The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 24

by Jennifer Loren

  With a quick glance at the back door, I stare at Marshal hard, “Bang! You’re dead.” I said with a wicked smile. I nod in Dwayne and Luke’s direction and move quickly to take hold of Kayla, moving her to safer place while Dwayne pushes Exie under a table. Marshal’s expression turns pale as Ryan enters with his men, shooting the fucks that have guns raised, beating the rest into submission before finally killing them mercifully, but leaving me the bleeding fuck on the ground. Ryan tosses me a gun and I aim at Marshal as he begins to curl up into a ball, begging for his life. “Like I said …” I shoot the fuck in the head, “… you’re dead.” Kayla runs to my side and I wrap an arm around her, watching as Luke stomps on the guy who laughed at him, clearly, dead - isn’t dead enough. Checking for any still alive, I glance around the room before eyeing Jesse, who is suddenly shaking and trembling. “Get rid of them before morning. Change out the entire room and someone better tell me who let them know we were here. Who knew how to get them in here? Who knew Luke was dropping off payments tonight?” Jesse looks at me suddenly as Luke seems to be oblivious.

  “Well, it wasn’t me!” Jesse yells.

  “Nick, come on. She was in the middle of this as much as we were.” Luke said rushing to her side.

  “Was she? Somebody had to call them to let them know the club was empty except for us. If she is so innocent, then let’s see who she dialed last.” I said walking towards her.

  “I don’t have my phone with me.” Jesse confessed quickly.

  “Is that not what was in your hand when you came in through the back door?” I asked.

  “No, you must have been seeing things because I don’t have my phone on me. I rushed out here so fast I left it at my condo.” She said wrapping her arm around Luke’s. I nod and I walk to Marshal, taking his phone out of his pocket, and dialing the last number that called in. Once her bag starts ringing, I don’t need to say anything else. Ryan and Dwayne take aim at her as she gets down on her knees.

  “Nick! Wait, there has to be an explanation. Jesse would never do this without …” Luke said.

  “Without what? Damn it, Luke! She played you for a fool, Luke! She was using you to get to me! Why can’t you fucking see that? She doesn’t love you.” I continue to yell trying to get through to him. He won’t look at her or me, so I walk up to him and hand him a gun, “Drop her.” I said, waiting as he battles his emotions. Jesse cries, pleading with him, making it even harder for him, if not impossible. “Leave.” I said to him. Looking back at Exie and Kayla, I order them out too but Kayla stubbornly holds her head up and refuses. I assume she is about to try to stop me, but instead she walks in front of Jesse and silently waits with a cold stare against Jesse’s watery eyes. Luke looks up at me and takes off out the door with the gun. Looking down at Jesse, I shake my head and take hold of her head, snapping her neck in half. When I look back at Kayla I expect to see a mess, but instead she is strong and controlled. “Let’s go home, Princess.” I said watching her smile softly with a nod. Kayla’s sudden hardness is shocking but comforting to know she can handle this life better than I thought.


  I talked to Exie for hours the next day, making sure she is okay, and that she is good handling the club from here on out. She is a tough woman, convincing me she is ready to carry on as if nothing happened, even reminding me that she remembers it like a bad dream which she believes is all it was, just a dream. After some quick remodeling and some gratitude payments to Exie and my boys, things are back to normal. The only thing that hasn’t gotten back to normal is Luke. We haven’t seen him since that night. With Luke running wild, I need someone I can trust at my side and I trust no one more than I do Ryan.

  Kayla is several months in now, she’s showing and causing me to be more cautious about her safety. She is resting at home after a doctor’s appointment today. One that she wanted me to go to with her. I wanted to make her happy, but I found an excuse to back out. My guilt got the best of me, so I find out from Exie where she bought the teddy bear for the shower. Apparently, it is similar to the one Kayla wanted as a child and never got. Walking softly into the bedroom as she rests, I kiss her gently on the head and pull a new bear out for her when she opens her eyes.

  Kayla jumps up instantly with a bright smile, “Oh, Nick! Thank you.” She said hugging the bear.

  Lying down next to her, “How was your appointment today, Princess? Everything good?” I asked, prompting her to take out something from her nightstand drawer. I watch her curiously as she turns to me and hands it to me. “What’s this?”

  “It is our son.” She said as I look at the picture, feeling something strange take hold of me.



  I bought another building and I want to change it into another business I can use to hide money. It has to be a moneymaker and I don’t want to compete with my other businesses, so it has to be something different. Wandering the facility, I try to come up with some idea. The place has excellent windows in the front, easy access from the road, and more than enough parking, it could be almost anything but, for some reason, I am at a loss.

  “Nick! Kayla has gone into labor!” Tanner suddenly yells with a smile.

  For the last few months I have been happy about the prospect of having a son, but I don’t think the reality of it all hit me until now. When we reach the door to the hospital, I jump out before the car has a chance to stop and run in a panic to find Kayla. The next few hours are a blur, the events happen so fast, or maybe I am in such a daze trying to comprehend what is going on, that I just don’t remember. Taking a seat next to Kayla’s bed I watch her nuzzle our son with pride. “Aren’t you tired?” I asked.

  “Yes, but I am too happy to go to sleep right now.” She said, closing her eyes as she kisses his head.

  “This coming from the woman that said having to take care of a fish would cause her too much stress.” I said.

  “Oh yea, I forgot I said that.” She said suddenly looking panicked. “Oh, Nick, what if …”

  As soon her eyes widen, I jump up, “Everything is going to be fine. We can hire somebody to help you for as long as you want and I will be there with you too.” With a curious smile, Kayla suddenly lifts our son up to me. “What are you doing?”

  “If you’re going to be there to help me, then you need to learn how to. Right?”

  “I meant for moral support … sexual relief … massages …sex.” I said with a laugh.

  “As great as all that sounds, I think you can do more.” I step away from her. “Try, Nick, you have to at least be able to hold him.”

  “He is very small, Kayla. I don’t want to hurt him.” I said, hoping she would give up on her quest, but I should have known better. She pulls me to the bed next to her and adjusts my arms before she lays our delicate child in my arms. He is so warm. I lift him up into my arms. The moment I look down on him, he opens his eyes to me and instantly he lures me in. “He’s perfect.” I whispered.

  “We have to name him you know. We could name him after his father.” Kayla said.

  “Nicholas?” I ask to which Kayla nods. “How about Nicholas Aiden Jayzon?” I asked with a smile.

  “Aiden? But your middle name is Alexander.”

  “Aiden is my uncle’s name, I was sort of named after him. He was my mother’s brother. Alexander was the closest name she could get to his without causing a fight with my father, at least from what I was told.” Kayla looks at me obviously preparing numerous questions for me. “He was good to me when I needed it and he is still important to me. If it wasn’t for him, I might not be here now. And that’s all you’re getting.” Her frustration is clear but luckily she is too tired to argue with me.

  “Aiden it is then.” Kayla said, lying back with a peaceful expression and slowly drifting off to sleep.


  It has only been a few months since we brought Nicky home, but already it all feels normal. Never would I have ever believed that this would be my life. Today, I am taking Ni
cky with me, a chance for me to spend time with my son without people watching to see if I turn into a gushing fool. Little do they know, I sneak into his room most every night and wake him up, only to rock him back to sleep. He helps me think, by giving me someone to talk to without me having to worry about giving him too much information. I love Kayla, but I can’t tell her about anything I do and Ryan is still learning. Dwayne, on the other hand, is content being told only what he needs to know. It is a lonely world at times. But now- now I have Nicky and he listens to every word and still smiles and laughs when I am done talking. If I had known it would be like this, I would have gotten Kayla pregnant a long time ago.

  I am taking Nicky to my new business to show him what he inspired, a children’s gym where he can play safely with other kids and not have to worry about predators coming after him. We open tomorrow but today is our day. Nicky is wide awake and, as always, eager to learn about everything around him. While my guards stand outside, I walk Nicky around, letting him play with whatever he wants to, but all he wants to do is hold onto me. The only thing that catches his attention is a giant stuffed Eeyore. I am not sure if the depressed old donkey is that attractive to him or if he just wants to chew on his ears, but either way, I take him near and let him play. His excitement over the animal is lively, but sure enough the ears are really what he is after. “Nicky, your mother would have my head for letting you chew on that. Good thing she isn’t here.” I said kissing him until he laughs.

  “Can I come in yet?” Tanner said poking his head in through the door, with another gift under his arm.

  “Please tell me you didn’t buy him something else?” I said waving him over and admiring his new handy work. The impeccably carved rocking horse is gorgeous but a bit too much for Nicky right now.

  “Don’t you even think of giving me a hard time about spoiling my favorite boy. Besides, I didn’t spend a dime and you know it.” Tanner said setting the horse down and picking Nicky up, ignoring his fussy attitude about leaving Eeyore. “Oh shush! I am the closest thing to a grandfather you have.” Tanner said beaming as he lifts Nicky over his head making him laugh again. “So, you open tomorrow?”

  “Yea, should be a nice little celebration. The mayor is coming to help cut the ribbon, as well as my Senator.”

  “Your Senator?” Tanner asked with a questioning expression.

  “I do pay for him, as well as the mayor. The dickheads cost me a small fortune to keep them fat and happy, so they better show up in their best smiles tomorrow.”

  “Are you bringing Kayla and Nicky?”

  “Yes, Kayla is excited and the family together will be a nice picture to boost my image in the community.” I said, taking my son back after he whimpers at me.

  “Yes, it will be a nice picture for the “feel-good” section of the news but it doesn’t explain why you seem to be on edge lately. Is there something I should know?” Tanner asked, knowing me better than anyone.

  “No, everything is good. I am not sure why I feel like something is wrong.” I said, kissing Nicky gently on his head.


  “Nick! This looks amazing. I am shocked at how well you did.” Kayla said as we pull up for the opening of the children’s gym.

  “Well, don’t be too shocked. I did have help designing it. I simply came up with the idea.” I said, kissing her with a smile. “But, thank you.” With Nicky in my arms, I take Kayla by the hand and walk by the line full of mothers waiting to get in with their children.

  “Mr. Jayzon!” A lady yells to get my attention. I greet her with a handshake and a smile and she kisses me on the cheek which sparks a whole line of women yelling my name. Kayla’s expression is priceless, but I bite my tongue to save myself from sure retaliation.

  “Unbelievable. You are even more attractive with a baby in your arms. AND your wife at your side!” Kayla said with a scowl.

  “I don’t think they saw you, Princess.” I nudge her until she smiles. “That’s better. Now, be your normal charming self. I need your help making this day go smoothly.” After we greet the Mayor and Senator, we pose for pictures before greeting the employees. It all goes smoothly even through the ribbon cutting and welcome speech to everyone. Once all the publicity duties are done, I escort my family right back into the safety of the car and take them home. With a sigh, I wink at Tanner as he drives us away.


  It is late when I show up for my meeting with Joseph Estrella. Nothing out of the ordinary, we have dinner regularly to talk about business and make sure we both have a good understanding of what the other is doing. As normal and routine as it is for me, I still feel like something is off with Estrella lately. Our meeting is at an out-of-the-way restaurant and we both bring backup with us. Trust only goes so far, no matter how long you have worked together. Ryan and Dwayne sit at a table nearby and already Ryan is screwing with Joseph’s men. With a single look, he calms back down but I imagine it will be short-lived. After we discuss business, Joseph begins to tell me about some woman he fucked at a party, only to find out later that she had a twin.

  “No seriously, Nick, I was so drunk by this point I didn’t even notice that they were wearing different dresses. So, when the sister comes up to me, I … you know, I rubbed myself against her hoping to entice her again, but the bitch turned around and smacked me!” Joseph said smacking the table and laughing out loud.

  “You mean, you didn’t get to do them both? Oh, Joe, you’re letting me down.” I said taking a drink of my tea.

  “Hey, let me tell you something, I may not have had both sisters but after she slapped me, I had this sweet brunette come up to check on me and she was more than willing to take a ride. The only bad part was- she was the one having the party.” He said proudly.

  “Why was that bad?”

  “Because I was invited by her husband!” He laughed. I laugh respectfully shaking my head. “So, have you had any adventures lately?”

  “Nah, no one wants me anymore. I guess I have lost my touch.”

  “Bullshit! I know you, Nicholas. I have seen the women beating down your door just to suck your dick. Don’t tell me you don’t have a story or two- probably five just from last night!” I shake my head and refrain from telling my old stories to satisfy him. Joe sits back in his chair with an odd expression on his face, “I saw your new business by the way. A kid’s gym? That’s something different for you. It looks like it is going to be a huge success. Congratulations on another smart move.”

  “Thank you, I am excited about it.” I said tensing up.

  “And Kayla. Wow, looking as good as ever. And a son too? Nice looking family, Nick.” He said with an awkward smile. “I ran into Kayla the other day at a coffee shop. She said she attends the college across the street. We had a real nice conversation, I can see why you married her and certainly why you wanted to extend the family name with her. I wish I had chosen someone as well as you did, Nicholas, but who knows- maybe I will get my chance one day.”

  “What’s that suppose to mean?” I asked watching him closely.

  “Nothing. I was only saying it looks like you have a real nice family.” He barely breathes another breath before I am up and in his face.

  “My family is off limits! You understand me?” I seethe against his ear, forcing the tip of my gun into his heart. Each of our groups of men jump up with their hands on their guns, but Joseph waves his hand to his guys and sits them back down. I back off and give a slight nod to calm my boys down.

  “Fuck, Nick, I was only trying to compliment you.” Joe says pushing tight against my chest. “Please, sit down. I didn’t mean anything by it. Hell, I didn’t even know you were married until one of my new ... eager boys let me know.” Adjusting my jacket back into place, I sit back down still eyeing Joe with an unrelenting glare. With a solemn expression, he rubs his mouth, preparing to say something that I have a feeling I won’t like. “I am a good fifteen years or more older than you, Nicholas. I don’t know how much longer I have here on earth
, but I know one thing our kind of business makes it difficult to let our guard down. It doesn’t allow for much romance, although I have tried. You probably know this, but I was married myself a few times and have five kids between the three wives and one maid. After many years dealing with them all, I figured out that I couldn’t let myself get attached to them. They leave, Nick, they always leave. If you don’t kill the bitch, she will leave. The last fucking whore left me one night and cleaned out all my safes in the process. She had movers come and load up anything that wasn’t attached- and still had the balls to sue for alimony. She was damn lucky I didn’t have her killed. If it wasn’t for the kid, I would have. But then what? I’m supposed to stay home and watch after him? Hire a nanny? I would just wind up screwing the nanny.” He laughed. “What I am trying to say, Nick, is enjoy it while you can but be prepared because it is only a matter of time before the bitch is hocking your balls for cash.” Joe nods, watching me carefully as I ease my temper down. He continues with his stories while I stay stoned face trying to keep from making things worse than I already have. Joseph is up to something, I can smell his traitorous intent all over him.


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