Kade: Armed and Dangerous

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Kade: Armed and Dangerous Page 13

by Cheyenne McCray

  Montano continued in the manner of a politician practiced in out-lining his views. “Fourth, I oppose mandatory reporting by employers of their employees’ nationalities. Fifth, I do not believe we should fine employers who hire undocumented workers. And sixth, I do not agree with dragnets that round up immigrants from their homes or workplaces.”

  Kelsey made a note to herself on her notepad. “How do you feel this will help the problem with the numbers of people attempting to cross the border illegally every day?”

  “I believe that we must ease the hardship of the suffering souls living in fear and despair on our side of the border,” he replied. “Those poor people on the other side are in my thoughts and prayers. However, they must wait and cross into this country legally, as did my father, many years ago.”

  Typical politician. Talking in circles around her questions.

  “I see. Now regarding the number of aliens crossing the border illegally, do you feel that going after the smugglers and coyotes would get to the root of the problem?”

  “Of course we wish to find and prosecute these reprehensible beings.” Montano shrugged. “Let me express how much it saddens me that these smugglers of humans, these so-called coyotes, continue to cause the loss of so many lives. It’s a terrible problem and something must be done about it.”

  She met his gaze head-on. “What do you propose?”

  “First we must address the most important issues on immigrants already living in this country before we can tackle that obstacle.” Not going to get a straight answer.

  Kelsey checked her list of questions and looked back to Montano. “What do you know of a coyote named Gordo?”

  For a fraction of a second, Kelsey thought she saw unease in the mayor’s eyes, but a questioning look replaced it almost at once. “Gordo? I do not recall a coyote by that name. Where did you hear it?”

  Was there something in his look? “Someone mentioned it to me,” Kelsey said, and went to the next item on her list.

  Montano answered more of her questions in his carefully rehearsed manner, then glanced at his watch. “As much as I enjoy your company, senorita, I have another appointment I must attend to.” She gathered her belongings and thanked the mayor. He seemed like he was a nice enough man for a politician. As she left she wondered why the interview with him had made her feel so uneasy.

  Chapter 15

  It was going too fast. They would crash.

  Screams filled the cramped cabin. Naya squeezed Kelsey’s hand, crushing her fingers. “OhGodohGodohGodohGod, ” Naya cried over and over and over again.

  “Head between your knees,” Father yelled. Mother sobbed beside him.

  Kelsey pushed Naya down. Naya was still praying. Kelsey’s head filled with the chant, her heart pounding in desperate rhythm. “OhGodohGodohGodohGod, please. Let us live.”

  The plane slammed forward, nose down. Impact. The seat belt dug deep. Kelsey’s head smashed into a seat back.

  Spinning. They were spinning. Luggage burst from overhead compartments. Around and around they whipped. Back and forth. Suitcases battered her arms. Screams. Shrieks. The sound of metal grinding, tearing, as the plane ripped in half.

  The caustic smell of electrical smoke filled the cabin. Sparks, then fire.

  Whirling. They were spinning, screaming.

  Slower, it moved slower, but Kelsey’s head still reeled. The screech of metal against asphalt raked across her spine, like a giant hand scraping down an immense chalkboard. Finally, finally, the plane shuddered to a stop.

  Were they really alive? Did they make it?

  Fire. Smoke. Screams. Sirens. The stench of burning flesh. Pain seared Kelsey’s thigh and she saw torn cloth, her flesh flayed open, blood covering her lap.

  Naya’s hand still clutched Kelsey’s in a death grip. Kelsey lifted her head and looked at her sister. Blood shrouded Naya, and her mouth and eyes were wide open, frozen with fear.

  “No!” Kelsey bolted upright in bed. Tears streamed down her face, her clothes soaked with sweat, every inch of her body trembling.

  The door burst open. Light from the hall silhouetted Kade’s big form, his hair rumpled. Through her tears she saw concern stamped across his features.

  “What happened?” He shut the door and in a couple of long strides, he reached her. One look at her face and he slid onto the edge of the bed and pulled her into his lap. “Honey. Are you all right?”

  She sobbed against his strong shoulder. She couldn’t speak. Couldn’t force the images from her mind of smoke, flames, twisted metal, and her dead sister’s face. Kelsey’s leg throbbed, as if her skin were still shredded, blood still pouring from the wound.

  “A nightmare?” Kade’s voice was soft and soothing.

  She shuddered and nodded against his chest. “I—I dreamed about the plane crash. Naya. Her face. It was so—so real.”

  For a long while he held her, gently rocking her, trying to soothe the horror of her nightmare. Terror and grief raged within Kelsey. She could barely think. Barely hold the screams trapped in her throat.

  “Easy,” came Kade’s low murmur through the chaos. “I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

  Safe? How could anywhere be safe? Her swallowed screams turned to sobs. Nowhere on earth would ever be safe again. Father. Mother. Naya.

  Dear God. Naya.

  Hot tears streamed down Kelsey’s cheeks, but Kade’s embrace didn’t falter. “Let it go. Let it out. I’ll be here. Right here.”

  She let herself believe him, let herself relax in his powerful arms. The easy sigh of his breathing lulled her, and she smelled his earthy, grounding scent. So strong. He felt so strong. Her hand slid across his naked chest, through the patch of curling hair and the dampness of her tears against his flesh. Slowly, ever so slowly, the room returned to proper focus.

  Kade. He was holding her still, his protective arms cradling her with more gentleness, more caring than she’d known from any man. Her heartbeat quickened, and once more, intense emotions stirred— but not fear. Not grief.

  The antidote. Passion. Tenderness.

  She turned her face to look into his eyes. Fathomless pools, midnight blue in the faint light. “You’re always comforting me.”

  He brushed his lips across her forehead. “Do you need me to stay awhile longer?”

  Closer. She wanted closer. She wanted his lips, wanted him to kiss her until there was no turning back. His body pressed to hers, nothing between them but a fine layer of perspiration. The intensity of her desire shocked her, but all she could think about was how much she wanted him. Now.

  She turned her mouth to his chest, kissing the salty flesh, moving her lips to his collarbone and trailing her tongue along his skin. His breath hissed out, stirring the hair at her temple. She wanted him to kiss her the way he had at the park. So thorough, so exquisite that time meant nothing. Only the sound of his heartbeat against hers, the feel of his hands and lips on her body.

  As Kelsey lifted her head, Kade pressed his fingertips to her mouth, stopping her from reaching his lips. She kissed his hand instead, moving her lips over each finger.

  He groaned and shuddered. “Not now, not when your heart aches like this.”

  “But...” Disappointment swelled within Kelsey. He didn’t want her.

  “Yes, I do want you,” he replied as if she’d spoken the words aloud. “More than you can imagine.” His cock pressed against her hip like a rod made of steel, and she knew it was true.

  “Tonight I’m your friend.” He stroked her hair behind her ear. “Let your head clear, and if tomorrow, you still want that kiss...”

  With a reluctant sigh, she snuggled closer, enjoying the feel of his hard body, his muscular arms wrapped around her. How different he was from Davis. Davis, who took advantage of her vulnerability.

  As she shifted in his lap, Kade tensed. He gave a muffled oath, moved Kelsey to the bed, and stood. “You ought to sleep.”

  She could barely see him in what little light poured in from
the hall, but it was enough to see the powerful muscles in his chest, the hard line of his body, the thrust of his cock outlined against the white of his boxers.

  A moan caught in her throat. He was so beautiful.

  He took a ragged breath. “Don’t look at me like that, honey. Like you want to eat me whole. I can hardly think straight as it is.”

  She slid down her pillow and pulled the covers to her waist. “Okay.”

  “ Night.” He smiled, rakish yet wistful, and turned toward the door.

  Kelsey sat up again. “Wait.”

  Kade stopped and looked back with hooded eyes.

  Longing swelled within her, and something else. Something that made her want to tell him what his thoughtfulness did to her, how it made her desire him more than ever. But she only said, “Thanks.”

  “Get some sleep, honey.” And then he was gone, closing the door behind him.

  For a long time, Kelsey remained awake, but the nightmare didn’t haunt her as she feared it would. All she could think about was Kade.

  Chapter 16

  Kade spent a frustrating day chasing dead-end leads, finding himself no closer to learning the identity of either Gordo or El Torero. By the time he’d exhausted his last resource, orange and pink streaked the western sky, the sun sinking behind the Mule Mountains.

  And he was late. Marnie and Stan Perez had invited Kade’s family and Kelsey to dinner. Marnie had promised to make her wicked chili con carne, homemade flour tortillas, and flan, a Mexican custard, for dessert. But Kade just wasn’t up to socializing, even though he hated to miss the chance of being around Kelsey.

  Dead tired, Kade stopped by the Perezes’ ranch to make his appearance and his excuses. Sadie and Chuck were there when he arrived, but he didn’t see Kelsey or Trent. Sadie let him know that Trent had come down with a stomach bug that afternoon, and Kelsey had volunteered to stay with him.

  Only the porch light was on when Kade finally made it home, and the house was quiet, save for crickets chirping and Roxie sniffing her greeting. Absently, he scratched the dog behind her ears, feeling a surge of disappointment that Kelsey had apparently gone to bed. He’d hoped to spend a few moments with her—hell, more than a few moments.

  Not that he was able to get to sleep right away after being near her. Warmth seeped into his blood when he remembered last night. He’d gone to Kelsey to comfort her, and when she’d calmed down, she’d reached for him with desire in her eyes and passion in her soul. Had he been a fool for turning away from her?

  No, as much as he wanted her, he could never do that. When she came to him for more than petting and sexual play, it would be with a clear head. It would be because she wanted him. Last night could’ve just been a reaction to the adrenaline pumping through her body after her nightmare. No greater aphrodisiac than adrenaline.

  Kade kicked off his dusty boots by the front door and tore off his socks, then put his Glock in the cabinet. He’d spent the day researching files, watching surveillance tapes, and talking on the phone, and hadn’t come in contact with any UDAs, but he still wanted a shower.

  In the kitchen, he washed his face and hands in the sink, before giving Roxie a bowl of dog food and water. He made himself a sandwich with Sadie’s homemade bread and leftover ham, and scarfed it down along with a glass of orange juice.

  When he finished eating, he went to the bathroom but found the door locked and heard water running in the tub. So, Kelsey wasn’t asleep after all. What would she think if he slid into the bathroom and offered to join her? Would she welcome him? He shook his head and smiled. Just maybe.

  He checked on Trent and found the boy fast asleep. He went to the laundry room and stripped off his clothes, then headed to Chuck and Sadie’s bathroom to take his shower.

  After a nice hot shower, Kade felt more than refreshed. His blood boiled and his erection was obvious against the thick terry cloth towel around his waist. The tile felt cool under his bare feet as he headed toward his room. Should he knock on Kelsey’s door?

  When he reached the hallway, Kelsey was there. His pulse picked up and his gut tightened. She stood in the doorway of Trent’s room, a soft smile on her face. Only light pouring from her bedroom lit the hall, but it was enough that he could study her.

  Heat gathered in Kade’s groin as he watched Kelsey, his arms aching to draw her close, aching to touch her face, aching to stroke her body. She was beautiful. Her skin pink, the ends of her hair damp. And of all things, she wore his faded bathrobe.

  She turned away from Trent’s room and froze.

  “Hello, Kelsey,” Kade said softly.

  “Kade.” She hugged the robe tighter. “I thought you’d be going to the Perezes’.”

  “Too tired.” He smiled and leaned against the door frame of her room. “At least I was.”

  Kelsey wiped a tendril of damp hair from her face, her chocolate eyes drawing him closer. “I was checking on Trent.”

  Kade struggled to stay put, to keep his hands away from her. “How’s he doing?”

  “His fever’s down.” She glanced in the boy’s room, then back to Kade. In the background, he heard country-western music playing on Trent’s radio.

  Her gaze darted to Kade’s bare chest, as if she’d just noticed he wore only a towel. She blushed as she looked back to his face. “I’d better let you get to bed.”

  She brushed past him into her room. Her soft body slid by him as silken as a caress, the fragrance of her warming him like whiskey in his veins. And God help him, he followed her.


  The Victorian lamp bathed her in a rose glow, her hair glittering in the gentle light like strands of finest gold. As she turned back to him, she made a soft sound and bit her lip.

  “Are you all right?” Kade reached for Kelsey and pulled her to him. She buried her face against his bare chest and slid her arms around his waist. She fit against him perfectly, the top of her head just reaching his chin. He stroked her hair down to the damp ends, and then again.

  A deep breath, and then she shuddered. “You smell so good.” His chest muffled her voice.

  “No, darlin’, it’s you. Honeysuckle and soap.” He smiled. “You look sexy as hell in my robe.”

  Kelsey lifted her head and the sensual glitter in her eyes made him want to take her now. “When I took a bubble bath, I forgot to bring my clothes into the bathroom. So I borrowed your robe from off the door hook. Do you mind?”

  “Never.” He gave a wicked grin. “But I envy all those bubbles, touching you, covering every inch of your body. And right now I envy my bathrobe even more.”

  She caught her breath, her eyes growing wide and her lips parting.

  Her mouth looked so inviting, so delectable. He lowered his head and brushed her lips with his. Kelsey wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Long and tender, her tongue teasing him with timid strokes.

  He deepened the kiss, delving into her until his head spun and she had completely intoxicated him. He was drunk with the taste of her, the smell of her, the feel of her. Dear God, this was a woman he could never get enough of.

  Kade gritted his teeth, his body rock hard against her feminine softness. He felt the slight tremble of her body in his arms and he pulled away. “I’m finding it tough to control myself around you.” She drew him back and melded her body to his. “You taste like orange juice, and something more.” She kissed him again, and trailed her lips over the stubble on his chin, down to the hollow of his throat. “Man. You’re all man.”

  Fire burned within Kade, desire so fierce it shook him to the soles of his feet, nearly knocking him on his ass with its intensity.

  His breathing grew ragged as he captured her mouth with his. God, but she tasted good. Her lips, so soft and sweet, tore away at his determination. “Kelsey. Honey. I don’t know if I can take much more of this. I’m about to throw you on that bed and take all of you.”

  “Please,” she whispered, nuzzling at his ear. “I want those fireworks you promised


  He squeezed Kelsey to him, his heart nearly ceasing to beat. “Are you sure? Very sure?”

  Kade’s words made her even more confident in her decision. Like a light shining into a darkened room, she realized it was what she had wanted all along. She didn’t just want kisses and almost-sex. She wanted all of him. She wanted him so deep inside her that she could feel him everywhere.

  He wasn’t Davis. Kade would never hurt her. And even if it didn’t last, she needed Kade with a desperation that almost frightened her.

  She nodded, her heart pounding, her throat tight. “I want to be with you more than anything.”

  “You’re trembling.” He stroked her cheek, then slid his fingers into her hair. “Are you afraid?”

  “No. It’s just that I... I’ve only been with one man.” She brushed her lips against Kade’s neck. “He never made me feel the way you do. Never.”

  “Kelsey,” he whispered. “There hasn’t been a woman I’ve cared more about than you.”

  “Please.” She stroked his face, his stubble coarse against her palm. “Be with me.”

  Chapter 17

  “Don’t move.”

  Kade pulled away and left the room, and Kelsey felt alone. Naked. Like a part of her was missing. In moments, he was back. He tossed a box onto the nightstand and shut and locked the door.

  “Condoms,” she murmured as he brought her into his arms. Embarrassment burned her cheeks for not having thought of needing them. But at the same time she marveled at the man in her arms. After leaving Davis, she’d stopped taking the pill, not planning to have sex with any man. And there she was, wanting Kade so much she could hardly think straight.


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