Thirty Minutes to Heartbreak Box Set (Books 1-3)

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Thirty Minutes to Heartbreak Box Set (Books 1-3) Page 4

by Nadia Scrieva

  “Either that or she has to leave.” The two men glared at each other.

  “We’d better move in fast, Ash.” Thornton extended his fist. “Rock, paper, scissors?”

  “No way! She looks kind of conceited, so this might be a challenge. Let’s both go talk to her and see which one of us she likes better,” suggested Asher.

  “You’re just saying that so you can use my fame and fortune to your advantage,” said Thornton, but he agreed with his friend and they moved over to the woman together.

  Her posture was indeed arrogant as she reclined luxuriously in her chair. She had deep indigo colored hair—so dark it was almost black, but not quite. When the club lights danced over her, the unusual color became illuminated. Her midnight tresses swirled over her shoulders and far past her bottom. Her hair would likely go down to her knees when she stood up. Was all of that natural? Both the length and the color of her hair were unreal. She was swathed in a tasteful silver dress with matching gloves and strappy heeled sandals.

  She was sipping on a martini thoughtfully as the two men approached her. They moved cautiously but confidently as they zeroed in on their target.

  “Good evening, miss,” Thornton began politely, and the woman’s head snapped around to glare at him. She had the annoyed expression of a woman who was often approached by men, and exhausted with the sheer volume of rejections she had to dole out. The look in her fierce eyes gave Thornton pause. There was something familiar about her.

  “Hey! Have we met before?” asked Asher, who had been thinking the same. “Did we go to school together?”

  The woman smiled slowly, assessing both Thornton and Asher from head to toe. “Spare me. I hope you can do better than that.”

  “Oh, it wasn’t a pick-up-line,” said Asher, with a sheepish grin. “I was really asking… you just remind me of someone.”

  “Oh, really? Who might that be,” she murmured, leaning back in her chair and sipping her martini. She could not have appeared less interested.

  The men looked at each other in confusion. This was the first woman they had encountered in days who showed no signs of warmth or invitation. Instead she was almost dismissing both of them. Thornton frowned. He was unsure of how to process this new situation.

  Asher’s eyes slowly consumed every inch of the woman’s body, digesting the curve of her breasts straining against her silver gown. He allowed his hungry gaze to travel over her toned arms and legs. The creamy skin visible through the thigh-high slit in her gown sent his imagination spinning down dusky avenues.

  Thornton cleared his throat, trying to cover up his friend’s blunder innocently. “He’s probably thinking of my sister. Even though she’s blonde, like me, she has a similar facial structure to yours. She’s also very beautiful. Perhaps you've heard of her: Amara Kalgren?”

  “Oh, sure,” said the woman, apathetically, “the ditzy socialite.”

  “She’s actually not like that,” Asher said defensively, surprising himself. “That’s just the media’s version. She’s a brilliant scientist, a freelance inventor.”

  “Whatever.” The woman slipped the rest of the martini down her throat. “It was nice meeting you boys, but I have to run.”

  “Wait!’ said Asher, throwing his arms out as if he were trying to block the other team from scoring in his net. He hadn’t been blown off like this since... ever. “I’m sorry, have we done something to offend you?”

  “Not really,” she said, shrugging and glancing at her watch. “You just haven’t done anything to impress me either. For starters you were too busy gawking at me to introduce yourselves properly. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not in high school.”

  "Please, forgive our rudeness," began Thornton in his most suave and sensual manner. He slid his fingers around the wrist of the girl as she tried to pull away. She looked back at him in surprise, her dark eyes flickering from Thornton to Asher with something akin to alarm in them.

  "My name is Thornton Kalgren," he said as he lifted her gloved hand to his lips to plant a kiss. While maintaining intense eye contact, he allowed his lips to linger there for far too long. “I’m the CEO of Kalgren Technological Enterprises.”

  “So I gathered,” she said, observing his actions without enthusiasm. She looked disappointed, as though she was on the cusp of yawning.

  “I’m Ash Burnson,” said his companion, taking her other hand and giving it the same gentlemanly treatment. He sent her a goofy smile to ease the tension in the atmosphere. “Also known as ‘that other guy.’ Being friends with Thorn is sometimes like a full-time job.”

  Thornton and Asher glanced at each other smugly, knowing that no woman could resist this double-attack of magnetic charisma and wit. It was a finely-honed and expertly-coordinated technique from their college years.

  Nice one, man. Thornton was already congratulating his friend telepathically.

  We haven’t done that in a while, thought Asher wistfully. So which of us do you think she has the hots for?

  Let’s see. My money’s on the first person she looks at.

  The woman ripped her hands away from the men and turned her slender wrist over to glance at her watch. “How charming. Well, it was nice meeting you both, but I really need to go.”

  Did she look at you or me? asked Asher in confusion.

  Neither, you fool! She looked at her goddamned watch.

  The woman had reached out with her silver-gloved hand to grab her small purse before darting directly between the men to leave.

  “Wait!” shouted Thornton, panicking at the unbelievable rejection. He was floundering to keep his cool in the unusual circumstance. “You didn’t even tell us your name.”

  “You didn't ask,” she said, attempting to slip through the crowds. Asher caught her wrist this time.

  “Please,” begged Asher, attacking her with his most adorable pleading puppy dog eyes. “We might never meet again. What is your name?”

  She looked at him, hesitating. She glanced back at her watch. “I don’t think…”

  “Why do you need to rush away? Stay for a moment,” Thornton insisted. He moved close to her, placing the palm of his hand lightly against her lower back. It appeared to be a gentlemanly guiding touch, but what no one could see is that he sent the tiniest amount of energy into her body, warming her insides. It was one of his signature moves, guaranteed to get any woman in the mood. There was no point to having access to ancient power unless it could produce some sort of pleasure.

  However, this indigo-haired beauty simply scowled and yanked his hand away from her body as though she knew exactly what he’d done. She turned her back to them, determined to leave this time, but she could not resist throwing a final glance over her bare shoulder condescendingly. Midnight blue-black eyes burned into them both like fire.

  “Give it a rest, boys,” she advised with a sweet smile touching her full reddened lips. “Unfortunately, I’m too much woman for the both of you to handle.”

  She drank in their shocked reactions for a moment, savoring their speechlessness before her watch began to beep and she turned and disappeared into the crowd.

  “What the hell was that!” asked Thornton angrily. “I used my prana trick on her!”

  “You did! No wonder,” said Asher frowning. “You probably used too much and hurt her. Great job in scaring her away.”

  “No, it wouldn’t have hurt her. She was strong. There was something unusual about her energy. Didn’t you feel it? She might be an athlete or a spiritual woman…”

  “A spiritual woman? How many spiritual women you know with cleavage down to here?!”

  “I can’t believe we didn’t even get her fucking name!” complained Thornton. “I’m handsome—all the magazines say so. I look years younger than I am thanks to magick. I have shitloads of money. How could she just walk away from this?”

  “You forgot the endless vanity and snobbery,” Asher added. “No, she obviously wants a more down-to-earth fella like me. She seemed like a w
oman with morals.”

  “Morals,” Thornton muttered as if in agony. “Who has those anymore?”

  Asher stared after the woman’s path of retreat. “She was hands-down the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen,” he declared earnestly.

  “I agree. Damn, you and I never have the same taste in women. But that body! That hair! Those eyes!” Thornton cleared his throat as he noticed that their bottles and food were being delivered to their booth. “I just hope you know that eventually she’ll choose me.”

  “If she’s into bigheaded, egotistical narcissists, she definitely will,” Asher said with a smile. “If she’s a nice girl looking for a nice guy—she’s going to be underneath me, moaning my name before you can say ‘Hallelujah!’”

  * * *

  Meanwhile, in a dark alley a few blocks away, the indigo-haired woman was leaning against a brick wall and laughing hysterically. Part of her was concerned about ruining the designer silver dress, so she tried to contain herself. Another part could care less, and let the hilarious mania take control of her body.

  “Too much woman for the both of you to handle!” she said, mimicking herself and throwing her gloved arms up in the air. “Too much woman for the both of you to handle!”

  I'm too great, too amazing, too devious, she thought in delight. Definitely far too much to handle! Too much power and brains packed into one gorgeous body! I’m better than I ever was. Her watch started beeping extremely loudly and she realized that she had to get away from the area. She opened her silver purse and pulled out a key as she lifted her skirts and began running through the alley. Finally, she came upon a black vehicle with the windows tinted so dark that it was impossible to see inside. The girl quickly slid into the driver’s seat. Instead of having a normal console in the center separating the driver and passenger seat, the car had a single bench.

  She looked at her watch again. “One minute.”

  She began to drive, intending to get as far as possible from her current location. When the minute was nearly complete, her watch began beeping faster and faster. She pulled over to the side of the road and put the car in park before leaning back and waiting.

  It happened then. With a flash of light, her body separated. Two girls sat in the vehicle where there had only been one.

  “Ow! I hate it when that happens,” said the one who had been flung against the passenger door. She moved her hands up to touch her face, running her fingers through her blonde hair.

  “No kidding,” said the dark-haired one who had put the car back in gear and was already pressing her silver strappy high heel down to accelerate the vehicle. Once the car was moving, the driver sighed. She looked down at herself, using one hand to feel her legs and body. “The more often we join together, the less complete I feel when we separate.”

  “I know. It’s nice to be someone else… while still being myself. Para is me too.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Of course you do.”

  The two girls laughed, but there was a hint of sadness in their voices.

  “Should we have told them our name?” Amara asked. “Is it safe to call ourselves Para?”

  “I don’t think so,” Pax responded. “They might figure out it’s us. I don’t know if they have heard of this specific incantation—but even if they haven’t, their parents might put it together. We have to find a pseudonym. How about Unity? Or Harmony?”

  “Ugh,” said Amara with disgust. “Does Para look like a Harmony?”

  “No. She looks… otherworldly. There’s more goddess in her than in either of us combined. It’s like the spell takes the most powerful aspects of each of us and amplifies it exponentially. When I’m Para I feel like I can do anything! She deserves a legendary alias. Why don’t we let her decide?”

  “That sounds good. I can’t believe they didn’t recognize us!” Amara said with a happy sigh. “Jeez, Thorn is such a dweeb! ‘You look like my sister, except she’s blonde, and I’m going to hit on you anyway!’” She had comically lowered her voice to imitate her brother.

  Pax tried to laugh at her friend’s mimicry, but she could only manage a pained smile. “That’s my Thorn. He’ll chase after anything that moves.”

  “I’m sorry,” Amara said, “but it works in our favor this time. Phase one of this crazy plan has been initiated. Do you think this will all work out?”

  “It’s too soon to tell. I guess we have to make every thirty minutes count.”

  Chapter 5: The Leaky Pipe

  At last, I have found you. Granddaughter of the Fire Deva.

  Pax was sleeping when she heard the booming voice echoing in her mind. It was an unfamiliar masculine baritone. She would have ignored it as a figment of her imagination, or a random creation of her dreams, if not for what happened next.

  A sledgehammer was smashed down onto her chest. The heavy iron mallet knocked the breath out of her, and her eyelids flung themselves open in shock. A demon with massive teeth was grinning down at her with copious saliva dripping from its pointed teeth. The fluid was a vivid red color, contrasting sharply with the creature’s yellowed fangs. It looked as though it had just feasted on small busload of people. When Pax felt the warm saliva dripping down onto her lips, she knew it was real. She tried to punch her fist into the demon’s face, but she could not move. She mentally cursed, pressing her lips tightly together so that she would not taste the creature’s bloody saliva.

  Now, now, dear. Lie still and be willing.

  Pax realized that it was not a sledgehammer that had connected with her chest, but the creature’s massive hand. She winced as its sharp claws began digging into her breasts, puncturing directly through between the bones of her ribcage. Pax used her mind to pick up the largest piece of furniture in the room (a massive dresser with eight drawers) and she slammed it directly into the creature’s back. The demon began to cackle as the wooden missile splintered apart against his back as though she had tossed dandelions.

  I am outside of the physical dimension, young fire maiden. You cannot harm me.

  She felt sharp searing pain permeate her chest as the demon’s claws clenched around her heart. Who are you? What do you want? Pax mentally screamed. She feared for Amara who was sleeping in the next room. Since beginning their plan of revenge, Pax had decided to move in with Amara for the time being. The blonde woman was not strong enough to take on a demon of this caliber. Amara could already have been killed.

  Your heart has been weakened, fire maiden. I have come to feed upon the holes in your soul. Your power seeps out through the wounds—ah, yes! You are a delicious leaky pipe from which I can suck.

  Pax began to move another piece of furniture, but then she realized that it was useless. Instead, she concentrated on the air itself around the demon. So you’re here to suck my power? Pax asked, piercing the creature with her dark eyes. Her fingers twitched as she lay frozen on the bed, imagining the air around the demon compressing and boiling. As she imagined it, she forced the atmosphere to bend to her will, and was gratified when the demon began gasping. More of its red saliva dripped down onto her cheeks and nose as the creature struggled.

  Beginning to feel a smug sense of victory, Pax used her mind to push the creature away from her body until its hand exited her chest. The crushing pain on her heart eased. You don’t know anything about my power. Better luck next time.

  I know all there is to know. You are the weakest of the half-breed devas, and the power leaking from you is too precious to forfeit. Your energy comes from a place of purity, and you have already allowed filth inside! Now, it is only left for us to suck you dry. Night after night, little by little.

  Uh huh. Pax smiled as she concentrated and rotated her wrist to violently crush the demon’s skull. And I’m just going to sit around and watch while you stick your claws in me. Very likely.

  Red saliva poured down onto Pax’s face as the demon writhed. Even if I fail, they will send another incubus to you at night!

  Pax felt a small
wave of delight in having gained the upper hand. She enjoyed the cracking sound as she twisted the demon’s limbs. Who do you work for?

  I am sent by the Asura.

  A chill ran through her. The thrill of torturing the demon disappeared as terror flooded her shoulders. The Asura had attacked her family several times in her youth, always with calamitous results.

  Not smiling now, are you? the demon asked. We have already planted the seeds of destruction in your lover. Oh, the young prince of devas is so easy to manipulate! How quickly he falls from grace and tumbles from his throne.

  Pax stopped struggling with the demon abruptly. What about Thorn? What did you do to him? She completely forgot that she was angry at the blond man as she worried for his safety. The Asura had been responsible for the death of her grandfather. The awful rival demigods were just as powerful as her own ancestors and the Kalgrens.

  Nothing is beyond the Asura. They will destroy all the remaining devas, beginning with you.

  Feeling her anger return, Pax glared at the creature boldly. Bring it on. I’ll take all of them on at once.

  The incubus lunged forward with a piercing shriek. Its claws dug back into Pax’s chest and began crushing her heart. When Pax began to gasp desperately for air, the creature snickered. You are weak to the call for vengeance, fire maiden. Even if we cannot fully suck the power from your soul, we can make it our own. We will steal the goodness from your heart, and replace it with anger. Soon you will join us.

  Bet you ten bucks I won’t.


  Pax closed her eyes and clenched her fists, unleashing a wave of hot energy into the creature. Its body began to stretch and distort while its eyes bugged out monstrously. Finally, it disintegrated. Quite suddenly, Pax found that she could move again.

  Her vision cleared, and it was rather like awakening. She sat up abruptly and immediately began to unbutton her pajama top. She looked down at her chest, and saw no claw marks. She rubbed her fingers over the smooth skin in confusion. Looking across the room, she saw that all the furniture was intact. It had just been a dream.


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