Hers to Marry: Sisters of Springfield 2

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Hers to Marry: Sisters of Springfield 2 Page 6

by Ellis, Eliza

  “Kat, it’s a no-brainer!”

  Her eyes snapped up. “Is it?”

  He sputtered. “Compared to what you’ve got going on with Susie? I’d think so. When did you get like this?”

  He slammed back into his seat, jabbed one of the last stuffed pasta shells with a fork, and shoved it into his mouth.

  Kat’s back stiffened. “Like what?”


  “Excuse me?” she hissed, the passion she used to feel when they argued as kids stirred from deep within. “You come back here after I don’t know how many years and tell me that I’m spineless?”

  He held her gaze. “You’re just a lot different than what I remembered. The girl who could jump from tree to tree with no fear and you let a jerk like Marcus stop you from realizing your dream?”

  “You think it’s that easy? That a man I trusted—who I thought I loved—betrayed me and I should just shake it off?”

  Drew’s gaze dropped and was silent for a minute. Kat set her fork down and looked around for the waiter. They were done.

  “I know what it’s like to be depressed,” Drew said, lifting his gaze. “I know what it’s like to have your situation dictate your outlook on life. I don’t want the same for you.” He leaned forward, his eyes earnest. “Opportunities still exist. It may take a while to find them, but they’re out there.”

  “You’re offering me one.”


  “No, thank you,” Kat said stiffly. She offered an apologetic smile. “If you remember the girl, then you know I want to do this on my own. That I need to do this alone. I have to pick myself up and move on. That’s how I’m going to win.”

  Drew shook his head. “It doesn’t hurt to accept help.”

  “Parker helped you? When you were depressed?”

  “She did. She was there to listen and offer a supportive shoulder. I don’t know how I kept her, because I must’ve sounded half-crazy to her, but it’s why I love her. She stuck it out. She didn’t give up on me.”

  Kat sucked in her lips and said nothing more. To hear Drew’s characterization of Parker was touching. Did her friend know how well he thought of her? How much he loved her?

  “Anyway. Sorry to be such a downer.” Drew sighed and looked around the table. “I like everything here. I’m not sure what to pick.”

  “You want to have a meatless option for any vegetarians, and not everyone likes pasta…”

  Drew laughed. “All three, then?”

  Kat smiled. “Parker is going to kill you. It’ll be expensive.”

  “Nah. We’re having a very small wedding. Intimate. You’re invited, by the way.”

  Kat forced her smile to remain, but she didn’t believe for a second that she’d attend beyond delivering the cake and passing on her wedding planner details to whoever the bridesmaids were.

  Bridesmaids! Who were they? When would they be in town?

  Parker hadn’t chosen them, or she hadn’t told Kat who they were. They were best friends, but Kat had been so out of the loop since Parker had been busy with work that Kat wasn’t even sure she was still in the running to be maid of honor until Parker had mentioned it at lunch.

  “Do you know who your groomsmen will be?”

  He nodded. “They’re flying in next week. Only three of them. Not sure if Parker has chosen her bridesmaids yet.”

  “I’ll ask.”

  “You’re the maid of honor though, right?”

  “As far as I know. And the baker slash wedding planner.”

  Drew had a thoughtful look on his face but didn’t say anything.

  Kat cleared her throat. She loved that they were friends again, but their interactions were still sort of awkward. She knew how to deal with that. “How about we stop by the bakery for something sweet. We’ll taste the different cakes tomorrow.”

  The corners of Drew’s eyes crinkled with his smile. “Sounds great. Can’t wait for tomorrow.”

  They stood, made the order for the food, and left the restaurant.

  “I’ve set an appointment for dance lessons too,” Kat added.

  Drew’s smile disappeared. “Absolutely not.”

  Chapter 8

  Drew and Kat reached the bakery and sat toward the back near the kitchen. Susie offered them a selection of some of Kat’s creations left over from the early morning rush and the lunch stragglers. Kat tried in vain to convince him to dance, but he was adamant that with two left feet, he didn’t want to embarrass Parker.

  “That’s why you learn,” Kat insisted. “So you won’t embarrass her.”

  “Embarrass who? Me?”

  They looked up with cake in their mouths at Parker, who grinned. “Eating more cake, I see.”

  “Just dessert. You missed the food tasting,” Kat said while Drew continued to chew.

  “Oh, well. I hope the two of you picked out some good meals. The food is the most important part. If we get that wrong, people will talk about how terrible the food was at our wedding, and nothing else will matter.”

  “We picked some great selections. Even a vegetarian option.”

  “Good, because I don’t want any meat.”

  Drew’s brows slammed together. Parker wasn’t eating meat? “Since when?”

  “You never told me you don’t eat meat,” Kat said.

  Her cat-like eyes pinned him with an annoyed look. “Since you proposed, Andrew. How else am I supposed to fit into my dress?”

  Drew and Kat shared a glance after studying Parker’s perfectly slim form. He sighed inwardly, thankful they chose at least one dish Parker would be willingly to eat at the reception.

  Drew stood and planted a swift, dutiful kiss on her cheek. “You look amazing, as always.”

  She grinned lovingly up at him. “I know I do,” she said with a laugh. “All because I don’t eat meat or all this cake.” She looked at Kat. “We’re still on for cake testing tomorrow, right?”

  Kat nodded.

  “Good. I’ll do that, but no more.”

  “Parker, who are your bridesmaids?” Drew asked. “Kat needs to get in touch with them.”

  Parker eyed Kat. “Why?”

  “Your bridal shower?” Kat quickly asked. “To make sure they know what’s happening on the big day.”

  Parker blinked. “Oh, right. I’ll let you know.” She turned to Drew and tugged on his arm. “Can we go now, please?”

  “Sure. I want to stop by the bank first.” He checked his watch. “Still have a few minutes.”

  “Fine,” Parker consented with a dramatic sigh. “See you, Kat. I’ll…get with you on the wedding details later.”

  “Of course,” Kat responded and smiled politely.

  Drew waved goodbye to Kat and stepped out of the shop with Parker fussing behind him. “I’d really like to get back to the hotel now.”

  “It shouldn’t take that long. I’ve had this appointment for a few days now.”

  She let out an annoyed breath. “What’s it about again?”

  “You know I’m setting up a few projects here, and I want to make sure all the funding is going through. Plus, I have an extra one to work on.”

  “Another one? What is it this time? Drew, this is going to set us back—”

  “I want to do one for Kat.”

  “Like what? She already has a house, from what I can remember.”

  A house her friend didn’t know she was close to losing if she didn’t pay back her bank loan. Irritation rose slightly, but Drew ignored it. It was clear Kat and Parker weren’t as close as they had been. “I want to help her establish her own bakery,” he said with resolution.

  Parker gave him a side-glance. “Kat doesn’t want a bakery. She wants to travel.”

  “I’m pretty sure she wants to own a bakery.”

  Parker snorted loudly. “I think I know what my best friend wants more than you.”

  “Is that right? Kat and I were friends long before you entered the picture.”

  “Are y
ou saying you know her better than me? That your relationship with her is stronger than mine?”

  That’s exactly what I’m saying. “I don’t want to argue,” came out instead.

  “Well, I wouldn’t waste your time or any more of our money,” she said in a cold tone.

  “It wouldn’t be our money. It would come from the company.”

  “Are you going to make her apply just like everyone else? You don’t want anyone accusing you of showing favorites because you two were friends at five years old or something.”

  He caught the jab, but she had a point. He had offered to pay for her bakery because he genuinely wanted to see her succeed. But she would have to go through the same application process as everyone else, and she might not get approved. “Let me handle that.”

  Parker shrugged. “It’s not my decision.”

  “And how do you know Kat wants to travel? Did she say that? Did she say she didn’t want to open a bakery?” He lengthened his stride to keep up with Parker.

  “She said she wanted to travel. How could she do that and run a bakery? I’ll tell you how, she won’t.”

  They entered the bank, and Parker sat in the waiting area with her legs and arms crossed and a scowl marring her features. Drew hated to hurry the associate along, but he did and received a couple of concerned looks.

  With the money secure, he could go ahead and give the all clear for the projects to begin. In a few short months, projects for a local vet, a senior citizen, and a children’s park would be either in the final stages or finished. He hoped to break ground on his and Parker’s home and have it at least halfway finished.

  Speaking of home… “Parker, I’d like to show you the spot I was talking about.”

  “What spot?” she asked when they entered Drew’s rental vehicle.

  “You know, the place where I’d like to build a home for us.”

  She leaned back, looking at him like she hadn’t seen him before today. “We’re not living here, Drew. I thought I’d made that clear.”

  “You made that clear?” he asked incredulously.

  “Yes! I said we could get married here, but no way we’re staying.”

  “Parker, your job has a satellite office here. You could still go to—”

  “Drew, I told you that I’m in line to be president soon. I can’t be stationed at a satellite office.” She laughed as though that was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. “I have to be in New York or an international office.”

  Drew pinched the bridge of his nose. “Wait a minute. You didn’t say you were in line for president,” he said quietly. “You’re the VP.”

  She rolled her eyes and let out a sound of frustration. “And what’s the obvious next step? President!”

  “Parker.” He looked her straight in the eyes. “For the next several months, I have to oversee projects here.”

  “Sweetie, that’s fine.” She cupped his face. “You can be here and manage them. I don’t have a problem with that. I’ll probably be in London anyway overseeing the international division. When you’re done, you can join me.”

  “In London?” he cried.


  “For how long? How long, Parker?”

  “Until my company moves me elsewhere. Really, Andrew, you act as though this is the first time you’re hearing this.”

  “Because this is the first time, Parker! You told me you were doing an important project, but you never told me we’d be moving overseas.”

  He struggled to keep his temper in check, but the longer he stared at Parker’s stern and determined face, the more he felt he had been lied to. Was it possible that he had misunderstood? That she had told him and he wasn’t listening?

  “Don’t you dare!” She pointed a finger at him. “I supported you for a long time, Drew. A long time. You were depressed…suicidal! Do you have any idea the emotional toll I went through trying to climb the corporate ladder and keep the guy I was dating from killing himself? All I’ve ever asked is for you to support me in my dreams. It’s my turn now.”

  She said those last four words with such authority it shocked Drew’s system. Had he been selfish? Was it wrong of him to expect her to keep giving and not receiving anything in return?

  “I have dreams, too,” she continued. “I’ve never been secretive about that. You knew what you signed up for when you met me.” She crossed her arms and kept her gaze forward. “When you proposed to me.”

  Drew settled his own gaze on the cars in front of him in the parking garage. He didn’t bother putting the car into gear and driving. He might run off the road, he was so distracted.

  With a quick flick of her fingers, Parker turned on the air conditioner, blasting them in the face. The air chilled Drew’s ire, and realization settled like a block of ice in his stomach.

  “We’re not on the same page,” he whispered.

  “You’re not on the page we agreed to,” she countered. “I was never going to give up my position to slum it in Springfield. I’m working the largest deal of my career, merging two companies. If I’m successful, I’ll be the president of the international division. That’s one step below president of the whole company. I’m the youngest person ever in my company to be in this position. The youngest! Do you understand how amazing that is? What doors could be opened for me?”

  It was an incredible opportunity, he silently agreed. It’s not like he would ever want to hold her back. But he didn’t want to kill his dreams either. “What about kids?”

  She sputtered. “Sure, they’ll come. But not in the next few months. I have to stay focused on the merger and then the transition. It’ll be at least a year before everything gets ironed out. Were you expecting me to be barefoot and pregnant as soon as I said ‘I do’?”

  Drew smarted. “Of course not.”

  “Then there’s no issue there.”

  Except that’s not how he felt. It might always be another excuse or reason and they would put off kids again. She was already dictating where they would be for the next year or so. Didn’t he have a say?

  “This is a partnership, Drew. I thought we respected each other.”

  He raked a hand through his hair and shoved his feet deeper into the floorboard. “I do respect you, Parker. And I’m immensely proud of you. I’m your biggest supporter, you know that.”

  She gave him a side-glance. “But?”

  He shrugged. “But I’m not so sure this will…work.”

  “What won’t work?” she asked with venom lacing her tone. “Our marriage? I’m willing to fight for us. Why aren’t you?”

  “Fight for us, not fight.”

  “When did you start having cold feet?”

  Exasperated, he shouted, “I don’t have cold feet, but I don’t want to live in London!”

  “You can do your job from anywhere! You can’t sacrifice for me? I haven’t asked anything from you except to consider the bright future you could have if you stayed alive. Now you want to demand I do everything your way?”

  Drew yanked the gear and slammed on the accelerator. He whipped and weaved around the garage. “I’m not demanding anything,” he seethed.

  “Well, I demand you stop driving like a lunatic. You trying to get us killed or just me?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous!”

  “You’re the one being ridiculous!”

  “Parker! We have to come to an agreement or the wedding is off.”

  She didn’t respond. Drew cast a glance at her and saw her arms crossed and her gaze out the window. He collapsed in on himself. He slowed his speed and silently contemplated the ultimatum he had just handed down.

  He hated to do it, but it was the only recourse. If they couldn’t agree on this, it would follow them into their marriage and, like a virus, infect it until it tore them apart. It might not be long. She would moved to London, and he would stay here to finish the home. Once done, he probably wouldn’t leave. Then she would demand a divorce.

  He couldn’t stand being th
e reason for destroying another person’s life. First Zache and now Parker. He’d come so far in battling his situational depression. He wasn’t about to backslide now.

  They came to a stoplight. Drew rubbed his forehead. “How did we get here?” he asked quietly.

  “Not paying attention?” she said with equal softness.

  He didn’t ask if she meant him. She probably did. She had been upfront about her corporate ambitions, and he had always supported them. However, she was constantly gone and busy, and he wanted his wife present. He’d want the mother of his children to see their kids grow up. He wanted to build a life together, not apart. He wanted a partner.

  A tear slipped down Parker’s cheek, and guilt tore through Drew’s gut. He didn’t want to make her cry. He loved her—or so he thought. She had been there for him at his lowest point. An ultimatum was a low blow.

  He reached to catch the tear. “Parker—”

  “I don’t want to discuss this anymore,” she said stiffly. She whipped her hand across her cheek. “I’ve spent a lot of money already, so we’ll go ahead with the wedding and figure things out. Maybe I won’t be president of the international division and I’ll remain here in the States. We could have two bases of operation. Actors do it all the time. Homes in New York and L.A. If you want a home here, fine.”

  He frowned. It wasn’t a concession he felt good about, but at least she was willing to compromise. He loved that about her. When there was a problem, she wouldn’t back down; she’d think of a solution.

  However, this time, the solution might not be enough.

  Chapter 9

  Kat iced the last cupcake for the tasting samples. She carefully placed it on a decorative plate beside the other three pieces of the same flavor. Taking a step back, she admired her work. This time she added two new cake flavors to their bestselling five.

  One of them came to her the day Drew walked back into her shop and said he was marrying Parker. A deep rich vanilla from Tahitian-grown beans with a touch of caramel and chocolate. A crazy combination of floral and earthy flavors that she perfected in three tries.

  Kat smiled. Creating flavors was truly her passion. If any of these new cupcakes took off, they’d have more orders on their hands. She had already iced the day’s cupcakes and set them out front for patrons. Now with the samples complete, she’d face the ultimate test: the bride and groom.


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