince.”

  That comment brought Stacia’s one-on-one time with the prince very clearly into her mind. Now Candace’s news took on a whole different light. She wondered if Balfor had agreed to their contracts because of their morning entertainment or if he’d been planning to agree all along and had wanted to meet the humans first before signing. It seemed to Stacia that the second scenario was the most likely one. It had been really good sex, but she strongly doubted it was good enough to influence Balfor to change his mind. Besides, now that he’d been with her, he wanted the humans gone from Sanctuary. “I guess you’ll be the one handling everything from here, Lilith, now that we’re being sent home.”

  Candace’s expression changed from happiness to shock in an instant. Her mouth gaped open, then she snapped it shut and her dark eyes gleamed as if she were considering something. “What’s this about being sent home?”

  Lilith nodded. “According to Ranove, your time in Sanctuary is up. I suppose now the contracts have been signed, I will act as liaison between DI and the umbrose and see to it that the contract is fulfilled on both ends.”

  Candace shook her head as Lilith spoke. “This won’t work! We need to be here to flesh out the details. The contracts leave too much space for fine-tuning. This is a huge undertaking and one person can’t—”

  Lilith’s eyes narrow
ed on Candace. “I realize there’ll be a lot to do, but I’m hardly incompetent.”

  Candace paled. “Oh no! I wasn’t suggesting that at all, my lady.” She sketched a smooth curtsy to Lilith, and her tone was soothing when she spoke again. “I apologize. Of course you’re more than capable of dealing with this. I’m merely disappointed to be leaving this fascinating city so soon. I hope you’ll allow me to be your direct representative on behalf of DI, at least until the board selects a replacement. If they even choose to do so.”

  “I think that could work out just fine.” Lilith sounded mollified by Candace’s words and behavior.

  Candace nodded and the tension in her muscles relaxed visibly. “Can you tell me when we’ll be leaving?”

  “Ranove said that you would be leaving today, but I can’t imagine you’ll be thrown out this very moment. You surely have time to pack and eat some lunch.” Lilith linked her arm through Stacia’s. “Stacia and I are going to catch up on the last two years before she leaves, but I can send an escort for you and Mr. Walker.”

  Candace smiled at Lilith. “I understand. Enjoy your time with Ms. Dornan.” Addressing Stacia she said, “Ma’am, I suppose I’ll see you again on the transport.” She looked around the room, her gaze lighting on the clothing spread over chairs and the edge of the bed. “Do you need any assistance packing?”

  Lilith answered for Stacia. “If Stacia allows it, I’ll send one of my handmaidens.”

  Stacia agreed, and Candace left them alone.

  Once the door closed behind the woman, Lilith turned to Stacia and studied her with narrowed eyes. “Alright, something’s up. Do you know anything about this, Stace?”

  Before Stacia had the chance to answer the question, Balfor appeared in the room in a swirl of shadows.

  Chapter 11

  Stacia had seen him disappear into shadows, but she’d never seen him reappear like that before. It all happened so quickly that she had little time to react, though Lilith somehow managed to put a chair between herself and the apparition that stepped out of the swirling mass of darkness.


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