Tangled in Chains

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Tangled in Chains Page 6

by SavaStorm Savage

He gave an easy laugh. “At night, yeah—during the day I can’t get away with this. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied, a little less confident than she wanted to sound.

  He laughed again and flashed a charming smile. “No worries, love. I’m a good driver. Just relax.”

  “If you drive as well as you…never mind…I can see that I’m in good hands either way.” She spied the spark in his eyes before he looked away.

  They hit the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway doing ninety and the thrill of it stole her breath. Watching him maneuver the car excited her in a new way. This was the first time she caught a glimpse of the real man behind that mysterious allure. He seemed wild and free. Within minutes she felt herself falling into his world and losing her heart. The windows were down and their hair whipped about furiously as he poured on the speed, showing her what his car could do.

  Every now and then he’d glance over to check on her. She’d offer a smile because speaking seemed futile at this pace. Words would simply be lost beneath the growl of the engine and the sound of wind whooshing by. Besides, it felt like they were sharing something special and talking might ruin the moment. She stole a glance at the speedometer and gasped, clutching a hand to her chest. One-hundred-thirty miles per hour!

  Shook laughed with a toss of his head, then shifted gears again and they shot off down a dark stretch of highway at blazing speed. Her stomach felt like the air had been sucked straight out and her body became one with the seat from the sheer force holding her against it.

  “Yeah baby!” he cheered. “I finally got this bitch to max out!”

  She couldn’t take her eyes from him. He looked unbelievably hot in his elated state while taking her for the ride of her life. As they slowed down he merged onto the Manhattan Bridge exit and she felt herself breathe again.

  “Just how fast were we going?”

  His eyes sparkled with excitement. “Two. O. One. First time I pushed her that hard. What a kickass ride, eh love?”

  “Kickass indeed…I think I left my stomach back there somewhere.”

  “And you never even squeaked. I love it.”

  “I could barely take a breath, let alone squeak.” She laughed.

  “But did you have fun?”

  Their eyes met and she wondered if her expression paralleled the exhilaration she saw in his.

  “I had a blast.”

  “Awesome,” he said with a glowing smile while giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “You’re an excellent driver. I can’t believe how you navigate traffic.”

  “I caught those looks of panic on your face when we first started. But then I saw you settle in for the ride. You stole my heart, angel. We connected out there racing against the wind. Did you feel it?”

  Leaning her head against the seat, she gazed dreamily at him. “Yes…I did.”

  His loft apartment impressed her as much as the thrilling ride in his car. It was decorated in modern style with black and white furniture. An elegant stairway of black wrought iron led to an upper balcony that wrapped around the main area. Hardwood floors and light oak trim added warmth, and a white leather sofa graced the center of the room.

  “Very nice,” she said while strolling about admiring the view. Splashes of warm green décor placed about provided just enough character and the walls boasted warm white. “Did you do this or have an interior specialist?”

  “I had my hand in it.” He smiled modestly and she didn’t think it possible to adore him more.

  “You are an intriguing man, Shook Chauvet.”

  Sliding his arms around her waist, he pulled her close. “You remember my last name.”

  “Of course, it was dropped once or twice in conversation.”

  “I like the sound of Shook and Sapphire Chauvet.” His voice was soft and sincere.

  She didn’t know what to say, so chose to kiss him instead. He responded instantly to her taking the initiative. Their lips met in a sweet kiss and he sighed while enveloping her in a warm embrace. Alone at last, with nobody calling the shots.

  He eased from the kiss and scooped her off the floor into strong arms. “Make love to me, angel.”

  Reaching up, she touched his face with deep affection. “Lead the way.”

  Effortlessly he carried her upstairs to a lovely master bedroom and laid her on a huge, soft bed. “I’ve dreamed of this moment.”

  With amazing tenderness he undressed her. Nothing had ever felt more natural. When he finished she stood up and helped him off with his clothes, then let her gaze leisurely take him in and he seemed to do the same with her. She’d never had the pleasure of taking her time to admire his physique until now. Everything had progressed at someone else’s pace.

  “You’re gorgeous.” Her hands moved up over his hard chest and muscled arms and for the first time she noticed his tattoo. “I finally get to touch you.”

  “Yes and it feels wonderful. I’ve longed to feel your hands on me.”

  Gazing up at him, she continued exploring his magnificent body. Filtering his black satiny hair through her fingers, then trailing them over his shoulders and well-toned biceps, she laced her fingers with his long and slender yet beautifully masculine hands.

  She began a tantalizing trail of kisses beginning at his neck and working her way down, pausing at his rippling abs while sliding to her knees. He was built like a Greek god and she loved how his hairless chest merged perfectly to washboard abs, then downward to a sexy love-trail of hair from his navel on down.

  Her hands glided around him, massaging the tight, firm buttocks, then lower to caress his powerfully built thighs. “You have the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen on a man,” she murmured while continuing her oral journey over his body.

  A soft groan rumbled in his chest as his hands went to her hair. “Sweet angel…”

  His impressive erection brushed her cheek when her lips moved lower and it felt like the purest act to take him into her mouth. He tasted good—heady—erotic. One hand gently moved up and down his hard length while she sucked and licked the swollen head.

  “Mm, come on up here.” He lifted her to her feet.

  “I wouldn’t have minded if you came in my mouth. I wanted to do that.”

  An easy smile swept over his face and he laid one hand alongside her face. “I know, my love, but I want us to come together for our first time alone. We’ll have plenty of time to get animal with each other. And believe me…I enjoyed your touch more than you know.”

  “You have class.”

  “Remember I promised to make love to you long and slow one of these nights?”

  “Yes…” she barely whispered as her body trembled with desire.

  “Tonight is that night.” He laid her on the bed, and supported his weight over her on bent elbows. “I ask only one thing of you.”

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t deny me your heart. I want to feel how you feel about me. It’s just us here…time for total honesty.”

  “I agree, and I promise I won’t hold back or fake anything.”

  His eyes searched hers for several intense moments and she felt him baring her soul. This enigmatic man had captivated her. Lowering his head, he brushed her lips with his, then traced her mouth with the tip of his tongue before they melted into a delicious kiss. She sucked his tongue to the back of her throat, causing him to groan.

  Shifting his weight slightly to the side, his hand drifted over her breasts, slowly caressing each one before gliding over her midriff. They kissed passionately as the heat rose between their bodies. Slowly he trailed his long fingers over her belly, then between her legs, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake.

  “Mm,” she moaned as his fingers stroked her with a deft touch. His tongue continued exploring her mouth.

  Curling both arms around his neck she drew him closer, unable to get enough of his sweet love. They rolled over and his hands swept up the center of her back as they sank into a deeper kiss. Gripping each other’s h
air, their fingers became tangled in the strands as they held each other tightly. The urgent need to connect surfaced.

  He rolled her over again while kissing her with hot desire, wildly tugging at her lips with his and thrusting his tongue in and out. She couldn’t stand another moment of not having him inside. The burning need to join with him in the most intimate manner overwhelmed her. A slight movement of her hips placed him in perfect position.

  He lifted his head just far enough to speak, his eyes glistened with passion. “Angel…I’m so in love with you. Say you’ll be mine.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Yes, I will. I’ve fallen in love with you too.”

  Without another word he eased into her, filling her sex with his. She gasped at the magnitude of his size and could barely hold her eyes open. Yet she didn’t want to break their intense eye contact as he began moving inside. Nor did she want to miss a single expression on that gorgeous face as he made love to her.

  Each thrust pushed deeper until they were completely and fully joined. Every movement of his awesome cock sent a new wave of pleasure over her. He placed intermittent feathery kisses on her lips as they settled into a steady pace.

  “I could lie here with you forever like this,” she whispered. “You feel incredible.”

  “As do you, love.”

  He glided in and out smoothly and lovingly while they kissed and gazed into one another’s eyes. Her hips rose and fell in perfect unison to each blissful stroke of his sex reaching deep into hers. The tension mounted slowly, euphorically, as if time had slowed just for them so they could bask in this union. He possessed mind-blowing stamina and they must have been making love for over an hour, taking immense pleasure in the sensation of sexual intercourse before climbing to the next level.

  Their arousal reached greater heights and the lines on his face tensed. She felt it too—the indescribable sensation of a promising orgasm. Her insides began to tighten and her eyes felt heavy. He stared down at her with such open adoration it forced tears to her eyes yet again.

  “Oh, Shook, I’ve never felt this way about anyone.” Her voice was soft and laden with emotion.

  “I love you, my sweet angel.”

  His thrusts came faster, harder and with staggering passion until her body erupted into wicked spasms of climax. She panted beneath him, watching his face as he came with force inside sending a flood of heat through her core. She couldn’t withhold her cries of pleasure as the best orgasm yet swept her into another realm.

  “Ah yeah…” he groaned long and slow, breathing erratically while completing his release. “Sweet, sweet thing…I’ll never let you go.”

  Pulling her into a warm embrace, he rolled onto his side taking her with him and released a contented sigh. “Bloody hell, woman, you are amazing.”

  She snuggled against his sweat-beaded chest and breathed in his intoxicating scent. “I love you.”

  Soft lips brushed her forehead in a loving kiss. He sighed again and tightened his hold making her feel safe and blissfully happy.

  Sapphire had arrived back at their apartment hours before Blaze and her bags were packed and ready in Shook’s car. Whatever she didn’t pack would be left behind. Most of it belonged to Blaze anyway, as the place had been his before she’d moved in. She felt nervous over Shook’s plan but also could see the logic behind it.

  He had gone out to run some errands and told her he’d be back in time to confront Blaze. However, she had to employ the first stage of the plan without him.

  While waiting for Blaze, she had plenty of time to think. One of the things she figured out was why he’d found ways to bind her hands both times. After playing it over in her mind repeatedly, she concluded that he didn’t want her touching Shook. He’d become agitated after catching them sharing a kiss in the kitchen and up to that point he’d said no chains. His impulsive decision to use the stockings under the guise she’d been naughty had been rather strange.

  When it came down to the facts, she could only deduce that Shook had been duped into serving as a tool. Blaze had controlled the entire ménage and he clearly had done his best to thwart any affection between them. All of the puzzled looks and unexplained comments suddenly made sense. They had been close to uncovering Blaze’s secret numerous times, yet he’d cleverly intervened and diverted them.

  Now she sat dressed in high heels, sheer black stockings and a slinky negligee, propped seductively in a chair. She’d given Shook her key and prayed he’d return in time. Staring at the ring on her left hand she couldn’t wait to take it off, but had to wait for the right moment.

  Almost a half an hour passed before Blaze came through the door. His eyes widened with obvious delight. “Wow, baby, what’s the occasion?”

  “Nothing special,” she replied with a coy smile. “You’ve turned me into a lusty vamp with your sex games and Shook’s participation. I’m ready for more.”

  He began stripping his clothes. “Let’s get it on.”

  “Ah-ah-ah…” She wagged a finger at him. “Not so fast there. This time it’s my turn to call the shots. I have some special…toys…in the bedroom.”

  “Hey, whatever you want. Give me a few minutes to grab a quick shower.”

  She sauntered back the hall to the bedroom and waited. “Did you ever find out how your art piece got destroyed?”

  “No, not really. I think someone may have snuck in somehow because there were a few things missing,” he replied from the shower.

  “Oh? Like what?”

  “Uh, just some small stuff, nothing that can’t be replaced. I haven’t had time yet but I’m going to change the locks tonight.”

  He emerged from the bath naked with anticipation painted all over his face. “I’m all yours.”

  “Good.” She strutted over to him. “Hold out your hands.”

  “Ohh, you’re into kink now?”

  “It’s what you want, isn’t it? After all, I learned this from you.” She locked steel cuffs around his wrists, then strung heavy chain through the loops. “Now be a good boy and sit in this chair.” Perching one high-heeled shoe on a wooden chair, she subtly dragged the hem of her satin teddy up one thigh. “If you behave, I may give you a taste.”

  “What do you consider good behavior?”

  Placing one finger to her lips and looking up with feigned innocence, she replied, “Don’t come too soon, or you’ll get no goodies.”

  “You learn fast.” He smirked.

  She wanted to retch but managed to stay on course. After winding the chain through the arms of the chair and securing them behind his back with a padlock, she moved around to face him. “Since you are such a big fan of visual entertainment, we’ve prepared a special treat for you.”

  “We?” A look of confusion traversed his face.

  “Yeah, mate.” Shook walked into the room. “Seems you’re into games. Did you really plan on getting away with it? How long were you going to use her?”

  “Nobody was hurt and we all had some fun. I don’t see the big deal.”

  “You led me to believe she wanted this threesome charade you carefully orchestrated. You knew how I felt about her, you’ve always known. Even worse, you manipulated your own fiancé into playing out some sick scheme. What the fuck did you intend to do with this?” Shook dropped the mini cam at his feet then smashed it with his boot.

  “You’re the one who broke into my apartment?” Blaze began jerking against the chains, his face red with evident anger.

  “No, I found it,” she snapped. “I’m the one who destroyed your art while climbing onto the dresser. Shook wasn’t even here.”

  “I was only going to save the video for myself. I knew you’d never do threesomes on a regular basis so I filmed it. That way I could watch you whenever I wanted.”

  “I may have been able to get past your kinky sex games, but not this. You lied and secretly videotaped us.” She twisted the engagement ring off her finger and threw it at him. “We are over.”

  Shook gently p
ulled her back. “And now the lady belongs to me.”

  “You weren’t supposed to fall for each other!”

  “No, I guess not. You’d rather have me leave thinking she didn’t care for me and let her believe I’m nothing more than a scoundrel looking for easy sex.” His arms tensed and muscles flexed as if he wanted to strike. “I warned you not to fuck with me. I was on my way over to kick your sorry ass but decided a more fitting punishment would do.”

  “Don’t you think stealing my woman is enough?”

  “Steal?” Shook laughed. “I rescued her from a life of misery with you.”

  Sapphire stepped up to his side. “And now you’ll get to see how grateful I am to have a man like Shook.” Winding her arms around his neck, she shot Blaze a hot look. “No chains on my hands this time. I am finally free to touch him all over. I bet you hate that.”

  He twisted and struggled to no avail, growling and sputtering in obvious frustration.

  “Save your strength, you motherfucker and enjoy the show. This is what you wanted, is it not?” Shook taunted, then glanced down at her with a wink.

  “Yes, Blaze, let us entertain you one last time—only we are in control now.” Her hands slid beneath Shook’s silky tee and pushed it up over his head as she caressed his chest. “Mm, and he’s so sexy.” She watched a slow smile curve Shook’s sensual lips as her touch moved lower. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.” Slithering down his body she knelt before him while unzipping his leather pants.

  Taking his hard length into her mouth, she watched a flurry of emotions flash across Blaze’s face. She could see he wanted to jump out of his skin. Shook ran his fingers through her hair as she lovingly sucked him with their spectator looking on.

  “Ah yeah, sweet thing,” he groaned as she quickly took him over the edge. “Fuck yeah…” His body jerked with release and she hungrily drank him in.

  He slipped off his boots and stepped from his pants, then lifted her into his arms and kissed her with hot desire. She gazed up at him when he laid her on the bed. His lips caressed her shoulders as he pulled one strap, then the other down and slid the garment off her body. They kissed again and she locked her ankles behind his lower back.


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