Sci-Ops- Nova

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Sci-Ops- Nova Page 19

by Jedi Reach

  Jace held his palm out, the virol completely under his control. He readied the final attack.

  “It would be a good death, won’t it?” Jace taunted.

  “No!!!” Lea got up and ran between Jace and Adron. “Please, don’t kill him!” she begged, blocking Jace’s path.

  “Lea, don’t. It’s okay.” Adron pleaded.

  “I’m not losing you.” Lea faced him.

  Aiden grabbed Lea from behind and wrenched her away from Adron.

  “Noooooooo!” Lea cried.

  “Do it Jace! Fuck this guy!” Aiden yelled.

  Jace pushed a dark wave into Adron that stripped the Nova Leader of his covering and transferred it to the overlord.

  “What are you doing?!” Lars shrieked. “Daisha!”

  Daisha readied its cannons to fire again.

  “Completing our missions.” Jace said.

  The virol covered Adron but it was enough only to sedate his wounds and keep him alive.

  “Why?” the overlord asked Jace.

  “Because I’m clearly not the only good leader with a good heart.” Jace replied.

  A tear ran down Adron’s cheek.

  “Daisha, activate the freezers.” Lars said.

  Bolts of thin, cyan plasma coils shot from Daisha and wrapped around Adron.

  “You’re under arrest Adron and you’re coming with me.” Lars said.

  “So am I!” Lea yelled and freed herself of Aiden’s restraint.

  Lars looked at Lea and scratched his head.

  “She is an interplanetary criminal too at this point,” Lars faced Jace. “It’s up to you.”

  “Take her. It’s what she wants.” Jace replied.

  “The only freedom I care for is with him.” Lea added.

  “Even if you’re sterilized and imprisoned?” Lars asked.

  “I’ll be imprisoned anywhere I go. I’d rather it be with him.” Lea said confidently.

  Lars nodded and activated the freezers again.

  The coils wrapped around Lea.

  “I can’t waste any time. I’m taking them to federation space immediately.” Lars said.

  A beam of light wrapped around the hunter, Adron and Lea, and they teleported on board Daisha. The spaceship raised into the sky and took off into space within the blink of an eye. Xenia limped to Jace’s side. The two hugged and kneaded their foreheads into each other as they collapsed on their knees, weary from battle.

  “How did you do it? How did you control the virol?” Xenia asked.

  Jace looked at Xenia, her exposed eyes gazing into his.

  “I couldn’t give up,” Jace answered, staring at her blank, memories of the virol still in his mind. “I refused to let the darkness kill me, so I made it obey. The thought of losing everything I love, especially you, kept me from surrendering to the darkness.”

  The two leaned in to kiss each other but Aiden came to their side and bearhugged them, pulling the Nova Leaders on their feet.

  “We did it!” the Viking squeezed them. “We actually did it!”

  “Aiden, let go, you’re killing me.” Jace squealed.

  “Sorry, I’m so damn happy!” the Viking said as he dropped them. Xenia and Jace fell on their butts and neither of them had the energy to get back up again.

  “Say, where is Scott?” Jace wondered aloud.

  “Right here.” Bakker said as he shoved Scott into the hangar and pointed a gun at him. A squadron of MiB surrounded Bakker with anti-psionic plasma pistols; their guns aimed at the Nova squad.

  “Son of a bitch!” Aiden growled.

  Jace held his arm in front of Aiden, silently telling the Viking not to do anything stupid.

  “What do you want Bakker?” Jace asked.

  “Nothing anymore. From what I understand, Nova took care of the EBE. All that’s left to do is tie up loose ends.” Bakker replied.

  “You’re going to kill us? After all we did?!” Xenia yelled.

  Bakker rolled his eyes.

  “I guess I should thank you for your service to our country but then again, you’re ET. Jace, Aiden, it was a good run. Men, kill–“

  A bullet slipped through Bakker’s chest and he stumbled on his knee.

  “What the hell?” Bakker coughed.

  The MiB spun around and pointed their guns at the shooter.

  “Stone…” Jace whispered.

  “Stand down.” Stone ordered the MiB as he limped over to Bakker, one of his arms wrapped in a cast. The Doctor pointed his gun at Bakker.

  “The fuck are you doing!” Bakker grunted. “You traitor!”

  “Well, now I suppose you know what side I’m on.” Stone said and fired three rounds into Bakker, killing him instantly. Stone fixed his attention to Jace, Xenia and Aiden.

  “Get them to the med bay.” the Doctor ordered.


  A few months after Adron’s arrest, Stone agreed to meet Jace and Xenia at a diner in Arizona. The Doctor hopped out a black SUV with a briefcase and ordered his MiB to wait for him while he walked inside. Stone noticed there weren’t many people around but with a little looking, he saw Jace and Xenia sitting at the far end of the restaurant. They were dressed in casual, everyday clothing, Xenia sporting black sunglasses to dim her eyes.

  “Is this your two’s idea of normal?” Stone greeted them with a smirk and pulled a chair to sit on the opposite end.

  “It was her idea.” Jace playfully nudged Xenia.

  “Guilty as charged.” Xenia said with a confident smile.

  “How you two been?” Stone asked.

  “Laying low but fine. Yourself?” Jace replied.

  “After Adron’s arrest it hasn’t been easy to tie up loose ends. Politics, you know what it’s like.” Stone said.

  “Yeah, that’s why you’re handling that and not me.” Jace replied.

  “Alright then,” Stone placed his briefcase on the table and opened it. “Let’s get down to business.”

  Stone grabbed a document from his briefcase and rested it on the table.

  “This is Aiden’s.” he said.

  Jace opened the file and browsed through it.

  “Aiden Kosher? Wonder if he’ll like that name.” Jace thought aloud.

  “And these two are yours.” Stone placed two more documents on the table. Jace opened his while Xenia opened hers.

  “Looks like I get to keep my name?” Jace asked.

  “Indeed.” Stone replied.

  “Xenia Wills?” Xenia looked at Jace then looked at Stone.

  “I hope that won’t be an issue?” Stone raised a brow.

  Xenia rested her hand on Jace’s.

  There was a band on her ring finger.

  “We were moving in that direction. Interesting you knew.” Xenia replied.

  “I think it was obvious you two would go that direction. Congratulations.” Stone smiled.

  “Thanks.” Jace said while Xenia returned the smile.

  “Do you have something for me?” Stone asked.

  “Of course, we didn’t forget.” Jace nodded at Xenia.

  Xenia opened her purse and handed Stone a finger-sized apparatus.

  “I’d recommend you keep this to yourself and only view it in private. Had a difficult time convincing my federation to do this.” Xenia instructed.

  Stone placed the apparatus in his briefcase.

  “Will do,” the Doctor said. “So, what’s next for the two of you? Are you suddenly going to live happily ever after?”

  Xenia and Jace glanced at each other before looking back at Stone.

  “As much as we’ve been enjoying not worrying about being killed every other day, there are still responsibilities that we must face.” Xenia said.

  “I’d expect that. After all, Site X is now your land.”

  “Nova’s land.” Jace interjected.

  “Whatever you want to call it. Had to bust my ass to get you that one.” Stone replied.

  “And I am forever grateful. Seriously.” Jace eyed

  “I’m a man of my word. You did your part, I did mine. It won’t always be sunshine and roses though. You know that, right?” Stone eyed them seriously.

  “That’s why we’re not letting our guard down.” Jace replied.

  “Hello! Welcome to Arty’s! Can I get you anything?” a waitress interrupted.

  “I’ll have a coffee. Black.” Stone ordered.

  “Coffee’s fine for me too.” Jace added.

  “Any milk or sugar?” the waitress asked.

  “Sugar please.” Jace replied.

  “And you ma’am?” the waitress turned to Xenia. “Can I get you anything?”

  A nervousness crept in Xenia.

  She hadn’t done this before.

  “I’ll…I’ll have a tea?” she quivered.

  “Our options are decaf or green. What will it be?”

  “Um, green?”

  “Alright, coming right up. Be back soon.” the waitress smiled.

  “Wait, ma’am?” Jace stopped her. “Can I get a cheeseburger as well?”

  “Sure!” the waitress wrote the order down. “Anything else?”

  The three looked at each other.

  “That’ll be all for now, thanks.” Jace said.

  “Okay, back soon.” the waitress said and left.

  “You’ll get used to it. The normal life. Whenever you can at least.” Stone grinned at Xenia

  Stone, Jace and Xenia sat and exchanged pleasantries for an hour before they got ready to part ways. On their way out, Stone offered Jace a handshake. Jace shook his hand and the two men locked eyes.

  “Be seeing you, Stone.” Jace said.

  “Be seeing you,” Stone paused. “My friend.”


  Sometime later at Site X, volunteers from various institutes around the world ranging from scientists to engineers, artists, architects, designers and other creative individuals, were renovating the ruined base. Scott was deep at work with other scientists and structural engineers, planning how they would not only repair Site X, but expand it, and make it much more than another CIA-military installation. Aiden was busy supervising some of the volunteers; the formerly imprisoned Scions which included Sven and Victoria.

  “This is bullshit.” Sven grunted while he holstered rubble.

  Aiden flashed an anti-psionic gadget in his hand.

  “Do you really prefer to be imprisoned over this?” the Viking asked.

  “Come on,” Victoria patted Sven’s shoulder. “Don’t mess this up. Let’s finish our community hours.”

  A black, unmarked helicopter flew overhead and landed a short distance away. Aiden and Scott ran toward the aircraft as its engines shut off. Jace, Xenia and a few bodyguards exited the chopper.

  “How did it go?” Aiden greeted them as they walked out.

  Jace handed the Viking a document. Aiden eagerly went through the files, his cheeks ready to burst. Suddenly, his face dropped.

  “Kosher? My last name is Kosher? Really?” he asked.

  “Small price to pay for true freedom.” Jace replied.

  “True.” Aiden smiled.

  “Now that you have your freedom, what are you going to do? You leaving for a new home?” Jace asked.

  Aiden looked at the community renovating the base, the setting sun painting a beautiful picture as it fell over the sea.

  “Nah,” Aiden smirked and rested his hand on Jace’s shoulder. “I’m already home buddy.”

  Jace beamed at his friend.

  “What about you Scott? You still planning to stick around?” the Nova Leader asked.

  “There’s nowhere else I get to do science like here. I’m with Aiden. I’m home here with you guys.” Scott replied.

  ‘Come, my child.’ A telepathic voice entered Xenia’s mind. The alien turned to her right. It was coming from the hilly slopes.

  “Jace? Can you come with me?” Xenia said as she went in the direction of the call.

  “Be back in a sec.” Jace said to Aiden and Scott, then followed Xenia.


  Xenia walked up the hilly slope and removed her sunglasses.

  “What is it?” Jace came to her side.

  “They’re here.” she replied.

  Who’s here?

  Two men uncloaked from invisibility a few feet in front of the Nova Leaders, Daisha following suit behind them.

  “Father!” Xenia exclaimed and ran at the old man.

  “Lars.” Jace noticed the other man.

  Xenia ran into the arms of her father and squeezed him.

  “I didn’t think you’d come here on earth!” Xenia said.

  The old man placed his hands on Xenia’s shoulders and took a good look at her.

  “I had to come to see you. Especially after what you did.” he said.

  “What about the planet’s vibrations?” Xenia asked.

  “It’s alright. We’ve taken steps to nullify any harmful waves.”

  Xenia looked back at Jace.

  “I’m sorry. Jace this is my father, Ptaah. Father, this is Jace.”

  Jace walked up to him and offered a handshake.

  “Pleasure to finally meet you. Xenia had told me a lot about you years ago.” the Nova Leader said.

  Ptaah shook his hand.

  “The pleasure is all mine. I know well of you Jace. The whole federation does.”

  “They do?” Jace quizzed.

  “How?” Xenia also quizzed.

  Lars and Ptaah chuckled.

  “The two of you helped arrest a historical criminal who controlled a virus that can raze civilizations. Not to mention, you rescued me. Of course there are annals about you.” Lars said proudly.

  “Oh. Well, when you put it like that, I suppose it makes sense.” Jace replied with a warm smile.

  “There’s something else, the main reason we came here today.” Ptaah announced

  “What is it?” Xenia asked.

  “Xenia, as a Herald, you were born to use your great power for good. What you have done here in this world will echo across space for generations to come. Your pilgrimage is complete. Your mission is over. You don’t have to stay here any longer, my child. You can come back home.” Ptaah gazed into his daughter’s glowing eyes.

  “Thank you, father,” Xenia said to her father then looked at Jace. “But I’m already home. My heart belongs here.”

  “I told you she’d say that. She found a respectable man here.” Lars said.

  “Yes, that is certainly true,” Ptaah looked at Jace then back at Xenia. “However, the marriage union should not be held in this world. It must be on our planet.”

  “Father…” Xenia’s cheeks turned red.

  “Topic for another time?” Ptaah laughed.

  “What do you think?” Xenia scolded.

  “Very well. It is your choice to stay here, as it always has been. You are free to return to federation at any time. Jace, you are welcomed to visit us when you are ready.” Ptaah said.

  “I appreciate it.” Jace replied.

  “That said, we must be off.” Ptaah nodded at his son.

  Xenia hugged her father again.

  “I love you.” she said to him.

  “And I love you my dear. We’ll keep in contact.” he replied. The alien beauty went to Lars and hugged her brother while Ptaah and Jace shook hands again.

  “Don’t go getting yourself into any trouble again.” she scolded the hunter.

  “No sooner than you, sister.” Lars replied.

  After their hug, Lars and Jace shook hands.

  “You should consider joining us Lars.” Jace said.

  Lars raised an eyebrow.

  “Nova?” he quizzed.

  “That’s right.” Jace nodded.

  Lars smirked.

  “I already have.” the hunter said.

  “And?” Xenia poked him.

  “I just might.” Lars said as a beam of light wrapped around Ptaah and himself and teleported them onboard Daisha.
The ship faded to nothing.

  Xenia looked at Site X in the distance.

  “Where do we go from here?” she asked Jace.

  Jace wrapped his arm around Xenia’s shoulder.

  “The only way we can go.” he said.

  “Which is?” Xenia gazed at him with a warm smile.

  “Forward. One step at a time.”

  Jace kissed Xenia’s forehead and the two took some time to peer over the setting sun, thinking on the possibilities of the future and their new freedom.


  Later that night in a lonely office, Stone opened his briefcase and held the apparatus Xenia had given him. The Doctor meticulously observed the device. There was a small button on the lower part. Stone hesitated to press the button, but after a minute of inner struggle, he found the strength to go on with it. A holographic screen emitted from the device, showing a pre-recorded video of Lea on another world.

  “Hello dad…” Lea said.

  “Lea.” Stone spoke to the hologram as if she could hear.

  “…I know it’s been a while and you might hate me by now, but I want to let you know that I’m sorry for everything I did, and I forgive you for everything you did. Adron and I have been quarantined a world owned by his federation. It’s not like the prison planet he was on. They send us supplies; treat us like humans. We can’t leave though and Adron willingly gave the virol to the authorities for research. Anyway, I’m not sure you’ll ever see me again, but I want you to know this is what I want – to be here. Don’t hate yourself for what you’ve done. We both made mistakes. Something good can come from this.” Lea continued.

  A tear ran down Stone’s eye.

  “I love you.” Lea said as the transmission ended.

  The Doctor lit a cigarette and remembered a conversation between himself and Jace.

  ‘That’s why I chose you Jace. Not only do you understand, you’re also efficient. There was no one better suited for the task at hand and the responsibilities associated with it.’

  ‘Really? Is that the only reason why?’

  ‘No,” Stone took a good look at Jace, eye to eye. “The other is curiosity. Curiosity why you think the damned can still have so-called souls.’

  Stone blew fire out of his lungs.

  “Thank you.” he said.


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