Forbidden Desires

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Forbidden Desires Page 98

by Jenna Hartley

  Amelia didn’t look very convinced. “You really think she’ll get over it?”

  “Why wouldn’t she? We’re all adults now.” I believed my words with a conviction I felt everywhere.

  Amelia’s expression changed, like she was trying to let my words sway her. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right.” I smiled, leaning down until my nose touched hers. I felt her shake in my arms, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt we were making the right decision. “You know what else I’m right about?”

  “What?” Her voice was breathy, and her eyes began to close.

  “You’re a good kisser.”

  She laughed as her lids opened again to meet my eyes. “How would you know? You’ve never even kissed me.”

  I brushed my lips against hers. “But I’m about to.”

  Without delay, I pressed my lips to hers and felt her melt right along with me. My head spun as she moaned into my mouth and gripped me harder. Her dainty fingers dug into my arm like she needed the leverage to hold on to. I moved my hand from her jaw to her waist, pulling her against me as I parted her lips with mine.

  Everything was warm—my head, my chest, her breath, my cock. Fuck, we needed to leave. I pulled away, determined to make the date with her happen as soon as humanly possible.

  Our breaths were heavy as I placed another kiss on her cheek. “You ready to go home?”

  “No. But I’ll help you pack.” She smiled and pulled off the covers before searching for her clothes.

  Damn. She was beautiful. No. She was more than beautiful. Amelia Clark was a goddess.

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her beneath me, watching as her dark-brown hair fanned around her head. “On second thought,” I said as I placed her arms above her head and widened her legs with my knees, “The NBA can wait. One more for the road?”

  She giggled as I dipped down for another kiss, simultaneously reaching between her legs and teasing her clit with my thumb. Her giggle quickly turned into a moan as her back arched and her hips pushed up into my hand.

  “Only if you promise to buy me dinner,” she finally said.

  I grinned. “That’s a deal.” I captured her hard nipple in my mouth before swirling my tongue around its peak.

  Whoever had said spring flings couldn’t last was wrong.

  Amelia and I were about to prove it.

  More on K.K. Allen

  I hope you enjoyed Falling from Gravity. Want more? You can check out Amelia and Tobias’s full-length story in Defying Gravity (Available in Kindle Unlimited)

  Get it HERE

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  Contemporary Romance

  Center of Gravity

  Falling from Gravity (Short Story)

  Defying Gravity

  The Trouble with Gravity

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  Romantic Suspense

  Waterfall Effect

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  New Adult Romance

  Up in the Treehouse

  Under the Bleachers

  Through the Lens

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  Rock Star Romance

  Dangerous Hearts

  Destined Hearts

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  Connect with K.K. Allen

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  Website & Blog:





  Twitter: www.Twitter/KKAllenAuthor

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  About K.K. Allen

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  K.K. Allen is an award-winning USA Today Bestselling author who writes heartfelt and inspirational contemporary romance stories mainly about “capturing the edge of innocence.” K.K. graduated with a degree in interdisciplinary arts and sciences from the University of Washington and currently works as a digital producer for a leading online educational institution. She resides in central Florida and is the mother to a ridiculously handsome little dude who owns her heart.

  K.K.’s publishing journey began in June 2014 with a YA contemporary fantasy trilogy. In 2016, K.K. published her first contemporary romance, Up in the Treehouse, which went on to win the Romantic Times 2016 Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best New Adult Book of the Year. With K.K.’s love for inspirational and coming-of-age stories involving heartfelt narratives and honest emotions, you can be assured to always be surprised by what K.K. releases next.

  Stay tuned for more information about upcoming projects by connecting with K.K. in all the social media spaces.

  Some Beach by Harloe Rae


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  Chapter 1


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  The pilot’s crackly voice comes on over the loudspeaker. “Hello, this is your captain speaking. We’ve reached cruising altitude so feel free to move about the cabin as needed. Thank you for choosing Sunwest Air for your flight needs. We’re expecting to arrive in Cancun on time.”

  Anticipation skates up my bare arms. In a matter of hours, I’ll be sprawled out on a sunny beach without a worry in the world. Until then, there’s still plenty weighing on my mind.

  I gnaw on my bottom lip. “What’re we gonna do after college?”

  My sister from another mister huffs beside me. “Not this again, Hae. Remember why we’re taking this trip?”

  “To leave our troubles behind?”

  “Ding, ding, ding.” Sutton taps the tip of my nose. “Right. Don’t worry your gorgeous, brilliant head. Opportunity will lie in wait or whatever the heck they say.”

  I consider the list of interviews already lined up. Even if those don’t pan out, there’s a job waiting for me on my family’s farm. For some reason, that stability doesn’t remove the doubt.

  Sutton must sense my unease. “You’re gonna make the best teacher any school could hope for. Now, enjoy your well-deserved vacation.”

  I take another sip of my overpriced cocktail and attempt to get comfortable. “Why are airplane seats so flat and stiff?” “They’re not trying to keep you sticking around.”

  “We should have bought some of those blow-up pillows to stick under our butts.”

  Sutton rolls her eyes. “Keep drinking.”

  I shake my plastic cup. “This cost me eight dollars. Two sips and it’s gone.”

  “You’re full of complaints this morning.” She points at my nearly drained beverage. “Bottoms up, bitch. Soon enough you won’t feel a thing.” “That sounds terrible.”

  “In two hours, we’ll be in Cancun. The last thing on your mind will be a sore ass. Well, maybe not.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes. “That’s a negative, girlfriend. No one is going near my rear.”

  Sutton shrugs. “Don’t knock it until you try it.”

  A mock-gasp escapes me. “Have you?” “Speaking of getting busy,” she evades. “That’s not really what we were talking about.” “Stop interrupting. Are you gonna get laid this week?” “Is that really something I should plan?” She smacks the rubber armrest. “Yes! You need to loosen up, Hae. Spring break in Mexico is the prime opportunity.” My stomach takes a dip, and it’s not from the slight bout of turbulence. “I’ve never had a one-night stand.” “Don’t I know it,” she grumbles.

  “Hey!” I frown at her. “What’s the opposite of slut-shaming?”

  Sutton scoffs. “Puh-lease. I’m not twisting you into anything. But a filthy screw fest wouldn’t hurt you.”

  I finish off the rest of my mimosa. “Not sure that’ll ever be my style.”

“Until you meet the right guy.”

  “That sounds like a crooked concept and a bit backwards.”

  “And you’re overthinking, as always. But if you’re extra lucky, you can visit Pound Town several times. With the same guy,” she stage-whispers.

  “That seems to defeat the purpose of a casual hookup or whatever this would be.” “It could be more like a no-strings fling. When on vacay, let your inhibitions fly free.” I blow out a puff of air, sending a few wayward strands flying. “All right, I’ll consider it. How about you?” Sutton drops her gaze. “We’ll see.”

  My jaw hangs open. “For real? You’re gonna give me this long spiel about playing it fast and loose, but keep your own bits under lockdown?” She glances out the tiny window, avoiding my stare. “Uh, yeah. Something like that.” “Please don’t tell me this has to do with—”

  Her blue eyes snap to mine. “It doesn’t. This is about having fun and nothing serious.”

  I try not to shrink under her warning glare. “Why’re you still hung up on him? He’s such a jerk.” “Didn’t I say this choice wasn’t about him?”

  I suck on the inside of my cheek. “Say whatever you want, but I know better. You can’t fool me, Sutt.”

  Sutton flags down the flight attendant and orders us another round. “Well, guess again.”

  Our conversation is interrupted before I have the chance. Several rows up, a group of rowdy guys bark out a toast and cheers one another. Their laughter booms throughout the plane’s cabin. “They’re having a blast,” I mumble distractedly while continuing to watch them chug costly booze. A few of them are pretty hot. Sutton’s shoulder bumps mine. “And we should be too. Let’s join in the fun.” She raises her arms and flails all about. “Woohoo, spring break!”

  A few of the guys turn around and salute us with their beer. I bite my lip and look away.

  “Chicken shit,” my friend murmurs.

  “I’m not on their level,” I complain.

  “Come on.” She gestures to my fresh drink. “What are you waiting for?” I give the two guys still standing a fleeting glance. “They’re pretty cute.” Sutton smacks her lips. “They’re just the beginning of our man meat buffet.” She picks up her plastic cup and taps it against mine. “To hooking up with some hotties.” Hesitation clings to me like a second skin. “I’m not so sure about that.”

  Chapter 2


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  The soles of my feet sizzle from the scalding sand. Ditching my sandals was a mistake. I take a swig of cold beer, counteracting the sun’s scorching rays. Mexico in March is hot as fuck. My body is still adjusting to the extreme change in temperature. The freezing chill of a late winter storm lingers in my bones. I shake it off and let the heat soak into me.

  “Shit, man. We’ve hit the damn honey jackpot,” Josh announces.

  Ethan whistles. “Fuck, yeah. This is the prime spot for getting laid.” He raises a hand, and we share a high-five.

  I chuckle at their enthusiasm. “Gonna be a killer week.”

  “Starting right the fuck now.” Josh spreads his arms wide and spins in a slow circle, signaling in every direction. “The options are endless.”

  The beach is littered with half-naked women. Oil-slick, tan skin is being served up on a platter. I’ve been buzzing with excess energy since we got off the plane and this scene isn’t helping me relax. I gulp down some more beer and lick my lips.

  Ethan rubs his palms together. “Where should we start?”

  I adjust my sunglasses and nod toward an available volleyball court. “Wanna play? Might make fishing easier.” Plus, a game or two will help me take the edge off.

  Josh wags his brows at me. “I like the way you think, Foss. Let the ladies come to us. Maybe they’ll wanna join in. I’m all for watching tits bounce in flimsy bikinis.”

  I scrub over my face, trying to erase the image before I pop a semi. I drain the remainder of my beer and crush the can. Ethan tosses me a new one. I raise it up and say, “To our last hoorah before graduation.”

  “Hear, hear,” Josh replies.

  “And to partying all night with no regret.” Ethan waggles his brows.

  “Drink up, fuckers!” I lift my cup, and we chug like it’s our jobs. Hell, at this point, it kind of is.

  Josh goes in search of a ball while Ethan gathers some opponents. I hold down the court and scour my tropical surroundings. Calm waves lap at the shore, kicking up a slight breeze. My eyes land on a chick spread out next to a huge palm tree. Of all the girls out here, she’s the one to snag my focus. That bright, neon green bikini is begging for attention. The color does something to me. She’s the type of woman I could get wild with, no doubt about it.

  My cock takes notice of the sexy curves of her waist and hips. A streak of white-hot desire shoots through me, and I almost double over. Between the suffocating humidity and my lack of recent action, the lust overpowers me in a snap.

  I shift my stance in an attempt to hide what’s happening below the belt. Whether she deserves a standing ovation or not, I don’t need to put my shit on display. My dick isn’t taking the hint, and my trunks grow tighter. Fuck. Maybe a quick swim in the ocean will calm my libido.

  Or a fast fuck.

  Would she be down?

  I drag a hand through my hair and step off the ledge. I’m not that desperate. There’s some remnant of control rattling around in my brain. After yanking my gaze off her luscious body, I guzzle a few swallows of frosty beer. It does nothing to cool the inferno raging inside of me. Alcohol is probably making things worse, but that’s never stopped me before.

  “Bro, what the fuck?” Ethan’s slap to my back wakes me up.

  I squint at him through the dark lenses of my shades. “Huh?”

  “We playing or what?” he asks.

  I nod. “Yup, let’s do it.” He glances over my shoulder. “Sure you don’t wanna get your dick wet first?” I follow his line of sight, settling on the girl’s barely covered tits. Her back arches, pushing that sinful rack higher in the air as if she’s aware that I’m watching. I dig my toes into the hot sand, ready to launch into paradise. But I hold off.

  She’s not going anywhere. At least, she better not. I scratch my jaw. “Nah, there’s time for that later.”

  Ethan nudges me. “Josh can take first round. Go get a quickie.”

  I kick sand at him. “Don’t be a douche. This isn’t campus where all the chicks know our score. These girls might need warming up.”

  Ethan crosses his arms and grunts. “Un-fucking-likely. I’m willing to bet the opposite is true. All I see is willing pussy, far and wide.”

  I shove him toward the net where the other team waits. “We’ll discuss your tact later.”

  “I’d never change a thing.”

  “Until the game runs dry.” I chuck my empty can to the sidelines.

  “That’s why I always stay on top.”

  I bark out a laugh. “Damn, dude. How do you get away with that shit?”

  He flexes his biceps. “Ladies love a cocky asshole.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.”

  Ethan blows kisses at a few girls passing by. “Hey, loves. You’re lookin’ damn good.”

  A redhead waves at him. “Hi, handsome.”

  “Maybe we’ll catch you later.” He gives them the megawatt smile that’s been known to melt panties. Based on their hooded eyes and soft grins, they’re falling into his trap. Lucky fucker.

  “We’ll keep an eye out,” the blonde coos. Her friend winks and they strut off. Pretty sure that much hip sway isn’t natural, but I’m not one to complain.

  He hums loudly and lifts his beer. “Here’s to ending our senior year with a big bang.”

  I tap his can with mine. “Cheers to that.”

  Chapter 3


  * * *

  I swipe more aloe on my shoulders and wince from the cool sting. Even with loads of sunscreen, I still managed to get burned on t
he beach earlier. The direct sun is potent, and no amount of pre-tanning could prepare me. Go freaking figure.

  Sutton comes out of nowhere and smacks me on the ass. “You’re looking hot, biatch.”

  “Wench,” I hiss and rub at the sore spot. “That was really hard.”

  “And that’s what she said.”

  I roll my eyes. “Real mature.”

  “Look forward to plenty more of that this evening. Get ready for all the crude and naughty fun.” She pumps her arm a few times. “Debauchery ahead, all aboard.”

  A tiny thrill shoots through me. “You know what? Maybe I’m ready to let my hair down.”

  She taps her point-toed shoe taps on the tile floor. “Maybe? I don’t like the uncertainty.”

  “Ugh, hooking up willy-nilly isn’t my thing.”

  “But if the right guy comes along…” Her suggestion tapers off and she wiggles her brows.

  I scrunch my face. “You’re putting a romantic spin on this.”

  She laughs. “Whatever makes you feel better.”

  “Okay, okay. I won’t turn the idea down if the dude is super-fine.”

  “That’s the spirit!” Sutton tugs on some of my dark tresses. “I love what this tropical humidity is doing to your waves.”

  I glance in the mirror. “It looks like I got a perm.”

  “Keep rubbing it in.” My friend fluffs her stick-straight strands. “I’m lucky to get a little added volume.”

  “Grass is always greener.”


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