Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6

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Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6 Page 5

by Sue Mercury

  Star God, he couldn’t get enough of her. He grasped her face and deepened the kiss.

  He pressed his body to hers and the scent of her arousal soon reached him. Fluxx. His blood heated and his pulse spiked. Her taste, her smell, he might very well be driven to madness if he didn’t possess her soon.

  He broke the kiss with great reluctance, only to sweep her up into his arms. She was so light. So tiny. A powerful instinct to protect her always rose within him. He met her blue eyes and saw her clearly: the human female from his dreams.

  How had he mistaken the other female for Sienna?

  Her hair might change, but her eyes never would. They were a startlingly deep shade of blue, like the freshwater springs that were tucked secretly through the forests near Starrzia. He would show her those springs one day. They would bathe in the purest waters of his new planet while watched over by the giant, ancient trees that dominated the lands surrounding the main settlement. Perhaps they would conceive their first child while in the forest, he thought as another wave of heated desire surged in his veins.

  “Are we safe now?” she asked, a glimmer of worry entering her gaze. “From the people who are after m—, er, Skylar?”

  “We’re currently in the arctic of your world, hidden in a massive ice cave, and I’ve erected a cloaking shield around my ship. No one will be able to detect our location, I promise you.”

  “That’s a relief. Did you contact Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides for help finding Skylar’s sister?”

  He nodded. “I did. They have an investigative unit that’s good at tracking missing brides down. The lead investigator, Reshun, was a friend of my uncle’s, and he’s taken this on as a personal favor to me. If anyone can locate the human female called Macy, it is Reshun.”

  “Thank you, Myadd, truly.” She peered at him, her face flushed and her chest rising and falling rapidly, drawing his gaze briefly to her bosom. “You are very kind. Not only for helping Skylar, but also for destroying those incoming missiles and saving everyone left in the apartment building. I-I feel lucky that I was matched to a warrior as compassionate as you.” She spoke quietly and slowly, as if she were carefully considering each word, and her blush deepened.

  “You are most welcome, little human. I could not allow innocents to perish, and I also could not abandon your only friend on Earth when she’s in danger.” He glanced at her kiss-swollen lips, longing to press his mouth to hers again. But first, he needed to get her alone.

  All to himself.

  He tightened his hold on her and carried her down the corridor, heading for his quarters. The door zipped open upon his approach. As soon as they were inside, he called out a verbal command for the door to lock. He planned to take his time mating with the sweet little human and he had no wish to be interrupted.

  The scent of her arousal increased in the air as he carried her toward the bed. He took a deep inhale, his nostrils flaring, and gave a low growl of appreciation.

  “You smell divine, Sienna. The moisture between your thighs. It is driving me wild with the need to bury my cock inside you.”

  She gasped and looked at him, her eyes wide and questioning. “You wish to mate now?”

  “I do.” He placed her on the bed and leaned down to kiss her but paused when she suddenly appeared nervous. She was trembling, very slightly but noticeably enough, and there was a glimmer of worry in those pretty blue eyes of hers. He froze above her, not wishing to frighten her.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  “Do you wish to mate with me right now, Sienna?” He reached for her hair and brushed his hand through it, delighting in the softness of her short tresses.

  “Oh yes,” she replied quickly. “I’m ready to mate with you as soon as possible.” Despite her words, she trembled harder and her breath hitched in her throat. He watched her intently, trying to decide whether or not she truly was ready to mate with him. He didn’t wish to harm her or claim her before she was ready, even though he burned to make her his.

  “If that is the case,” he said, tipping her chin up and forcing her to meet his gaze, “why are you trembling like a leaf in the wind? Are you nervous because this is your first time?”

  “First time? Oh, um, yes, that must be it,” she said, nodding vigorously.

  It occurred to him in this moment, even though he’d spent years dreaming about Sienna, that he still didn’t know much about her. He knew her name, age, and where she’d lived. Very few interests were listed on her mail order bride application—cooking, reading, and watching movies. Nothing more.

  He lifted her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. He pressed his face into her hair and breathed deep, savoring the floral scent of her that was still overpowered by the heightening aroma of her feminine essence. He mused she was like a present waiting to be unwrapped—a gift intended just for him.

  “Tell me about yourself, Sienna,” he said. “I want to know all about you. The story of your life. Would you tell it to me?”

  She swallowed hard and tried to avoid his gaze, a habit of which he hoped to soon break her. He loved gazing into her eyes and wished she didn’t constantly try to avoid meeting his stare. This mannerism of hers bothered him, for it seemed as though she were cowering in fear. He never wanted his mate to fear him. He was meant to be her protector. The brave warrior who rescued her from peril and provided a safe life for her on New Vaxx, thus earning her love and devotion.

  “Shouldn’t we mate first?” she asked. “I mean, now that we’re finally alone and safe.” She placed a hand on his chest and squirmed in his lap. He growled as his cock hardened and a wave of dizziness assailed him.

  Fluxx, how he hungered for her. If he kissed her again, he wouldn’t be able to stop. He would tear off her clothes, remove his own attire, and plunge home into the sweetness between her thighs. He would thrust into her over and over until he spurted his seed into her and marked her as his for all time.

  He wanted his scent on her.

  He wanted all other males who ventured near her to smell his seed coating her inner thighs. Stay away. She’s mine.

  The mating vows. Fluxx. He was so eager to be inside her that he’d nearly forgotten the vows they must exchange. He inhaled a long, steady breath, and tried to summon his self-control. Sienna deserved tenderness and care.

  “Very well,” he finally replied. “If you wish to mate first, we will do so, however, before we join our bodies as one, we must repeat the traditional mating vows of my people.”

  Some of the worry left her eyes. “Oh? Kind of like marriage vows? That sounds nice. Will you, um, teach me the words I must say?”

  “It would be my honor.” He leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, again taking another deep inhale of her enticing scent. How strange that he barely knew a thing about this female, yet he felt as though his heart only beat for her. “Repeat after me, little human,” he said.

  “All right. I-I’m ready.” She gave him a small smile.

  “I give you my soul, my body, and my heart.” His throat burned suddenly, and he had to pause in the vows to collect himself.

  “I give you my soul, my body, and my heart,” she repeated, tears glimmering in her eyes. She blinked rapidly and gave him another smile.

  “Upon this mating, I am yours and you are mine. May the Star God bless our union,” he finished, and a sense of victory settled over him. Mine. The little human is about to become mine.

  Finally. After all these years, years during which she was his only light, though she likely never knew it. When he’d admitted to dreaming about her repeatedly, she hadn’t confessed to dreaming about him. Nevertheless, she was about to become his mate, and he believed it was the will of the Star God. She was his destiny and he was hers.

  “Upon this mating, I am yours and you are mine,” she eventually finished, her voice strained. “May the Star God bless our union.”

  He cupped her face and allowed his fingers to play in her hair. “We will jo
in our bodies as one now,” he said, “and you will forever belong to me.” He placed a hand upon her stomach. “Know that I am eager for us to start a family soon and I plan to mate with you frequently, Sienna, until your stomach swells with our first baby.”

  Chapter 9

  Sienna wished Myadd hadn’t mentioned babies again. She tried to keep her expression neutral as he touched her stomach and spoke, not wishing to give away any hint that she was already with child. And worse—that the child growing inside her wasn’t his.

  Another man’s baby. Oh God. The seriousness of her predicament hit her full force and she suddenly had a difficult time breathing.

  What would Myadd do when he discovered her secret?

  Vaxxlians were said to mate for life, but she couldn’t help wonder if there were rare cases when a Vaxxlian might reject his mate. If so, would he reject her? Would he cast her aside and take another female as his mate? Tears burned in her eyes at the very thought.

  “Sienna?” Myadd peered down at her with concern. “Are you all right?”

  “Oh yes, I’m fine,” she said, blinking back the last of her tears. “The vows were very sweet and made me a bit emotional, I guess.” Liar. She was a big fat liar. She promised the universe or anyone who might be listening that she would strive to be a good mate to Myadd if only he accepted her baby.

  He smiled. “Ah, they are beautiful words, words passed down to us from the Star God himself. Vaxxlians have been exchanging the same mating vows for thousands and thousands of years. It is a sacred tradition, one that binds us together for all time.”

  She stared at the huge muscular alien, wishing she knew the perfect thing to say or do in response. Brett was the only man she’d ever been with—and he’d been the one to seduce her, not the other way around—and she felt woefully inexperienced. Furthermore, Myadd’s size still frightened her a bit. She had to keep reminding herself that he wasn’t Brett, that he was gentle and kind and he’d promised to protect her always.

  He’d taken her to an ice cave in the arctic just to keep her and Skylar safe.

  “After we join our bodies,” Myadd said, his eyes glowing brighter, “we will share stories about our lives. I long to know more about you, Sienna, the female who has haunted my dreams.”

  Unable to find her voice, she simply nodded.

  It brought her hope that he’d dreamed about her. She held his gaze, forcing herself not to look away, and told herself everything would work out for this fact alone—Myadd had experienced premonitions of their future. Why would he dream about her, night after night, if they weren’t truly meant to become mates?

  She felt his cock, huge and hard beneath her, through the layers of their clothing. Anticipation stirred within her and a heated flush overcame her.

  You’re mating with Myadd, she told herself. A man who won’t hurt you.

  When she peered into his glowing green gaze, a stark sense of relief flowed through her. Thank goodness he had unique facial features that were nothing like Brett’s.

  She could do this. Her spirits buoyed, a growing sense of relief replacing her previous fears.

  She could survive their first mating without descending into a panic. How many times had she fantasized about meeting a decent man who treated her with kindness? How many times had she prayed for a real chance at love and happiness? Too many to count.

  When he started tugging her dress off, she lifted her arms up and assisted him. An appreciative growl left him when his gaze fell upon her bosom. Thinking that perhaps they would mate today, she’d chosen a lacy pink bra that left little to the imagination. His hands traveled up her stomach to her breasts, his touch eliciting goosebumps.

  “You are breathtaking, Sienna,” he said, lifting his eyes to hers. “I have never beheld a female as beautiful as you. I cannot wait to make you mine.”

  She flushed at the compliment and hoped he meant it. “Th-thank you,” she stammered. Though she’d worked as a model for several years, she still felt awkward when someone praised her, and she never quite knew how to react to a compliment. As her feelings of unease increased, she started to lower her gaze, but he caught her chin and lifted her face.

  “You have a difficult time meeting my eyes sometimes, little human.” His deep, rumbling voice sent little vibrations through her which seemed to pulse most fervently in her womanly core.

  “I-I’m sorry, Myadd.” Her pussy throbbed and her breasts tingled. Her nipples felt tight, almost as if they were stinging. Despite her nervousness, she longed for his hands upon her, ached for him to keep touching her and undressing her. The sweet promises of the traditional Vaxxlian mating vows they’d exchanged echoed in her mind, making her yearn for the finality of becoming his.

  “Why?” He tightened his hold on her chin. “Why do you have a difficult time looking at me? Is it because I’m not human? Does my appearance frighten or disgust you?”

  Her stomach flipped and she started shaking her head from side to side, even though his continued grip didn’t allow her much movement. “No, no, no,” she said, her tone adamant. “It’s nothing like that at all. I-I don’t mind the way you look, Myadd. In fact, I think you’re incredibly handsome. It’s simply that I-I feel a bit shy around you. I’m sorry.”

  A look of relief passed over him, and her heart broke thinking that for even a second he’d worried she didn’t find his appearance pleasing. The last thing she wished to do was make him feel bad about himself. She’d spent too many years being told she wasn’t good enough, wasn’t as pretty as the other models who graced the arms of rival cage fighters, that she despaired over the possibility of causing Myadd that kind of hurt. Especially when he’d been so kind to her thus far.

  “You need not apologize, sweet human,” he finally said. “I would like you to feel comfortable around me. We are going to share our lives with one another. It is my hope that once we are better acquainted, you will feel at ease in my presence, for I like spending time with you very much. You were the light that kept me going during the dark days of the war.”

  “What do you mean?” She sighed when he massaged the back of her neck and tingles rushed the top of her head, making her feel wonderfully unsettled and a tad dizzy.

  “My dreams of you brought me hope during the war. They were a promise that the future would not be as bleak as the present, that one day I would have a mate and a family, something to look forward to. My visions of you began before Vaxxlians ever made contact with humans.”


  “Yes. I knew whenever I saw you in my dreams that you were not a Vaxxlian female, for the females of our kind never have golden hair, so I knew you were a female from a race yet unknown to us. When I first learned that Vaxxlians had made contact with humans and that we were sexually compatible with your people, my heart filled with joy and I began making plans to create a home for you. I wanted you to have a safe place to call home on New Vaxx.”

  “You built a house for me before you signed up for Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides?” The very idea touched her. How hard he must have worked to prepare for her arrival. She tried to push aside the guilt that abruptly settled upon her. She ought to tell him the truth about the baby soon. It was only right.

  “Yes, of course. A Vaxxlian male should not take a mate until he has a safe place to bring his female, a place where they can raise a family together. My two brothers and I decided to build a massive house that contains three wings, one for each of our families. It’s located on the outskirts of Starrzia—that’s the main settlement on New Vaxx—in a beautiful location only a short walk to a clear blue lake that’s teeming with fish.” He smiled and his gaze became distant, as if he were picturing the very scene he was describing.

  “It sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to see it.”

  “You’ll see it soon.” He leaned closer, until his lips hovered over hers.

  She thought he meant to kiss her on the mouth, but instead he shifted direction and trailed kisses down her earlobe, then her
neck and her shoulder. Tingles erupted over her entire body, and she squirmed in his lap and reveled in the feel of the huge hardness beneath her bottom, the promise that he would soon claim her as his.

  To her complete shock, when he began trailing his tongue over her flesh, it vibrated against her skin, causing her to flush anew and squirm harder on his lap. Oh my. Was he doing it on purpose? Or was it something that happened to him when he became sexually excited? She made a mental note to ask him about it later, but for now she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

  As he continued licking her with his vibrating tongue, he reached for her bra and ripped it from her body. She gasped and felt a rush of air on her suddenly exposed breasts. He pulled back and gazed upon her, his eyes dark with unmistakable lust. He growled and pushed her back on the bed.

  He tore at her panties and yanked them off her. More growls emanated from his throat. He tossed her clothing on the floor and his gaze traveled to her pussy. He urged her to spread her legs wider.

  “Beautiful.” He rose to his feet, removed his boots, and started taking his own clothes off. He gave her a pointed look. “Don’t move, little human. Stay there just like that, with your thighs parted and your pussy on display. I intend to taste you before I claim you.”

  Chapter 10

  Sienna trembled with desire as she watched Myadd strip his clothing off. His shirt came first, and her mouth went dry at the sight of his chiseled chest, his muscles so broad and well-defined that she almost couldn’t believe he was real. When he removed his pants, she gasped at the sight of his huge manhood, so long and thick and hard.

  He stood before her for a moment, gazing down at her with a tender yet possessive gleam in his eyes. It took great control not to close her legs and scoot away from him when he joined her on the bed. She’d never done what they were about to do before—as if Brett would’ve considered her own pleasure before his. But the newness of it made her shiver with uncertainty, despite her readiness and the increased throbbing between her legs.


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