The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 19

by Jennifer Loren

  “Like what? You want to manage the club for me again?”

  “Maybe. Or, I don’t know, maybe I could go to school and learn something more to help. Maybe start a new business- legal, of course.”

  “You would do that for me? Go to school and suffer through all those classes and books?” Nick leans down to look me in the eyes, smiling.

  “For you I would.” I smile back.

  “For me you will.” He laughs. “How about you get all the information together and I will pay the bill? But, you have to make sure you have time for me within all this college mess.”

  “Oh, Nick! I love you!” I yell jumping into his arms and kissing him passionately.

  “I liked it better when you two hated each other. It was more entertaining than this mushy shit all the time.” Luke said walking in and crashing in the chair near us.

  “Get use to it,” I said kissing Nick once more and jumping down to kiss Luke on the head before running off upstairs.

  “I prefer the kisses he gets, Kayla.” Luke yells.

  “Forget it, asshole, you’re lucky I allowed that one.” Nick laughs, kicking Luke as he passes him.

  “Hey! That hurt! Kayla, come and kiss my wound …” I laugh as I watch them wrestle like two little boys. It’s nice to see Nick like this, Luke too, they both are so content lately. As I watch them, I wonder if I will ever be as close to Nick as Luke is.


  Nick keeps his word and pays for me to go to school. I keep mine, making time for him between taking as many classes I can handle. When my second quarter is nearing its end I have made some new friends. Most of us have several classes together and have already formed study groups to prepare for finals at the end of the quarter. The group consists of Kari, a sweet girl that laughs about everything. I thought about setting her up with Luke since he loves to make people laugh, but I'm not sure how I would explain the numerous amounts of gorgeous women he works with after hours. The other girl is Jesse. She is fun at times, but she doesn't have a filter on her mouth and tends to get into many verbal confrontations. Plus, I am pretty sure she is sleeping with several of her professors for grades. The last person is Scott, a somewhat attractive guy- for a momma’s boy. All three of my new friends are well off and have been since birth. With the car Nick bought for me, the expensive designer clothes, and the big house with the great address, my new friends all assume I am much like them. I would tell them otherwise, but where do I start or even end? I am only allowed to say so much and I don’t feel comfortable giving away such a key part of myself to people I only just began to know. Once finals are over and we have a couple of weeks off before the next quarter begins, my group decides to go out and celebrate for a much-needed stress relief. Jesse, of course, suggests a party that she knows of. Not feeling comfortable with a campus drink fest, I try to find a way to back out. However, Jesse assures me that it is off campus at a respectable, luxurious home where we will be able to relax comfortably and be catered to like royalty. Curious and needing the stress relief, I decide to go. Besides, Nick is going to be working late tonight.

  Looking our best, the four of us pile into a limo Scott provides and are driven to a beautiful home on the hill. The security is abundant, the home and party is much the way Jesse described: luxurious and relaxing. Everyone in attendance is enjoying themselves with polite conversations and delicate sips of their drink of choice. I try to make mental notes so I can tell Nick all about the humor I am already seeing in the absurdities of it all. It is only an hour in and I have been offered shoulder massages, various cocktails, and numerous delicacies from around the world. I decline most, since no matter how upscale the environment seems, I know better than to trust appearances. My wary attitude is proven correct when my new friends begin to show signs of obvious drug assisted euphoria. As Kari and Scott drift off into their pleasure filled night, Jesse takes my hand and shows me around. I have fun wandering the massive home with her, talking in detail about the expensive artwork and the priceless heirlooms, all of which are contained in rooms separate from the party. We make ourselves at home in a large room with a pool table and its own bar. We have fun making up our own drink concoctions, playing a revised version of pool, and coming up with new and sexy ways to hit a ball across the table that makes us laugh until we cry. I am enjoying myself immensely when Luke suddenly walks in. Shocked, I jump down and stare at him dumbfounded.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked.

  “I was invited. What are you doing here?” I asked as Jesse stands next to me checking Luke out blatantly.

  “Nick is having a meeting upstairs. I got bored listening to the monotonous bullshit so I thought I would shoot some pool or something.” Luke said looking Jesse over to her enjoyment.

  “You're welcome to join us.” I said as Jesse makes comments about him needing to know how to arch his butt just right or he will lose style points. I laugh, “We haven’t been playing a typical game.”

  “Uh huh. Well, I think I am going to go wander around a little bit. You ladies have fun … arching you’re asses or whatever the hell your doing for points. I will let Nick know you’re here.” He smiles shaking his head at our giggling and he leaves with little else to say.

  “So, Nick is your boyfriend?” Jesse asked.

  “He is. I would love for you to meet him.” I said feeling good about the idea.

  “Sure. I bet he is meeting with my boyfriend, Joseph. He owns this house so you can meet him too.” She said scrunching her nose with excitement. “He is so wonderful and he spoils me ridiculously.” Jesse runs up to me grabbing my hands, “He is so handsome and he has people bowing down to him to please him. It’s amazing how much people respect him. I have never met anyone like him.”

  “Powerful men do have their appeal.”

  “So, Nick does well?” She asked with a fleeting interest.

  “He does fine.” I said simply.

  “Well, maybe Joseph can help him out and we can both spend our days shopping instead of worrying about going to school. I tell you, my father is so hell-bent on me becoming someone that he can respect.” She said with her chest out and a rich tone. Lying across the pool table, “He is the most lame man I have ever met.” Jesse suddenly jumps up, “It drives him crazy that I am dating Joseph, probably because I met him at one of my father’s parties.” She laughs leaning down to me, “I fucked him in the bathroom while my father was giving a speech. We have been together ever since.” With my eyes wide, I laugh shaking my head, “So how did you meet … Nick, is it?”

  I nod, “Ummm…. it’s a long story.” She sat up, staring at me, and waiting for me to continue. “He dated my sister a long time ago and then we ran into each other a little over a year ago now.” Shrugging, “It wasn’t a storybook romance or anything but …”

  “But you love him.” I nod with a smile. “Well, that is a storybook romance if I ever heard one. But how does your sister fill about you dating her ex?”

  Taken aback by her question, I stand speechless and distant as she walks around to face me and try to get my attention. “Uh Bray … died some time ago.” I said turning away and pouring myself another drink. Jesse hugs me from behind and says whatever comes to her mind until I finally force a smile. Ready to go home, I convince Jesse to leave only if I agree to come with her to meet her boyfriend. She guides me upstairs where we are greeted by two younger men, each with a smile too large for me to feel comfortable. I back up instantly looking at Jesse as she walks towards them.

  “Kayla, this is Rico Estrella and his friend, Cory. His father is my boyfriend.” Jesse said hugging the men stiffly. The two are dressed in designer clothes but wear them in a less than suitable fashion. Their gluttonous attitude creates a disastrous display of custom clothing. Standing afar, I nod with a simple greeting. “We were on our way to see Joseph.”

  “Dad is in a meeting. We were just in there advising him, he is pretty busy. I don’t think he can see you right now, but you’re welcome to wa
it with us. You can see the entire party up here.” Rico said waving his hand for us to lead the way to the ornate balcony above everyone. I wait impatiently as Rico and Cory entertain themselves at the expense of the crowd below. I become disgusted when a young woman they believe to be beneath their status doesn’t leave after they yell at her too. Jesse holds me back as I fidget in my seat. Since the constant ridicule and laughter seems to be defiantly ignored by the poor woman, Rico pours the contents of his glass down on her head, causing her to scream out in shock. Laughing hysterically, Rico takes hold of the trey of shrimp and sauce with a wink towards his friend. Having enough, I jump up and push the trey back into his face and laugh with pride. Jesse, fighting her own smile, steps in front of me and holds her hand up to Rico as he begins to roar his displeasure. “Get out of my way, slut!” Rico yells slapping her hand out of the way.

  “Now, Rico, calm down and give Kayla a chance to apologize properly before you do something you might regret.” Jesse said before being pushed aside.

  Rico grabs hold of me and pushes me up against a wall, “You better apologize and it better be good. In fact, I suggest you better make it orgasmically good.” Rico said rubbing his chest and gripping his belt.

  “You’re disgusting. I am not going to apologize to two morons who should be whipped with that belt you seem to be so fond of.” I said.

  “I know what would be a good apology. Why don’t you strip naked and stand up on this chair and tell me how much you want me.” Rico said proudly as Cory laughs in support. I grab my bag and walk away. I don’t get far before they force me into a corner of the hall.

  “Rico her boyfriend is here. You don’t want to cause any trouble for your father.” Jesse pleads with him.

  Rico pushes up on me, “Your boyfriend doesn’t have anything on me.” He breathes repulsively in my face. I laugh causing anger that I didn’t prepare for. Rico backhands me across the face and tries to force his way under my clothes. Taking hold of a nearby statue, I leave a mark on his face that bleeds profusely. Before he has a chance to react, I run down the hall into Luke and feel relieved when he faces Rico and Cory with no fear.

  “Where you going, fat boy?” Luke said.

  “Get out of my way. I am going to finish teaching that bitch a lesson.” Rico seethes. Luke rolls his eyes not budging in his position. Rico dismisses him and takes a lunge for me but falls back on the floor as Luke hits him once and threatens Cory with one finger before he has a chance to help his friend. “You are going to regret that, Son. My father will have your head hung from his wall!”

  Amused, Luke dismisses him. “I suggest, for your own sake, that you don’t touch her again.” Luke straightens his suit, “Nick wants you to wait here for him, Kayla. Now I have to get back to work. You boys be good.” Shoving Rico’s leg out of his way with delight, “Get up, fat boy, before my good mood goes bad.” Luke said as he gives me a quick disapproving glance.

  Jumping up, Rico takes hold of my arm and drags me to a room where he demands to see his father. Walking in from the next room is a man that possesses a tan that is embedded permanently into his skin which is set off absurdly by his excessively white teeth. Before Rico has a chance to say a word Jesse clings to the man’s side, kissing him and hugging him with pleas to spare me from any possible danger. Rico follows with his own pleas of justice. Silencing them both with a sudden hand gesture, he leaves them and walks up to me with a look of clear disapproval. “She is the one that hit me and disrespected me.” Rico claims.

  “Do you know who I am?” The man asked me. I know better than to answer a question like that. “My name is Joseph Estrella and this is my home. I do not appreciate guests coming in here and disrespecting my son in my own home.”

  “What I did is defend myself against an overgrown child who has no manners.” I blurt out as Jesse cringes at my blunt attitude.

  Joseph looks me up and down before forcing me down on the ground roughly. “Apologize to my son.” I look up at a confident Rico who stands in front of me but I stay silent. Taking hold of my hair, Rico starts to drag me along the floor.

  Jesse runs to Joseph instantly, “Baby, please! I am sure there is something else she can do to make it up to you. She is my friend, Baby. We were having fun together, drinking, playing pool and dancing.” Jesse wraps her arms around Joseph’s neck tighter to whisper in his ear, “How about I show you a dance Kayla taught me earlier tonight? It’s very sexy.”

  “Hold on!” Joseph yells at Rico as I continue to struggle against him. “How well do you dance?” He leans down to ask me. “If you’re that good and you entertain me and my guests well enough, I will consider forgiving you. Yes, I think a performance will be exactly what I need to put me in a better mood.” Rico lets me up while Joseph looks me over again with a smile to Jesse’s sudden displeasure. “You are quite beautiful. I’ve changed my mind. Perform for me in private and we will negotiate a much better departure for you.”

  “The only person she performs for is me.” Nick said entering from the next room with Luke at his side. Joseph turns to him, as stunned as everyone else in the room. Nick walks towards us and eyes Joseph with a glare that sets us both back on our heels. “Who hit you, Kayla?” Nick asked controlling the room with ease. I nod in Rico’s direction and Nick takes a single breath before beating Rico into a slobbering mess on the floor. He continues the abuse until Rico cries out with apologies. “What did you say?” Nick asked him. Rico struggles to repeat himself as Nick drags him on his knees to my feet. “I don’t think she heard you.”

  Rico, bloodied beyond recognition, looks up to me shaking, “I … I’m.”

  “LOUDER!” Nick yells startling him into a whimper.

  “I’m sorry!” He yells, repeating it until he feels he has satisfied Nick. Joseph motions for Rico and Cory to leave, having one of his men help them to exit more quickly.

  Nick walks over to me and rubs his thumb across my swollen cheek with a private, loving appreciation in his eyes. Before I can smile, he turns his back to me, hiding me from Joseph completely. “I don’t appreciate you treating my girl like this.”

  “I am sorry, Nicholas. I had no idea.” Joseph straightens up and changes his tone. “It will never happen again and I assure you I will be sending proper apologies to you and Kayla by tomorrow. For now, please let me offer you some food and drink in the parlor.” Joseph motions for us to have a seat as servants come in with drinks and food. Nick speaks with Joseph calmly but never looks, touches, or even speaks to me during the rest of our stay. Jesse sits quietly at Joseph’s side with no effort to look my way at all. I begin to wonder if she will ever speak to me again. As I gaze in her direction, I watch her look over Nick in what I can only assume is fear. I am sure I have lost a new friend and possibly more. I sit quietly during the rest of our stay, trying to respect Nick and the situation I just put him in. Nick and Joseph quickly move on and forget the previous events, discussing people they both know, and laughing about stories they both know of. At the end of the night, Nick says his goodbyes with a positive tone and Joseph politely kisses my hand before Nick escorts me out. Thankfully, Tanner has the car ready for us as soon as we walk outside.

  “Nick …” I said once he shuts the car door, but he holds up his hand while shaking his head at me. “But …”

  “Don’t worry about it, Princess. Everything is fine.” He said kissing me on the cheek and putting his arm around me.

  “You’re not mad at me?” He shakes his head. “But you didn’t speak to me … all I did was go to this party with my friends. It was supposed to be relaxing and nothing more. Jesse and I were hiding from all the craziness and then Rico with his … and yes, I might have got a little attitude with him, but …” I look up at Nick as he begins to laugh.

  “You might have got a little attitude with him? Might have? That’s funny.” Nick laughs.

  “It’s not funny. He was being a jerk.”

  “I’m sure he was. He is a punk. I rather enjoyed kicking
the crap out of him. Thanks for giving me an excuse to do so.”

  “But you did it in front of his father.” Nick merely nods in agreement. “That’s it? You’re just going to nod like it was nothing?” He glances at me with a pleasing smile. “Nick … I don’t have a clue about how much power you have, do I?” I asked watching as the devil’s eyes beam in the moonlight.



  Crawling into our warm, soft bed feels so good after the night I had, but Nick crawls in next to me, caressing my body with desire. “Nick, what are you doing? Don’t you think tonight was eventful enough?” I said laughing as he tickles me with strategically placed kisses.

  “It’s not my fault you showed up at the wrong place at the wrong time. You have a habit of that, by the way, we should discuss that sometime. But first, we need to discuss this business of you calling me your boyfriend.” He said kissing me gently on the lips. “I thought I explained to you that we are married and I did buy you an engagement ring that you never wear.”

  “Maybe we got married, I don’t know that for sure. I mean I have seen the paperwork but I really have no memory of it and I have nothing to prove it other than some doctored up certificate.” Smiling up at him, I lean up and kiss him. “Now, do I, baby? Plus, I feel like the ring really isn’t mine since no one actually proposed to me with it.”

  "I guess I will need to take care of that for you because I care too much about you to have you wandering around with an empty finger and no memory of marrying me.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him through my abundant smile. “That's all I have to say, isn't it? That I care or ..." Nick says and kisses me deeply, "that I love you." I nod and he laughs pulling my legs up around him. I watch his eyes concentrate on me as I feel his erection touch me, hit me hard, and finally go deep inside causing me to gasp with satisfaction. “Ohhh, I am so glad classes are over for a little while, I have missed you.” He said toying with my lips, holding my body up and into him. “Kayla, I want you to come with me in the morning.” I open my eyes as he tastes my lips. “I have a surprise for you.” Nick rubs his hand up my thigh and moves into me with a manly thrust. “A wonderful … big … surprise for you.” He said in tune with my moan.


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