A Prisoner for Her Curves

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A Prisoner for Her Curves Page 2

by J J Loraine

  Also, I’m a little embarrassed with how forward I was about seeing you in the picture, I just had to mention it. You really are beautiful...

  I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. I suppose we’re going to be working together, at least for a little bit, when I return. We have to figure out Lester’s whole last will and testament thing, after all.

  I’m looking forward to it... I can’t wait to actually meet you in person!

  As for the Lester letters, holy cow, that’s interesting!

  The more I read, the more sense some of Lester’s quirks make. He was always fond of the French, which was surprising, considering his general disdain for everyone else.

  I wonder if this French girl is why?

  Don’t worry about including the X rated parts, no one’s going to censor that stuff around here – just don’t include any national secrets and we’ll be fine!

  I want to hear it all, please keep updated me! You have no idea how much your letters mean to me. It’s also nice to think about a young, vibrant Lester, instead of where he is now...

  I’ll leave you to it, hopefully this whole thing is coming to an end. I have a feeling it is, one way or another...

  Please don’t get too caught up in my well-being, it isn’t healthy – there’s nothing you can do about it.

  Just live your best life at home, and I’ll do my best to meet you there.

  My thoughts,




  Dear Jax,

  I know you told me not to worry, but it’s hard not to.

  If Lester’s word is anything to go by, I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, even through the worst of the worst – you always have before – still, I’m a worrier; I can’t help it.

  I’ve tried to bury myself in Lester’s letters and my job, but you’re always in the back of my mind. I know it’s not what you want to hear right now, but I’m praying for you. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that there’s someone back home pulling for you with all her might.

  I know you don’t read my letters for motivation, though. I know you like to lose yourself from the stress of battle with my mundane problems, so I’ll oblige.

  Because, damn, do I have some mundane, first-world problems for you!

  First off, though, thank you again for your kind words. I’m not sure I deserve to be called beautiful, but it means a lot to hear it from someone I respect so much... especially considering what Gordon said to me yesterday...

  I don’t even want to repeat it, he makes me so sad and angry and frustrated.

  He’s clearly picked up on my ambitions to get that administrative job. He’s been hassling me around every corner. My job would be so much easier and more pleasant if it wasn’t for him.

  Why does he have to be this way? Just because he’s stuck in a dead-end, money-losing job, and a loveless marriage doesn’t mean he has to take it out on me!

  I know he wishes he could be young again. He’s screwed up so bad, I’m sure he’d do anything to go back in time and change his decisions. Why he doesn’t just help younger people avoid his mistakes is beyond me. Are some people just bad?

  I don’t know... all I know is what he said to me yesterday.

  I don’t want to burden you with my frustration and anger, but I feel like I have to tell you. I WANT to tell you. I want to tell you everything. It’s weird, we’ve never met, but I feel so comfortable talking to you.

  Anyways, here it is:

  Gordon cornered me yesterday and question me about the administrator job. He asked me why I think I deserved it. I said that I thought I did a good job of caring for people and I had a lot of ideas on how to improve our care in the facility.

  You know what he said in response? I’ll never forget it...

  He said, How can I trust you to take care of others when you can’t even take care of yourself?

  I didn’t think there was any way he’d be so rude as to say what I thought he was saying, so I asked him to clarify. I’m no Olympic athlete, but I eat my vegetables.

  You know what he did? That bastard...

  He poked my belly!

  Fucking asshole.

  Now, listen, you’ve seen my picture. It’s no secret I have a little extra meat on my bones, but that shit’s pure grade, high-quality meat, right? That’s some Kobe steak shit!

  How dare he!?

  It took all my strength not to burst into tears right then and there.

  I swear he was enjoying my discomfort. I had to turn away and shuffle off so he couldn’t get any more satisfaction from my pain.

  So, if there are any water stains on this letter, it’s from tears. My eyes are raw from wiping them clear all night.

  I just don’t get how someone can be so cruel.

  I know this must all sound so trivial to you. You’re out there fighting literal terrorists, and I’m all upset because someone called me pudgy. I know I’ve got curves. Sure, I can be a little insecure about my size – it’s not like society is out there trying to lift me up at all times – but I can hold my own... most of the time.

  It’d just be nice to have a shoulder to cry on.

  I wish you were home already. War sucks. Fighting sucks. Being mean is stupid.

  I’d update you on the Lester letters but I think I need to go to bed. I’m exhausted from crying.

  Don’t worry, though, I won’t give up. You’re inspiring me, even from across the sea. I’ll stay strong and I WILL get that administrators job. I won’t make the same mistakes as Gordon... that bastard. I’ll live my best life.

  Be safe, please. I expect to be able to meet you in person. I won’t have it any other way.

  Yours truly,




  1 Month Later...

  Dear Jax,

  Sorry if I came on too strong in my last letter... I’ve tried to give you some space, but I can’t take it anymore. I have to know if you’re alright.

  It’s been just over a month since you last wrote to me, I don’t want to assume the worst, but it’s hard not to. I have faith in you, I really do, but I know there are some things you just can’t come back from.

  I hope I’m not writing to air.

  I realize I probably shouldn’t have been so open about my problems. I should have just said that Gordon was being an ass and left it at that. I know you’re probably stressed out like crazy, and you don’t need my tears in your mind.

  I’m still fighting tooth and nail for that administrator’s job, but I’ll only provide you with positive updates from now on.

  I realize I didn’t even talk about the Lester letters the last time I wrote. They’re still as juicy as ever, but I don’t know if I have the energy to relay them with all their ‘joie de vivre’ – I’m worried for you, Jax. It’s starting to take a toll on my daily life. It feels like there’s stress hiding around every corner.

  Please be alright...

  I’ll try and keep this letter short, in case you’re sick of hearing from me by now. I just thought you might like to know about what I’ve been reading in Lester’s letters. I know you loved him like a father... and I know he loved you like a son. He was so proud of you, and I’m sure he still is. No matter how bad things get, just remember him... and me, if you want. I’m trying my best to carry on his fighting spirit.

  I’ve been reading his notes to Marie every chance I get. They can be pretty riveting... once you get past all the lurid descriptions of very private sex acts. It’s hard to think of Lester as a young man, I’ve seen some pictures, but still, it seems like a different person from a different time... which, I guess, it is.

  I know he doesn’t like to tell war stories so much, but I have discovered something interesting.

  It seems Lester was involved in a very significant battle. One of his last letters to Marie from the front described all of his fears and misgivings about the fight he was about to head into... his n
ext letter was from a hospital.

  His entire unit was wiped out, Jax... everyone died except for him.

  I know that’s probably not something you want to hear right now, but it gets better, trust me.

  He sent Marie a letter, just before he was to be discharged from the hospital and forcible sent home to recover.

  Much like the two of us, Lester didn’t really have any family to speak of. He told Marie to keep writing him letters, but that he didn’t know where he would be living, all he knew for sure was where he would be working.

  An army buddy of his (Allen Lyle) was from a very wealthy family. He enlisted in the war because of his own fervor to protect his country, even despite his parents’ wishes. He became good friends with Lester. The two were so close that Lester even began a correspondence with Allen’s parents. I haven’t found those letters yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re somewhere in Lester’s museum of a basement.

  Anyway, the Lyle’s offered Lester a job at their massive family business, so he’d have something to return to. Lester accepted.

  He sent the main address of the company to Marie, telling her to send her letters there until he could find a home.

  Unfortunately, Allen died in the great battle that sent Lester to the hospital... Lester returned home all alone... but at least he had a good job and a good girl waiting for him on the other side.

  That’s where I’ve stopped for now. I’ll continue reading... I could use the distraction. I hope to hear back from you – I won’t stop writing, even if you don’t respond. You’re going to need to send me a cease and desist letter if you want this to end.

  Please, be alright.

  You’re in my thoughts,




  2 Weeks Later

  Dear Jax,

  I’ve tried calling the army, the navy, the government, anyone I could get a hold of.

  No one can give me any information on you. I don’t know what that means.

  If you we’re... they’d let me know if something happened to you, right?

  I’m so confused and frazzled. I feel like reality is slipping further from my grip every day. I don’t know if I can lose another person in my life, I already have so few. Well, actually, I only have one. You.

  I know that’s silly. We haven’t even met, but that doesn’t matter to me. You’re words have already touched me more than any body ever could.

  I want to meet you so badly. I NEED to meet you. If I could, I’d hop on a plane or a boat and find a gun and come looking for you. I can’t, though, I just don’t have the wherewithal. I wish I was stronger, like you.

  I know, whatever’s happening, you’re doing your best to get through it.

  If you can spare the time, please just let me know you’re alright.

  I’ll leave you alone forever, I just need to know you’re OK.

  I haven’t even had the strength to continue reading Lester’s letters. My work life is suffering. I can’t sleep, but I’m always tired.

  I’ll keep searching for you. I’ve called everyone who I could think to call, but I’m going to try again, and again, until I get an answer.

  I need an answer, at least, even if it’s not the one I’m hoping for...

  See you soon,

  All my love,




  Dear Layla,

  I’m not sure how to put this lightly, but I won’t sugar-coat it.

  I’m a prisoner.

  My unit was overrun and we were captured... well, those of us who survived were captured.

  I don’t know where were being held. I don’t know our fates. All I know is that I’m trapped.

  If this letter reaches you, then I know there’s at least one guard I can trust. He may not be sympathetic to our cause, but he understands that we’re humans, just like him.

  He said he would deliver whatever we wrote to our base camp. I don’t know how he plans to do that, but he seems genuine... and I have no other options. I asked him why he would risk his life to do such a thing for us... he said he understands the importance of closure and last words to loved ones – he said he’s not sure if we’ll make it out of here...

  I told him not to worry. I’ve been in worse spots before. He just chuckled. He’s not a bad guy, I don’t think – he’s leagues better than the rest of these monsters. I just hope he’s not playing around with us.

  I just wanted you to know that I’m alive. I’m a little banged up, but not nearly as badly as some of the other guys. I’ll survive... fingers crossed.

  I also want you to know I got your last letter... at least, the one about Lester and his friend Allen. I don’t know if you’ve sent anymore since -- I’m not even exactly sure how many days I’ve been here – but I am sure of the warmth that your words provide me.

  I have your letter tucked away somewhere safe – it’s the only one I had on me when everything went to shit -- I read it for hope whenever I can.

  I must have gone over your summary of Lester’s letters a dozen times. I knew he had fought before, but I never knew he was in such a devastating battle. His whole squadron was wiped out... luckily, I’m not in as tough a spot. We still have guys left.

  I can only imagine how badly that affected him. You always want to be there for your guys. He must have had some real survivor’s guilt – that might help explain his grumpy nature.

  It might also finally explain where he got his limp! I had always hounded him on why he walked the way he did. He’d only ever brush me off and say it was from an accident. I guess that wasn’t a complete lie, he probably never meant to get hurt...

  I want to know more!

  Please keep writing. The sympathetic guard tells us he will try and gather any responses to our letters. I don’t know how realistic that is, but I’d like to believe I’ll hear from you again.

  I want to know all the details of your life. Nothing is too mundane. I consider your life back home an escape from what I’m dealing with here.

  I look forward to hearing from you soon,

  Yours truly,




  Dear Jax,

  Oh, thank God!

  I got your letter! I got it!

  That sympathetic guard must be some kind of angel!

  I was starting to think the worst had happened... not that I’m too thrilled about what’s actually happened... but as long as you’re alive and in one piece, there’s hope.

  I know you’ll get out of there... Lester’s told me stories from your younger days. You’re tougher than any son-of-a-bitch out there, and don’t you let them forget it!

  Is there anything I can do? Should I contact an embassy or a government official? I guess, if you can get a letter to me then one of you can get a letter to someone who can actually do something.

  I won’t dwell too much on the bad. I know you have enough of that to deal with on your own.

  I’m still slowly fighting for my dream job. It’s hard, and Gordon’s fighting me at every turn, but now that I have a new letter from you, I feel a new burst of energy. I’m invigorated. I’m trying my best not to stress about your situation. I know there’s nothing I can do. I’m using all my nervous energy to turn my life around. Hopefully, you’ll come home to a fiery, boss-woman!

  As for Lester’s letters. I’ve finished the first set of them. They end just before he’s sent back home, from the hospital overseas. There must be more.

  There’s a lock on the bottom half of the trove. I’ve shaken it, and I swear I can hear more letters inside. I’m going to try and find a locksmith to open it up.

  For now, though, I’ve just been re-reading the first letters Lester and Marie sent to each other. They’re so sweet... and vulgar.

  It makes me yearn for something more of my own. Something like love...

  Their naughty words to each other are giving me ideas...

sure you could use some warmth...

  Let me know if there’s anything more I can do for you over these trying times.

  I’ve also found a more recent picture of you. It’s of you and Lester, just before you were deployed. I can hardly believe how handsome you are! The army should be using you for recruiting purposes. I’m sure half the ladies in the country would immediately sign up to serve, just to get a chance to meet you!

  Sometimes, I’ll fold the picture in half, so I just see you...

  No offense to Lester, but sometimes a lady’s eyes just need to relax... and, boy, are you easy on the eyes.

  Anyways, I’m rambling.

  I’m just not sure what to say in this kind of letter.

  I hope it finds you well.

  I’m thinking of you, always.

  Yours truly,




  Dear Layla,

  I’ve gotten your latest letter!

  I don’t want to have too much hope, but it looks like this sympathetic guard might be more of an ally than I had even originally given him credit for. He might really be our key out of here. For now, though, all I can do is put my head down and take the punishment the rest of these beasts are dishing out. I feel stronger knowing you’re thinking of me. If escape isn’t on my mind, then you are. It’s keeping me sane. I look forward to only two things: getting out of here, and reading your letters.

  Escape seems like a far-fetched dream right now, but I already have two of your letters. I expect more!

  Keep fighting for yourself back home. I know you can do it. If you won the respect of someone as hard-headed as Lester, then you can surely best this Gordon guy. I believe in you. You better believe you have all my support... I just wish I could be there in person. I yearn for the warmth of your human touch...

  Your words are keeping me going... I think I would like to hear the details of Lester’s letters to Marie. I don’t care how naughty they are; I could use the heat.

  Or, if you don’t feel comfortable copying Lester’s words, then maybe you could write your own...? Maybe you could write down what you’d like to do to me, if we were together...


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