Claiming His Unexpected Baby

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by Michelle Howard

  Claiming His Unexpected Baby

  Assassins Guild

  By Michelle Howard

  Published by MH Publications

  Copyright © 2020 by Michelle Howard

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Claiming His Unexpected Baby (Assassins Guild, #2)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author

  License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this novel with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please buy an additional copy for each recipient.

  No part of this book may be distributed in any format, in whole or in part without the express written consent of the author.

  Thank you for respecting the author's hard work.

  This is a work of fiction and is not a reflection or representation of any person living or dead. Any similarity is of pure coincidence.

  Chapter 1

  “You have to get rid of it. I don’t want it.”

  Amelie flinched from the harshly spoken demand. Roan, her boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, was usually full of honeyed whispers for her. Today, his face was a mask of fury and his body vibrated with tension.

  This wasn’t the reaction she’d expected when she invited him over to her place for dinner to talk.

  Amelie tried to match this angry persona with the man who’d smiled in her face a month ago when he’d announced his upcoming interview for a position on the ambassador’s team. A position she’d found and encouraged him to apply for. They’d lain in bed together as he’d stroked her hair and spoke of his grand plans. Plans along with avowals to be together forever.

  Now he was in line for a new promotion which should be exciting for both of them but...he didn’t want her any more? She dropped her hand to her flat stomach. “I don’t understand, Roan.”

  Blowing out a breath, he threw his hands in the air then paced from her. Roan paced when he was agitated and needed to think. She dug her nails into the material of her shirt and waited. He paused a few feet away, gripping the back of his neck with one hand and dropped the other. When he raised his head and turned to look at her, his mouth curved in a semi-sweet grin that was all too familiar. “Look. I’m just not in a position to deal with a baby right now. Neither of us is.”

  Amelie relaxed. Now she understood. The news had caught her off-guard as well. She smiled back. “It’s okay, Roan. I wasn’t expecting this news either. This just fast forwards our timetable a little.”

  They’d met at a festival. Music and food everywhere, couples and families enjoying the rare occasion to be away from their farming tracks. Roan had approached her toward the end of the event in front of a fruit stand and asked her out. Blown away by his smooth talking and sheer good looks, she’d agreed.

  After several weeks of dinners and dating, he’d professed his love and wanted to take their relationship to the next level. Excited at the proof he had similar feelings for her, Amelie had fallen into bed with him. Repeatedly.

  Discovering she was pregnant was a shock, of course. Roan had assured her he had the birth control aspect handled with his monthly shots. Maybe he’d missed one. At any rate, she was pleased at being one step closer to the family they’d both agreed they wanted.

  Roan groaned. “You don’t get it, Amie. I don’t have time for a baby.”

  Her smile fell.

  “Or a girlfriend like you.”

  Like her? Amelie’s brows furrowed and while she heard what he said, Amelie refused to believe it. “What exactly are you telling me, Roan?”

  He exhaled sharply. “For stars’ sake, Amelie! You can’t be this naïve. I’m ending things. This job is already taking me places. A promotion! I’ll get to travel to far off places, see more than life on a farm planet. I’ll have the chance to interact with all sorts of government officials. Me, Amelie!”

  She didn’t know the details for his upcoming role with the Ambassador of Trigodor but it sounded like a wonderful opportunity. “I can wait.”

  Roan clenched his fists at his side and leaned forward. The tendons in his neck and jaw strained beneath his skin. “Amelie, I don’t know how else to say it—the ambassador’s daughter and I are dating. She doesn’t know about my farming background or you.”


  His gaze dropped to her stomach and he sneered. “Do yourself a favor and get that taken care of. Neither of us are ready for a kid anyway.”

  Protests died on her lips at the dismissive way he spoke of the child they’d made together. Her back straightened and she met his stare evenly. This was her home. She paid the bills and he spent the night. More than he should since he didn’t contribute to any of the finances. “Leave.”

  He reached for her but she darted back, putting the living room chair between them. Roan rolled his eyes. “You’re being dramatic about this. It was fun and now its over. Don’t make it ugly.”

  Everything about him was ugly right now. The blond hair she’d adored for the wicked way it fell over his arched brows to the green eyes that no longer sparkled with good natured charm.

  At the door, he paused to say, “Goodbye, Amelie.”

  When he left, Amelie didn’t cry. Desperate for kindness, she’d allowed herself to be swept away by his lies. No more. She took steadying breaths as she rubbed her hands down the sides of her pants and told herself she’d dodged a big mistake. It was a good thing she saw his true colors now rather than later.

  Raising a baby by herself might be hard but it would have been far worse if she tried to do it with a non-committal father.

  Amelie grabbed her communication device and keyed in the code for her best friend who’d moved away two years ago but stayed in touch. “Scarlett? It’s Amelie. Were you serious about moving with you to the Gerelin colony?”

  The answer had her closing her eyes in relief. Ten years of friendship was better than anything Roan had ever given her. Thank all the higher powers she hadn’t ended the friendship with Scarlett the way Roan had encouraged her to do.

  If she’d been smarter and not blinded by love, she should have left the day Scarlett invited her to visit instead of letting Roan convince her to stay here. Now he was leaving and she was left to figure out the pieces of her life that he’d smashed in the process to gain his own success.


  “I’m not sure about this.” Amelie sat up on the exam table and tugged at the thin paper gown she wore which covered the bare minimum.

  Her best friend, Dr. Scarlett Tun, had completed her physical confirming everything was on track with her pregnancy and she was two months along.

  From across the room, going through her notes, Scarlett sent her an exasperated look. “The only people who can stay here are those with a familial connection to the Gerelin or those here in a work capacity. I can’t get you a job. Yet. So this is the next best thing.”

  Amelie eyed the injector in Scarlett’s hand. It sounded simple and easy but Amelie couldn’t wrap her head around the concept. “Explain it
to me again.”

  Scarlett sat on a rolling stool and slid over, stopping in front of Amelie and the bottom of the table. “Alright. Gerelins form relationships through a bonding process with the individual they deem their mate. The men especially are very protective and go crazy if they even think their bonded mate is in danger.”


  Scarlett sighed as if she couldn’t understand why Amelie was missing the point. “We need to fake such a connection for you. If we make it look like you’re mated to a Gerelin, we can get you approved to live here.”

  Shaking her head, Amelie searched the room for the clothes and shoes she’d taken off for her exam. She was desperate but what Scarlett proposed was farfetched. “No. I already told you I’m not looking for another relationship, Scar.”

  Scarlett leaned forward and gripped her knee, stopping Amelie from leaping from the table to leave. “Fake. Fake relationship.”

  Amelie sucked her teeth. When Scarlett said she’d help, this wasn’t what she’d expected. It sounded a bit much to Amelie. “How am I going to fake it? I don’t know any Gerelins and I’ve only been here a week.”

  “That’s where I come in.” Scarlett smiled and held up the injector filled with a gold liquid. “As the Lead Medic, Gerelins see me for health reasons of all sorts. When I knew you were coming and why, I started figuring out a way to make this work.”

  Amelie crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m listening.”

  Relief crossed Scarlett’s face and she did a fist pump with her free hand. “Good. Gerelins inject their mates with a special hormone to form the bond. Which I happen to have right here. Others can sense it or something and that’s how we’ll fake the relationship for you.”

  Amelie inhaled sharply and eyed the injector. “Scarlett! How did you get the hormone? What if I run into the guy and he knows I lied?”

  Wincing, Scarlett said, “I’m not proud of it but I stole this from a visitor. He was injured and stopped here for medical assistance two weeks ago. I extracted the hormone when I put him under for a minor surgery.”

  Amelie couldn’t believe her by the book friend would do something like that. Being a medic meant everything to her. “That’s wrong, Scar!”

  “I know.” Scarlett stared at the injector in dejection. “I was trying to think of a way to help you and then he came in all hurt and...I just did it.”

  “We can’t do this.” Amelie wasn’t in agreement at all. What they were discussing wasn’t ethical by any means.

  Scarlett’s shoulders slumped. When her blonde hair fell forward in her face, she swiped at it. “You’re right. I was desperate to help.”

  Relief flowed through her. At least she wouldn’t have to fight Scarlett on this. Knowing they’d made the right choice, Amelie stood. “I’ll get dressed and we’ll think of another way.”

  “But you don’t have much money left and nowhere to go. I’m the only friend you have and your family won’t help you.”

  No, her parents wouldn’t help. They were farmers through and through and hadn’t approved of Amelie dating Roan to begin with. They wanted her to settle with a farmer of their choice, preferably older and mimic the life they lived. No way she could tell them she was pregnant and abandoned by the father.

  Amelie put a hand on her stomach, protectively cradling the life growing within her. “I might not have planned for this baby but I want him or her. I don’t need Roan or my parents to love my child.”

  Scarlett stood and offered her a confident nod. “I know. You’re strong. People underestimate you. I wish Roan was here. I’d jab him in the eye.”

  The thought of Scarlett hitting Roan and his reaction drew a reluctant laugh from Amelie. Scarlett was tall, at least six feet and had attitude and confidence to back up her bold personality. Roan had never liked Scarlett, blaming her for the few times Amelie pushed back against his attempts to overrun her every opinion and life.

  “We don’t need violence, Scarlett.”

  An inelegant snort escaped Scarlett’s lips. “If anyone is in need of being knocked down a time or two, it’s Roan.”

  Not bothering to answer, Amelie tried to imagine what the future would hold for her and where she could go if she couldn’t stay at this Gerelin colony. The place was perfect, a blend of advanced technology with community value based living. Her time here had already endeared her to the environment and was without a doubt where she wanted to raise her child.

  Now that was no longer an option. Her visitor’s pass would expire soon and she’d need to leave. Amelie hadn’t thought beyond the idea of living close to her friend and having Scarlett’s support with birthing the baby.

  Scarlett nibbled her bottom lip and set the injector on the table behind her to shove her hands in the pockets of her white lab coat. “I’m sorry. What will you do now?”

  “I’ll figure out something,” Amelie muttered, spotting her shoes under a table. She reached for her folded clothes on a chair at the same time Scarlett reached for them.

  Their heads collided, sending stars to dance across her vision. Scarlett yelped as she stumbled and put her hand up to keep Amelie from overbalancing. At the same time, Amelie reached for the bench to catch herself. Her palm slid along the top of the table. Something pierced the side of her hand.

  “Ouch!” Amelie cried out.

  “Don’t move, I think I dropped something,” Scarlett said.

  “Are you okay?” Amelie asked when they both righted themselves. There was a red bruise already forming on Scarlett’s forehead.

  “Yes. I think so.” Scarlett touched her temple and winced. She glanced around and gasped. “Oh, shit.”

  Amelie followed Scarlett’s gaze. They both froze in horror. Jutting from her hand was the injector. She blinked a few times as if to clear her vision, not believing what she saw. A sense of doom swelled.

  Scarlett rushed to withdraw the injector. It was empty, the mechanism to express the contents had been triggered on contact. “What did I do? What did I do?”

  True fear engulfed Amelie. There was a foreign substance in her blood stream. “My baby. What’s going to happen to my baby, Scarlett?”

  “Let me think.” Her friend took a deep breath and started to pace. “The hormone isn’t dangerous. I know that. I researched everything about this before bringing the idea to you.”

  That reassured Amelie. Slightly. Of course it wouldn’t be harmful or Scarlett wouldn’t have devised this plan to begin with. She just needed to know what this meant and how much this would affect her health. “What else?”

  Tossing the injector in a biobin, Scarlett funneled a hand through her blonde locks and propped the other on her hip as she studied Amelie. Resolution stared from the blue orbs. “Maybe this is providence.”

  Tiny tremors rolled over Amelie. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying we should move forward. What’s done is done and there’s no going back.”

  The idea didn’t sit well with Amelie but at this point did she have a choice? A glimmer of hope begin to grow. Maybe this would work after all. She’d be safe from Roan, her baby would be welcomed in a community full of support and Amelie could stop being afraid to live.

  “Alright. What do we need to do?”

  “You need a mark now. A scar forms after Gerelins bond to their mates.”

  That sounded painful. “A scar?”

  Scarlett was already digging through a drawer on a multi-cabinet. She held up a thin surgical blade and ripped off the protective sealant. “It has to be on your neck. The man bites the woman there and secretes the hormone through his teeth into her bloodstream.”

  What an odd and painful sounding custom. The glint of the blade weakened her knees. Amelie bit her inner cheek. “I don’t know about this.”

  “Sit back down.” Scarlett waved her back to the exam table and despite her misgivings, Amelie hopped up on it, taking her prior seat.

  Scarlett’s breath whispered across her neck as she leaned ove
r Amelie to make two small incisions. “I’m not making them too deep. This probably won’t hold up under scrutiny but you could always wear scarves. No one will think anything of it. Some women consider the marks an intimate sign of love from their men and cover the mating marks in public.”

  The two cuts were made swiftly though it did hurt. Scarlett handed her a pad to press over the bleeding wound. “What next?”

  Scarlett immediately started wiping things down and cleaning up. “I’ll show you how to process the papers for the request to be a permanent resident instead of your current visitor status.”

  It seemed too easy. Amelie tossed the bloody pad into the biobin. “Won’t they ask about my...mate?”

  The term was different but she liked it. It implied a deeper connection. On her farming home world marriages were an antiquated dull union and usually based on advantageous matches around a family farm with little thoughts to love.

  “We’ll keep your story simple. Your mate’s name for one and we’ll say he’s gone a lot for work. That way, there aren’t a lot of details for you to remember and get tripped up in a lie.”

  Amelie tried one last protest. “What about the guy? Won’t he know what we’ve done?”

  Scarlett grimaced and rocked her hand back and forth. “From what I understand, there’s a connection of some sort that grows but since he’s not here and this was done via an injection, I don’t think that will be an issue. This is fake. Don’t let guilt weigh you down. You’ll come across as mated to any Gerelin around you, which is what we need. This guy is long gone and probably won’t be back. He’s only missing a small sample of his hormone and didn’t notice.”

  Amelie raised her hand and studied the tender spot. She didn’t feel any different. “You’re right. Maybe everything will be okay.”

  They stared at one another with doubt on their faces. Amelie had a feeling neither of them believed that.

  Chapter 2

  Crouched at the corner of the building that was home to one of the biggest criminals residing on Quantoon, Sulen glanced over at his fellow assassin. “You know I don’t owe you any favors any more.”


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