The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Page 120

by Stephen Jay Gould

  If we turn to the key section of Falconer's 1863 monograph, entitled “persistence in time of the distinctive characters of the European fossil elephants,” we can trace the development of an important evolutionary argument (I am quoting from the posthumous two-volume 1868 collection of Falconer's com­plete works). Falconer begins with his basic claim about the constancy of spe­cies: “If there is one fact, which is impressed on the conviction of the observer with more force than any other, it is the persistence and uniformity of the characters of the molar teeth in the earliest known Mammoth, and his most modern successor” (p. 252). Falconer then extends his observations from this single species to the entire clade of European fossil elephants: “Taking the group of four European fossil species ... do they show any signs, in the suc­cessive deposits of a transition from the one form into the other? Here again, the result of my observation, in so far as it has extended over the European area, is, that the specific characters of the molars are constant in each, within a moderate range of variation, and that we nowhere meet with intermediate forms” (p. 253).

  Falconer finds this constancy all the more significant, given the extreme climatic variation of the glacial ages: “If we cast a glance back on the long vista of physical changes which our planet has undergone since the Neozoic Epoch, we can nowhere detect signs of a revolution more sudden and pro­nounced, or more important in its results, than the intercalation and subse­quent disappearance of the Glacial period. Yet the 'dicyclotherian' Mammoth lived before it, and passed through the ordeal of all the hard extremities which it involved, bearing his organs of locomotion and digestion all but un­changed” (pp. 252–253).

  But Falconer then declines to use these observations of stability and sudden geological appearance without intermediates as evidence for special creation. He proclaims himself satisfied with Darwin's basic evolutionary premise, and draws the obvious inference that new species of elephants did not evolve by transformation of older European species, but must have emerged from other stocks: [Page 748]

  The inferences, which I draw from these facts, are not opposed to one of the leading propositions of Darwin's theory. With him I have no faith in the opinion that the Mammoth and other extinct Elephants made their appearance suddenly, after the type in which their fossil remains are presented to us. The most rational view seems to be, that they are in some shape the modified descendants of earlier progenitors. But if the asserted facts be correct, they seem clearly to indicate that the older Elephants of Europe . . . were not the stocks from which the later species . . . sprung, and that we must look elsewhere for their origin (pp. 253-254).

  Falconer thus anticipates a primary inference of punctuated equilibrium — that a local pattern of abrupt replacement does not signify macromutational transformation in situ, but an origin of the later species from an ancestral population living elsewhere, followed by migration into the local region. Fal­coner suggests that the ancestry of later European species may be sought among Miocene species in India: “The nearest affinity, and that a very close one ... is with the Miocene ... of India” (p. 254).

  Falconer then summarizes the puzzles that such stability — of such long-lasting, widespread forms in such variable environments — raises for evolu­tionary theory: “The whole range of the Mammalia, fossil and recent, cannot furnish a species which has had a wider geographical distribution, and at the same time passed through a longer term of time, and through more extreme changes of climatal (sic) conditions, than the Mammoth. If species are so un­stable, and so susceptible of mutation through such influences, why does that extinct form stand out so signally, a monument of stability?” (p. 254).

  Darwin's reaction to these famous pages in the history of paleontology make fascinating reading, especially in the light of persistence (or reemergence) of all major issues in our modern debate about punctuated equilib­rium. First, with his usual insight into the mechanics of his own theory, Darwin expresses special surprise that teeth should be so stable within spe­cies — for the same features vary so greatly among species. As many modern evolutionists have remarked — though Darwin did not use the same terminol­ogy — natural selection works by converting variation within populations to differences among populations: a primary expression of the extrapolationist principle in Darwinian logic. But the stasis of species challenges such continuationism. (Darwin included his remarks in a long letter to Falconer, writ­ten on October 1, 1862, as a response to the manuscript on elephants that Falconer had sent Darwin, and that would become the 1863 publication quoted above): “Your case seems the most striking one which I have met with of the persistence of specific characters. It is very much the more striking as it relates to the molar teeth, which differ so much in the species of the genus, and in which consequently I should have expected variation.”

  Darwin then searches for ways to mitigate the surprise of such stasis in the face of environmental changes that should have altered selective pressures. He suggests, first, that the global fluctuations of ice-age climates might not have seemed so extensive to elephants. Perhaps they migrated with a favored climatic belt, therefore experiencing little fluctuation, and perhaps no major [Page 749] selective pressures for change: “You speak of these animals as having being exposed to a vast range of climatal changes from before to after the Glacial period. I should have thought, from analogy of sea-shells, that by migration (or local extinction when migration is not possible) these animals might and would have kept under nearly the same climate.”

  Searching for another way to explain the absence of anticipated (and grad­ual) change, Darwin then argued that altering climates may generally imply evolutionary modification, but that groups in serious decline, including ele­phants, often become stalled in their capacity to vary, and especially to form new taxa: “A rather more important consideration, as it seems to me, is that the whole proboscidean group may, I presume, be looked at as verging to­wards extinction . . . Numerous considerations and facts have led me in the Origin to conclude that it is the flourishing or dominant members of each or­der which generally give rise to new races, sub-species, and species; and under this point of view I am not at all surprised at the constancy of your species.” But if Darwin had not been surprised, or at least disturbed, why did he try so hard to reconcile this unexpected phenomenon with his general theory? Fal­coner, in any case, replied that elephants remained in vigor, and could not be considered as a group on the verge of elimination.

  I recount this story at some length, as an introduction to punctuated equilibrium, both because Falconer and Darwin presage in such a striking man­ner, the main positions of supporters and opponents (respectively) of punctu­ated equilibrium in our generation, and because the tale itself illustrates the central fact of the fossil record so well — geologically abrupt origin and subse­quent extended stasis of most species. Falconer, especially, illustrates the tran­sition from too easy a false resolution under creationist premises, to recogniz­ing a puzzle (and proposing some interesting solutions) within the new world of evolutionary explanation. Most importantly, this tale exemplifies what may be called the cardinal and dominant fact of the fossil record, something that professional paleontologists learned as soon as they developed tools for an adequate stratigraphic tracing of fossils through time: the great majority of species appear with geological abruptness in the fossil record and then per­sist in stasis until their extinction. Anatomy may fluctuate through time, but the last remnants of a species usually look pretty much like the first represen­tatives. In proposing punctuated equilibrium, Eldredge and I did not discover, or even rediscover, this fundamental fact of the fossil record. Paleontologists have always recognized the longterm stability of most species, but we had be­come more than a bit ashamed by this strong and literal signal, for the domi­nant theory of our scientific culture told us to look for the opposite result of gradualism as the primary empirical expression of every biologist's favorite subject — evolution itself.


  The common knowledge of a profession often goes unrecorded in technical literature for two reasons: one need not preach commonplaces to the initi­ated; and one should not attempt to inform the uninitiated in publications [Page 750] they do not read. The longterm stasis, following a geologically abrupt origin, of most fossil morphospecies, has always been recognized by professional paleontologists, as the previous story of Hugh Falconer testifies. This fact, as discussed on the next page, established a basis for bistratigraphic practice, the primary professional role for paleontology during most of its history.

  But another reason, beyond tacitly shared knowledge, soon arose to drive stasis more actively into textual silence. Darwinian evolution became the great intellectual novelty of the later 19th century, and paleontology held the archives of life's history. Darwin proclaimed insensibly gradual transition as the canonical expectation for evolution's expression in the fossil record. He knew, of course, that the detailed histories of species rarely show such a pat­tern, so he explained the literal appearance of stasis and abrupt replacement as an artifact of a woefully imperfect fossil record. Thus, paleontologists could be good Darwinians and still acknowledge the primary fact of their profession — but only at the price of sheepishness or embarrassment. No one can take great comfort when the primary observation of their discipline be­comes an artifact of limited evidence rather than an expression of nature's ways. Thus, once gradualism emerged as the expected pattern for document­ing evolution — with an evident implication that the fossil record's dominant signal of stasis and abrupt replacement can only be a sign of evidentiary pov­erty — paleontologists became cowed or puzzled, and even less likely to show­case their primary datum.

  But this puzzlement did sometimes break through to overt statement. For example, in 1903, H. F. Cleland, a paleontologist's paleontologist — that is, a respected expert on local minutiae, but not a general theorist — wrote of the famous Devonian Hamilton section in New York State (which has since be­come the “type” for an important potential extension of punctuated equilib­rium to the integrated behavior of entire faunas, the hypothesis of “coordi­nated stasis” — see pp. 916–922):

  In a section such as that of the Hamilton formation at Cayuga Lake ... if the statement natura non facit saltum is granted, one should, with some confidence, expect to find many — at least some — evidences of evolution. A careful examination of the fossils of all the zones, from the lowest to the highest, failed to reveal any evolutional changes, with the possible exception of Ambocoelia praeumbona [a brachiopod]. The species are as distinct or as variable in one portion of the section as in another. Species varied in shape, in size, and in surface markings, but these changes were not progressive. The conclusion must be that... the evolution of brachiopods, gastropods, and pelecypods either does not take place at all or takes place very seldom, and that it makes little difference how much time elapses so long as the conditions of environment remain unchanged (quoted in Brett, Ivany, and Schopf, 1996, p. 2).

  But far better than such explicit testimonies — and following various gastronomical metaphors about the primacy of practice (knowing by fruits, proofs of the pudding, etc.) — the most persuasive testimony about dominant [Page 751] stasis and abrupt appearance inheres, without conscious intent or formula­tion, in methods developed by the people who use fossils in their daily, prac­tical work. Evolutionary theory may be a wonderful intellectual frill, but workaday paleontology, until very recently, used fossils primarily in the im­mensely useful activity (in mining, mapping, finding oil, etc.) of dating rocks and determining their stratigraphic sequence. These practical paleontologists dared not be wrong in setting their criteria for designating ages and environ­ments. They had to develop the most precise system that empirical recogni­tion could supply for specifying the age of a stratum; they could not let theory dictate a fancy expectation unsupported by observation. Whom would you hire if you wanted to build a bridge across your local stream — the mason with a hundred spans to his credit, or the abstract geometer who has never left his ivory tower? When in doubt, trust the practitioner.

  If most fossil species changed gradually during their geological lifetimes, biostratigraphers would have codified “stage of evolution” as the primary criterion for dating by fossils. In a world dominated by gradualism, maximal resolution would be obtained by specifying a precise stratigraphic position within a continuum of steady change, and much information would be lost by listing only the general name of a species rather than its immediate state within a smooth transition. But, in fact, biostratigraphers treat species as sta­ble entities throughout their documented ranges — because the vast majority so appears in the empirical record. Finer resolution can then be obtained by two major strategies: first, by identifying species with unusually short dura­tions, but wide geographic spread (so-called “index fossils”); and, second, by documenting the differing ranges of many species within a fauna and then us­ing the principle of “overlapping range zones” to designate geological mo­ments of joint occurrence for several taxa (see Fig. 9-1).

  9-1. Knowledge by working bio-stratigraphers of stasis observed in the vast majority of fossil species led these field scientists, for practical and not for theoretical reasons, to use the criterion of “overlapping range zones” for maximal precision in stratigraphic correlation. If most species changed gradualistically within their geological lifetime, stage of evolution within individual species would provide a better criterion for correlation.

  [Page 752]

  This peculiar situation of discordance between the knowledge of practical experts and the expectation of theorists impressed Eldredge and me deeply when we formulated punctuated equilibrium. We therefore made the follow­ing remarks in closing our first paper on the application of our model to biostratigraphy (Eldredge and Gould, 1977):

  [We] wondered why evolutionary paleontologists have continued to seek, for over a century and almost always in vain, the “insensibly graded series” that Darwin told us to find. Biostratigraphers have known for years that morphological stability, particularly in characters that al­low us to recognize species-level taxa, is the rule, not the exception. It is time for evolutionary theory to catch up with empirical paleontology, to confront the phenomenon of evolutionary non-change, and to incorpo­rate it into our theory, rather than simply explain it away ... We believe that, unconsciously, biostratigraphic methodology has been evolutionarily based all along, since biostratigraphers have always treated their data as if species do not change much during their [residence in any lo­cal section], are tolerably distinguishable from their nearest relatives, and do not grade insensibly into their close relatives in adjacent stratigraphic horizons ... Biostratigraphers, thankfully, have ignored theories of speciation, since the only one traditionally available to them has not made much sense. To date, evolutionary theory owes more to biostra­tigraphy than vice versa. Perhaps in the future evolutionary theory can begin to repay its debt.

  Finally, the witness of experts engaged in a lifelong study of particular groups and times provides especially persuasive testimony because, as I have emphasized throughout this book, natural history is a science of relative fre­quencies, not of unique cases, however well documented. We* have never doubted that examples of both gradualism and punctuation can be found in the history of almost any group. The debate about punctuated equilibrium rests upon our claim for a dominant relative frequency, not for mere occur­rence. The summed experiences of long and distinguished careers therefore provide a good basis for proper assessment.

  The paleontological literature, particularly in the “summing up” articles of dedicated specialists, abounds in testimony for predominant stasis, often viewed as surprising, anomalous, or even a bit embarrassing, because such experts had been trained to expect gradualism, particularly as the reward of diligent study. To choose some examples in just three prominent fossil groups representing the full span of conventional “complexity” in the inverteb
rate record, most microorganisms seem to show predominant stasis — despite the excellent documentation of a few “best cases” of gradualism in Cenozoic planktonic Foraminifera (see pp. 803–810). For example, MacGillavry [Page 753] (1968, p. 70) wrote from long practical experience: “During my work as an oil paleontologist, I had the opportunity to study sections meeting these rigid requirements [of continuous sedimentation and sufficient span of time]. As an ardent student of evolution, moreover, I was continually on the watch for evidence of evolutionary change . . . The great majority of species do not show any appreciable evolutionary change at all. These species appear in the section (first occurrence) without obvious ancestors in underlying beds, are stable once established, and disappear higher up without leaving any descen­dants.”

  Echoing the hopes and disappointments of many paleontologists (including both Eldredge and me), who trained themselves in statistical methods primar­ily to find the “subtle” cases of gradualism that had eluded traditional, sub­jective observation, Reyment (1975, p. 665) wrote: “The occurrences of long sequences within species are common in boreholes and it is possible to exploit the statistical properties of such sequences in detailed biostratigraphy. It is noteworthy that gradual, directed transitions from one species to another do not seem to exist in borehole samples of microorganisms.”


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