The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Page 142

by Stephen Jay Gould

  The paleontological literature has just begun to reconceptualize trends in speciational terms. Initial results offer much encouragement, both for revising traditional explanations of particular temporal sequences, and for posing new questions requiring tests by different kinds of data. New insights often emerge just by framing the subject in terms of numbers and longevities of taxa rather than gradual fluxes of form. In their study of trends in Mississippian crinoids, for example, Kammer, Baumiller, and Ausich (1997) reach a conclusion that surprised them only because such a reasonable idea had not previously been formulated in operational terms (p. 221): “Results of this study indicate that among Mississippian crinoids niche generalists had greater species longevity than niche specialists. Although logical, few data have previously been developed to test this relationship.”

  The complexity of the subject then becomes apparent when the authors [Page 892] discuss why the obvious implication — that a trend towards generalists should sweep through the clade — fails because ceteris paribus (all other things equal) does not hold at several levels and strengths of correlation. First of all, “niche generalists tend to have fewer species per clade than niche specialists” (Kammer et al., 1997, p. 221), thus illustrating the most pervasive and powerful macroevolutionary constraint recognized so far at the speciational level (see general discussion on pages 739–741): the forced and intrinsic negative corre­lation between speciation rate and longevity. Secondly, these patterns hold “only during times of background extinction when Darwinian natural selec­tion prevails” (p. 221). Mass extinctions may then impact species at random, without preferential regard for their ecological status or prospects for longev­ity in normal times.

  Similar questions may be asked at all scales, including general patterns for life itself. For example, many robust paleontological data sets show a general tendency for increased longevity in marine invertebrate species through geo­logical time. Even a famously iconoclastic thinker like David Raup, who de­voted so much of his career to exploring the power of random systems to ren­der observed patterns of the fossil record, interpreted this result as our best case for a meaningful concept of “progress,” defined as increasing adaptive excellence of organisms (and leading to greater resistance to extinction). But several authors (Valentine, 1990; Gilinsky, 1994; Jablonski, Lidgard and Tay­lor, 1997) have reread this result in terms of species sorting as a tendency “for high-turnover taxa to be replaced over geologic time by low-turnover taxa” (Jablonski, et al., 1997, p. 515).

  As Gilinsky (1994) notes, such a pattern, thus reformulated, may bear little or no relationship to general adaptive excellence at the organismal level. If speciation and extinction rates generally operate in balance (as they do), then some clades may be designated more “volatile” (in Gilinsky's terminology) as marked by their high rates of speciation and extinction, and others as more stable for lower rates of both these defining processes at the species level. In an abstract and general sense, both “strategies” may be regarded as equal in yielding the same result of steady cladal persistence, but with volatile clades showing more variation around a stable mean. However, in our real world of fluctuating environments and, especially, mass extinctions, volatility may doom clades in the long run because any reduction to zero (however “tempo­rary” and reversible in abstract modelling) extinguishes all futures in our ac­tual world of material entities. Since volatile clades, on average, must cross the zero line more frequently than stable clades, a general trend to increasing species longevity may only arise as an indirect consequence of the higher vul­nerability of volatile clades and the consequent accumulation of stable clades through geological time.

  Several recent articles on bryozoan evolution illustrate the utility of a speciational approach to trends — if only as a method for setting base lines and making distinctions, all the better to document patterns not attributable to differential speciation. For example, Jablonski, Lidgard and Taylor (1997) found that “the generation of low-level novelties is effectively driven by [Page 893] speciation rates” (p. 514), whereas the origin of major apomorphies of larger groups do not correlate so clearly with numbers of speciation events, but rather with their magnitude (with such rare events favored in certain times and environments).

  In documenting a speciational basis as a “null hypothesis” of sorts for identifying evolutionary patterns arising by other routes, McKinney et al. (1998) compared the differential successes of cheilostome and cyclostome bryozoan clades through time. In a fascinating discovery, they noted that, in times of joint decline for both clades (late Cretaceous and post-Paleocene after a Danian spike in diversification), “the relative skeletal mass of cyclostomes declined much more precipitously than did relative species richness” (p. 808). The authors could therefore identify an important trend by stan­dardizing species numbers: “There is a long-term trend for the average cheilostome species to generate a progressively greater skeletal mass than the average cyclostome species. This could result from a gradual trend toward relatively larger colony sizes within cheilostomes, a greater number of colo­nies per cheilostome species, or both” (pp. 808–809).

  In a similar vein, but at the larger scale of the phylum's initial Ordovician radiation, Anstey and Pachut (1995) found no relationship between number of speciation events and the establishment of defining apomorphies among major subgroups at the base of the clade. They write (1995, pp. 262-263): “The morphologies recognized as higher taxa of bryozoans were not built up through a gradual accumulation of species differences but appear to have diverged very rapidly in the initial radiation of the phylum . . . The processes producing the major branching events and familial apomorphies, therefore, apparently were not driven by speciation, and likewise could not have resulted from species selection or species sorting.”

  THE SPECIATIONAL REFORMULATION OF MACROEVOLUTION. Beyond the immediate expansion of explanations for the signature phenomenon of trends, the recasting of macroevolution as a discourse about the differential fates of stable species (treated as Darwinian individuals) carries extensive im­plications for rethinking both the pageant of life's history and the causes of stability and change in geological time.

  I am particularly grateful that Ernst Mayr (1992, p. 48) — the doyen of late 20th century evolutionary biologists, and the inspirer of punctuated equilib­rium through his views on peripatric speciation (though scarcely an avid sup­porter of our developed theory) — has identified the required speciational re­formulation of macroevolution as the principal component of “what had not been recognized [in evolutionary theory] before” Eldredge and I codified punctuated equilibrium. Mayr continues, stressing the species as the macroevolutionary analog of the organism considered as the “atom” of microevolution:

  It was generally recognized that regular variational evolution in the Darwinian sense takes place at the level of the individual and population, [Page 894] but that a similar variational evolution occurs at the level of species was generally ignored. Transformational evolution of species (phyletic gradualism) is not nearly as important in evolution as the production of a rich diversity of species and the establishment of evolutionary advance by se­lection among these species. In other words, speciational evolution is Darwinian evolution at a higher hierarchical level. The importance of this insight can hardly be exaggerated.

  As a most general statement, and extending Mayr's views from his specific words (cited just above) to his most characteristic philosophical observation, Darwinism's major impact upon western thinking transcends the replacement of a fixed and created universe by an evolutionary flux. As thoughtful evolu­tionists have always noted, and as Mayr has particularly stressed in our times by contrasting “essentialist” and “populational” ways of thinking, a funda­mental revision in our concept of the essence of reality — from the Platonic ar­chetype to the variable population — may represent Darwin's most pervasive and enduring contribution to human understanding. For what could be more profound or portentous t
han our switch from “fixed essences” to “sensibly united groups of varying items,” as our explanation for the reality behind our names for categories in our parsings of the natural world?

  Yet however successful we have been in executing this great philosophical shift at the level of microevolution — where we understand that no arche­type for a seahorse, a sequoia or a human being exists; where an enterprise named “population genetics” stands at the core of an explanatory system; and where we have all been explicitly taught to view change as the conversion of intrapopulational variation into interpopulational differences — we have scarcely begun to execute an equally important reconceptualization for our descriptions and explanations of macroevolution. We still encapsulate the pageant of life's history largely as a set of stories about the trajectories of ab­stracted designs through time. Beetles and angiosperms flourish; trilobites and ammonites disappear. Horses build bigger bodies and fewer toes; humans evolve larger brains and smaller teeth. Meanwhile, in grand epitome, life it­self experiences a general rise in mean complexity as a primary definition (in popular culture at least) of evolution itself.

  We know, of course, that flourishing implies more species, while extinction marks an ultimate reduction to zero. But we still tend to visualize these pat­terns of changing diversity as consequences of the status of designs, with the Darwinian optimum standing for the old Platonic archetype as an ideal and guarantor. (And if we manage to construe such quintessentially populational phenomena as the waxing and waning of groups in this Platonic mode, then we will surely not be tempted to reformulate anatomical trends in average form within groups — a phenomenon far more congenial to our essentialist mythologies — in the Darwinian language of changing frequencies in variable populations.) In this way, the two major phenomena of macroevolution — phenotypic trends within groups and changes in relative diversities among groups — have stubbornly resisted the reformative power of Darwin's deepest [Page 895] insight. Moreover, this resistance arises for the most ironical of recursive reasons — namely, that other biases of the Darwinian tradition, particularly the reductionist and extrapolationist premises discussed throughout this book as the essential Darwinian tripod, have forestalled an application of Darwin's deepest insight to nature's grandest scale!

  We have conceptualized macroevolution as temporal fluxes of adaptive form, with either some notion of an average phenotype for a clade (corre­sponding to vernacular ideas of the “ordinary” or “normal”), or some ex­treme value (representing our view of the “promise” or “potential” of a col­lectivity) standing as a surrogate or summary for all variation, in both form and number of species, within the clade under consideration. This attitude has led us to embrace a set of patent absurdities that rank, nonetheless, as re­ceived wisdom about the history of life, and that we continue to support in a passive way because the fallacies can only become apparent when we reconceive macroevolution as an inquiry centered upon the changing sizes and variabilities of clades based on the fates of their component Darwinian indi­viduals — their species, construed as “atoms” of macroevolution (at least for sexually reproducing organisms).

  Thus, we usually summarize the history of life as a drama about generally increasing complexity of form (with bacteria, beetles and fishes left succes­sively behind, despite their evident prosperity) when, at the very most, such a theme can only apply to a small group of species on the right tail of life's gen­eral distribution — and when, by any fair criterion generally employed by evo­lutionists, bacteria have always dominated the history of life from their ori­gins in exclusivity more than 3.5 billion years ago to their current mastery of a much more diverse world. And we have chosen horses as our textbook and museum hall example of progressive evolution triumphant, when modern equids represent a pitiable remnant of past diversity, a small clade entirely ex­tinguished in its original, and formerly speciose, New World home, and now surviving as only a half dozen or so species of horses, asses and zebras at the more hospitable termini of past migrations. Horses, moreover, represent fail­ures within a failure — for the once proud order of Perissodactyla now persists as only three small clades of threatened species (tapirs, rhinoceroses and equids, with the last receiving an artificial boost for human purposes), while the once minor order of Artiodactyla now dominates the guild of large, hoofed herbivorous mammals as one of evolution's great success stories. But we will not grasp these evident patterns, truly generated by changing diversity of species, if we continue to dwell in a conceptual prison that frames the his­tory of life as a flux from monad to man, and the phylogeny of horses as a stately race from little splay-footed eohippus to the one-toed nobility of Man O' War.

  The key to a more expansive formulation — also a more accurate depiction in the language of probable causes based on genuine evolutionary agents — lies in recasting this discourse about fluxes of means or extreme values within clades as a history of the differential origins and fates of species, as organized by nature's genealogical system (that is, evolution itself) into the monophyletic [Page 896] groups of life's tree. If we can accomplish this speciational reformulation of macroevolution, we will understand that many classical “trends” emerge as passive consequences of temporal variation in numbers of species within a clade often enhanced when structural constraints channel the potential direc­tions of such variation, and not as selectively driven vectors in the biomechanical form of “average” organisms within the clade. We should be asking questions about numbers of actual species, rather than rates of flux for ana­tomical archetypes or abstractions. We should be studying the dynamics of differential species success as the causal basis of macroevolutionary pattern, not placing our hopes for explanation upon undefinable optima for competi­tive triumph of organic designs.

  We will finally recognize that causes for the evolution of form and the evolution of diversity do not interact in the conceptual opposition that defined Lamarck's original formulation of evolution (see Chapter 3), and that persists today in common statements (see G. G. Simpson on p. 562, J. S. Huxley on p. 563, or F. Ayala, 1982) that speciation (or cladogenesis) builds the luxury of iterated variation, while a different, and altogether more important, pro­cess of transformational anagenesis fashions the trends of form that culmi­nate in such glories as the human brain and the dance language of bees. We will then grasp that many — though not all — phenomena in the evolution of form arise as noncausally correlated consequences of patterns in the changing diversity of species.

  If heaven exists (and the management let Darwin in), he must be greeting this prospect with the same thought that the founders of America emblazoned on the new nation's Great Seal: annuit coeptis (he smiles on our beginnings). For Darwin tried (see Chapters 2 and 3) to disassemble Lamarck's sterile di­chotomy between fundamental, but probably unresolvable, causes of pro­gressive evolution in form, and secondary, albeit testable, causes of lateral di­versification — and to reformulate all evolution in terms of the previously trivialized tangent, while branding the supposed main line as illusory. I am proposing an analogous reform at the level of macroevolution — with the “di­versity machine” of speciation, previously labelled as secondary and merely luxurious, also recognized as the generator of what we perceive as trends in form within clades. Again, the humble and testable factor, once relegated to a playground of triviality, becomes the cause of a supposedly higher process formerly judged orthogonal, if not oppositional. But this time, both the atom of agency and the cause of change reside at the higher level of macroevolution, and must therefore be accessed in the unfamiliar framework of deep time, rather than directly observed in human time. Our intellectual resources are not unequal to such a task, and we could not ask for a better leader than Darwin.

  To illustrate how such a speciational reformulation might proceed, let us consider, at three levels of inquiry, the consequences of documenting macroevolution as expansion, contraction and changing form in the distribution of all species within clades through
time. I regard this unfamiliar categorization as an empowering substitute for the usual tactic of summarizing the history [Page 897] of a clade by some measure of central tendency, or some salient extreme that catches our fancy, and then plotting the trajectory of this archetypal value through time.

  Life itself. In popular descriptions of evolution, from media to mu­seum halls, but also in most technical sources, from textbook pedagogy to monographic research, we have presented the history of life as a sequence of increasing complexity, with an initial chapter on unicellular organisms and a final chapter on the evolution of hominids. I do not deny that such a device captures something about evolution. That is, the sequence of bacterium, jelly­fish, trilobite, eurypterid, fish, dinosaur, mammoth, and human does, I sup­pose, express “the temporal history of the most complex creature” in a rough and rather anthropomorphic perspective. (Needless to say, such a sequence doesn't even come close to representing a system of direct phylogenetic fil­iation.)


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