The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Page 123

by Stephen Jay Gould

  The Primary Claims of Punctuated Equilibrium


  First of all, the theory of punctuated equilibrium treats a particular level of structural analysis tied to a particular temporal frame. G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936), the famous English author and essayist, wrote that all art is limitation, for the essence of any painting lies in its frame. The same principle operates in science, where claiming too much, or too broad a scope of appli­cation, often condemns a good idea to mushy indefiniteness and consequent vacuity.

  Punctuated equilibrium is not a theory about all forms of rapidity, at any scale or level, in biology. Punctuated equilibrium addresses the origin and deployment of species in geological time. Punctuational styles of change characterize other phenomena at other scales as well (see Section V of this chapter) — catastrophic mass extinction triggered by bolide impacts, for example — [Page 766] and proponents of punctuated equilibrium would become dull spe­cialists if they did not take an interest in the different mechanisms respon­sible for similarities in the general features of stability and change across nature's varied domains, for science has always sought unity in this form of abstraction. But punctuated equilibrium — a particular punctuational theory of change and stability for one central phenomenon of evolution — does not directly address the potentially coordinated history of faunas, or the limits of viable mutational change between a parental organism and its offspring in the next generation.

  The theory of punctuated equilibrium attempts to explain the macroevolutionary role of species and speciation as expressed in geological time. Its statements about rapidity and stability describe the history of individual spe­cies; and its claims about rates and styles of change treat the mapping of these individual histories into the unfamiliar domain of “deep” or geological time — where the span of a human life passes beneath all possible notice, and the entire history of human civilization stands to the duration of primate phylogeny as an eye blink to a human lifetime. The claims of punctuated equilib­rium presuppose the proper scaling of microevolutionary processes into this geological immensity — the central point that Darwin missed when he falsely assumed that “slowness” of modification in domesticated animals or crop plants, as measured in ordinary human time (where all of our history, and so many human generations, have witnessed substantial change within popula­tions, but no origin of new species), would translate into geological time as the continuity and slowness of phyletic gradualism.

  Once we recognize that definitions for the two key concepts of stasis and punctuation describe the history of individual species scaled into geological time, we can establish sensible and operational criteria. As a central proposi­tion, punctuated equilibrium holds that the great majority of species, as evi­denced by their anatomical and geographical histories in the fossil record, originate in geological moments (punctuations) and then persist in stasis throughout their long durations (Sepkoski, 1997, gives a low estimate of 4 million years for the average duration of fossil species; mean values vary widely across groups and times, with terrestrial vertebrates at lesser durations and most marine invertebrates in the higher ranges; in any case, geological longevity achieves its primary measure in millions of years, not thousands). As the primary macroevolutionary implication of this pattern, species meet all definitional criteria for operating as Darwinian individuals (see pp. 602–613) in the domain of macroevolution.

  This central proposition embodies three concepts requiring definite operational meanings: stasis, punctuation, and dominant relative frequency. (I am not forgetting the thorny problems associated with the definition of species from fossil data, where anatomy prevails as a major criterion and reproduc­tive isolation can almost never be assessed directly — and also with the puta­tive correspondence of morphological “packages” that paleontologists desig­nate as species with the concept as understood and practiced by students of modern populations of sexually reproducing organisms. I shall treat these is­sues on pages 784–796.) [Page 767]

  Stasis does not mean “rock stability” or utter invariance of average values for all traits through time. In the macroevolutionary context of punctuated equilibrium, we need to know, above all, whether or not morphological change tends to accumulate through the geological lifetime of a species and, if so, what part of the average difference between an ancestral and descendant species can be attributed to incremental change of the ancestor during its anagenetic history. Punctuated equilibrium makes the strong claim that, in most cases, effectively no change accumulates at all. A species, at its last appearance before extinction, does not differ systematically from the anat­omy of its initial entry into the fossil record, usually several million years before.

  Of course we recognize that mean values will fluctuate through time. After all, measured means would vary even if true population values remained utterly constant — which they do not. And, with enough samples in a vertical sequence, some must include mean values (for some characters) outside con­ventional bounds of statistically insignificant difference from means for the oldest sample. Such fluctuation also implies that the final population will not be identical with the initial sample.

  In operational terms, therefore, we need to set criteria for permissible fluctuation in average values through time. Two issues must be resolved: the amount of allowable difference between beginning and ending samples of a species, and the range of permissible fluctuation through time. Since we wish to test a hypothesis that little or no change accumulates by anagenesis during the history of most species, and since we have no statistical right to expect that (under this hypothesis) the last samples will be identical with the first, we should predict either that (i) the final samples shall not differ statistically, by some conventionally chosen criterion, from the initial forms; and at very least (ii) that the final samples shall not generally lie outside the range of fluctua­tion observed during the history of the species. (If final samples tend to lie outside the envelope of fluctuation for most of the species's history, then anagenesis has occurred.)

  For the permissible range of fluctuation, we should, ideally, look to the ex­tent of geographic variation among contemporary populations within the species, or its closest living relative. If the temporal range of variation stays within the spatial range for any one time, then the species has remained in stasis. Obviously, we cannot apply this optimal criterion for groups long ex­tinct, but a variety of proxies should be available, including comparison of a full temporal range with the known geographic variation of a well-docu­mented and widespread nearest living relative. Studies of stasis in Neogene species can often use the optimal criterion because the actual species, or at least some very close relatives, are often still extant. In the most elegant docu­mentation of stasis for an entire fauna of molluscan species, Stanley and Yang (1987) used this best criterion to find that temporal fluctuation remained within the range of modern geographic variation for the same species. They could therefore affirm stasis in the most biologically convincing manner.

  Since stasis is data, but punctuation generally records an unresolvable transition when assessed by the usual expression of fossil data in geological time, [Page 768] we need to formulate an appropriate definition of rapidity. (Punctuated equi­librium makes no claim about the possibility of substantial change at rates that would be called rapid by measuring rods of a human lifetime. Therefore, and especially, punctuated equilibrium provides no insight into the old and contentious issue of saltational or macromutational speciation.) As a first ap­proach, the duration of a bedding plane represents the practical limit of geo­logical resolution. Any event of speciation that occurs within the span of time recorded by most bedding planes will rarely be resolvable because evidence for the entire transition will be compressed onto a single stratigraphic layer, or “geological moment.”

  However, the limits of stratigraphic resolution vary widely, with bedding planes representing years or seasons in rare and optimal cases of varved sedi­ments
, but several thousand years in most circumstances. We therefore can­not formulate a definition equating punctuation with “bedding plane simul­taneity.” (After all, such a definition would, almost perversely, preclude the “dissection” of a punctuation in admittedly rare, but precious, cases of sedi­mentation so complete and so rapid that an event of speciation will not be compressed, as usual, onto a single bedding plane, but will “spread out” over a sufficient stratigraphic interval to permit the documentation of its rapid history.)

  Punctuations must, instead, be defined relative to the subsequent duration of the derived species in stasis — for punctuated equilibrium, as a theory of relative timing, holds that species develop their distinctive features effectively “at birth,” and then retain them in stasis for geologically long lifetimes. (These timings play an important role in the recognition of species as Darwin­ian individuals — see discussion on “vernacular” criteria of definable birth, death, and sufficient stability for individuation — Chapter 8, pp. 602–608).

  I know no rigorous way to transcend the arbitrary in trying to define the permissible interval for punctuational origin. Since definitions must be the­ory-bound, and since the possibility of recognizing species as Darwinian indi­viduals in macroevolution marks the major theoretical interest of punctuated equilibrium, an analogy between speciation and gestation of an organism may not be ill conceived. As the gestation time of a human being represents 1-2 percent of an ordinary lifetime, perhaps we should permit the same gen­eral range for punctuational speciation relative to later duration in stasis. At an average species lifetime of 4 million years, a 1-percent criterion allows 40,000 years for speciation. When we recognize that such a span of time would be viewed as gradualistic — and extremely slow paced at that — by any conventional microevolutionary scaling in human time; and when we also ac­knowledge that the same span represents the resolvable moment of a single bedding plane in a great majority of geological circumstances; then we can understand why the punctuations of punctuated equilibrium do not represent de Vriesian saltations, but rather denote the proper scaling of ordinary speci­ation into geological time.

  Punctuation does suffer the disadvantage of frequently compressed record­ing on a single bedding plane (so that the temporal pattern of the full event [Page 769] cannot be dissected); moreover, an observed punctuation often represents the even less desirable circumstance of missing record (Darwin's classic argument from imperfection), or only partial pattern (as when a punctuation in a single geological section marks the first influx by migration of a species that origi­nated earlier and elsewhere). Since stasis, on the other hand, provides an ac­tive (and often excellent) record of stability, empirical defenses of punctuated equilibrium have understandably focussed on the more easily documentable claims for equilibrium, and less frequently on more elusive predictions about punctuation. But we must not conclude, as some authors have suggested, that punctuation therefore becomes untestable or even impervious to documenta­tion — and that the thesis of punctuated equilibrium must therefore depend for its empirical support only upon the partial data of stasis. The documenta­tion of punctuation may be both more difficult and less frequently possible, but many good cases have been affirmed and several methods of rigorous testing have been developed.

  In the first of two general methods, one may document the reality of a punctuation (as opposed to interpretation as a Darwinian artifact based on gaps in sedimentation) by finding cases of gradualism within a stratigraphic sequence (which must then be sufficiently complete to record such an anagenetic transition), and then documenting punctuational origins for other species in the same strata. Using this technique for Ordovician trilobites from Spitzbergen, Fortey (1985) found a ratio of about 10:1 for cases of punctua­tion compared with gradualism.

  In a second, and more frequently employed, method, one searches ex­plicitly for rare stratigraphic situations, where sedimentation has been suf­ficiently rapid and continuous to spread the usual results of a single bedding plane into a vertical sequence of strata. Williamson (1981), for example, pub­lished a famous series of studies on speciation of freshwater mollusks in Afri­can Pleistocene lakes. (These articles provoked considerable debate (Fryer, Greenwood and Peake, 1983), and Williamson died young before he could complete his work. However, in my admittedly partisan judgment, William­son more than adequately rebutted his critics (1985, 1987).)

  These African lakes form in rift valleys, where sedimentation rates are unusually high because the rift-block foundations of the lake sink continuously, and sediments can therefore accumulate above, without interruption. Thus, the thousand-year duration of a speciation event may span several layers of foundering sediment. With this unusual degree of resolution, Williamson was even able to demonstrate a remarkable phenomenon in change of variability within a speciating population — a pattern that appeared over and over again in several events of speciation, and may therefore be viewed as potentially general (see Fig. 9-3): Williamson found limited variation around parental mean values in the oldest samples; intermediacy of mean values within spe­ciating samples, but accompanied by a greatly expanded range of variation (though still normal in distribution); and subsequent “settling down” of vari­ation to the reduced level of the ancestral population, but now distributed around the altered mean value of the derived species.

  [Page 770]

  9-3A. The dissection of punctuation made possible by unusually high sedimentation rates. Williamson's analysis of variation and central tendency during punctuation in the B. unicolor lineage of Pleistocene fresh water pulmonate snails from the African rift valley. Each diagram shows all the specimens from the entire sequence, with only those specimens for the relevant interval depicted in black. A. Parental form before the punctuation with multivariate modal morphology concentrated to the left of the range. B. Expanded variation throughout the range during the time of the punctuation itself. C. Restricted variation again, but settling down upon the morphology of a new taxon following the punctua­tion, as seen in the reduction of variation with change in modal position towards the right side of the array. From Williamson, 1981.

  If this kind of unusual circumstance spreads a punctuational event of speciation through a sufficient stratigraphic interval for resolution, another strategy of research will sometimes permit the dissection of a punctuation in conventional cases of full representation on a single bedding plane. Good-friend and Gould (1996) documented such a case because they could establish

  [Page 771]

  9-3B. Relative timings of punctuational events throughout Williamson's entire series. From Williamson, 1981.

  absolute dates for the individual shells on a single bedding plane. (Admit­tedly, this technique cannot be generally applied — especially to sediments of appreciable age, where errors of measurement for any method of dating must greatly exceed the full span of the bedding plane. But this method can be used for late Pleistocene and Holocene samples.)

  On a single mud flat (a modern “bedding plane,” if you will) on the island of Great Inagua, we found a complete morphological transition between the extinct fossil pulmonate species Cerion excelsior and the modern species Cerion rubicundum. Many lines of evidence indicate that this transition oc­curred by hybridization, as C. rubicundum migrated to an island previously inhabited only by C. excelsior among large species of Cerion. Ordinarily, we would find such a complete morphological transition on single bedding [Page 772] plane, but be unable to perform any fine scale analysis in the absence of meth­ods for dating individual shells. That is, we would be unable to discover whether the unusual morphological range represented a temporal transition or a standing population with enhanced variation. But Goodfriend and I could date the individual shells by amino acid racemization for all specimens, keyed to radiocarbon dates for a smaller set of marker shells. We found an ex­cellent correlation between measured age and multivariate morphometric po­sition on the continuum between ancestral C. excelsior and descendant C. rubicun
dum (see Fig. 9-4). The transition lasted between 15,000 and 20,000 years — a good average value for a punctuational event, and a fact that we could ascertain only because the individual specimens of a single bedding plane could be chemically dated independently of their morphology.

  We can therefore define stasis and punctuation in operational terms, with stasis available for test in almost any species with a good fossil record, but punctuation requiring an unusual density of information, and therefore not routinely testable, but requiring a search for appropriate cases (not an un­usual situation in sciences of natural history, where nature sets the experi­ments, and scientists must therefore seek cases with adequate data). The third key issue of relative frequency may be easier to operationalize — as one need only tabulate cases pro and con within well-documented faunas — but re­mains harder to define.

  As the most important ground rule, the theory of punctuated equilibrium makes a claim about dominating pattern, or relative frequency, not just an assertion

  9-4. Another way to dissect a punctuation by obtaining absolute age dates for all specimens on a bedding plane, and thus obtaining temporal distinctions within the compression. The ancestral and high-spired Cerion excelsior, over no more than 15,000 to 20,000 years (well within the range of punctuational dynamics), hybridizes with invading Cerion rubicundum, with gradual fading out of all morphometric influence from the unusually shaped ancestor.

  [Page 773]

  for the existence of a phenomenon. Such issues cannot be resolved by anecdote, or the documentation, however elegant, of individual cases. If any­one ever doubted that punctuated equilibrium exists as a phenomenon, then this issue, at least, has been put to rest by two decades of study following the presentation of our theory, and by clear and copious documentation of many cases (see pp. 822–874). Nonetheless, as pleased as Eldredge and I have been both by the extent of this research and the frequency of its success, the “ideal case study” method cannot validate our theory.


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