Whispers in the Mind

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Whispers in the Mind Page 8

by Tanya Allan

  Rebecca was rarely lost for words, as Michelle’s utter frankness had managed this substantial feat very effectively.

  Unaware that Michelle was manipulating her very subtly, yet actually without any mental pressure, Rebecca sought to find the correct words.

  “I understand completely what you mean, as it’s such a shame that people can be so shallow to consider such things, but it is possible and therefore must be faced. If you’re honest and open, then people, hopefully, will accept you for who and what you are. Just don’t be in a hurry to form any lasting attachments until you are sure the relationship is right,” she said; the last sentence for her son’s benefit.

  Michelle started to clear the dishes and, much to Rebecca’s surprise, Gordon helped her, carrying everything out to the kitchen for the girl. This was wholly out of character, so Rebecca began to realise just how serious Gordon was over this girl.

  The chocolate sponge was light and delicious, while the sauce was just perfect; so Rebecca could not fault anything the girl had done. Grudgingly, she began to accept that this girl was not a flash in the pan, so it could just be she would be seeing a lot more of her.

  They loaded the dishwasher, then sat and drank coffee and liqueurs way past midnight. Eventually, Rebecca realised the time, so asked Gordon to call her a cab. It arrived a few minutes later, so she took her leave, kissing the tall Ukrainian on both cheeks.

  “Goodbye Michelle. It was a pleasure to meet you. Please be careful of my son, he is an idiot really,” she said, and Michelle laughed.

  “I know, and I will. Goodbye.”

  Gordon walked her to the cab. She got in, but before the door closed, she said, “Gordon, don’t rush her and treat her with respect. She’s far better than you deserve.”

  “Yes mother,” he said, and grinning, slammed the cab door.

  He walked back into the flat to find Michelle tidying up.

  “Leave it, we can do it tomorrow,” he said.

  “I have to start my new job tomorrow. I have this strict boss who may sack me if I am late,” she said, and he laughed.

  He walked over to her, standing close behind her. Turning, she looked him right in the eyes, as if daring him to try anything.

  “Thank you for dinner, it was amazing; you are a great cook.”

  She smiled, as he took her hands in his. She made no move to remove them from his grip.


  She simply looked at him, inclining her head to signify she was listening.

  “I’m not sure how to say this, but you were right, I am falling in love with you,” he said.

  Michelle was pleased that he had declared himself, but was more perturbed at her own feelings. She found his touch exciting, and the fact he was clearly attracted, emotionally and physically was making her respond in a similar fashion. The detachment she experienced earlier had dissipated, and she found herself being drawn to him.

  She decided not to say anything, but leaned forward and simply kissed him on the lips.

  It was a quick and gentle kiss, little more than a brush of the lips, but it unleashed an indescribable feeling inside of her. Her whole body started to tingle in anticipation, and she felt her breasts swell and her nipples grow tight against her bra. A warm feeling spread from her groin and, as he gently pulled her towards him, she found her pulse begin to quicken. The person she used to be had a momentary objection, but the person she now was told him firmly to shut the f*** up.

  He released her hands and gently placed his hands at her waist, so she wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked questioningly into her eyes.


  “Shh,” she said, kissing him again.

  This time, the kiss turned into something else, as her tongue met his and they locked themselves tightly together. His arms encircled her, and held her tight, and they kissed with renewed passion.

  She felt his hard manhood press against her belly through their clothes, and she pushed herself tight against him as if to encourage him. She was aware that the warm feeling she had felt in her groin was now feeling decidedly damp, and she knew that with little trouble she would succumb and allow this man to make love to her.

  Suddenly the fear of pregnancy hit her, so she broke away.

  He looked hurt and surprised.

  “Gordon, it is too soon. I am sorry, but I do not want to become a mother yet,” she said.

  He smiled and nodded, as if understanding that somehow to give in to carnal lust would detract from whatever was growing between them.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I am confused. Much has happened to me in a short time. I think I feel the same way, but I am female, so need time to think. Do not think bad of me, but I have never had a man, so will not give myself unless it is the right man.”

  His respect for her grew to twice what it was. His attitude towards sex had been casual and unfeeling, and for the first time in his life, he found he regretted his selfish and uncaring past.

  “Then, I will bid you goodnight. Although I would dearly like to spend the night with you, I’ll give you all the time and space you need,” he said, kissing her cheek, then he turned and went to his room, shutting the door.

  Michelle sighed, now more confused than at any time since the initial moments in her new body. She was content to be female, and so far had enjoyed every minute. The feelings she experienced were so overpowering, she began to appreciate why there were so many unwanted pregnancies in the world. She had come so close to having sex, and would have had few regrets, until she fell pregnant.

  She went to her room, and got ready for bed. She slipped into bed, and for some reason reached out with her mind to that of the man in the next room.

  Gordon was lying on his bed, yet all he could think about was the girl who had totally stolen his heart. He desperately wanted her, not just her body, but her heart and soul too.

  He had never been so consumed with passion and desire that he could think of nothing else. Yet he recognised that here was someone different, here was someone who needed to be treated with love and respect, otherwise he would lose her. He was unfamiliar with concepts such as these, so prayed that he could manage to respond to her properly.

  Sleep was a long time coming for both of them, but her last conscious thoughts were of how she felt whilst kissing him.

  Michelle was up at seven, had a shower, washing her hair. She found a hairdryer and sat at the dressing table in the nude and dried her hair. Gordon knocked on her door.

  She pulled on a robe and opened the door.

  He was dressed, but without his jacket on.

  “I’m cooking breakfast, are you up for some?”

  She reached out and pulled him towards her. She kissed him and said, “Good morning, yes please.”

  His hand snaked into the unfastened robe and held her naked buttock, so before she knew what was happening, she was responding to his touch.

  They kissed for several minutes, until she was as aroused as she had been the night before.

  She forced herself to break off.

  “Phew!” he said, smiling.

  “I am sorry, I had to know,” she said.

  “Had to know what?”

  “Whether I still wanted you as much.”

  “And do you?” he asked, frowning.

  She smiled and nodded. His arm was still inside her robe, which was open, displaying one superb breast, and her pubic hair. She found she didn’t care, and was about to initiate sex when he let go of her.

  “We don’t have time for both, and I refuse to allow the bacon to get burned,” he said.

  She turned away, closing the door. She enjoyed the feelings of being a woman, yet recognised that she was on the point of throwing control out of the window completely. However, she found that she wanted him, both in the physical sense and emotionally as well. She enjoyed being desired sexually, but it was almost more important to be needed emotionally, and this feeling almost overtook the sexual a
rousal. Combined, they were very powerful, and it dawned on her that perhaps she had fallen for him too.

  Her mind suddenly thought of the family in New Mexico, now without the husband and father she had once been. The wave of sadness brought her down to earth with a bump, clearing away all the desires that had almost consumed her a few moments before. She sat staring at this creature she had become, trying in vain to see anything of the old Mike.

  Shaking off the memories, she dressed in her smart suit again, sitting down at the breakfast table without the jacket. Gordon dished up bacon, egg and sausage, and with freshly squeezed orange juice, it was the nicest breakfast she had had so far.

  She looked across the table and saw him watching her.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said so seriously that she had to smile.

  “You must say that to all the girls.”

  “Probably, but for the first time in my life I mean it.”

  “I am flattered,” she said.

  “I didn’t sleep very well, as I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”

  “I was awake for a while. I am still not certain, but you affect me deeply.”

  “I am certain, I love you Michelle.”

  She smiled, as he took her hand.

  “I have never ever loved anyone in my life, so I know I love you. For the first time, someone else is more important than me, and I just want to be with you.”

  “Gordon. I have just come to this country, and many people have been very kind, but I want to live my life without being a burden to anyone else. You make me feel like a woman, and I want you badly, but I need to be sure that what I feel is love, and not just sexual feelings, or gratitude. Do you understand?”

  He smiled, squeezing one of her hands.

  “Yes, you wonderful creature. It must be so hard for you, so I will not make you ever do anything you do not wish to do. As long as you know how I feel, that is all I want you to know.”

  Michelle smiled, squeezing his hand in return.

  Mary was already in the office when the pair arrived, so one glance at his face told her everything she needed to know. Within ten minutes, the whole office knew that the boss had a girlfriend, and that she was utterly gorgeous.

  He allocated Michelle an office just down the hall from his, and she was amazed at the size of her office. The building was quite an old one, but recently modernised, and expensively furnished and equipped, with modern flat screen monitors on the latest PCs running Windows NT. This office was the London administration of the company, so co-ordinated the sales teams with the manufacturing centres, with the distribution and shipment units. The company employed eighty administration workers at this location, but it was quite a friendly place.

  Initially, Michelle concentrated on settling in, so went to speak to as many people as she could. She used her mental powers to gauge others reaction to her, occasionally managing to gently allay fears and implant positive feelings towards her. She found that her size intimidated the males, while her looks intimidated many of the females, so a little tweaking was required to facilitate her easy acceptance.

  Gordon found some translation work for her almost immediately, so she quietly got on with her job. She found that the time sped by, so was surprised when Gordon rang her and asked whether she would join him for lunch.

  The phone made her jump, as she was not expecting any calls, particularly as he was only a few yards down the hall.

  He took her across the road to a wine bar that he obviously frequented a good deal.

  There were some ribald comments as they walked in, while he selected a small booth away from the other men with whom he normally sat.

  “Do you not wish to sit with your friends?” she asked, and he laughed.

  “You’re remarkably observant. No, I’d much rather sit with you.”

  She smiled and looked at the menu.

  “Michelle, I’m a little worried about you,” he said, and Michelle looked up, concerned.

  “You see, normally in a morning like this, I would have achieved a lot. But today all I have achieved is a desk blotter covered in your name. What have you done to me?”

  She laughed, relieved to find he was joking.

  “Well, I finished what you gave me to do, so at least one of us is earning their salary,” she said.

  The waitress appeared, so they placed their order. She went through a show in being unfamiliar with some of the dishes, giving him the opportunity to get close to her to explain them, for which she seemed grateful.

  He ordered a bottle of wine and they settled down to talk.

  He asked about her life in the Ukraine, so she appeared quite open to him. She fulfilled his expectations, and he nodded sympathetically when she recounted the hardships she had experienced. He laughed at the fun times, feeling that he had grown closer to her as she revealed so much of her life. In turn, he shared some of his life, his schooling, which he enjoyed, and the early years in commerce, which he enjoyed even more.

  He accepted that his personal life had suffered at the hands of his ambitions in the commercial world, but was anxious for her to help him find himself again.

  She laughed at him, making him feel special, and he just adored every minute she was with him.

  Michelle ate her pasta, glancing at the man she with whom she dined. She had not made any contingency to fall in love, but as she watched him, she knew that something had happened to her. This man, whom she had simply seen as yet another successful but uninteresting businessman had awoken in her feelings she had never anticipated, and she was a little afraid. Part of the fear was born out of who she used to be, as there was an element of the old Mike still lying deep within her psyche, which held her back from being the woman she wanted to be.

  He saw her looking at him, and smiled.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I am thinking that I maybe love you. And that I am afraid of my own feelings.”

  “You? Afraid, never,” he said.

  “You do not realise what it is like for me. I have only been here such a short time, and yet here I am, with a job and a good future. If I fall in love and things develop, what will become of me?”

  Gordon’s face became serious, as he began to comprehend the difficulties this girl had faced. He actually had no idea of the inner turmoil she felt, but then she could never tell him the truth.

  “Don’t be afraid, you are safe here, I will let nothing harm you, and I will never hurt you.”

  “You say you love me, yet you only met me yesterday, when that love goes away, what happens then?” she asked.

  Gordon felt his heart-strings tugged, he could not even conceive of a time when he did not love this girl, but he realised that her fears were real to her.

  “I make no demands on you, and I’ve no wish to cause you hurt in any way. I say I love you, and I really mean what I say. I simply want you to be happy, and am prepared to do anything to achieve that.”

  She smiled, a little timidly, so he reached over the table and took her hand.

  He loved touching her, and he so wanted this woman to be his, but he was terrified of frightening her away by coming on too strong too quickly.

  “I promise that I’ll never force you to do anything you do not want to do, and that I’ll always respect you and your wishes, can I do more?” he asked, pleading directly to her heart.

  She shook her head, squeezing his hand. The battle between the old and the new was over, and the new had just won.

  After lunch, they returned to the office, and she held his hand rather tightly. He felt like a sixteen year-old on his first date, as he eagerly waited for her to return the gentle pressure of a squeeze.

  Michelle had now consigned Mike and his reservations and reticence to the void. She felt excited with the prospect of being a complete woman, and knew that what she felt for this man was probably love.

  She felt safe with him; she felt secure and happy. He made her relax and laugh, and they could talk ab
out anything and nothing, yet take strength and warmth from simply being in his presence. She smiled upon hearing his voice, and longed to feel his touch. In short, she wanted to be his woman, and for him to be her man.

  They were about to go into the building, when she stopped him and kissed him.

  “Gordon, I love you,” she said, and then walked briskly into the lobby, leaving him standing staring after her.


  The Boeing 777 landed at New York (JFK) on schedule, just after midday, and the passengers waited impatiently for the aircraft to taxi onto the stand. As soon as it stopped, then there was a mass of movement, except for two passengers in the first class cabin.

  Michelle was curled up as close to Gordon as she could get, and sleepily woke from her restless doze. The eight-hour flight had been wonderful, as they had been together and savoured each moment.

  She had been with him for a week now, yet still she would not succumb to the desire to have sex, and still he restrained from pushing. They both wanted to, yet something held them back. Gordon had never respected anyone as much as he respected this girl, and he knew that there was something very special that was developing between them.

  She stretched, pulling the blanket off and letting her long legs extend as far as they could. The stewardess walked past and smiled.

  “They don’t build these things for people your size, sorry,” she said, and Michelle grinned.

  “Oh, it’s okay, but I couldn’t travel back there,” she said, pointing to the economy section.

  The other passengers scuttled past and raced down the ramp to try to get to the Immigration desks so they could line up for longer. Gordon and Michelle took their time and gathered their hand luggage together. Then ambled casually off the plane, almost the last to leave, walking arm-in-arm down the pier towards the Immigration area.

  Michelle’s passport had arrived just one day before they were due to leave, so they both breathed a sigh of relief. She was now a British subject, and she felt much more relaxed. The alien manufactured money was still where she had hidden it, and she was not inclined to collect it. There may come a time when she would need it, but it was just one more risk.


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