A Prisoner for Her Curves

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A Prisoner for Her Curves Page 4

by J J Loraine

  Your one job now is to get home.

  I believe in you.

  I love you.

  Yours for now and forever,




  Dear Layla,

  I don’t want to be too explicit in my letter – you never know who else might be reading these words – but I will say this: you might be right about fate having a plan for us.

  Things are coming together for you, and if all goes right, I’ll be coming for you too. I can’t say anything more... no matter how badly I want to, but just hold tight.

  You keep doing what you’re doing. If I make it home, I want to be able to read ALL of Lester’s letters; I want his estate settled, and I want YOU, Ms. Boss-lady; top-administrator.

  Can you promise me that? Promise me you’ll do your best, and I’ll promise to do mine.

  I’m getting out of this hellhole, one way or another. That sympathetic guard was even more of an ally than I had originally thought. I’m sick of waiting around, getting my ass beat. It’s time to fight. This is one of those time’s where I’m almost glad for my shitty upbringing. If my parents had lived, or if my foster parents hadn’t been so abusive; if I hadn’t fallen to biker gangs and a life of crime, then maybe I’d cower from a fight like this... but no, I’m ready for it. All my life has made me ready for this, and when I’m done, I’ll be DONE.

  This is my last fight ever, one way or another.

  The only thing waiting on the other side of this battle is heaven, either with Lester, up in the sky, or with you, back home.

  Don’t wait up for me, I’ll come knocking when I’m there.

  I love you, Layla.

  Yours forever and always,




  Dear Jax,

  Please be careful, baby!

  I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t come home. I know you can fight with the best of them, but I’m not from the same world as you. Sure, my parents passed away when I was young, but I was taken in by my grandparents. They were so sweet and caring and I was already technically an adult when they passed away.

  I do my job in their loving memory. I’m alone now, but I know there’s love in life... I didn’t know where I’d find it, but now I’m sure I have, with you.

  This is a good letter and I can only hope it gives you good luck. I almost hope you don’t get it, because that would meana you’d be out of that mess, and on your way home.

  I have so much amazing news I can hardly write. My hand is trembling -- but none of it matters if you don’t make it back.

  I have to write, though. I need to do something. This is all so overwhelming.

  First, my job.

  I’m officially the chief administrator of my entire region! Not only did Steve and the other board member like my style, they loved my ideas so much they promoted me twice! I’m actually Gordon’s boss now!

  How you like them apples!?

  The job comes with more perks; a chance to make a real difference in the lives of so many, and a whole lot more money... not that I need it anymore... not that WE need it anymore... because there’s more good news, for the both of us, and it has to do with Lester.

  I got the final lockbox open a few days ago, and then I took it straight home. Sure enough, there were more letters to Allen, these letters contained a more formal writing though.

  It turns out our Lester had really made something for himself. Not only did he rise in the ranks of the Lyle’s family empire, but he eventually took over the business. He led one of the most powerful company’s in the country for years and years, until the Lyle’s passed away.

  They only had two children. Allen had obviously died in the war, but their oldest daughter, Abigail had also passed before the parents. I think she was sick, but she still lasted a long time. She was almost 70 when she passed. The Lyle parents were almost 100!

  Their passing really hit Lester hard. He had no one now. He had gone to Europe and France countless times to try and find Marie, but there was no trace of her. He went through a tough time, but he was never suffering for money. He had made enough to retire into the good life even before the Lyle parents passed, but when they did, they left all their fortune to him!

  He didn’t do much with it, maybe he felt guilty that he had lived and their son had died, but he put it all away in a trust fund and never used any of it. It’s been slowly accruing even more unimaginable wealth over the years...

  And he left it all to the two of us!

  50-50. Split right down the middle. Each half is more than enough to support two families for generations to come... but I wonder if he had secretly hoped we would get together?

  I actually read his letter detailing his plans to leave us everything, while sitting outside the lawyer’s office, waiting for our meeting. Sure enough, the lawyer called me in and reiterated Lester’s final wishes. His firm will help with all the accounting – we don’t have to worry about a thing; everything is settled...

  Well, almost everything.

  It’s hard to feel too much joy without you here. I can’t stop thinking about you and your last letter.

  I hope we were right. I hope fate has plans for us, and I hope those plans have you home as soon as possible.

  Nothing matters without you.

  I’m waiting, as patiently as I can.

  I love you.




  I take a deep breath. I’ve never been so nervous before in my life.

  Fighting is one thing, but this – this is a whole different beast.

  I’ve never felt so much love before.

  It’s almost overwhelming. I can feel myself shaking as I approach the door. I’ve never seen it before, but, boy, have I imagined it.

  I know what lies behind it. I NEED what’s behind it.

  I step forward and raise my hand. It hovers over the wooden frame until I gather the courage.

  Finally, I knock.

  I hear rustling on the other side of the door. Footsteps approach.

  I reach into my pocket and pull the little black box out.

  I gently fall to one knee.

  The door opens and I freeze.

  Layla stands there, completely in shock.

  It’s her. It’s actually her!

  She’s even more beautiful in person.

  She gasps. She didn’t know I was coming. The last contact we had was my letter, hinting that I was about to try a daring escape.

  Well, I did. That sympathetic guard was actually a double agent, he helped me and my surviving men plan an insurgence.

  It was a hell of a fight. Not everyone made it... but I did.

  The past week has been such a whirlwind. We barely made it back to basecamp. I was on deaths door when we arrived but I was airlifted to a nearby hospital.

  When I recovered, I was put on a plane home.

  I’m still sore, and I have some scars and a bit of a limp, but I’ve never been happier.

  I’m home now, truly, because I’m with Layla.

  She looks down on me with her big, sparkling blue eyes like I’m a ghost. Her skin is pale and as soft as porcelain. Her lips glisten in the dim light of the hallway. I see tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Layla,” I say.

  Her eyes go even wider. I realize it’s the first time she’s ever heard my voice. I desperately want to hear her say something back.

  I don’t continue. I wait for her to respond.

  “... Jax...?” she finally whispers.

  She can barely get the words out. She’s on the verge of tears. I just want to stand up and hug her, but I have a job to do first. Lester made sure I became a man who fulfills his duty and right now, I have a very specific and important task to perform.

  I open the little black box in my hand.

  I see the reflection of the shimmering diamond ring in Layla’s eyes.

  Her hands shoot up to
cover her gaping mouth.

  She gasps again.

  “Oh my god...” she cries. Her voice is soft and sweet like a songbird; more beautiful than I could have imagined.

  “Will you marry me?” I ask.

  There’s hardly a moment’s thought between us.

  She nods, furiously. Her hands fall from her mouth.

  “Yes. By God, yes!” she nearly shouts.

  I feel the biggest smile come across my lips.

  I grab her trembling hand – the first time we’ve ever touched. I nearly fall through the floor; the weight of awesomeness is so great.

  I slip the ring on her finger.

  I finally rise.

  I tower over the petite woman. She hardly goes up to my shoulders. I feel the heat of her voluptuous body pulsate against mine.

  “I love you,” I tell her.

  “I love you too,” she says back.

  I close my eyes and kiss the woman of my dreams.

  Our lips meet and it’s all worth it. All the pain, all the suffering, all the loss and doubt, it’s all led to her, to Layla, to the only person in this world who really matters.

  Her soft, cool lips search mine. I shaved yesterday, just for her. I can feel her soft skin against my rough stubble; she pushes into it.

  I’m overcome with a feeling of complete content as I wrap my arms around her and push her back into her apartment. I narrowly miss hitting my head on the doorway.

  She’s not wearing a skimpy nightdress, just a baggy sweatshirt and some sweatpants, but I don’t care, we’ll have them off soon enough.

  She’s perfect the way she is and even more, she’s perfect for me.

  Our bodies intertwine and we fall onto her bed, together at last.

  I taste her like she’s a long-lost memory and, for the first time in my life, I feel truly happy.

  I’ve finally found a home, and it’s with her.




  I can hardly believe my life now. So much has changed in so little time.

  Jax and I have already moved in together. We bought a big house in a nice, quiet part of town. We have more than enough money for more estates, and we have plans to buy property all over the world, but for now, we just want to settle into a real home. Jax has been away for long enough.

  Lester also left us his old house. We’re not sure whether to knock it down and build our forever home on the property, or to keep it as is, and clean it up and keep it as a sort of museum, or monument to the man who has meant so much to us.

  He truly changed both our lives for the better in so many ways; we can never thank him enough.

  Our affairs are slowly being put in order, or at least as much as they can be for two people who have suddenly accrued so much wealth.

  We leave most of that to the lawyers.

  I got rid of my apartment and quit my job pretty quickly, but I donated a large sum of money to the organization that ran the facilities I worked for. I trust the members of the board a lot, they’re good people, they deserve everything that’s coming to them. I also founded my own charity, which I’ll head after Jax and I have finally settled in to our home life.

  I don’t know how long that will take, but we’re not rushing it. It was a little weird at first, being together all the time, I mean, how could it not be, we’d never even met before, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  We weren’t strangers, mentally, when we finally met in person, but physically, we weren’t used to each other at all. He was somehow even bigger than I had imagined!

  I’m not complaining, though...

  It’s all been worth it. We’re living together like a dream now. We got married in a small little ceremony. Our only guests were a few of Jax’s surviving army buddies and a big cut-out picture of a smiling Lester.

  We haven’t gone on our honeymoon yet; I don’t even know if we really plan too. Jax has been all over the world for work; I think he just wants to relax somewhere familiar now. I’m all good with that. I don’t care where we are, as long as I’m with him.

  It’s probably too late for honeymooning anyways, because I’ve got some big news for him.

  I’m pregnant!

  That’s right, we’re going to be parents!

  I’m sure he’ll be an amazing father. I’m nervous to be a mother, but we’ve been through so much that I’m sure we’ll overcome whatever obstacles we face.

  We’re starting a family, and I couldn’t have asked for a better start.

  Life is a fairy tale now, and to think, it all started with a letter...

  Other Titles by J.J. Loraine

  A Soldier For Her Curves: Love Letters From Behind Enemy Lines (An Alpha and BBW Romance)


  The Doctor & The Curves (Sweet Alpha BBW Romance)


  The Cop & The Curves: A Steamy Older Alpha and Younger BBW Romance


  The Cage Family’s Fortune Series

  Hunter: My Curves for Him (Book 1)


  Lily: Come Get My Curves (Book 2)


  Jayden: Earning Her Curves (Book 3)





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