The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 13

by Jennifer Loren

  “Where is he going so fast?” Exie said coming in with some food and water.

  “Nick was here, but he left without saying anything.” I look up at Exie, “Did you know Nick had a brother?” Exie shakes her head. “I didn’t either, or that it was Daniel, or I guess his name is Connor Daniels.”

  “Whoa, seriously? Hmm... Well, that makes sense now. Connor Daniels has been battling Nick for some time. He’s Nick’s most hated rival.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I have been working at the club forever now. You hear things even when you’re not supposed to. Connor managed to get in and confront Nick one night. I didn’t see what happened, but I sure did hear about it. And you wonder why Kyler is so stressed all the time? The man knows things that would push the Pope to drink.”

  “How did Nick know I was here?” I asked recognizing her guilt immediately.

  “Well, I know you can’t afford it and I can only help you so much, but no matter what you say, I think Nick would do anything for you. So yes, I called him. And to prove my point, he was here in a heartbeat, paying for everything, and making sure you are well-taken care of.”

  “Why would you let him pay for everything? Exie, I cannot let him help me like that.”

  “Too late.” She said proudly.

  “I chased him down but he said he has a meeting to get to.” Brady said as he comes into the room. I roll my eyes and sink deep back into the bed.

  Exie left shortly after that for work, but Brady stayed with me until visiting hours were over. With my bill paid in advance, the doctors are more than accepting of me staying as long as needed, even to ridiculous measures so I’m forced to stay overnight and rest. After I was moved to a plush room by myself and given enough pain medicine to knock out an elephant, I don’t feel the need to complain about anything anymore. At some point in the night though I feel something strange and force open my eyes. The blurry figure in front of me seems familiar. “Nick?”

  “Go to sleep. You’re dreaming.”

  “If I am dreaming, then I am already asleep.” I said recognizing his huff immediately. “How did you get in here?”

  “Money can get you in anywhere, Princess.”

  “I’m going to pay you back for everything.” I promise him.

  “No, you’re not. It’s my fault you’re in here.” Nick said sweeping my hair out of my face and grimacing at the site of my swollen eye.

  “No, it was Brady’s flowers that he didn’t like. He thought they were from you.”

  “I wouldn’t send flowers that cheap.” He said making me laugh.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that he is your brother, Nick?”

  “By blood only, we weren’t raised in the same house or in the same way. My father left his mother when she got pregnant with him and married my mother. He didn’t have anything to do with Connor, especially when his mother married his rich slime-ball stepfather. He thinks he’s better than me because he had money to begin with. So, he did everything he could when I was younger to make my life a living hell. He was older and bigger, so I took several beatings from him. Eventually, I grew up and gained the upper hand to his … bitter disappointment. I don’t consider Connor my brother. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you in the middle of it if I could help it. You were already wrapped up in him when I found out he was the client you were seeing. I’m sorry. If I had known he was trying to steal girls from me, I would have protected you better.”

  “I don’t need you to protect me.”

  Nick laughs, “Sure, that’s why you’re here.” I try to roll my eyes but it only makes me dizzy. Nick caresses my face, “Go to sleep. I only wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Don’t leave.” I whisper, feeling him grip my hand. I struggle to stay awake, but my body gives in to the medication and I drift away only to wake up alone. Brady returns the next day to take me home. His charming ways convince me to go have dinner with him. He is sweet, generous with what little he has, and respectful every step of the way, but he is not Nick. The power of the devil’s eyes still holds me hostage, but I am becoming hopeful that Brady can help me break free.



  Brady manages to convince me to go to a ball game, then to a movie a few days later, and tonight he has brought me to a traveling carnival. Despite my still uneasy feelings about him, I do feel comfortable with him. As we walk among the laughing children, the colorful lights, and playful music, Brady has his arm around my shoulders and searching for every possible reason to make me laugh.

  “You hungry?” Brady asked.

  “Why? So you can try to make me sick and then talk me into getting on that death trap over there after I eat some disgusting carnival food?” I laughed.

  “Okay. How about I win you a giant turtle?” He asked motioning towards a game.

  “I prefer the big blue dog.” I said as he winks and hands the dubious gentleman some money.

  “Did I mention I was all state in baseball? I’m serious. I am really good.”

  “Just throw the ball.” I said laughing at his overzealous attitude. Brady throws the ball and misses the target. “That’s impressive.”

  “I just needed a warm up throw.” He said throwing again and barely hitting the edge. With the final ball, he overthrows it. Frustrated and determined, he continues to throw ball after ball until he finally scores. “Yes! I told you.”

  “Here is your prize, sir.” The man said handing him a red plastic squeaking ball. Brady looks at his prize and reluctantly hands it to me with a humble expression.

  “It’s … the exact one I wanted.” I smile as he hugs me tight and leads me away.

  “I knew it was. So, are you ready to go?” I nod in response to his question. “Do you want me to take you home or are you interested in getting a drink at my place?”

  No matter how hard I try, Nick remains in the back of mind. I feel like I see him everywhere I go or somehow feel him nearby. As much as I want to spend the night with Brady, I need more time and luckily I don’t have to say the words. Brady nods with obvious frustration but takes me home and leaves with nothing more than an innocent kiss.

  The next morning I wake up to find the stuffed big blue dog from the carnival on my doorstep. There is no note but I have a feeling Brady would have never gone back to get this for me. If he had, he would have left a note. My new dog is nicknamed The Devil’s Dog and it sits proudly next to me as I sleep.


  The restaurant is dead and I have several hours left of my shift when two men come in. With an exhausted exhale, I jump off the counter and go to take their orders. “You gentleman in for a late night, huh?” They both look at me with side smiles and seemingly making odd notions towards each other. “So, what can I get you?”

  “How about a blow job?” One said laughing with the other.

  “No. How about a lap dance? Naked, of course.” The other said.

  “Sorry. I am only willing to give out food tonight.” They both laugh and eventually order something but continue to make my night miserable. I try to talk my boss into handling them for me but the lazy son of a bitch refuses to leave his well-broken in chair to help me out. Mike, the cook, offers to spice up their food for me but he is powerless to do much else considering his small stature. Taking them their food, I fight off their hands and their obscene comments and wait out their stay from a distance. I have never been so happy to see people leave. I was ready to go from the moment they came in and am thankful the night moves along quickly soon after they leave. I grab my things and rush to the bus stop hoping that somehow it will be early. I sit up high on the back of the bench to catch the first glimpse of the expected bus. My seat also allows me to catch a glimpse of a dark maintenance van coming my way. As it slows in front of me, I quickly take in my surroundings for a quick getaway.

  “Hey, sweetheart, you still serving?” The losers from earlier asked as they poke their drunken heads from the van. Watching them
, I take notice of my boss leaving for home. I make my way towards him and he stops his car, rolling down his window with a cocky smile. The lesser of two evils I believe, I run towards him but before I can get to him he speeds off. I turn back to see the two losers stumbling towards me. Alone, I make my way back towards the restaurant as fast I can, fumbling with my keys trying to find the right one for the door. “Hey, where are you going?” They yell at me. While running, I notice a huge pipe used to hold open the back door of the restaurant and concentrate on reaching it. Within feet of it, one of the men jerks me backwards, grabbing, and fondling me as I try to get away from him. When the other one begins kissing me, I kick and scream, searching for anything to get away from them, when a car pulls up and startles them both. “What the fuck, man?” One of them yells as I am suddenly dropped in preparation to fight. I try to see over the men but I am guarded like a prize. “Oh, I see you must be looking for an ass whooping tonight, son.” The larger of the two laughs but is slammed by something sending him to the ground fast. Unsure if I am being rescued or being traded for a worse situation, I run after the pipe and prepare as I watch my two abductors enter a brawl they are clearly overmatched for. The dark figure, beating the men into a crawling, begging position, has his own weapon of choice and is having no trouble using it. The long, black club is lifted high in the air before plummeting down on its intended victim. Blood is splattered and the men are screaming as I stand motionless watching them beg for their lives. As much as the world would be better off, I can’t let someone I love do this for me.

  “Nick! Stop! You are going to kill them!” I run back and grab hold of him. “Stop, Nick, please!”

  “Get in the car, Kayla!” Nick yells at me.

  “No, not until you do.” His frustrated sigh lingers around me until he finally gives in and follows me into his car. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was in the mood for some pancakes.”

  “Nick …”

  “Don’t start with me, Kayla. You should not be walking to a bus stop this late by yourself.” Huffing at me, he takes out a knife and hands it to me. “Take this at least. I would give you a gun but you don’t have the best track record with those. Some cop you’re dating! He lets you do these stupid things? I hope he is at least …”

  “I was only going to say thank you.” I said staring at my fingers fumbling in my lap.

  Calming some, Nick looks me over with a shake of his head. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine. Just a little scrape is all.” Nick takes hold of my arm and lifts it off the gash in my leg. I try not to look at him, but his eyes, as always, have a drawing force about them. “You know I was about to handle it by myself. There was no need for you to butt in.” I say boldly. “Now, if you will please take me home so I can clean up and go to bed.” Nick shakes his head and continues driving away from my house. “Are you listening to me?”

  “No.” He said with half a smile to my growing frustration. “Kayla, what are you doing? I told you that you didn’t have to quit the club. Why are you working at such a shit place? You are just asking for trouble.” Facing my window, I raise my left shoulder to hide him from my view. Nick laughs at me, “You are the most frustrating woman.”

  Nick pulls into his drive way and waits for the gate, “Nick! Why are we here?”

  “Because I need to change for a date tonight now that I got blood on my shirt and you need a car. There is no reason for that car to stay here. Whether you work for me or not, you earned the car. Now get out of the car and come in the house.” Nick walks over and opens the car door for me.

  “Take me home! I am not getting out of this car until I am at my own house!” I yell crossing my arms. I feel good about my defiance, until he suddenly throws me over his shoulder and takes me up to his room. “Nick! Nick! Put me down!” I yell until he sits me on his bathroom countertop. He takes out his first aid kit and glances over at my wound. Removing his shirt, he looks me over and begins pushing my schoolgirl thigh highs off my legs.

  “This is a ridiculous outfit.” Nick mumbles.

  “I thought men had fantasies of women in schoolgirl uniforms.” I said enjoying his hands caressing my legs.

  Pulling off my last sock, he smiles leaning in towards me, “I don’t.”

  “Whatever, liar. You know you like this.” I said running my bare leg up between his with a smile until he glares at me.

  “Kayla, if I wanted you looking like a vulnerable child, then I would have never had sex with you in the first place.” He says rubbing my leg with medicine and blowing on it to ease the pain for me. “Take your shirt off.” He said looking up at my shocked expression. “Your arm is cut too.” I must have hesitated too long for him because he begins unbuttoning my shirt for me and easing it off my shoulders. My broken bra dangles to one side of my chest and I have to hold it up to my breasts. “They did that?” I nod and he looks away with a curl of his lips. Taking my hands, he removes them from my chest and grazes his fingers over the scratches on my chest. “Come with me.” Nick takes my hand and leads me to his shower, turning it on, and removing my skirt with a flick of his fingers. “Take ‘em off and get in.” He said waiting for me to do as told. Turning away from him, I slide my panties down my legs and look up through my hair to see him watching me. Once I step into the luxurious double shower I cringe at the touch of the steaming water heating my wounds. “It only stings for a second.” Nick said sliding in behind me, naked, and already washing me with a tender touch. His warm hands run soap over my arms, down my chest and cup my breasts as he gives off a soft sigh. I press my palms against the shower wall and try to remember to breathe as he moves down my stomach, between my legs and down over my calves, helping me lift my feet before returning to my neck and rinsing out my hair. “I think you’re good now.” He whispers in my ear before stepping back under the adjacent showerhead. “You don’t mind if I take a shower myself, do you? I do have a date tonight.”

  I become mesmerized by the water running over his skin, his hands running through his wet black hair, down his chiseled stomach, while his eyes watch my every move. I reach out and take the cloth from his hand, “You should be at your best for your date.” I say running my hands down his back, cradling his ass tight in my palms. His arms stiffen as I run my hands over them and press my fingers between his.

  Sighing, Nick grips my hands but suddenly steps away from me. “You should go home now.”

  “No. No, I’m not and you’re not going on that date either.” I say smiling when he finally looks over at me. Shaking my head, I take a step towards him, finally knowing his weakness. Moving my hand up his chest and to the back of his neck, I pull him down towards my lips, “You can’t say no to me and you know it.” I whisper back to him, smiling wide when he takes hold of me and lifts me up against the shower wall.

  “Kayla, we shouldn’t be doing this.” Nick says running his soft lips across mine.

  “Nick …” I gasp, feeling him slide inside me. He feels so good. His arms hold me so strong, his lips seem to know exactly what I need, and his dick grazes places inside me that exhilarate my entire body. It all feels so incredible I can barely comprehend his own pleasurable moans.

  Not a word is spoken when we finish, I dry off and reach for my clothes, but he stops me, taking hold of them. “You don’t need these. I will be waiting in bed for you.” He said, kissing me gently.

  Smiling, I send Exie a quick message and let her know that I am staying with Nick tonight. I climb in bed with Nick, kissing him, and pulling him on top of me. I might regret all this tomorrow, but tonight it all just feels too good to stop.



  The morning sun radiates down on my cheek. I roll over, searching for him, but he is nowhere in sight. I get up and borrow his shirt before going downstairs to search for him. When I see Luke, I have to roll my eyes to match the roll of his. “Where is Nick?”

  “Busy.” Luke says harshly.

  “Busy doin
g what?” I ask as Luke ignores me. “Can you at least tell him that I am up?”

  “Oh, well, let me alert the world. Her highness is awake.”

  “Fuck you.” I said walking towards Nick’s office. Luke grabs hold of me and pushes me away. “What is your problem?”

  “I told you he is busy. He asked me to tell you to take your fucking car and go.” Luke said pressing his face fiercely towards mine.

  “Nick! Nick!” I yell over and over, fighting with Luke’s hand to hold my mouth shut. When Nick comes running out, I run to him instantly.

  “What the fuck is going on out here? I asked you …” Nick tenses towards Luke.

  “I told her you were busy, but she … well, you know how she is. Your own damn fault for bringing her here in the first place.” Luke mumbles tossing his hands up in the air.

  “Kayla, I don’t have time for this right now. I need for you to go home.”

  “I will wait for you.” I say taking his hand.

  “Oh, you have to be kidding me! Kayla, get out. You got your fuck. Now go!” Luke yells. “Nick, what the hell are you doing- trying to make things worse than they already are?” Luke yells impatiently.

  “Shut up, Luke, this has nothing to do with you.” I say to him looking back at Nick.

  “You know what you have to do, Nick. It is only going to be worse later if you don’t, especially for her, and you know it.”

  “Kayla, go home.”Nick said assuredly.

  Staring into his unrelenting eyes, “Am I never going to be more important than your business?”

  “What is wrong with you? You know who I am! You know what my life is!” Nick yells at me. “You need to grow up and realize that I can’t be your boyfriend. I don’t want to be your boyfriend, Kayla.” He gulps, looking away from me. “I will fuck you anytime you want, but I am not doing this.”

  “I don’t believe you. If you don’t care about me then why were you there last night?” I cringe wanting to reach out for him.


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