A Vampire's Christmas [Milson Valley 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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A Vampire's Christmas [Milson Valley 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Jo Penn

  Tyler narrowed his pale green eyes on the huge, hunky gargoyle. “Only the ones who try to come between us and take our siblings away. Like you, gargoyle. Misha and Mother had to spend three days negotiating with you and your family over time allocations. Ryson is ours!”

  Dimitri was completely unaffected by Tyler’s accusing look. “You and Misha are very much alike. I begin to see you will be a great asset to the coven now that you have found what interests you and are more aware of the responsibilities. Did you discover your mate before, or after taking such an interest in coven matters?”

  Tyler slumped. “After, just a month or so I guess it was.”

  “That’s good, little brother. Having a mate will only enhance your determination and need to achieve. And from what I scented of your mate, he is not entirely human—”

  “What? I only scented human. Ugh, of course, you gargoyles supposedly have the best scenting ability,” Tyler grumbled. “So, does he have a gift? And what type of creature biology?”

  Tyler really didn’t care either way, he would just need to know in case it interfered with his mateship, or if Con needed help with controlling and developing his gift. Frowning, Tyler whipped out his own iPhone and began making quick notes to follow up on.

  “He has a minute trace of djinn. I would say he has a gift that will be triggered when you claim him.”

  Tyler may have gone bug-eyed, one finger hovering over his iPhone mid note typing. “Say what? Djinn? As in those bad tempered magical shits that don’t like outsiders? Man, thanks for that, Dimitri, you’re just full of sunshine and helpfulness.”

  Dimitri gave a little growl, which was like a bit of thunder rolling through the room. “I did not make your mate have djinn heritage, brother. We embrace all aspects of our mate—”

  Tyler snorted. “Get real! No one embraces everything about someone else. Like Ryson doesn’t like it when you get all domineering, or when you and your brothers watch football. He says you’re a bunch of barbarians and we’re vamps, we don’t enjoy barbaric behavior. See, even fated mates are going to find something or other annoying about each other.”

  “Even though I am extremely annoyed my mate has been expressing his dislike of me to others, I see you are showing great maturity to understand and accept the truth of that, Tyler.”

  “Yeah, I’m not a kid, you all just keep forgetting.”

  “It is interesting,” Ryson murmured, studying his iPad screen.

  Tyler waited with excitement for his brother to elaborate. After three and a half minutes of staring at Ryson, who said nothing more and continued looking studiously at his iPad, Tyler gave a loud whiny hiss.

  “Ryyyyssoon! What is interesting?”

  Ryson was so smart he was in the genius brackets. While Tyler had to work for good marks, as most creatures and humans did, Ryson breezed through schooling without really studying. These days Ryson was the coven’s research guru. And it wasn’t just finding information no one else could, it was the way Ryson followed the information, assimilated it, worked it through and saw things no one else ever could. That was Ryson’s gift, to see beyond what was said or done, what was there in front of him. Pieces just jumped together no matter how obscure or even if they didn’t exist to the naked eye. It was an amazing gift and one well utilized not only by the coven, but by the Surkov domain, the Alliance and different councils in the fight against Renegade bastards.

  “There is very little information on your mate. He is twenty-four years old, began university only six months past and achieves very good grades. He studies logistics, majoring in business transport logistics. He works as a motorbike courier and lives in a deplorable share house that should be condemned. As for family, they are estranged.” Ryson frowned, tapping away. “There appears to be no reason for this. His father is a very wealthy self-made businessman, his mother died years ago, his step-mother and father are no longer together and…hmm, interesting.”

  Tyler groaned. “Yes, yes, interesting, do tell, Ry!”

  “His younger half-sister lives with his ex-step-mother, it does not exactly say the half-sister is mentally ill, but she has depression and bipolar. Constantin’s older brother runs one of his father’s businesses and though on the surface it appears they are working together well, from the information I am generating, the brother also suffers from a mental illness. Depression, severe at times, though he has a family and is very happy with them. Ah, I see. Nothing but violence throughout the father’s family, which he carried through to his own when he married and had children.”

  Feeling a little ill, it probably showed on his face for when Ryson looked at him, his brother seemed a little concerned and confused. Dimitri gently rubbed Ryson’s arm in a loving way, which reminded Tyler that despite the ribbing and stirring they gave to the gargoyle and his family, he had to admit that Dimitri was good to Tyler’s brother, real good and helped bring Ry’s emotions more to the surface. Ryson could not understand deeper emotions. He had them, but the family were told years ago it was as if the emotions were shut off by a valve that would not open.

  “Whatever the problems were, we’ll help you with your mate, Tyler,” Dimitri said softly. “Mates are precious.”

  “Yeah, I know, I just…can you e-mail me everything you find in your research please, Ryson?”

  “Yes…I am sorry, my brother. But Constantin has done what neither of his siblings have. He has broken away from an abusive home without any support. Yes, he had money that his father gave him before Constantin left and that has helped him through the first six years since leaving. The share house he owns, he works hard at his courier job and pays half of his fees at the university, taking out a loan for the other half. This shows a strong, courageous soul and spirit…though very damaged.” Ryson was glancing at his iPad again, then abruptly he got up and left the room.

  Tyler gaped, then groaned and dropped his head into his hands. “Shit. He only does that when he does not know how to relate.”

  “Yeah, not a bad thing, though. There was a time when my mate would not even comprehend something unpleasant.”

  Tyler brightened. “You’re right! So, Ry’s slowly getting better?”

  Ryson’s little emotion quirk tended to freak some creatures out, which was always amusing to see, while others were fascinated. To Tyler, who had seen and felt Ryson’s true depth of emotion, he just hoped one day that Ryson got to enjoy life without what Tyler termed the “emotion filter” that stopped anything but the shallowest of feelings from seeping through.

  “Yes, we are gaining ground. Some more time with you and your gift would also assist.”

  “I thought Sasa helped?”

  Dimitri growled, not looking pleased. “My youngest brother is being temperamental.”

  “Ok-ay.” Tyler liked Dimitri’s youngest brother, Sasa Surkov, who was not like his much older siblings who were all amused by others and big and powerful.

  Nope, Sasa wasn’t much bigger than Tyler’s own five foot eight and had a whole lot of attitude, usually in a fun way, though.

  “I will see to my mate. While you begin getting closer to your mate and Tyler, quickly. Others will notice immediately that your attention is on this human. You do not wish to place him in danger.”

  Tyler nodded, understanding Dimitri’s meaning. It was time to make a wooing mate plan.

  Chapter Two

  Two months later, four months since first spying his mate, Tyler had put his “wooing plan” into action. He’d turned up everywhere Constantin was, left his mate little gifts and did everything he could to kick start the mating pull between them with the human. Unfortunately, the guy was just so damn resistant!

  And now Christmas was only a few weeks away. Tyler needed to do a lot more wooing, and fast. He wanted his mate home, with him, for Christmas.

  Time to implement phase three of the wooing plan.

  Over the next week, Tyler made sure he was everywhere Constantin was. He took his time studying everything about his
mate, learning what the human liked, what he didn’t, how he reacted in different situations and analyzed the most desirable times and ways to approach so as to make the best connection and impact.

  It certainly wasn’t a hardship spending so much time studying Constantin. For one, Tyler liked to assess and understand people and creatures, it helped when he mingled and he learned a lot about others. And two, his mate was hot!

  An inch shorter than Tyler at five foot seven, Constantin was slender and without sculptured muscle definition. The guy obviously didn’t go to the gym though had a great natural body with a little natural toning that Tyler’s hands itched to feel every inch of.

  His mate sort of looked like that dude from Entourage, the main character. He had darker brown hair that curled and waved just past the base of his skull and he seemed to prefer to wear it up in one of those man tails with the curled fringe hanging down over eyes that were a rich chocolate brown. Constantin wasn’t really tanned, more fair and was frigging hot! He got a lot of looks from both sexes but had this way about him that, though not outright rude, was standoffish and kept most everyone from approaching. They just looked, like Tyler.

  Once observing and learning as much as he could, Tyler put his plan into action, and enjoyed himself immensely.

  * * * *

  Measurements. Always so many measurements to memorize for the different countries, even states, and then to calculate. Time zones. Weight. Freight. Costs. Tolls. Yeah, lots of calculating. Fortunately, he enjoyed that.

  Reaching across the long, wide desk he’d spread himself across in the smaller of the two campus libraries, Con shuffled around until he found his measurements folder, which contained the up-to-date figures for each state and country.

  As he picked up the folder a student plonked himself down on the opposite side of the table from Con and with backpack on his lap, unzipped and began taking out a laptop followed by a heavy text and loose sheets of paper. It just about drove Con crazy immediately. If he could have without being charged, he would leap across the table, grab all the shit coming out of the backpack and toss it. Then the other student.

  But no, that was physical assault and this was a university library, meaning anyone could sit anywhere as long as they obeyed the rules. Con frowned and did a quick review of the rules in his head, cursing when realizing the student invading his space hadn’t yet broken any. And it wasn’t as though Con could physically pick the creature up and toss him out. Creatures were stronger and faster than humans.

  It was mostly easy to spot a creature. Depending on what type of creature they were, there were particular characteristics that made paranormals stand out from humans. Feline shifters were very light and agile on their feet, moving in ways that weren’t possible for others. Witches and wizards were very nearly always skinny to slender and smallish, and vampires were gorgeous and alluring, their eyes glistening.

  Con could pick out a creature easily, even noticed humans who had some creature genetics. Most humans were taught from a young age to distinguish between the different creature types. Apparently, creatures got shitty if they were mistaken for a wizard when they were actually a shifter.

  “Hi!” Tyler flicked open the laptop, smiling cheerfully at Con. “How’s the study going?”

  Grunting, Con snatched up the folder he’d been searching for in his mess. He’d just ignore the vampire. The creature was always smiling and surrounded by adoring fans and buddies. It wouldn’t take long before he got bored and left Con in peace. Hopefully.

  Oh Gods, Con really hoped so! Lately, every time he was at university and turned around, there was Tyler the vampire, grinning happily at him. First, it was the university bookstore a week ago. One of Con’s roommates—he didn’t know which, but he’d find out then charge the bastard—spilt beer all over Con’s third-hand textbook, completely ruining the damn thing because instead of wiping it off and letting it sit in the sun to dry, the cretin dumped it in the sink full of water to clean it!

  Who did that? Con just bet it was Donnie. The man was so frigging forgetful he often went out leaving the front door wide open for anyone and their animal just to wander in. Thankfully there was nothing of worth to steal in the place, though that hadn’t stopped a few from taking the broken down microwave.

  Fortunately, Con was able to buy an older edition of his textbook, a fourth-hand one, fairly cheaply to replace the third-hand.

  In the bookstore Con had looked around thinking the vampire was speaking to someone else then when realizing the creature was actually speaking to him, he glared and pushed past. The very next day, Con again ran into Tyler, this time in the cafeteria.

  Con had seen the vampire there in the last few months a few times. Con noticed everything around him—best always to stay alert. He never wanted to be caught unaware. Tyler was with a really hot, young-looking blond creature and a group of students. They were all dressed in the best clothes, had the latest accessories, and seemed so damn happy it made Con’s head hurt.

  At the cafeteria where Con was devouring his tofu salad while reading his new fourth-hand earlier edition textbook, the large group decided to join him at his nearly empty table. Tyler sat beside Con and offered him a bottle of water. Annoyed at the creature—why exactly was he always around?—Con glared and snatched up his belongings and stomped out.

  Just his luck Tyler turned up in Con’s class the very next day and sat right beside him. It didn’t make sense. For one, Tyler hadn’t ever been in the class before and it’d been going for three weeks, a bit late to suddenly join, and two, why was the creature always around? It couldn’t be for Con’s winning personality, because he didn’t have one! And Tyler had enough friends to keep him well occupied. Annoyed, thinking maybe the vampire was trying to make Con a pet project or to get close to him and humiliate—Con was nothing if not cynical and suspicious—he ignored the vampire as best he could despite the creature leaning closer, touching the edge of Con’s notebook and with a big smile, asking if he could borrow a pen.

  As the man had a dozen high quality pens in front of him and his laptop open with no sheet of paper in sight, Con was understandably suspicious as to what the vampire was up to.

  Every frigging day for a week the vampire was there, annoying Con until he was ready to pull his hair out and call a cop. This had to be harassment, right? So Con went to the cops.

  “So a vampire is being friendly toward you?” The cop had looked at Con as if he was mental.

  Con didn’t trust friendly. There was always something beneath the friendliness. Usually, it hid the other person’s real interest and intent. Everybody wanted something and Con just wasn’t interested. He wanted to study, get reasonable to good grades, he wasn’t that smart so had to work twice as hard as others to retain the information and understand it correctly. He didn’t want to make friends, he had one and that was more than enough.

  Flicking a cautious look over at the vampire beneath his curls, Con contemplated what it was that the man wanted. Did he believe Con was a project to fix? A charity case? Did Tyler want something from him? Not understanding that, he sighed to himself and went back to his work, though not before once again cataloging the vampire’s natural beauty.

  Vampires were ethereal creatures and always just so dang attractive. The theory on that was their beauty was also a weapon, one used to lure their victims in. Well, Con was going to remain cautious around the vampire, as he didn’t want to be lured anywhere. Though, Tyler seemed to have more to him than just beauty and the luring quality. Not that Con hadn’t noticed Tyler’s abundance of beauty. He often found himself daydreaming about the vampire’s unusual, clear, light-green eyes fringed by long, thick, dark lashes. Tyler had a straight, perfect classic nose, smooth light olive complexion, light brown and blond hair that was longish and styled in a trendy, floppy cut that came a little over his face and flicked around whenever he moved. The man wasn’t overly tall, an inch taller than Con’s own five foot seven, but where Con was lean, Tyler w
as slender and with perfect muscle definition. Con had seen the man with his shirt off in the university pool. Tyler was built, every muscle sculpted.

  Frowning over how his body jerked and became a little turned on at the memory of Tyler mostly naked and dripping wet, Con growled at himself and got back to work. And he ignored Tyler sniffing the air and grinning.

  “So, class the other day. My computer didn’t save my notes for some reason. Could I copy yours?”

  This so was not happening. Con had thought of every possibility why Tyler would be hanging around him so often, beginning with the vampire liked the smell of Con’s blood. Or he was a charity project. Even setting Con up for some sort of frat humiliation. But after literally running into Tyler yesterday in the computer lab, the place empty except for the blond friend of Tyler’s and two big vampires who followed the vamp around everywhere, Con had a fairly good idea what it was that had the vampire following him around.

  Tyler had bumped Con into a wall and pressed lightly against him, not enough to make Con feel completely trapped, just enough for their bodies to brush and to feel the contours of the other man’s body. Especially his groin that was quickly rising at the contact. Tyler had smiled differently from his usual happy grin. It was soft and sensual, luring even, and he tangled his fingers with Con’s.

  For a few minutes, Con was too shocked to move. The feel of the vampire’s body against his was overwhelming, heady and completely blanked any thoughts he had of pushing the man away. Instead he stood there gaping a little, feeling Tyler’s body against his, their fingers touching, a thumb stroking his and watching those pale green eyes that seemed to be searching for something deep inside Con.

  It was obvious after that incident that Prince Tyler Durand of the renowned and largest vamp coven in the world, the most powerful, too—Con had done his research, best always to be prepared—was interested in Con other than friendship or as a charity project. Maybe he still wanted those things, Con couldn’t be sure at this stage, and he really didn’t want to know anyway.


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