A Vampire's Christmas [Milson Valley 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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A Vampire's Christmas [Milson Valley 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 12

by Jo Penn

  His mate’s scent, his taste and the feel of Constantin all added to Tyler’s needs. The way Constantin responded and caressed Tyler’s hair, raising his ass as Tyler located the little knob of nerves inside, had his cock throbbing and leaking, demanding he hurry along preparing his mate.

  But he didn’t want to. Sure, his cock may fall off and he may actually come just from the combination of everything Constantin, but it was worth it, Tyler was one hundred percent certain of that. The man was gorgeous, his body a display of masculine beauty, his responses genuine and the way he touched was addictive. Tyler would always crave his mate’s touch now.

  He took his time and enjoyed touching his mate, bringing Constantin pleasure. He sucked, licked and explored every inch of his mate, all the while opening him to take Tyler easily. When he felt Constantin was ready he stopped teasing and took his man’s cock fully into his mouth and sucked, swallowing as he rubbed that little knob inside his mate’s ass. Constantin gave a low groan and pulling back on his mate’s cock, warm, salty come landed on Tyler’s tongue. He drunk his mate down and when Constantin finished coming, Tyler removed his fingers and used the rest of the lube to coat his dick.

  Crawling up his mate’s body, Tyler positioned himself at Constantin’s entrance.

  “Breathe out, sweets. Let me in.”

  Pushing past the first muscle, Tyler paused, studying his mate. Chocolate brown eyes returned his scrutiny. Reaching up, Constantin hooked a hand around Tyler’s neck and guided their lips together for a kiss that left him panting, needing to get inside his mate. Slowly, Tyler pushed further, watching his mate as his dick was practically strangled by the tightest ass he’d ever enjoyed. It was a battle not to come and when he hit bottom, Tyler knew this was going to be a fast, wild ride. Constantin seemed to agree and wrapped his legs around Tyler’s hips and lifted his ass.

  Tyler drew back until just the tip of his cock remained inside Constantin, then plunged forward, hissing as he was strangled and engulfed in warmth and heat. After that, his body took over and he slammed into Constantin again and again, needing more, to be closer, to have all of his mate. It was a struggle to hold back the mating bond but Tyler did, honoring his mate’s wishes, and let himself enjoy the overwhelming pleasure of being with his mate.

  Constantin met each thrust, his ass sucking Tyler in over and over, the mate’s head thrown back, chocolate eyes closed. The sight broke the last of Tyler’s reserve and as his balls rolled, he reached out and slipped one hand to the back of Constantin’s head and jerked it to the right, exposing his mate’s throat. Constantin’s breath hitched, Tyler pausing a moment, but when his mate didn’t move, he struck, sinking sharp fangs deep into the man’s neck. Sweet, rich blood flowed into his mouth, Tyler groaning with the first taste. Beneath him he felt Constantin still, body tensing, then jerk and the smell of his man’s release filled his senses. Growling, Tyler sucked down that delicious blood at the same time he took his mate’s gorgeous body, pounding that tight, hot little hole, using one hand to lift Constantin higher and spread him further so Tyler could get closer, connect them deeper.

  He came hard, yelling through the orgasm that rocked him with its fierce intensity, the depth of his need and emotions. He just managed to retain enough sense to close the bite as his body unloaded deep inside his mate.

  This man, his beautiful mate, was Tyler’s everything.

  * * * *

  The walk of shame.

  Nah! Tyler grinned and waved at everyone they passed throughout the coven on the way back to their suite.

  Nope, this was the walk of celebration! He’d claimed his mate and they both smelt like sex, really fucking-fantastic-sex! That to a creature was to be celebrated.

  Con kept his head down and muttered at Tyler to hurry the fuck up and stop waving. Laughing, he kept an arm around his gorgeous mate, who looked well and truly loved on. Tyler couldn’t wait to get his hands on his mate, hopefully they could begin in the shower and continue in bed, or any and every surface in their suite! He would have stayed in the office but damn Misha had disabled the lock on the door just because Tyler locked his brother out one day and had a mini party in there.

  A whistle drew his attention. Amit, Cary, and Shelby gave him the thumbs up. Tyler grinned and waved and got elbowed in the stomach by Constantin. Amit leered at Con and gripped his own groin, thrusting forward suggestively. Tyler decided he’d have to talk to his old friend about appropriate behavior, right after he beat the hell out of Amit for leering at his mate.

  With a piercing hiss, Tyler let go of Constantin and using his super speed, threw himself on Amit. They tumbled to the hard marble floor, Tyler on top.

  “Stop ogling my mate!” Tyler snarled, a haze of possessive, jealous rage taking over. He needed to remove the threat to his mateship, get rid of the one who wanted to touch his mate, lusted after him. Hissing, Tyler raised his hands, the long razor sharp talons sliding down. “I’m just going to slice off your fingers so you can’t touch Constantin. And your dick. I like your dick, but it has to go.”

  “Ahh! Help! Tyler, buddy, stop!” Amit screamed.

  “Tyler Pierre Horatio Durand! You hop off that boy and leave his fingers and private parts attached to his body.”

  Tyler winced, glancing to his right to see his mother standing there looking amused. “But, Ma! He’s ogling my mate. Just a little slicing, I won’t hurt him much. How about three fingers and his balls?”

  “Up you hop.” Dimitri jerked Tyler off Amit by the back of his shirt and dragged him to the vampire Queen, who was smiling indulgently. “Your own fault, young’un. I warned you about fucking around with friends. Clouds the lines with mates and friendship.”

  “You fucked him?” Constantin pointed to Amit, eyes wide.

  “Oh shit.” Tyler wriggled to get free but Dimitri just held him firmly and jiggled him a bit.

  “Told you it’d come back to bite you in the ass.”

  “You’re really not helping, gargoyle.” Tyler hissed and managed to get free. He immediately raced over to Constantin and held his mate close, hissing at Amit, who ran off.

  “Them too?” His human asked, jerking his chin toward Cary and Shelby.

  Cary shook his head, smiling. “Friends only. We’ve been friends since we were kids. Catch you later, Ty, Con. Come on, Shelby, we have band practice.”

  “Now, darling, we do not attack others unless they become too annoying.” Queen Bethany smiled happily at them. “Hello, Constantin, I am Tyler’s mother. You will call me Ma also.”

  Con was wide eyed. “Err, ah…Your Majesty?”

  “No, dear. Ma. Now.” She wrinkled her nose delicately. “Shower. Change and meet me in the dining room for lunch, boys.” Pale green eyes narrowed as she looked past them. “Xavier! Keeley! Come, we have much to discuss. Dimitri, locate Misha, he has disappeared. And bring my darling Ryson.”

  Laughing, Tyler gave his dazed mate a smacking kiss on the lips and steered him through the large coven building to their suite. Constantin was a touch annoyed about Tyler attacking Amit, but possibly more annoyed that Tyler had sex with the other vampire. Tyler decided not telling Constantin about the threesomes he once enjoyed and his fuck buddies here in the city and in New York was for the best. Some things should just remain private in the past.

  There went his afternoon of bonding. Tyler was certain with persistence, he could have convinced Constantin to let Tyler bond them today.

  After a shower, which Constantin did not share with him, Tyler dressed once again, making sure to wear something to draw his mate’s attention. He daydreamed about claiming the man, this time in bed with Tyler’s dick deep in his human’s fucking tight little ass.

  Oh yeah, he couldn’t wait. They’d bond, be able to feel what the other felt, talk to one another telepathically. Constantin would know Tyler then and all the silly nonsense over not being what Tyler would need and want would go. Once bonded, the mate would feel just how very much Tyler adored and lusted after him
. It was more than adore. Every minute he spent with Constantin made Tyler’s life feel right. Everything was enhanced and his heart was full of nothing but love and hope for their future together. Man, he just couldn’t believe how lucky he was. And it wasn’t just the mate’s looks, though like wow! Tyler wanted to touch and devour every inch of his gorgeous mate. But it was even more.

  He now understood the term soul mate. The connection that was there moved him to his core and brought out feelings he never knew he could possess. He loved that Constantin stood up for himself, and how he did it. He didn’t rant and rave, he didn’t put others down when angry, nope, he got a bit snappish, could get fired up, or just simply told it as it was. And he was smart and determined, Tyler liked the man’s style though would never be able to pull it off, just wasn’t him, and he loved that though Constantin was out of his depth and probably felt like he was drowning at times, he was trying.

  But caring when Tyler was hurting emotionally? Yeah, that was special. The mate had loved on him, opened to him.

  And he was taking a long time in the shower. Tyler walked over and knocked on the en suite door just as a phone rang.

  “Sweets, you all right in there? Need me to come in and moisturize your hot bod?”

  Constantin grunted something before answering. “No. Is that my phone?”

  “Yeah. Want me to answer?” Tyler walked over and picked up the phone that had a multi-colored cover. “Caller unknown.”

  “Don’t know. Answer if you want.”

  Surprised, Tyler did just that. Not many creatures let others near their phone, let alone answer it. “Hello, Constantin’s phone.”

  “H-hello…” a voice whispered. “Be c-careful, don’t go home. The Renegades are after you.”

  “What? Who is—” Tyler frowned at the phone as the caller hung up. That was weird, and worrying.

  “Wrong number? I don’t get many calls except from work and my roommates. What’s happening with Hadley anyway?”

  Tyler glanced at his mate, noting the snug, slate-gray corduroy pants that rode low on Constantin’s hips, the collared, long-sleeve black-and-white jersey. His hair was out and bouncing in a bundle of curls every time he moved.

  With his cock hardening and hands twitching to grab, Tyler forgot about the call and, with two quick steps, swept his mate up and into his arms and took the man’s soft lips. Yeah, he needed this mouth under his.

  A throat cleared behind them and a haze of possessive rage filled Tyler. Hissing, he turned toward the door and glared.

  “We need to discuss that call, Tyler. And you two are meant to be having lunch with Ma in the dining room. I suggest you do not miss that.” Misha stood in the doorway.

  If having a tantrum like a two year old would help, Tyler would do it immediately. With a sigh he snuggled Constantin close, sniffed his mate and patted his ass.

  “Hey!” Constantin jumped away. “What call?”

  “There was a call on your phone, Constantin. A warning to not return home as Renegades are after you. Well, I assume after you as it was your phone.”

  “W-what? Me?” Constantin’s face drained of color. “B-but…”

  “Sweets, it’s okay, you’re safe. Misha!” Tyler scolded his brother.

  Misha winced. “Apologies. There are many changes for Constantin at present. We shall go through them gradually. Congratulations on claiming your mate, little brother.”

  “Thanks.” Tyler grinned, then lost it. “So, you bugged my mate’s phone, hey.”

  “Of course.”

  “What? Of course? That’s an invasion of privacy—” Constantin exclaimed.

  “It is necessary during these Renegade difficulties. We have had a traitor in our midst before and though I did not, in any way, believe you to be a Renegade, you can now see how the problem with these creatures can affect anyone.”

  Constantin frowned. “The call? But why would Renegades be after me?”

  “Because of me, sweets. Because of the Durands and the Alliance, all the good guys who fight these bastards who think nothing of destroying others to get what they want. Money. Power. To rule the world.” Tyler flung his hands wide, pacing. “Can you trace the call, Misha?”

  “It was too brief. What we do know is it came from the university. I will need you to think of who may have your number and call to warn you, Constantin.”

  “Umm, okay.” Constantin put out his hand.

  Surprised but happy that his mate was reaching out possibly for support and comfort, Tyler clasped Constantin’s hand in his and smiled. “I’m sorry—”

  “Renegades are shitheads.”

  Damn, Tyler loved this man. “Yeah, they are. Hungry?”

  “A bit…whoa!”

  “Holy shit!” Tyler tightened his grip on Constantin’s hand as his mate’s body faded in and out. He tugged his mate into his arms. “What the hell was that?”

  “That was teleportation, Tyler.” Misha quirked a brow at Constantin. “Were you thinking of lunch, perhaps the dining room?”


  “Your teleportation ability has been unlocked when Tyler claimed you. You will need to be cautious until you have it under control.” Misha pierced Tyler with a look. “Did I not tell you this gift would not be awesome?”

  “Argh, yeah, I take it all back.”

  Chuckling, a little evilly, Misha strode out of the room, waving over his shoulder.

  “I’m just going to keep hold of you, sweets, just until we get the teleporting under control, and maybe even after that.”

  When Constantin’s body half faded in and out during the walk to the dining room, Tyler admonished his mate for thinking of anything but walking to the dining room. Constantin argued it was hard and a moment later nearly faded out again. Tyler kept a tight hold, picked up his mate, and bolted, scattering half a dozen vampires out of the way. Once in the room, he slammed the door and hissed at Dimitri.

  “We need some gargoyle or witch potion. Constantin’s teleportation gift has kicked in and he’s fading in and out.”

  “I thought this would happen,” Ryson murmured, then went back to his iPad.

  “Yeah, ever helpful,” Tyler retorted.

  Dimitri stood up and pointed at a chair. “Put the wee djinn there.”

  Eying the gargoyle up suspiciously, Tyler did as he was told after a nod of encouragement from his mother. Constantin grumbled about being carted around and tried to get Tyler to let him go but he wasn’t having any of that.

  “I think he’s more possessive than you, Xav,” Keeley Tate, Xavier’s cute little human mate, whispered to Xavier.

  But of course as they were all paranormals they heard it easily. Tyler wasn’t bothered.

  “Hell no, no one is as possessive as Xavier.” Syndal, Tyler’s sister, was taking a selfie, pursing her lips in that fish look that was so popular for some reason.

  Not that Tyler hadn’t also posed for a few selfies using the exact same look!

  “I disagree, dear. Though Xavier is highly territorial, I do believe Dimitri just beats him. Tyler is on par, though. What can you do to assist, Dimitri?” Queen Bethany asked sweetly.

  Once Constantin was in the chair and was looking a little disgruntled, and uncomfortable, Dimitri grabbed his left hand and snapped something around his wrist. Tyler hissed and went to launch himself at the gargoyle for touching his human but Syndal stood up and held him back.

  “Look, Dimitri just gave Constantin an ugly bracelet, calm down. You can take it off him if you like.”

  “That is an ugly bracelet.” Keeley peered at it curiously.

  “It is not a bracelet.” Dimitri rumbled a growl. He frowned. “Technically, it is, but—”

  “You don’t give my mate jewelry! I do!” Tyler said, incensed.

  “I don’t like jewelry,” Constantin muttered, tugging at the bracelet.

  “It is an inhibitor bracelet,” Ryson said conversationally, still looking at his iPad. “It is designed to stop gifts working.
The gargoyle has done this to me numerous times, it does not cause pain.”

  They all stared opened mouthed at Ryson, then as one, the family turned and glared at Dimitri. As one they all began talking, admonishing, threatening and yelling at the gargoyle.

  Until someone whistled.

  “Why is it every time I see you at the Durand coven, cousin, you are being roasted by your mate’s family?” Eber looked amused.

  Dimitri sighed. “They are vampires.”

  And that did pretty much explain it. Vampires could be a little high strung. Tyler sat beside his mate and picked up Constantin’s hand to study the bracelet. He would have to quiz Dimitri on how it worked, any side effects and if it interfered with teaching Constantin to use his gifts.

  “Why do you feel free to place a gift inhibitor on my son, Dimitri?” the Queen asked nicely.

  Dimitri looked put upon. “I attempt to assist and am threatened! I do this for my mate to reduce the strain of his gift. As we know, Ryson does not rest, his gift is on a continuous loop.”

  Tyler winced. Yeah, that gift sucked. He grinned at his brother, who wasn’t paying attention to anyone and reaching out, swiped the iPad Ryson had such focus upon. Next to him, Constantin was twitching and tugging at the bracelet.

  Ryson looked at Tyler quizzically. “Yes, Tyler?”

  “So, did you do that research on not skipping meals for me?”

  “That was when you were ten, Tyler.”

  “Huh? No, no, a new one for Constantin I asked about.” Tyler slapped a hand on the bracelet that Constantin was still tugging at. “Stop it.”

  “Afternoon, everyone.” Prince Dominic Sanchez of the local pride waltzed into the room with his mate, and Archie’s much older brother, Chane Taunton. “Bethany, wonderful to see you. You’ve met my mate, I’m told.”

  “Dominic! Oh, Chane, I am so happy to see you!” Bethany squealed and hugged both men.

  “No, I would recall you requesting a report on skipping meals for your mate.”


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