ROMANCE: Unexpected Love Series (Military Bad Boy Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (Young Adult Alpha Taboo BBW Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Unexpected Love Series (Military Bad Boy Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (Young Adult Alpha Taboo BBW Contemporary) Page 3

by Wanda Edmond

He thrust forward with a grunt, filling her full with his hard cock. Again he repeated the assault and Monica was whirling in a haze of desire and pleasure, blending into one lust filled moment. He leaned back, grasping her hips with his strong hands and pounded furiously, her cries of pleasure echoing over the deserted beach. Grasping at the wet sand below her she released again, crying out to the clear blue sky above head. Alex thrust once more with a deep moan, releasing his hot cum into her shaking body. They lay together, basking in the feel of euphoric pleasure and watched the seagulls soaring above head.

  Chapter 5

  The rest of her day with Alex, Monica felt as if she was walking on air rather than white sand. She smiled at him lovingly, watching the crowds with a peace in heart she had never felt before. With the tension momentarily relived, the two lovers felt free to enjoy one another’s company and spent the day laughing at the college students and listening to various music on stage. At dusk, Alex wrapped his strong arms around her once more and held her tightly. He gazed down into her beautiful hazel eyes feeling a confliction beginning to rise in his heart. This sensation of love was new, something different and yet he was fearful that his way of life would conflict with this beautiful woman and the life he had only dreamt of living. He kissed her softly once more, savoring the feel of her supple lips on his and inhaled her scent.

  “I have to go,” He whispered, “But I’ll be back. You should go have some fun with your friends awhile.”

  Monica looked up, the worry clear in her eyes, “Promise?”

  Alex gave a laugh, “Yes of course. I told you, you have my heart.”


  It had been a day since Alex had promised to return to her, and as time wore on a nagging sensation was washing over her. He had admitted his womanizing was true, and she began to fear that her love wouldn’t be enough to end it. What if he goes out and still acts that way when I return home? A wave of stress filled her stomach at the image of him still out hitting on woman while she sat at home. She followed along quietly as her friends hopped from one event to another, each time finding new music and collecting some memorabilia along the way. But her heart was less in the adventure than it had been before and she scowled as Carrie drug her along by the arm. Despite the wild activities around her, Monica’s mind continued to fly back to Alex. He was not her type at all. While she belonged in the world of science and nature, he was a leather clad wild boy with no ambitions and no direction in life. She knew she wasn’t the right type of woman for him. I have to let him go. She sighed, the tears welling up as she watched the sun setting behind the ocean horizon once again. Elsa looked back at her friend, frowning and nudging Carrie would was lost in a haze of beer and music. The two friends smiled at Monica, but it was clear they knew the situation from the look on her face.

  “Hey cheer up,” Elsa shouted over the D.J, “My mom used to say that if they love you, they will come back.”

  “It’s not that,” Monica sighed, “I just don’t think this is going to last long is all.”

  “Well maybe now,” Carrie laughed her usual cheerful way, “But at least you had fun right?”

  Their conversation was ended abruptly as a group of drunken college students approached. Monica’s stomach churned nervously, thinking back to the first time they had been approached by some of the locals and her bad experience at the bonfire. One of the men, a tall, skinny man with sandy blonde hair leaned forward to Monica, shouting over the music.

  “Hey there sexy,” He cooed in her ear, “How about you and your friends head out with us awhile.”

  “Sure” Carrie chimed in.

  “No,” Monica stood her ground this time, “don’t you remember what happened last time?’

  “Come on babe it’ll be fun I promise,” The tall man grasped her arm and gave her a wicked smile. She tried to yank away but his grasp tightened.

  “Let go.” She growled and Carrie stepped forward to assist.

  “She said drop your hand.” Carrie shouted over the music but the tall man just laughed and leaned down, attempted to kiss her.

  Suddenly Monica felt the strong hands of Alex as he stepped between them. His face was dark and full of a threat that only a fool would dare challenge. He broke the grasp, letting Monica free of the young, drunken man. Monica took a step back in fear.

  “Don’t you know what no means?” Alex snapped, his fists clenched, “Or didn’t they teach you that at school?”

  The young man’s eyes darted wildly between Monica and then back to Alex who stood in front of her ready to fight. He laughed sarcastically, “Yeah whatever, your loss babe. Look at this punk.”

  The group gave a roar of laughter and disappeared again into the crowd. Alex turned, his face softening as he smiled at Monica.

  “You ok?” He whispered.

  She nodded, thankful he had arrived when he did but angry for his sudden disappearance. The suspicions had been rising in her mind the entire day, pitching a variety of bad scenarios where he was out robbing someone or worse yet, in bed with another woman. Her mind stated her thoughts once again. I am not the right type of girl for him. He scooped her up into his arms and led her away from the dancing crowd.

  “Where were you?” She snapped, “I haven’t seen you since our little meeting on the beach?’

  “I went for a drive.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “To think about things. Let’s go I want to talk to you.”

  “Yeah I remember the last time we talked,” She folded her arms, reluctant to leave with him again, “I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

  “I told you I would be back,” His voice was calm, but she could see the panic in his eyes, “And I’m back. Please I want to tell you something, then you can go back to your party if you want.”

  “I don’t want to be here,” She sighed with a laugh.

  The two headed out onto the open road on his bike, Monica clinging to his sexy body once more as they twisted and turned through the crowded streets. With the crowd far behind them, he pulled into an old motel that had been converted over into apartments. It was planted right on the beach, the sand nearly overtaking the small cement driveway. He pulled into a small space and cut the lights, letting the engine sputter to a stop. He led Monica up the stairs to a small apartment, littered with beer bottles and empty pizza boxes. It was humble, with a living room and kitchen smaller than her dorm room, one tiny bathroom and an even smaller bedroom. She looked around at the old, mismatched furniture and meager possessions.

  “Is this where you live?” She sat down nervously on the tattered couch.

  “Yep,” he gave a sigh and flopped down beside her, “Home sweet home.”

  An image suddenly flashed through her mind, of her sharing this hobble with him after graduation. I haven’t worked my butt off the last two years to end up in this dive. She shuddered at the thought. Gauging the look on her face, Alex glanced around his home through new eyes for the first time, frowning at his situation even more. He had spent the day reflecting, cursing along the boulevard lost in thought over the conflict. Until Monica stumbled into his life, he had been satisfied with what he had. He had his bike and his gang, and a place to lay his head at night. But now he wanted more, a secure place to have his love with him the rest of his life. His drive ended with a vow to change his ways for the sake of a life with her.

  “You’re happy this way?” She glanced over at his frown.

  “I was,” he sighed, “Until I met you. I know my life isn’t exactly the glamorous world you had hoped for your guy to be in. But I have decided to change that. My wild lifestyle? It ends here. If you will have me that is.”

  “You’re saying you’re going to change, for me?” Monica’s eyes grew wider.

  “Monica,” he leaned in, cupping her chin in his strong hands, “I am in love with you. I am willing to change anything I need to in order to prove that to you.”

  She kissed him deeply, allowing the feeling of love and desire to wash over her
once again. Her heart gave in, the walls of fear and mistrust crumbling under his gentle touch. With his strong hands he scooped her from the couch, lifting her into his arms and carrying her into the small bedroom. Outside the sun was poking the last of its rays over the ocean and the waters below his bay window shimmered in a pale yellow light. He set her down in front of the bed, clasping her cheeks with both hands and kissing her again, the rush of need filling him to the core. He wanted her, for his own and for the rest of his life. She stepped back with a smile, removing her clothes and allowing him to take in her beauty once more. The hunger was clear in his eyes, and soon the two were laying together in the crumpled mess of his bedsheets. Her delicate hands found their way slowly, outlining the muscles of his stomach and thighs, and grasping at his thick erection. He pulled her on top of him, grinning upwards at the sight of her naked body riding his. She nervously slid herself down on his thick cock, the feeling of fullness returning for a moment. She froze, unsure of what to do next and Alex gave a laugh.

  “Like this.” He grasped her hips and began to rock her forward and backwards in a slow, torturous rhythm.

  Waves of pleasure overtook her body with each movement of her hips and she licked her lips, leaning down to taste him once more. She thrust herself forward, allowing his hard cock to pound at her wet body. Again she thrust, enjoying the look of joy on her lovers face. Her body cried out and the rocking became faster, more desperate to release once again. Alex’s hands gripped her waist tighter, her consistent attach on his hard cock filling him with the need to fill her once again. Faster and deeper she pressed him into her quivering mound, tossing her head back and crying out in pleasure. She felt her body rise, then burst into orgasm with a long moan. Alex followed, the quivering of her body setting off his lust-filled need. He gritted his teeth and came deep inside of her body, allowing his hot manhood to fil her full. She lay down on his heaving chest, listening to the wild beat of his heart and his laboring breathing. The sun had disappeared under the ocean once more, leaving a sky full of twinkling stars overhead. After some time, she rolled over to her side, smiling up at him with a look of love in her eyes. He gazed down deeply into her beauty and inhaled her intoxicating scent.

  “Listen to me Monica,” His face was suddenly filled with serious intent, “I am going to change, for myself and for our love. I promise you that the next time we meet, you will find a different man before you. One that is deserving of your love.”

  “I love you Alex,” She smiled, tears welling up in her eyes, “And I believe you.”

  Chapter 6

  With only a day left in her spring break adventure, Monica had spent the remainder of her days with Alex. They cruised the boulevards and hung out at out of the way diners and bars meeting up with more locals and having a good time. Unlike her time spend in the wild crowds of outsiders that invaded the beach each year, she was beginning to enjoy her time in Panama Beach, and her time with Alex as well. Her heart had finally given in to him, and though he was still the same leather clad biker boy, she knew in her heart that his promise to change was sincere. He carried her along on the back of his bike, introducing her to the fisherman by the docks where he worked under the table for rent. She watched amused as the men hauled in huge carts of fish for the market. He took her to meet up with the gang she had a rude encounter with her first night, who finally welcomed her in hesitantly. At least this trip wasn’t a complete waste after all. She thought to herself as they headed out for their final night together.

  “Where are we headed?” She called out from the back of the bike, now more accustomed to riding.

  “To a bar nearby,” He called back over the winds as they blew past the bike, “Some old friends of mine are in town and I want to introduce you.”

  They rounded another corner and headed into a new area of town, one more peaceful and calm than the main area of vacationers. The streets were littered with locals, going about their evenings in life as usual. It was a refreshing change from the college scene only a few miles away. As the bike screeched to a halt and they parked, Monica looked up at the two story bar with a sigh. Alex grasped her hand and the two walked into the hot, crowded bar. Soon he found his friends and introductions were made, the group of bikers eyeing her suspiciously as it was clear she wasn’t a part of their crowd. Again the fear welled up in her that she didn’t belong. She sat quietly listening as the group shared old stories with Alex and told of new adventures since they had last been together. Monica almost envied their freedom from the norm as she listened.

  “Hey there doll, where you been?” A tall, curvy blonde approached Alex from the side. She leaned in seductively and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “Well hello there yourself.” Alex looked up with a hungry grin, his eyes full of lust.

  “Come and dance with me,” She giggled wickedly, “For old times’ sake.”

  He nodded and rose from his seat, letting go of Monica’s hand absentmindedly. It was as if she wasn’t in the room anymore, and Alex was caught in some type of lust-filled trance. The vixen smiled triumphant, eyeing Monica with an evil grin as she took him away and onto the dance floor. The group fell silent, sensing the growing tension in the room from the woman’s sudden appearance.

  Monica was fuming with anger and jealously, watching as she lured him away from the table and out onto the dance floor. The woman glared over Alex’s shoulder at Monica, smiling a wicked grin as she pulled him nearer to her body. She was perfect, with long blonde hair and stunning blue eyes, her dress leaving almost nothing to wonder. Monica suddenly felt inferior. I can’t compete with that. She frowned and felt the tears welling up in her eyes once more. She had never felt more out of place that she did in that moment, and the reality that she didn’t belong in Alex’s world was sweeping in like a cold draft from the window behind her. She wanted to run away and leave the horrific scene in front her far behind, but she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of it.

  “That’s Alex’s ex-girlfriend Melissa.” One of his friends chimed in. “He’s been stuck on her ever since they met. But the chick keeps leaving him.”

  “Then why does he keep going back?” She didn’t take her eyes off the scene as she responded.

  “Alex is an idiot,” Another of the group chimed in, “Don’t worry her spell won’t last. He knows better, he’s just caught up in the moment.”

  “You mean he’s caught up in his hormones,” The woman beside her replied sharply, “Look at her, flaunting everything she’s got to the world. Damn woman is a homewrecker.”

  In that moment she knew she couldn’t win, with Alex almost entranced by this vicious beauty. She stood silently and headed for the door, in a hurry to leave and find her way back to her friends. She couldn’t take one more second of this. Pushing her way past a crowd she headed out into the cool air and made her way towards the small shopping plaza, electing to hail and a taxi and head back. The tears were flowing down her soft cheeks, the scene of them dancing tightly together stuck in her mind.

  “Hey wait” Alex had burst from the bar doors and gave chase, “Monica stop!”

  She ignored his calls, walking faster across the plaza towards a parked taxi. She didn’t care what excuse he had, she just wanted to get away. It wasn’t just the woman that had so easily lured him away, but the entire scene made her feel awkward and out of place.

  “Please Monica stop,” He called out again, the panic clear in his voice, “Please don’t leave.”

  She whirled around as he closed in, the tears soaking her flushed cheeks. He stopped, eyes widening from the shock of seeing her so hurt. He had realized when he glanced over at the table that his slow dance had been wrong, and his jealous ex-girlfriend purposely staged it to make her leave. Melissa was cruel and heartless and could never compare to the love he felt for Monica. He stood in front of her, watching how crushed she was, and was unable to find the words to sooth her pain.

  “Monica I am so sorry,” He looked down at his boots, trying
to hide his own tears, “I shouldn’t have danced with her like that.”

  “No Alex,” Monica shook her head as a breeze blew through the area, “This is where you belong, it’s your life. I am the one who doesn’t fit in.”

  “But I don’t want this anymore,” He approached her cautiously, “I want you.”

  “I know you want me,” She cried, “And I believe you really do love me. But Alex we come from two different worlds. How is this ever going to work?”

  He grasped her in his arms tightly and held her close, she could feel the shaking of his body from beneath his leather jacket. He clasped her chin in his hands, guiding her eyes upwards to meet his.

  “It’s going to work,” He sighed, “Because we both want it to. I promise you that when you return I will be a changed man. No more womanizing and wild life for me. I am going to make you proud to be with me.”

  “I want to believe you Alex,” She sniffed back another tear, “I want us to be together.”

  “Then trust me,” He kissed her lips softly, caressing her soft, tear soaked skin with his hand, “It’s going to take some time, but I will keep my promise to you.”

  The two walked back to the bar, hand in hand, and after a short goodbye headed back to his apartment for one last night in one another’s arms. She watched him sleeping, admiring the strong features of his face and how innocent he looked as he slept. The night sky sparkled outside his window and she gave a sigh. This place might need some work, but the view is incredible. She laughed to herself, finally closing her eyes to rest beside her love.


  Morning came and the two headed back to the hotel so that Monica could gather the rest of her things for the long flight back to school. Alex was quiet, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. She would miss him dearly, but they would be back together in one another’s arms soon enough. Carrie and Elsa soon joined them in the hotel room, looking exhausted from being out the entire night. Monica couldn’t help but laugh at the dragging sight of her usual bubbly friends. It looked as if the two need a vacation from their vacation. Alex chatted politely with Elsa as Monica changed into her travel clothes, a worn pair of comfy blue jeans and a plain t-shirt. He watched her as she muddled about packing and preparing to fly out his world, his heart heavy with sadness. Monica hopped on the back of his bike, riding with him to the airport terminal behind the cab that held her two friends.


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