Mantle of Supremacy: The Skrytosphere Book 1

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Mantle of Supremacy: The Skrytosphere Book 1 Page 20

by T. Z. Leigh

  "Just let me know when you find out anything," she told him.

  "Of course. For now, stop stressing about what you dreamt. Most likely it was just a nightmare."

  "Do you think he's keeping anything from us?" Jamie asked after Sven had left.

  "For God's sake, Jamie, what is wrong with you?" Sam chided. "It was a dream, that's all."

  "It wasn't! I don't care if you believe me or not, I know what I saw."

  "In a dream."

  "Forget it. Just go back to sleep, Sam."

  "I will if you just shut up for five seconds!"

  Zachery scowled. "Don't speak to Jamie like that, Sam. Especially when something like this has happened." He turned to Jamie. "Let's take a walk," he said, then followed after her as she stormed out.

  "You didn't have to be rude," April told Sam. "If it is true, you're gonna feel like a complete jerk."

  His patience was wearing thin. "Do you think it's for real? That she's having visions of what's happening somewhere to someone else?"

  "With everything that's happened so far, are you telling me that it's impossible?"

  The scepticism within him wavered.

  "And if she is right," April continued, "my Gramma is in danger. I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I find out what's going on."

  Sam was left on his own, already feeling like a jerk. He forgot that April would be worried about the dream as well. He threw himself on the bed and tried to go to sleep. After all the emotional crap he'd been through in the last few weeks, he decided to leave this issue to the others.

  "You can't make contact?" Fyzer asked Sven.

  "No. I will have to try again in the morning."

  "I'm supposed to sit here for hours wondering if my wife is alive or dead? I think I did that for long enough, don't you?"

  "I'm sorry, Your Highness, there is nothing else I can do except try again in a few hours. She is alive, trust me. You know better than anyone how stubborn and strong-minded she is, and they need her. They won't chance harming her without gaining all the knowledge they require to carry out their mission."

  "I'm amazed that you are so sure. How do you know all of this?"

  "From past occurrences, I know Teselda would never reveal sensitive information…and Irisena is waiting for the Year of Xaybor. They will be unable to unlock the gates without all four keys, let alone without the knowledge of where the sacred arena will appear in which to activate them."

  "Will appear? It's not a constantly visible structure?"

  "Of course not, then everyone would know its whereabouts by now. That is why it has an added safety measure of changing locations. No one knows where it will emerge until nearer the time."

  "Now I'm genuinely curious. How is the location revealed?"

  "About a month before Xaybor, coded messages are sent to each of the four rulers at different times, giving gradual instructions on how to locate the arena, like pieces of a puzzle."

  "Astounding. Although I must admit it's very precarious, should a ruler meet an unfortunate end along the way."

  "Hardly anything in nature offers one hundred percent reliability, but life carries on. There has never been an incident to this day, but if ever a disastrous situation should occur, I have faith things will go according to the bigger plan in one way or another."

  "That's a lot to have faith in, Sven."

  "Some things are worth putting your faith into."


  "They're taking too long," April said, as panic began to hold her stomach in its fist.

  Sam must have realised how worried she was because he sat down next to her and held her hand, although Fyzer's deep exhale made him let go and keep his hands to himself. Fyzer stood up suddenly, his face going slack as he gazed into the distance.


  "Where? Where is she, Grandpa?"

  A smile spread slowly across Fyzer's face, his eyes shining with excitement. "Teselda!" he called out.

  April's eyes darted left to right, searching, but she couldn't see her. Teselda's faint and incredulous voice escaped before she revealed herself to anyone.


  He ran forward, then stopped abruptly and held out his hand. A shadow became apparent before him, then a more defined shape so April could make out Teselda's clothes and hair. It was probably the nearest April would ever get to seeing a ghost. And finally she saw her clearly, holding Fyzer's hand. Teselda and Fyzer gazed at one another for a few seconds, before laughing as they embraced, holding each other firmly.

  "My love," she cried, "I thought you were gone, that you had been taken from me."

  "I've missed you so much," he replied, his voice strained.


  "Oh!" Teselda sighed, taking April in her arms. "I'm so glad you all are safe." She noticed Sam standing behind April. "And who's this dashing young man?" she queried, making him grin, before she laughed and hugged him too.

  "Where's Qayto?" Sam asked.

  Teselda pulled away, her face becoming serious and April thought something terrible had happened.

  "I do hope you're not intending to address him by his name. If so, you will find him very unhappy indeed…and believe me, it's not pretty."

  "I'm just not sure what to call him," Sam explained. "In the Sewasphere, I would've called him Dada, but for some reason that doesn't sound right here."

  "You can call him whatever form of grandfather you want…and to answer your question, he has gone to find Sven. It's urgent we contact Ryor and Ana. We don't know what happened to them after we escaped," Teselda said.

  "Escaped from where?" Fyzer asked.

  "Explanations can come later, dear, but for now we must find out if they are alright."

  Qayto had finally arrived. Sven worried if Jamie would speak to him with attitude while he questioned her. She wasn't used to dealing with royalty.

  "How did you see Ryor?" Qayto asked Jamie.

  "In a dream, as if I was in the room, watching."

  "Did you see Ana?"

  Jamie shook her head.

  "I do not wish to believe what you envisioned is true…but it seems inevitable, given the fact that Ryor was experiencing a substantial amount of pain in the night."

  Sven saw the worry and constrained anger in Jamie's worried facial expression, her rigid stance, and clenched fists. He hadn't told her about sensing Ryor's pain some hours earlier and so quickly spoke before she could freak out.

  "Your Highness, we will need to form a strategy for their rescue."

  "Of course. Let me speak to Zota," he said, walking to the door.

  "Nehaya is here as well, Your Highness."

  "Is she now?"

  "She has been training Sam."

  "Well, well. I'll have to see how they've been getting on," he stated, then left.

  "Why can't we go?" Jamie complained.

  "Your grandparents were on a dangerous mission to recover a sacred artefact. It was supposedly being kept in one of Irisena's headquarters, in the most hazardous place in Mezatica…so no, you will not be going."

  "My grandfather is…"

  "Your grandfather," he interrupted her, "would slay me if I took you into a dangerous situation like this."

  She glowered at the wall as Zachery walked in.

  "Any luck, Sven?"

  "No. We believe Jamie's vision was correct. Trying to make contact while they are in the custody of Irisena will put you four in unnecessary danger. A plan is underway to rescue them as we speak."

  Zachery looked at Jamie, "And I take it we're not going?"

  "No," she told him bluntly, "we're not."

  She kiroskoed out of the hut, and Sven and Zachery were left staring at each other as if they were thinking the same thing.

  "It doesn't look like she's going to listen, does it?"

  "No," Sven sighed heavily, "it doesn't. As much as it infuriates me, I have to admit that I'm utterly reverential."


  "Her resilience, bravery,
strength. Not long ago, she was in a prison herself. Yet, she is ready to march into another one knowing full well the risks involved with only love to drive her…the characteristics of a true heroine."

  "She's always been wilful, even when we were at college. I sometimes wondered why she was never expelled, considering the way she behaved. I guess now I know."

  "Ryor would be interested to hear that. He's a gentleman, but not one to tolerate a bad attitude," he said, smiling.

  "While we're alone…I've been waiting to ask about my mum…what was she like?"

  Sven smiled. "She was everything you would expect her to be, given the man you have become. A kind, quiet, beautiful woman who retreated into herself when things were troubling her. Sound familiar?"

  One side of Zachery's mouth turned up a little. "It's nice to know you think I'm beautiful," he said grinning.

  Sven laughed. "Well, that's the idea I got from hearing a lot of random conversations at your school. Amongst the girls, anyway."

  Zachery was taken aback. "Jamie was right. I am blissfully unaware."

  "Obviously. Listen, I must be going. Is there anything else you want to ask while I'm here?"

  "Not really. I just…wish I could have seen her, have memories of her at least." Then after a pause, "Do you think we'll ever find out what really happened with our parents?"

  Sven placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure one day we will."

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Jenna waited anxiously, looking out of her living room window. She hadn't told her husband about this meeting and specifically arranged it for when he was at work. What could she tell him? That three strangers approached her while shopping with a warning that she and her unborn child were in danger? He would think she was crazy for believing it. She replayed the conversation they'd had in her head.

  I'm too gullible. What was I thinking?

  "Hello, Mrs Spencer," a lady with an American accent said. "I'm Zara Quinn. These are my associates, Steven Robb and Ali Farras. We need to speak to you about something urgent."

  Jenna's question was wrought with apprehension. "What is it?"

  She noted that all three of them were wearing suits, official-looking.

  Subsequently, she wasn't surprised when Zara said, "We work with the government. According to our sources, we have reason to believe you are in danger."

  "Is this some kind of joke?"

  "I wish it was, but this is very serious. There have been people watching you. Bad people. You and your child are not safe."

  Jenna would have laughed and told them to get lost, to find some other woman to fool. But something stopped her. There were plenty of times she felt like she was being watched. A heavy, indescribable feeling on her back while outdoors, eyes averted when she turned around, sometimes by the same person randomly over the years. Her hand moved subconsciously to her stomach, a mother's instinct to protect her child.

  "Is there someplace we can speak privately, so I can explain everything to you?" Zara asked, her expression soft and empathetic.

  "My home. I will give you the address. Come tomorrow at eleven am, my husband will be at work."

  "Perfect. We'll see you then."

  They entered the front garden through the gate, walking to the door with purpose. Jenna pocketed her rape alarm and pepper spray, just in case, and opened the door, scolding herself for being too intrigued to turn them away.

  "Hello, again. Come in." She led them to the living room, trying to ignore the heavy beating of her own heart. "Please, take a seat. Can I get anyone tea or coffee?"

  Zara smiled. "That won't be necessary, but thank you."

  Jenna motioned to Steven and Ali. "Is there a reason why these two don't talk?"

  "We didn't want you to feel intimidated in any way, so we thought it best that only I speak to you."

  "So, why are they here?"

  "Because the danger I mentioned yesterday involves all four of us…and our children."

  "Tell me what this danger is."

  She listened as Zara explained her crazy story. About another world where people have superpowers, the four of them being of royal blood, an evil army's plan to take over the world, and finally, the danger of being discovered by said army.

  "I'm sorry, but do you expect me to believe any of that?"

  "It is the truth whether you choose to believe it or not. We are only here to warn you."

  "You're not with the government, are you? Any of you."

  "No. But that is the one and only lie I have, or will ever, tell you. There can be no mistrust between us if we are to help and look out for each other."

  "I don't suppose you have a way to prove what you've told me?"

  "I do, actually," she replied, giving a small smile, causing Jenna to stare sceptically. "As I mentioned, we are the heirs to each of the four kingdoms. Steven is the super-fast one, Ali is the super-strong one, you are the anatomist, and I am the illusionist. Skryt abilities do not work in this dimension…however, I have found a way to achieve this. I think I'm the first skryt in history to be able to use their powers here."

  "Let me guess, you're the chosen one, or whatever, right?" Jenna said drily.

  "No. When we came to this world, you and Steven were babies, so both of you wouldn't remember anything. Ali and I were around four years old. He obviously forgot, but I never did. I have known about the Skrytosphere my whole life and have therefore had a substantial amount of time to develop my powers here. I am no more special than the rest of you."

  "What's your evidence?"

  "There are numerous illusions I can perform, although I think for this situation, the most appropriate would be the Illusion of Desire."

  Jenna watched Zara's eyes become glassy and unfocused. She looked questioningly at Ali and Steven, but they only offered her slight smiles. When hearing a baby's cry, she turned around and saw a Moses basket that wasn't there a minute earlier. A knee-jerk reaction made her look down. Her bump was gone, replaced by a flat stomach. The baby started crying louder, so she stood and picked it up, looking at its tiny face - a boy. The sight of him melted her from within, filling her with contentment and a sense of purpose. She held him close so their faces were touching, taking in his baby scent; the smell of beauty, love, and innocence.

  "My sweetheart," she whispered, closing her eyes. "I love you so much, son."

  A moment later, her arms hugged only air, and the baby and Moses basket were gone. When she looked down and saw that her bump had returned, it was a stark realisation that the strangers in her house were telling the truth. For a moment she stood there, unable to move, as her mind attempted to process a truth that should have remained false. She stared at them blankly, unsure whether words would form when she was able to speak.

  "The Illusion of Desire," Zara clarified, "causes a person to see what their heart desires most. The majority of people envision a person they love, money, power, material things, and so on. You are very fortunate. Your son will be the most loved child in the world, I'm sure of it."

  Jenna's legs began to wobble and her body began to shudder. She laid a hand on the armrest of the chair to steady herself, then sat down slowly and carefully. She held her hands firmly to stop them from shaking, although it didn't do much good. Ali stepped closer and crouched in front of her, looking into her eyes. His gaze was warm and full of understanding.

  "Jenna," he said, his voice deep and smooth, designed for comforting. "We know how you feel. This was a shock for us too when we first found out…and still is. None of us want our, or our children's lives, to be put at risk. My son is seven months old, Steven's daughter is four months old, Zara's daughter is only one month old. We can't even imagine the burden they will have to bear. They will have no choice but to succeed…which means we are going to do everything in our power to aid them on their journey, to make sure they do."

  "I just…wish it could have been someone else's child. I know that sou
nds selfish, but it's how I feel. I don't want anything to happen to my baby," Jenna uttered after finally finding her words, though her vision was blurry with tears.

  Steven's voice was quiet yet firm and direct. "If it makes you feel any better, others are looking out for us too, skryts who have been sent here to protect us. We're not in this all by ourselves."

  "A little better, I guess."

  "I assume you already know," Zara said, standing, "but just to confirm, you can't tell anyone about any of this. Including your husband."

  Jenna rose after Ali had moved away. "Yes, I thought as much. Don't worry, I won't say a word to anyone."

  "Great. We must be going. The Illusion of Evanescence can only hold for so long," Zara informed her.

  "The what?"

  Zara quirked an eyebrow with pride. "Just anyone that might be watching…we were never here."

  "It is imperative that we are never seen together," Steven added.

  "Okay, but how can I get hold of you if I need to?"

  Zara put her hand in her pocket, pulled out a card and gave it to her. "You can reach me on this number. I would suggest memorising it and disposing of the card as soon as possible."

  "This might sound strange, but I don't want you to leave. When you do, I will feel like I'm on my own, in a way."

  Zara took her hand. "You're not on your own, ever. We four are in this together, until the end."

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  "The answer is no, so leave," Qayto said to Jamie as soon as she entered the hut.

  He, Teselda, Fyzer, Sven, and the four Masters were gathered around a table with what looked like a large map strewn over it. None of them paid her any heed, but rather carried on murmuring amongst themselves. One thing that Jamie couldn't stand was being ignored. And she definitely wasn’t going to keep quiet about it.

  "I don't care what you say, I'm coming!"

  All of them went quiet and looked in her direction. Qayto turned slowly, exuding intimidation as he stepped towards her, his body rigid, eyes boring a hole into her. His unnerving gaze flipped a switch inside her head, causing heat to radiate downwards through her body. She knew she should cower from his piercing glare, but that wasn't going to happen, no matter how long he wanted to stare at her.


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