The Garrison (The Circle Series Book 3)

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The Garrison (The Circle Series Book 3) Page 11

by Naomi L Scudder

  “Hey!” yelled Zora from behind Jane.

  “That’s not how you protect people, Plialor!” Xan ran up to Jane and picked her off the ground.

  “Hi,” said Jane as she used Xan as a crutch.

  Xan smiled. “Hi, yourself.” She turned to face the Demon Mistress once more and said, “What’s the real reason Jane is here? You don’t send armed prison guards with someone who only needs protection.”

  Plialor only smiled from her throne.

  “Answer me,” Xan warned.

  “Fuck it,” Jane said. “If you won’t tell her I will. She charged me with carrying a demon across realms without her permission and with keeping her in substandard conditions. I’ve no idea if I get a trial or hearing or anything of the sort, or if I’ve already been convicted, let alone how long I’m to remain imprisoned.”

  Zora stood at Jane’s other side, holding her up as well. “What do you think, Liaison? Does that sound like something that should be permitted to happen to a close, personal friend of yours?”

  Jane had to smirk at Zora’s tone, the woman could lay on the snark.

  Plialor crossed her ankles and shifted in her throne. “There may have been some overzealous persecution involved. I’ll agree to rescind the witch’s detention.”

  Jane bit her tongue as she stared down the Demon Mistress.

  Plialor only smiled down at Jane, lovely eyes and lashes fluttering.

  “Now, on to the other matter,” Xan said.

  “What other matter?” Jane looked to both of her friends. “Get me the hell out of here.”

  “If only it were that simple, witch.” If Jane had any energy, she would have used it all to wipe the smirk off that beautiful demon’s face.

  “You’re stuck here,” Plialor gloated, rising from her seat. “You can’t survive on a different plane than Naamaris. You two were bound together, inextricably. I only separated as much as I could, but you both still have remnants of the other. And since she is a convicted criminal, I hope you learn to like it here.”

  Jane’s mind whirred at the news, her knees wobbled beneath her. It was only her friends that kept her from falling to the ground.

  “Unacceptable. Jane should be free to choose on which realm she lives. Why can’t she and the demon bound to her stay in the earth realm?” asked Xan.

  “Are you daft? Demons can’t survive in the earth realm unless they’ve been summoned with demon realm ether and atmosphere, or they’re inside a host.”

  A host.

  Jane pretended to fall into Xan. As Xan helped her up Jane whispered in the fae’s pointed ear, “Shimmer her here. Her name is Naamaris.”

  To her eternal credit, Xan didn’t hesitate or ask questions. Before Jane was fully on her feet, the demon who’d been forced into Jane’s body stood before them.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Plialor descended the carved stone stairs from her throne. “Why have you shimmered this prisoner before me?” The wind gathered around Plialor raising a sand storm around her and whipping her white hair around her face.

  “Whatever you’re gonna do, better do it fast,” Zora said, stepping away from the approaching threat.

  Jane looked Naamaris right in her lovely green cat eyes. “Wanna get outta here?”

  Naamaris cocked her head at Jane, who nodded.

  The demon who for so long Jane had tried to get rid of, held Jane’s face in both her hands and kissed her on the lips.

  “NO!” Plialor yelled.

  But it was too late. Jane had given her permission. The ether cracked with power as Naamaris poured herself into Jane’s body, possessing her.

  Jane looked at Xan, eyes demon-black once more. “NOW!” she yelled.

  Xan grabbed Jane and Zora’s hands even tighter and shimmered them out of the realm.

  It was rougher than Jane remembered.

  Not quite as rough as the demon ride, but there was a very hard jerk mid-shimmer.

  “What the hell?” Xan said.

  “Where are we?” Zora said.

  Jane looked around, seeing with not only her own eyes, but the demon’s as well. It was different this time. Before it was two souls trying to share a body. Now, with Jane’s permission, it was more like two roommates sharing a house.

  It wasn’t ideal, but Jane assumed the Naamaris would prefer it to real imprisonment in the demon realm.

  “What the hell is going on?” Jane said as she watched wolves running wild in the streets of The Circle. Pitch blackness blanketed the city, not a streetlight or building was lit. All Jane could see was the wolf energy moving around the center of town.

  Wolf energy. That was new.

  Yes, that comes with the package, I’m afraid. But it has its purposes. Naamaris spoke to Jane’s mind.

  Like what?

  “You have failed, and now you will reap the consequences,” the shrill voice of The Morrigan cut through the blackness, straight into the pit of Jane’s stomach.


  “It was a simple task. Get the wolves in your district under control. You’ve had five days, and I’ve come to see this? With you three nowhere on this realm? I had to pull you all from the demon realm to get answers. What have you to say for yourselves?”

  Jane didn’t know about anyone else, but she was thankful for the blinding darkness. She didn’t want to have to avoid looking into The Morrigan’s death stare as well.

  As Jane was forming a response, Zora surprised her the way few could, and spoke first.

  “Well, Oh Creepy One, if The Garrison hadn’t allowed vamps to keep blood nymphs in the first place, Jane wouldn’t have been thrown in demon jail, we wouldn’t have had to be there to rescue her.”

  The ambient temperature in the traffic circle rose so dramatically beads of sweat rolled down Jane’s back. “Zora,” Jane warned. “Keep it together.”

  “I AM keeping it together,” she yelled, and rose from the ground, illuminated the circle and all the wolves on the outlying streets with the light emanating from her body. “This is how it’s going to work. You’re going to leave us to take care of our business, and you aren’t going to micromanage things. Is that clear?” Zora now floated well above the head of The Morrigan, making the crow-woman arch her neck to see her.

  “You have until sundown.”

  The Morrigan shimmered out of The Circle.

  Zora, still floating and glowing overhead said, “I count about fifteen. You can corral them, Jane.”

  “What does that mean? How can I—”

  “Oh shit! They’re closing in from all sides. The Morrigan must have been holding them at bay.”

  “Uh, we don’t have time to explain,” Xan said.

  “What do you mean? You need to explain if you expect me to—”

  “Jane! Figure it out, or I’ll have to explode the whole traffic circle. I really don’t want to do that.”

  And then Jane saw it. The whole history of demons and shifters played in her mind like a movie on fast-forward. She saw the shared lineage, the wars that divided them, the power demons still held over shifters.

  Can you do this? Xan asked.

  I can.

  Will you?

  We will, said Naamaris.

  Naamaris moved within Jane and Jane complied, gathering magic and energy she’d never seen or accessed before. Different from the demon magic she’d played with before. This was something much older, much stronger than alchemy.

  We must find the leader.

  Jane scanned the streets for the biggest, most aggressive wolf she could find, “There!”

  Excellent. Buy us some time.

  “Xan! Remember that mojo you pulled on Jake when you and he got in that argument?”

  “Yeah, but that was a one-shot deal, I’d never be able to do that on all these wolves.”

  “We just need you to threaten it. Don’t hurt any of the wolves. They’re only following the lead from their Alpha. Just look like you intend to do damage.”

  “Got it
.” Xan amassed a blue ball of energy in her hands so big, Jane could hardly believe her friend had that much magic.”

  “Somebody got an upgrade,” Jane said to herself.

  We need to be closer to the target. You need to touch him.

  Are you fucking serious?



  Jane walked the few meters to the biggest, meanest looking wolf and stood before him without making contact.

  The wolf snarled and snapped at her, lunging forward aimed right at Jane’s neck.

  Jane dodged the beast’s jaws, but only just.

  How much time do you need?

  How much time do you need, Jane? Countered the demon.

  What the fuck is that? I thought we were passed word games.

  The Alpha circled Jane growling so much, saliva hung of his huge pink tongue in long strands. With each circle he inched closer and closer to Jane until he was so close, Jane could smell his putrid breath.

  “You need a goddamn toothbrush.”

  The wolf launched at her, aiming again for her jugular.

  But Jane sidestepped him, grabbing the wolf’s throat in her hand.

  Demon magic rushed through her veins as Jane held the Alpha’s throat. Jane could have crushed his windpipe if she chose.

  She didn’t, however, and the wolf snapped at her even with his neck immobilized.

  “Do you know who I am, wolf?” Jane asked, forcing the Alpha’s head down so she could look into his eyes.

  The wolf, having only wolf vocal cord and wolf lips couldn’t speak, but he made it clear he didn’t care one bit who she was.

  “My name is Jane. I’m a witch. But more importantly,” Jane forced the wolf’s head to the ground, his body following behind. She stood on his neck and continued. “More importantly, I’m a witch with a slight possession issue. Don’t get me wrong,” she said while blocking the wolf’s hind legs whipping about. “I don’t have an issue with it.”

  Jane hopped off the wolf and buried both hands in the ruff of his neck.

  “You do,” she said and waited for the surge of power from the demon.

  I’m not ready! This is delicate spellwork. I need more time.

  Fuck! You could have told me!

  I’ll tell you when I’m ready. Just keep him occupied.

  But it was too late. The Alpha had already seen Jane’s misstep and took advantage of it. He shot off the ground, knocking Jane backward, and barreled toward her.

  “Fuck, fuck! Zora! Xan! A little help!”

  But they were trying to keep the other wolves who responded to the Alpha’s reversal, at bay.

  Get up, Jane! Don’t let him pin you! Get up NOW, WITCH!

  Jane launched herself off the ground, aided by some demon strength, and landed behind the Alpha.

  The wolf spun around, crouched and ran at her again.

  I don’t know how long I can do this!

  As long as it takes! Don’t you get me killed.

  Jane jumped again, but the Alpha anticipated her move and jumped to meet her mid-air.

  His jaws clamped around her throat, teeth puncturing the flesh as he brought her back to the ground. The wolf slammed Jane’s body against the street, like a dog shaking a chew toy.

  Don’t you kill me, witch! Touch him. I just need you to touch him.

  “I—I can’t...” Jane’s words trailed off as she fought to remain conscious.

  Jane! Touch him and I can rip out his wolf! DO IT!

  Jane tried, but the blood that flowed from her neck made her limbs feel like lead. Jane couldn’t even wiggle her fingers as the wolf shook her up and down, side to side.

  Jane! You’ve lost too much blood. I can’t take over your body. You MUST do this.

  The demon’s words grew further and further away in Jane’s mind. Almost like a dream she couldn’t quite remember.

  The demon sighed. It was an honor to fight with you, Jane Moretti. You’re a fine witch, and I wouldn’t want to die inside of anyone else.

  No. Jane’s thought was weak, her mental voice hollow, but she decided she wouldn’t be the reason the wolves were still out of control. She wouldn’t be the reason the demon she’d just saved from prison died, and she wouldn’t be the reason The Morrigan had to come back and punish her friends even more severely.

  But she still couldn’t move her fucking arms.

  She didn’t need to. The Alpha shook her again, this time above his head. And as Jane’s body and arms came down, her hands touched his flank.

  Jane curled her fingers around the fur of the beast's leg, twisting it so the force of her landing on the ground again wouldn’t knock her hands free.

  Explosions of bright, sparkling colors ripped through the sky as Jane lay prone on the ground.

  She couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak. Jane was losing consciousness.

  Did you do it? Jane asked her demon.

  We did, Ms. Moretti. We did.



  “FUCK! Zora get down here!” Xan screamed as she saw Jane’s body go flying. “Oh Jesus, oh fuck, oh Jesus!” Xan repeated the chant as she ran to her friend.

  She paid no attention to the naked and dirty man that once was a wolf cowering in the street as she ran passed. “Jane!” she said as she knelt down, wanting to pick up her friend’s hand or head but afraid to touch her.

  There was so much blood.

  Xan hovered over her chest, hoping, praying to gods she didn’t believe in that she would hear a heartbeat.

  “Is she...” Zora let the question trail away.

  “Shhh!” Xan pressed her ear to Jane’s chest even harder. She didn’t hear a heartbeat.

  At least, she didn’t think she did.

  Liaison, your witch formidable.

  “What? Who said that?”

  “Who said what?” Zora asked.

  As Liaison to The Veiled Realm, you can hear my thoughts, even now as your friend lays dying.

  No! No, don’t say that.

  But she is, Liaison.

  NO! Heal her! Heal her like you always do, demon!

  I cannot. I would if I could. I am far too weak.

  What do you need? Power? We’ve got that in spades.

  What a peculiar turn of phrase, to have something “in spades”

  The demon’s voice grew fainter.

  Xan shot the blue ball of magic she’d conjured to level a wolf directly into Jane’s chest.

  “What the hell are you doing!” Zora tugged at Xan’s arms, trying to break the contact.

  “Power, Z, the demon can heal her if we pump her full of our magic.”

  Zora wasted no time. She brought forth so much heat from within, Xandrie could feel it rolling off her. Zora poured it into Jane, watching as her friend glowed with magic.

  Xan tapped the Unseelie sidhe’s magic and pumped it into Jane. The power that creates worlds, the magic of magic seeped into Jane’s body.

  Is it working? Is this enough?

  The demon didn’t reply. She didn’t have to.

  Jane opened her eyes. Pale green and brighter in the glow of all the magic flying around.

  “Did we do it?” Jane asked.

  Xan and Zora just nodded as they both dissolved into tears of happiness.

  Jane smirked as the demon spoke to her mind. “Naamaris says I’m lucky to have friends such as you two.”

  The three women hugged in the middle of the street as the wolves without an Alpha stood waiting for a new one to be announced, not daring to cross the line Jane and Naamaris had drawn in the proverbial sand.



  Jane rolled over in the king-sized bed, right into Theron’s arms.

  “I can’t believe she married that guy to save you,” Theron said, stroking Jane’s hair absently with a thumb.

  “She didn’t only marry him to save me. She was going to anyway.”

  “I still think you owe them one hell of a wedding gift.”

  “Are you buy
ing? Cause I don’t make much in the coffee shop.”

  Theron laughed, a full, hearty laugh that made Jane snuggle even closer.

  “Jake’s been reinstated as Alpha?” Theron asked.

  “Yup, he’s all healed and back in power. Now he’s got to separate the pack into males and females to keep this from happening again. Which comes with its own logistical problems.” Jane sighed. I’m glad I’m not in his position.

  Theron chuckled. “Me too, I like you in a much different position.”

  This time Jane laughed. “You know I’m still sore from what we just did, right?”

  Theron sighed. “That brings up another question.”

  “Shoot,” Jane said.

  “How does this new arrangement with the demon work?”

  Jane didn’t actually know. She hadn’t needed to feed her any sexual energy since the wolf debacle.

  How does this work? Jane asked Naamaris.

  This is new for me, witch. I’ve never possessed anyone. But I will tell you this. Whatever magic your fae friend gave, it has nulled my need for external energy.

  What does that mean?

  It means I’m no longer draining your energy. You may fuck whoever you choose, without concern for feeding me again.

  Jane hugged Theron closer. “What is it, Janey?”

  “Xan’s magic fixed it so she doesn’t need to feed anymore.”

  Theron smiled. “Remind me to thank her.”

  After a few moments, Theron had another question. “And she’d amenable to sharing a body with you?”

  Are you?

  As long as there are no more walls and seclusion, and as long as you refer to me by my name from now on. It is infinitely better than where I would be if you hadn’t suggested this.

  “She is, Theron. She really is.”

  Jane stared at the spot on her arm that used to have a tattoo. The moment Plialor had ripped Naamaris from Jane’s body, the tattoo disappeared. Jane hadn’t noticed at the time. But now, now she almost wished she could have watched it vanish. Like the sea washing away patterns in the sand, she didn’t know she would miss it until it was gone.

  The Names


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